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Certified ScrumMaster®

by Gaurav Rastogi

CSM®, is registered trademark of Scrum Alliance Inc. © Universal Agile 2013-21

Introduction & Team Formation

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Gaurav Rastogi

Certified Scrum Trainer & Enterprise Agile Coach,

IT professional for 19 years and have worked with
clients in Transportation, Retail & e-Commerce,
Investment Banking across United States, UK and Asia
India and helped large enterprise teams transform into
Agile mindset, create Innovative culture & feel
Jacobs Simon empowered.
Thought Leadership
Professional Interest
• Co-Creator of Vendor
•Agile Coaching
Management Manifesto
• Co-Creator of Exepedia Coaching
•Community Volunteering Model
•Entrepreneur (www.exepediacoachingmodel.com
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© Universal Agile 2013-21
Working Agreement


Have Fun NOT



One Conversation

Breaks in Between

Please use post it to write anything else you want ….

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Why are you here

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Define Agile in one word

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What is the most important common part in these two machines?

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What is Agile?


4 Values Difference
Method between
12 Principles Methodology framework
Process Methodology?






Scrum Kanban

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Agile Manifesto

Agilemanifesto.org © Universal Agile 2013-21

Twelve Principles of Agile Software
1 2 3 4

Our highest priority is to Welcome changing Deliver working software

requirements, even late in frequently, from a Business people and
satisfy the customer developers must work
through early and development. Agile couple of weeks to a couple
processes harness of months, with a together daily throughout
continuous delivery of the project.
valuable software change for the customer's preference to the shorter
competitive advantage. timescale.

5 6 7 8

Build projects around The most efficient and Agile processes promote
motivated individuals. Give effective method of Working software is the sustainable development.
them the environment and conveying information to primary measure of The sponsors, developers,
support they need, and within a development progress. and users should be able
and trust them to get the job team is face-to-face to maintain a constant pace
done. conversation. indefinitely.
9 10 11 12

The best architectures, At regular intervals, the

Continuous attention to Simplicity--the art of team reflects on how
requirements, and
technical excellence maximizing the amount to become more effective,
and good design of work not done--is then tunes and adjusts
emerge from self-
enhances agility. essential. its behaviour accordingly
organizing teams.

Agilemanifesto.org © Universal Agile 2013-21

Scrum Introduction

Why Scrum is a framework?
List two ways How Framework is
different from Process or Methodology?
Definition & Purpose of Scrum

Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams and organizations

generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems

Lightweight Simple to understand Difficult to master

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Scrum The
Product Team SM Sprint
Goal Daily
Scrum Developers Product
Master Owner Scrum


Sprint Sprint
Planning Time-box of
one month or
Sprint Backlog Increment
Definition of

Product Backlog Refinement

Product Backlog
Scrum exists ONLY in its entirety © Universal Agile 2013-21
Describe how Scrum is aligned with the values and
principles of the Scrum’s relationship to the Agile Manifesto

© Universal Agile 2013-21


Definition of Empiricism
“Empiricism asserts that Knowledge comes
from experience and making decisions
based on what is Observed”

Where do you see these 3 pillars in

the Scrum Framework? Give


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Iterative and Incremental

Delivered in pieces

• Share an example of
iterative and incremental
which you have seen in your
Iterative life.
• Benefits of Iterative &
Refine concepts over Incremental Approach
time. Start with what you
know, refine products as
you go.

User User Feedback

Feedback Idea Credit : Jeff Sutherland © Universal Agile 2013-21
Traditional Vs Evolutionary Product Planning
Traditional Product Planning
Time Time Time

Requirement Requirement Requirement

Design Design Design
Code Code Code
Test Test Test
Deploy Deploy Deploy
Product Planning in Empirical environment © Universal Agile 2013-21
Applicability of Scrum


By Snowden - File:Cynefin framework Feb 2011.jpeg, CC BY 3.0, https://

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5 Scrum Values


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Scrum Accountabilities

Scrum Coaching Retreat 2018

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Scrum Master
Let’s Discuss about
True Leaders who

