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1. Process of constitutional reforms

a. 1861 and 1892 reforms
b. Not fruitful to bring vast happiness to Indians
2. Political awakening
a. Lord Curzon role
b. Failure of 1861 and 1892 act
c. Congress agitation and efforts
d. AIML formation
e. Bengal issue
3. Factors that led to Minto-Morely Reforms: I.H Qurashi.
i. Political awareness of the masses in the Sub-continent.
ii. Simla Deputation.
iii. Need of the Constitutional Reforms.
iv. Congress’ politics of agitation.
4. Lord Minto’s efforts for Indian support:
a. After becoming Governor General in 1905, Lord Minto tried to win the support of
lndians particularly the Hindus, Muslims and moderates Indians .
b. A t that time, the Hindus launched a forceful agitation against the partition of
c. In order to get their support he began to say that more representation would be
given to the Indians in the British representative institutions.


1. Viceroy’s council:
a. Members increased to 60.
b. An Indian became its member first time
2. Imperial legislative council:
a. Powers enhanced.
 Can discuss budget now
 Move resolution on taxes
b. Restriction
 Beyond power to jurisdict on
1. Tax on loans
2. Religious grants
3. Railways
c. Restriction on asking supplementary question after initial question was lifted
 But department incharges were exempted from giving immediate reply
d. Additional members in provincial legislation increased to 4
e. Move resolutions
 President of council had right to disallow discussion on any part of
3. Separate electorate for Muslims

1. In short, care was taken to ensure that Government should hear what the Indian Legislators
had to say about its measures but should not be responsible to them. I.H Qurashi.

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