Counselor News Oct 23 Issue 2

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Counselor’s Corner

Sierra Vista & Cedar Ridge Elementary| October 2023 | ISSUE 2

Role of the School Counselor movies with others (to gain an understanding of
their feelings).
by Rachel Brown, School Counselor

Hello Students and Families! What can Empathy do for me?

This month’s lesson for all grade levels was about Empathy can make us a better person and a
Empathy. What is Empathy exactly? Empathy is the better friend. When we show empathy, we can show a
ability to put oneself in another person’s situation in order deeper understanding of the needs of others. It also
to understand their feelings and thoughts. We have also allows us to engage and build a connection with others on
heard the expression, empathy is when “we walk in a deeper level. It can help you know how to better respond
someone else's shoes.” Now this is not a literal to others.
statement, it is figuratively speaking. Empathy is about
perspective taking and making a connection with the other
What is the difference between
Empathy and Sympathy?
Why is Empathy Important?
This is such a great question! The definition of

Empathy is important for several reasons: Empathy is: “the ability to share and understand the
feelings of another.” Sympathy is defined as:
➔ Empathy allows us to show care and concern to “feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s
others. misfortune.” The easiest way for me to remember this is
➔ Empathy helps us to have a better connection with that Empathy is a verb because it shows action.
others. Empathy helps us build a deeper connection with that
➔ Empathy can help us to practice our active
person. Sympathy can also mean that we can relate or
listening skills and to learn how to better respond
to someone. understand someone’s feelings, but empathy goes a step
➔ Empathy helps us to validate how someone may further by showing action. For example, if your neighbor’s
be feeling. house burned down, you definitely have sympathy or feel
➔ By showing empathy, we can be an advocate and sorry for their misfortune. To have empathy takes that a
stand up for others in certain situations. We can step further by showing action; maybe you help your
learn to be helpful to others.
neighbor by letting them stay with you while their situation
gets resolved, or maybe you help them with financial, food
How do I practice or or clothing donations during this time.
become more empathetic?
Please be sure to contact me directly if you have
1) Observe - how might this person be feeling? Pay any questions for me. I can be reached by phone:
attention to body language - look at their face, or 719-547-2878 (SVE), 719-547-8268 (CRE) or by email:
the tone of their voice to gain an understanding of
how they may be feeling.
2) Think - how might I feel If I were this person?
3) Ask - how you're feeling? Can I help you?
4) Reading fictional books, participating in a
play/musical or taking acting classes, by watching

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