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Scrum Master

Experiment Address
Access to
with new issues openly
SM Ideas

True Leader Scrum is

who serves – Facilitator Change Agent Coach enacted
Lead through properly


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© Universal Agile 2013-21
Scrum Master Services

Scrum Team

Service to
SM Product


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Scrum Master Service to The Scrum team
Coach the Scrum Team on
• Scrum Adoption
• Self Management
• Cross Functionality

Cause of Removing Facilitate Scrum events by

impediments Keeping them Positive ,
Productive & Time-boxed

Coach the team to

collaborate better & create Protect the team from
high value Increments diversions and distractions

Share an example from your organization of a Scrum Master who

acted as a servant leader & how it improved your team?

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Scrum Master Service to the Product Owner
Share an example
from your
organization of a
Scrum Master who
Techniques for Effective acted as a coach
Product Goal & Product to Product Owner
Backlog Management
and what changes
it bring

Facilitate Stakeholder Coach on ways to arrange the

Collaboration Product Backlog to maximize value

Coaches on need for clear and

concise PBI Helping establish empirical
Product planning for a complex


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Scrum Master Service to the Organization

Change Agent

Remove barriers between

Stakeholders & Scrum Team
Teach Scrum & Empirical Product
Development 1. Share your organization
challenges in adopting Scrum?
2. Share one example of a
Implement Scrum
major organizational design
change implied by
implementing Scrum

3. What are the common

organizational impediments
outside the scope of a team?
Coach The Organization
4. Describe Favourable and
non favourable behaviour of
Stake holders with the Scrum
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Product Owner Rights

Authority on Define Define

Product Product Releases
Backlog Details

Ordering Optimize Value Ensure PB is
Developers Clearly
the of work the visible,
understands Expressing PB
Product Scrum Team transparent
PB Items Items
Backlog performs and clear to all


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© Universal Agile 2013-21
Scrum Team Characteristics
No Titles & Sub Teams

Cross Functional Self Managing

• Reduces time to get things done
• Reduces the dependency
• Shared ownership
• Team helps each other to cross skill
• Motivation
• Quality ownership is higher
• Conducive environment for growth
• Issues resolve faster
• Common Goal
• Easy to align on a common Goal

Size 10 or Less Mutual Accountability

What if team have titles or sub teams within the team?

Challenges in becoming a self Managing team ?

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Self Managing Product


Manage Solve Technical Improve
Meet the potentially
Sprint Impediments Engineering
Sprint Goal Releasable
Backlog Practices


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What about these Roles?

Project Manager is not a role on The Scrum
Team. Who is responsible for the project NOT SCRUM
management activities?

What happens to specialists?

PEOPLE - Architect
- Developer
- Other Specialists

BA /
How does Project Management changes in
Scrum environment?
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Presenting Vendor Management Manifesto in Open Space Scrum Gathering Bangalore 2016

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© Universal Agile 2013-21
Product Backlog

• An ordered list of items for the product a.k.a Product
Add New Backlog Items (PBIs).
Refine • Product Owner is responsible and accountable for
maintaining the Product Backlog.

Re-prioritize • Order of items can change at any time in the Product


• Product Backlog is Dynamic and Visible, Varying Level

of details

© Universal Agile 2013-21

Product Backlog

Product Backlog can contain

Features Functions Requirements Enhancements Fixes

Elements of every PBI

Description Order Size ?

What is the Accountability of below in Development and maintenance of

Product Backlog?
• Product Owner
• Scrum Master
• Developers

© Universal Agile 2013-21

Product Backlog Refinement When
How • The Scrum Team decides how and
• Product Owner and the Developers when
collaborate on the details of Product • Ongoing activity throughout the
Backlog items Sprint

What happens if the

Collaborate on the Scrum Team
details of Product disregards one or
Backlog items more elements of
Product Backlog
Refinement ?

