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Muslim league formation: circumstances:

Kk aziz writes: it was the brainchild of 4 circumstances:

1. Old belief of sir syed--- muslim a separate identity

2. Pre-dominance of Hindus on congress
3. Agitation of Hindus during Bangladesh partition
4. Separate electorate
5. Urdu-hindi controversy
6. Liberal party in power in british: In 1905, Liberal Party worr the elections in England and
appointed Lord Minto as Viceroy and John Morley as Sec reta ry of State of India. The
appointment of Minto and Morley presaged the introduction of more democratic reforms ;n
India. This lifted the expectations of Muslims regarding the prospective changes based on
the principle of joint electorates.
7. Simla deputation
8. Various Muslim newspapers like Patsa Akhbar, Aligarh Institute Guzette , Shtfa-ui-Mulk,
Asrar-e-Jadeed, Qui Qui, Zulqarnain, AI-Azeem, Urdu-e-Mua/la sowed a realization among its
readers a sense of political awareness. Ali Raza contended that Muslims would com~ to
polttics. In thts support of growing demand of a political party, Nawab Ismail Khan, Mohsin-
ui-Mulk, Molvi Mehd Hassan wrote forcefut articles.
9. Positive response of the Viceroy to Muslims: Waheed-uz-zaman.
10. To establish a Muslim political party to secure independent political recognition from the
British Government as a nation within a nation: Aga Khan

Objectives of the League:

1. To promote, among the Muslims, feelings of loyalty towards the British and to remove
misconception about government.
2. To protect and advance political rights of the Muslims
3. To bring about a better understanding between Muslim and other communities.

Structure of AIML:
1. Membership limited to 400.
2. Central council--- function to select president for every session
3. Executives: 1 Presi, 6 VPs, 2 joint secretaries
4. Funding: from membership fees and donations mostly from agha khan...

Establishment of London branch: in may 1908... presided by syed ameer ali...

1. Reason: to gain political rights... must to have favourable british public opinion.
2. Set up of LML...
3. Morley wasn’t in favour of separate electorate.
4. SE was an outcome of ameer ali and LML efforts.

Partition of Bengal and change of aim:

Addition of 4th aim on jinnah’s proposal... aim? ... attain suitable self-gov for india
Why change in this attitude of muslims?

1. Annulment of partition of Bengal

2. Anti muslim attitude of british:
 Supporting of anti-muslim forces against ottoman empire
 Kanpur mosque tragedy
 Aligarh college not raised ot the status of uni
3. Turkey-balkan war... Britain support to Balkans

Here highlight role of Jinnah

Hindu reaction to the formation of the league:

1. League was founded at official instigation.

2. Lord Minto formed the League to break the Congress.
3. Suppression of the Indian freedom.
4. Divide and rule policy of the British.

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