Gulf Ai

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• Gulf.

ai is an AItech (Artificial Intelligence Technology) that holistically tackles the region’s AI

need. It’s remote first.

• is subscription based for each one quarterly. It aims to optimize outfits within the Gulf
region and meet the need for demand of certified AI agents.

• connects certified AI agents with Gulf’s very own sectoral outfits.

• Matching our agent with the outfit 1 to 1 (in a tier matchmaking system) depending on the
outfit’s respective market size and the experience of our agent.

• is for urging conversion to AI Based strategy – remotely – through an AIaaS (AI-as-a-
Service). Adaptability is key.

• Native apps that roundly develop a set apart AI-based strategy; will be retrieved access at the
region as the inbound outfit will be needing just log-in to our Apps.

• comes with an AI assistant in handling with precision the outfit’s texting tasks (either with
voice or no voice).

• The Platform of ours as an AItech should also increase Professional acquaintanceship as key
members of each outfit may be picking up a call/message from another one of our spectra of

• ranks its client base out of their Analytic Quotient since each outfit is given the ability to
be analytical. This is done after they store through us; their Data.

• Educational institutions, Luxury goods, Design studios, Medicinal & Architectural practices, Legal
& Public service entities, Engineering, Sports, Financial, Logistics, Leisure and Non-profits can be
among our targets.

• will be registered in twofour54 as a LLC. Platform will be built on Data Storage (& Analytic Quotient) sets
on Social space while AI assistant
will be integrated through

• Proficiency Arabic & English. Web –

• In summation; while aiming for optimization, our AItech Platform is an (1) AI Gulf clustered
certified pool of talent that’ll match with the outfit 1 on 1 (2) A generic AI-as-a-Service solution
that goes specific in the region for having a considered based strategy (3) A ranking Database for
any who’s to consider Analytic Quotient as a highlight to take on after storing their Data (4)
Social space (with benefit to conduct text/call up to another one of the outfit that’s on an AI-
based strategy; through us) & (5) an AI assistant to allow each participant of the outfit to type at
a more intelligible rate; aiding it to be efficient.

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