Who • Adding / Updating
• Product Owner • Details
• Developers • Size
• Scrum Master • Order to items in the Product
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Sprint Backlog
Sprint ToActionable
Goal * Plan BACKLOG
List of PBI’s For delivering
selected for the the Product
current Sprint increment &
* May Include realising the How & Who can change the
one Process Sprint Goal Sprint Backlog, Explain for all
accountabilities ?
taken in the
Emerges Highly visible Actionable Real time picture of the work

What if the Sprint Backlog is fixed, not visible and does not have a real time updates?

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Increment Outcome of every Sprint is useful Increment

Product Owner decides

when the business value is
realized and when to
release the Products into
Why should Increment adhere to the market
current Definition of “Done”?
Advantages of useful Increment
I1 I2 (Includes I1) I3 (Includes I2)
Increment is the sum of all Product
Backlog items completed during a Meets Done
Image credit – Pixabay.com

Sprint and value of all increments of all Working Software

previous Sprints © Universal Agile 2013-21
Scrum Events

Global Scrum Gathering Bangalore 2016 © Universal Agile 2013-21

Benefits of Time-box

Benefits of
Oppurtunity to Time-Boxing
Inspect and
Predictability Better Rhythm

Benefits of Time-box
All events in Scrum are Time-box

© Universal Agile 2013-21


Time-box of a Sprint is 1 calendar month or less Sprint is of Fixed duration to enable


A new Sprint starts immediately after No Changes are made that would
conclusion of previous Sprint endanger the Sprint Goal

Product Owner & Developers may re-

Quality goals do not decrease
negotiate scope as more is learned

Can the Scrum Team choose to have lesser

quality outcome? Why Yes or Why No?

© Universal Agile 2013-21

Sprint Planning

Product Backlog,
Sprint Backlog
Latest Product
Past Performance,
Team capacity

Define ‘Why’,’What’ &

‘How’ for the Sprint

© Universal Agile 2013-21

Sprint Planning

Scrum Team
Topic 1
Team may invite people to provide Advice
Why are we coming together?

Topic 2 Define
What Can be done this Sprint to ‘Why’,’What’
achieve WHY we are coming
together & ‘How’ for
Topic 3 the Sprint
Who,When & How will the
chosen work get Done? 8 Hours Max for a 1
month Sprint

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Sprint Planning

1.What could be responsibilities in Sprint Planning for

• Product Owner
• Scrum Master
• Developers

2. Scrum Team disregards one or more of the elements of Sprint Planning

• What if Product Owner is absent in the Sprint Planning meeting?
• What if Product Owner pushes the team to select more items from the Product
• What if Developers pre-allocates all PBIs during the Sprint Planning

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© Universal Agile 2013-21
Sprint Goal

Sprint Goal
• Objective that will be met within the Write an example
•Scrum Team Crafts the Sprint Sprint of Sprint Goal
Goal during Sprint Planning • Provides guidance to the Developers on within your context
•Coherence that causes “Why it is building the Increment”
Developers to work together and share?
• Created during Sprint Planning Meeting Benefits of having a
•Sprint Goal do not change
throughout the Sprint Sprint Goal Example 1 Sprint Goal Example 2 Sprint Goal?

Why the Sprint Goal should not change?

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© Universal Agile 2013-21
Daily Scrum
How Benefits
- Structure of the meeting is decided by - Improve Communication
the Developers - Identify Impediments
- Promote Quick-Decision Making
- Eliminate other Meeting needs

- 15 min max
Who Respond to - Same place
- Same time
Developers Change - Everyday

Why same place,

same time? Why only
15 Mins? What
- Developers Inspect the Sprint Goal &
Adapt the Sprint Backlog
- Developers plan the next 24 hours

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Daily Scrum

Who else can attend and their How it differs from

Contribution? Traditional Status meeting

What if Developers disregards the

elements of Daily Scrum?

Discuss 3 possible structure the development team

could use to run Daily Scrum within the time-box?

