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EFL: Is a term used in contrast to English as a second language and refers to

contexts where English has no special official status. For example, in japan the
children will learn at school.

control by one power over a dependent area or people, also a parlicy avocatory or
based on such control.

is the more general term and used to refer to any distinct form of language and it's
more natural than the others.
For example, there are many varieties of English such as Australian English or Hong
Kong English.

refers to a language variety in which aspects of the vocabulary and grammar indicate
a person's regional or social background. For example, Standard British English is
considered a dialect by linguistic indicating a speaker's social origin.

Dialect levelling:
that is different between speakers tend over time to become eroded.One historical
example of dialect levelling is the change in the London dialect that took place in the
fifteenth century when Northern county immigrants moved to London. Their dialect
diffused into southern forms and some elements were incorporated
into Standard English.

Pidgins and Creoles: varieties that began assimplified forms of English that were
originally developed as a ways of communication between communities, which did
not share a common language. EX: slave trade brought speakers of African languages
to the American language; they communicated with each other by Pidgin and creoles.

The area of linguistics that studies sense and sense relations (meaning).

The three circles:

First, In the inner circle countries English is the mother tongue (the native language) such
as in England or where English replaced the original languages and firmly embedded as
the majority Language such as in Canada, USA, New Zealand, and Australia. Kachru
calls these countries the “Norm-Providing”.

In the outer circle countries like India and Kenya English hasn’t replaced the original
languages but instead it's considered their second language used in administrative and
educational context alongside as an additional language.

Finally, there's the expanding circle which includes the countries where the performance
varieties of English language are used in EFL or English as a foreign language context
and taught in schools such as in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia, Korea, Japan and China.

The three circles model has many Strengths or advantages that it allows for
speaking of several world English rather than a single, monolithic entity. Also,it
draws attention to historical and political processes.

However, the model has its limitations as pointed out to by Pennycook and
Bruthiaux, for example, it deals with language only at the level of the nation state
. And finally, the model doesn't consider countries that are in shifting status, Such
as Scandinavian countries.

The spread of the English language in the

world as a global language:

In the 20th century, English was only a Lingua Franca, but in the 21st century,
English is a Global Language, and this was one of the consequences of the
establishment of the United Nations and the need for a working language. However,
there are several domains as to why English is global in the world today, which are:
Intrinsic factors, which are related to the nature of the language, the adopting of
other languages, and accepts new words. And Extrinsic factors which refers to the
power of the people who speak the language, including:

First, political reason. In the 20th century, the British empire has grown, and
English was one of the two official languages with French at that time. English now
plays an official role of most major international political.

The second is Economic. The early of the 18th century, British has become the
world’s leading industrial and trading national. So, everyone should speak it.

The third reason is the press. English language has been an Important medium of
the press. It has been developed as an independent press. Most international
newspaper are published in English language.

The fourth reason is advertising. At the end of the 19th century, the use of English
language was increased by posters and electric displays.

The fifth reason is broadcasting. English was the first language to be transmitted
by the radio.

The sixth reason is the international traveling. English was used for transportation
and accommodation as a helpful language. And it also associated with Seaspeak and

Education is the seventh reason. English is the medium of a great deal of the
world’s knowledge. Such as science, technology, and business.

Eighth, the motion pictures. Where about 80% of films were in English language.

Ninth, when modern popular music arrived it was almost in English scene.

The last reason is communication. English is the medium used in communication,

such as the postal and telephone systems and the electronic networks like Facebook
and Twitter.

Finally, it is through these reasons that the status Of English has been
strengthened in the world.

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