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Assignment 3

University of Management and Technology, Lahore

Resource Person:

Farhan Qadir


Team Building


Farhan Akhtar






Group brainstorming is the typical solution creation process. This activity usually
involves team members' collaboration in problem-solving and new ideas generation.
Typically, teams will brainstorm product developments, marketing ideas, or innovative

How to Effectively Brainstorm as a group:

Being agile is about more than just speeding up the pace of your business. It is also about
increasing the effectiveness of the work you do while doing less work. It is about creativity
and innovation. One of the biggest aspects of being innovative and creative is

Brainstorming is a creative technique that is accomplished through efforts made to find a

specific problem or conclusion by compiling a list of ideas from a team’s members. Team
meetings are brought forth to work on issues such as group communication problems,
process problems, improving customer service, project scheduling, product innovation and
so on.

Effective Brainstorming Techniques:

These tried-and-true brainstorming techniques will undoubtedly keep your business

innovative and creative.

1. Round Robin Brainstorming

2. Rapid Ideation
3. Star-bursting

More effective technique of group brain storming is RAPID IDEATION, because in

rapid Ideation, time limitations bring ideas about quickly, with little room for thought or
filtering an idea before sharing it. A facilitator offers the context to begin with, sharing any
information or addressing any questions about details. Then a time limit is set for
individuals to write down any thoughts they can come up with, without worrying about
filtering their ideas. Afterwards the group will collaborate and determine which ideas to
move forward with.
It also has the purpose to produce an abundance of ideas in a short amount of time
unconstrained by judgement or perceived limitations. Rapid Ideation promotes out-of-the-
box thinking and creativity, and can lead to highly innovative and perhaps unanticipated
solutions to complex problems. Ideation is often the most exciting stage in a Design
Thinking project, because during Ideation, the aim is to generate a large quantity of ideas
that the team can then filter and cut down into the best, most practical or most innovative
ones in order to inspire new and better design solutions and products.

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