© Universal Agile 2013-21

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Sprint Review

Potential Output
Inputs Revised Product Backlog
Product Backlog Release the Increment
Increment Cancel The development
Revised Budget, Timelines

Inspect the Sprint

Outcomes & Determine
future Adaptions

© Universal Agile 2013-21

Sprint Review
Scrum Team
Invited Key Stakeholders When
Inspect the 4 Hours max for a
Increment & one month Sprint
How Before the Sprint
Adapt the Retrospective
- Product Owner explains what
was “Done” and what was not Product Backlog
- Development Team Talks about What
challenges during the Sprint • Inspect the outcomes of the sprint and
- Development Team demonstrate determine future Adaptations
the the work it has “Done” and • Timelines, Budget, Potential capabilities and
answer questions on Increment marketplace for next anticipated release
- Product Owner discusses the
Product Backlog to elicit What are the dysfunctions & what if this event or some
feedback elements are disregarded by the Scrum Team
What is the Contribution of all the

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Sprint Retrospective
How When
Identify and order major Items that went well 3 Hours max for a one month Sprint
Create a plan for implementing improvements - After Sprint Review
- Before Next Sprint Planning

The Scrum Team Inspect and Adapt to
Create a plan for

Plan ways for Improving Quality

One approach used in a Sprint Retrospective and effectiveness
that could help resolve a challenge faced by a • Individual & Interactions
self-organizing team • Process
What if some elements of Sprint Retrospective are • Tools
disregarded by the Scrum Team? • DoD

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Sprint Cancellation

Completed and “Done” work is

reviewed , Incomplete PBI are Sprint Retrospective
Activities Post
If part of the work is Potentially Cancellation
releasable then Product Owner to Immediately Sprint Planning
Accept for Next Sprint

Very rare and traumatic event

Only Product Owner can cancel the Sprint
Why Sprint Cancellations are rare?

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Why Scrum Fails in Organizations?

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What is Definition of “Done”

Shared understanding of what “Done” means Definition of “Done” evolves over time

Guides the Development Team in Prepared before the first Sprint starts
knowing how many PBI’s it can select Retrospective a good event to continue
during Sprint Planning to evolve it (if required)

Weak Definition of Done could mean Retrospective a good event to continue to

Undone work for the Increment evolve it (if required)

© Universal Agile 2013-21

Definition of “Done”

How to create a Definition of

• What are the risks of a weak Definition of
“Done” - Sample
“Done”? •Work done as per the PBI description
• Where in Scrum might teams note weakness •Functional Testing done
in the Definition of "Done"? •Capacity Testing Done
• Can the teams change Definition of "Done"? •Security Testing Done
•Tested on production like sandbox
• Reasons why multiple teams working on the
•Documentation completed
same Product Backlog must have a shared •User Training completed
and consistent Definition of “Done”
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Agile Facilitation

Group Brain Storming Obstacles To What ground rules/ SCRUM
Clear working agreement can be
• Fish Bowl
Communication created for effective
• World Café communication?
• Open Space • Sarcasm
• Irony • One speaker at a time
• Aggressiveness • Bring issues to forefront
Group Decision Making • • Active Listening
• Dot Voting • Misdirection • Qualify the topic
• Fist of five • No insulting
• Thumb Voting

Can The Developers talk directly to Product Owner?

Can The Scrum Master talk to Product Owner?
When the Scrum Master should not act as the facilitator for the Scrum Team ?
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Practice Facilitation

Demonstrate Techniques for

Facilitation Group Decision Making

Open Space - Global Scrum Gathering

Singapore 2017

•Open Discussions
•Structured Go-Arounds
•Listing Ideas
•Breakout Groups
•Individual or Silent writing
Fish Bowl – Scrum Coaching Retreat
Ways Scrum Master Can Facilitate 2016
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What is the Difference ?




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Agile Coaching


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Value of Engineering Practices

Technical Debt includes NOT SCRUM

those internal things that you
choose not to do now, but
which will impede future
development if left undone.

