Analogy Questions C20105e9-547e-4759-B92a-89c7e060 230520 122411

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Type1 Analogy

Q 1: Moon : Satellite : : Earth : ?

(a) Sun (b) Planet (c) Solar System (d) Asteroid

Q 2: Forecast : Future 2 : Regret 2 ?

(a) Present (b) Atone (c) Past (d) Sins

Q 3: Influenza : Virus : : Typhoid: ?

(a) Bacillus (b) Parasite (c) Protozoa (d) Bacteria

Q 4: Fear : Threat 2 : Anger : ?

(a) Compulsion (b) Panic (c) Provocation (d) Force

Q 5: Melt : Liquid 2 : Freeze: ?

(a) Ice (b) Condense (c) Solid (d) Crystal

Q 6: Clock : Time : : Thermometer: ?

(a) Heat (b) Radiation (c) Energy (d) Temperature

Q 7: Muslims: Mosque : : Sikhs : ?

(a) Golden Temple (b) Medina (c) Fire Temple (d) Gurudwara

Q 8: Paw : Cat : : Hoof : ?

(a) Horse (b) Lion (c) Lamb (d) Elephant.

Q1: (b), Q2: (c), Q3: (d), Q4: (c), Q5: (c), Q6: (d), Q7: (d), Q8: (a).

Type 2: Simple Analogy

Q 1: Doctor is related to Patient in the same way as Lawyer is related

to ……?

(a) Customer (b) Accused (c) Magistrate (d) Client

Q 2: Museum is related to Curator in the same way as Prison is

related to….?

(a) Manager (b) Monitor (c) Jailor (d) Warden

Q 3: Soap is related to Wash in the same way as Broom is related to

(a) Clean (b) Dust (c) Sweep (d) Floor

Q 4: Wax is related to Grease in the same way as Milk is related to

(a) Drink (b) Ghee (c) Curd (d) Protein

Q 5: Bread is related to Bakery in the same way as Brick is related to


(a) Mint (b) Kiln (c) Furnace (d) Mine

Q 6: Sword is related to Slaughter in the same way as Scalpel is

related to

(a) Murder (b) Stab (c) Surgery (d) Chopping

Q 7: Life is related to Autobiography in the same way as Witness is

related to
(a) Papers (b) Truth (c) Documents (d) Acceptance

Q 8: Chef is related to Restaurant in the same way as Druggist is

related to

(a) Medicine (b) Pharmacy (c) Store (d) Chemist

Q 9: Jade is related to Green in the same way as Garnet is related to

(a) Blue (b) Orange (c) Red (d) Yellow

Q 10: Dancer is related to Stage in the same way as Minister is

related to ….?

(a) Pulpit (b) Assembly (c) Parliament (d) State

Q 11: Ecology is related to Environment in the same way as

Histology is related to ….?

(a) Fossils (b) History (c) Tissues (d) Hormones

Q 12: Life is related to Death in the same way as Hope is related to


(a) Sad (b) Despair (c) Pain (d) Cry

Find Your Answers Here

Q 1: (d), Q 2: (c), Q 3: (c), Q 4: (c), Q 5: (b), Q 6: (c), Q 7: (c), Q 8:

(b), Q 9: (c), Q 10: (a), Q 11: (c), Q 12: (b).\

Type 3 – Choosing The Analogous Pair

Directions: Each of the following questions consists of two words
that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four
lettered pairs of words. Select that lettered pair which has the same
relationship as the original pair of words.

Q 1: Sound: Muffled

(a) Moisture: Humid (b) Colour: Faded (c) Despair: Anger (d) Odour:
Pungent (8.C.RA. 1996)

Q 2: Chocolate: Sugar

(a) Egg: Yolk (b) Road: Traffic (c) Building: Cement (d) Milk:

Q 3: Dubious: Indisputable

(a) Slander: Libel (b) Painful: Tormenting (c) Avaricious: Generous

(d) Perspicacious: Tenacity

Q 4: Calligraphy: Writing

(a) Music: Song (b) Lyric: Poem (c) Drama: Prose (d) Chapter:

Q 5: Restaurant: Menu

(a) Library: Catalogue (b) Artist: Imitative (c) Book : Encyclopaedia

(d) Guest: Rude

Find Your Answers Here

Q1: (b), Q2: (c), Q3: (c), Q4:(b), Q5: (a)

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