This includes Sharing
deferred Activity

Debt Quadrant
Share Stories in your past experience with Technical Image credit – Pixabay.com

Debt and how it impacted the Product outcome

Debt Quadrant by Martin Fowler - https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TechnicalDebtQuadrant.html © Universal Agile 2013-21
Value of Engineering Practices
Test Driven
Con6nuous NOT SCRUM
Check in Source Code So:ware

Failure No6fica6on

Continuous Successful

How technical practices may impact the

Development Team’s ability to deliver a
potentially releasable increment each Sprint?
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© Universal Agile 2013-21
Value of Engineering Practices

Engineering Practices
• Coding standards
• Pair programming
• Refactoring
• Collective code ownership
• Small releases
• Sustainable pace

Debt Quadrant by Martin Fowler - https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TechnicalDebtQuadrant.html

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© Universal Agile 2013-21
User Story


As a (user role)
3 C’s Technique
User Card
I want (feature)
So that(Benefit)
Stories Conversation

As a Facebook user, I want to update my

Sample User Stories
profile so that potential friends may find me.

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© Universal Agile 2013-21
What is a good user story?

Independent – User Stories should be as independent as possible.

Negotiable – User Story is not a contract. It is not a detailed specification. It is
a reminder of features for the team to discuss and collaborate to clarify the
details near the time of development.
Valuable – User Stories should be valuable to the user (or owner) of the
solution. They should be written in user language. They should be features,
not tasks.
Estimatable – User Stories need to be possible to estimate. They need to
provide enough information to estimate, without being too detailed.
Small – User Stories should be small. Not too small and not too big.
Testable – User Stories need to be worded in a way that is testable, i.e. not
too subjective and to provide clear details of how the User Story will be

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A somewhat accurate
Estimate effort or
Scrum itself is silent Need to understand but less precise
complexity – not the
on “how” to do Sizing accuracy vs. precision estimate is more likely
same as duration
to have value

• Estimate size/complexity and derive duration empirically within an established

Who should do
estimation in • Goal is to get to a useful estimate with minimal effort
• Estimates are informed guesses, not commitments

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© Universal Agile 2013-21
Gaurav Rastogi
• www.Scrumplop.org
• www.scruminc.com
• www.scrummasterchecklist.org
• www.scrumalliance.org
• Succeeding with Agile by Mike Cohn
• The Art of doing twice the work in half the time – Jeff Sutherland
• Servant Leadership – Robert Greenleaf
Jacobs Simon


Logo credit – scrumalliance.com © Universal Agile 2013-21

Thank you

© Universal Agile 2013-21

Certified ScrumMaster®
by Gaurav Rastogi

Student Workbook
CSM®, is registered trademark of Scrum Alliance Inc. © Universal Agile 2013-21
Twelve Principles of Agile Software
1 2 3 4

Our highest _____ Welcome ______, even Deliver working software

late in development. Agile frequently, from a Business people and
through early and developers must work
continuous delivery of processes harness ________, with a
change for the customer's preference to the shorter together ____ throughout
valuable software the project.
competitive advantage. timescale.

5 6 7 8

Build projects around The most efficient and Agile processes promote
______. Give them the effective method of _______ is the primary _______ development.
environment and support conveying information to measure of progress. The sponsors, developers,
they need, and within a development and users should be able
and _____ them to get the team is _____ to maintain a constant pace
job done. conversation. indefinitely.
9 10 11 12

The best architectures, At regular ____, the team

Continuous attention to Simplicity--the art of reflects on how
requirements, and
technical ________ maximizing the amount to become more effective,
enhances agility. of work not done--is ____. then tunes and adjusts
emerge from _____.
its behaviour accordingly

Agilemanifesto.org © Universal Agile 2013-21

Review Exercise - 1 True or False Challenge
No Statement True/False

1 Scrum is a Framework

2 Agile Values & Principles are present throughout the Scrum framework

3 Scrum is Difficult to understand but Simple to Master

4 Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale
Agile Principle relates to the Sprint Event in Scrum

5 Self Management is a very important Characteristic of the Scrum Team

6 Commitment & Courage are values of Scrum

7 Scrum do not have step by step details and hence it is not a Process or a Method

8 Purpose of Scrum is to Focus on addressing complex problems and delivering highest possible value products through Adaptive
9 Working software is the primary measure of progress is related to the Increment in Scrum

10 Scrum is very flexible and can be used partially

11 There are 3 Accountabilities, 5 Events and 3 Artifacts in Scrum
12 Planning in Empirical environment requires Transparency, Inspection & Adaption
13 Incremental development mitigates the risk of ‘big bang’ integration

14 Iterative rework mitigates the risk of building a wrong product

15 Scrum Master is a True Leader who serves , Coach and a Facilitator to the Scrum Team

16 Product Owner is accountable to maximise the value of the product

17 Scrum Team is a mutual accountable to help create useful Increment every Sprint
© Universal Agile 2013-21
Review Exercise - 2 Scrum Values integration in Scrum
No Situation Value

1 Do not change the Sprint Goal of the Sprint

2 Entire organization should allow the Product Owner to take decisions on Product Backlog

3 Developers should work towards creating a potentially shippable product Increment each sprint

4 If the Developers cannot achieve the Sprint Goal for whatever reason, they should bring up this fact to Product
Owner attention immediately

5 Openly display all your status on the Sprint Backlog

6 If the Product Owner is pushing the team, the Scrum Master should not hesitate to push back and talk to Product

7 Each individual in Development Team may have different skills and every skill is essential

8 Developers pays attention to the Sprint Goal and work to achieve it every Sprint

9 Deliver what you promise during the Sprint Planning

10 Accept your mistakes in front of everyone in the Daily Scrum

11 Be ready to improve if improvements are identified in a retrospective

Activity credit – Amit Kulkarni

12 Product backlog is transparently displayed to the Developers
© Universal Agile 2013-21
Scrum Master
What If Scrum Master works with more than one team?

What If Scrum Master demonstrates command and control?

What If Scrum Master is also a Developer? Or vice versa

How the Scrum Master assists the Scrum Team with responding to impediments?

Scenario 1: The team feels there is a new developer and because of him or her the
team is not able to complete the Sprint Goal What will you do as a scrum Master?

Scenario 2: There is one person in the team whom you do not like at all as he
was your colleague in the previous company but now he is part of this team and
As a Scrum Master what will you do?
Image credit – Pixabay.com

Scenario 3: The whole team is a mix of experience level Some are 15 -18 years of
experience and rest 2-3 years of experience and within the team. There is always a
discussion of being Senior and junior developer As a Scrum Master what will you do? © Universal Agile 2013-21
Review Exercise - 3 Scrum Master Scenario

As a team, read the scenario below and answer the questions following the scenario:

You are the Scrum Master for The Scrum Team. Team is half-way through the current Sprint.
You are on your way for a meeting, when the company’s Senior Executive of Finance (who is
a stakeholder and not the Product Owner) stops you in the hallway. The Stakeholder
proceeds to tell you that she just got off the phone with the company’s biggest customer. As it
turns out the customer wants a new feature added immediately to the product. The
Stakeholder made a commitment to meet the customer’s request and now wants you to get
the team to deliver during the current Sprint.

1. What is the first thing that you would say to the

2. How would you present this situation to the team?
3. What would the team’s reaction be? How would you
deal with their reaction as the Scrum Master?
Image credit – Pixabay.com Activity credit – Aakash Srinivasan
© Universal Agile 2013-21
Product Owner
What If Product Owner is also a Scrum Master? Or
vice versa?

What If Product Owner fails to imbibe the Scrum values?

What if the Product Owner is a group or a committee and not a single person?

What If Product Owner is also a Developer? Or vice versa?

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Review Exercise - 4 Scenario Product Owner
As a team, read the scenario below and answer the following questions:

The Developer, Product Owner, and Scrum Master have gathered together for their second
Sprint Planning meeting. In addition, several key stakeholders have joined as well. Present
in the room are the Director of marketing, sales, and procurement.
The Product Owner for this product works in information technology and was appointed by
the chief information officer. In prior meetings, each of the directors have been pushing their
own agenda. They came to this Sprint Planning meeting to make sure that their Product
Backlog Items were presented to the team for implementation.
To the surprise of each of the directors, the Product Owner presents Product Backlog Items
that they knew nothing about. The Product Backlog Items presented appear to be
information technology specific. The directors confront the Product Owner about their
decision and a verbal argument breaks out.

1. What should the Product Owner do in this situation? Activity credit – Aakash Srinivasan

2. What should the Scrum Master do in this situation? Image credit – Pixabay.com

3. What should the team do in this situation?

4. What Should the stakeholders NOT do in this situation? © Universal Agile 2013-21
Review Exercise - 5 KYC

Credit - mediadiversified.org © Universal Agile 2013-21

No Situation
Exercise - 5 KYC WHO No Situation WHO

1 Maximizing the value of the product 25 Manage Budgets

2 Ensuring scrum is enacted and understood 26 Inspect and Adapt
3 Understand the need for a clear and concise Product Backlog Items 27 Hire and Fire
4 Voice of Stakeholders 28 Size the work
5 Coach on How to arrange the Product Backlog to maximize value 29 Attend Sprint Retrospective
6 Causing Removal of Impediments to the Scrum Team 30 Self Management
7 Track Progress of the work 31 Mutual Accountable
8 Coaching in Self Management & Cross Functionality 32 Size 10 or less
9 Acceptance and verification of "Done” 33 Cross functional
10 Reduce Technical Debt 34 No Sub Teams & Titles
11 Track Progress of release
12 Recruitment and Resource Onboarding
13 Quality
14 Causing change that improves the effectiveness of the Scrum Team
15 Organize and manage their own Work
16 Ordering the item in Product Backlog
17 Helping to Find Techniques for effective Product Backlog management
18 Appraisals
19 Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, Documentation
20 Product Goal and Roadmap
21 Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, Transparent and clear to all
22 Help Resolve Organization level impediments
23 Understanding and Practicing Agility
24 Accountable for technical Excellence
Credit - mediadiversified.org © Universal Agile 2013-21
Review Exercise - 6 Scrum Artifacts
Product Backlog is an ________ list of ____.
Also it is ______ to everyone.

Product Backlog is Single ____ of all____ for any changes to

be made to the product .
Match It
The Sprint Backlog is a _____ by the Developers
Actionable Plan

Increment Sum
The Sprint Backlog makes ____all the work that the Developers identifies
as necessary to meet the _______ PBIs
order visible
The Increment is the ___ of all the Product Backlog items completed
during a ____ Ordered details
The ____ is a step toward a vision or goal.
source Sprint

Product Backlog refinement is the act of adding ___, ____, and ____ to
items in the Product Backlog Image credit – Pixabay.com
© Universal Agile 2013-21
Review Exercise - 7 Scrum Events Time-box
Sprint Daily Sprint Sprint
Planning Scrum Review Retrospective

Max ______hours* Max ______hours* Max ______hours* Max ______hours*

Developers, Developers, Developers, Developers, TEAM ACTIVITY

Product Owner Product Owner Product Owner Product Owner
Scrum Master Scrum Master Scrum Master Scrum Master

Inputs: Inputs: Inputs: Inputs:

Outputs: Outputs: Output: Output :

Same ____ and ____ Image credit – Pixabay.com

© Universal Agile 2013-21
Review Exercise - 8 Sprint & Sprint Cancellation

Only ___________ can cancel the Sprint.

Sprint have ___________ Duration to create consistency.

Describe at least two reasons why the Goal and duration of a Sprint
are fixed ?

In Scrum, all events are time-boxed events, such that every event has a
__________ duration.

What is the Key outcome of every Sprint?

Scenarios when Product Owner can cancel the Sprint?

Image credit – Pixabay.com

© Universal Agile 2013-21
Review Exercise - 9 Scrum Events Details

Activity credit – Aakash Srinivasan Image credit – Pixabay.com

© Universal Agile 2013-21
& Suresh Konduru
Thank you

© Universal Agile 2013-21

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