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Test Bank for Crime Control in America: What Works?, 2/E 2nd Edition John L.


Test Bank for Crime Control in America: What

Works?, 2/E 2nd Edition John L. Worrall

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Chapter 7 Crime Control Through Legislation

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) Which federal act sought to have gun dealers run background checks on prospective buyers? 1)
A) The Federal Handgun Act
B) The Consumer Protection Act
C) The Firearms Safety Act
D) The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act

2) Megan's Laws require states to provide communities with information about ________. 2)
A) murders B) sex offenses C) shoplifters D) burglars

3) This was enacted to help address corporate fraud by providing for new and improved accounting 3)
standards for public companies in the United States.
A) The Patriot Act B) Sarbanes-Oxley Act
C) Jessica's Law D) Public Accounting Standards Act

4) What measures self-reported drug use among high school students? 4)

A) Monitoring the Future
B) National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
C) Right-to-Carry Laws
D) ATF National Survey

5) President ________ signed the Patriot Act into law on October 27. 5)
A) Ford B) Bush C) Elect D) Clinton

6) Gun ________ programs are short-lived and voluntary. 6)

A) Buyback B) NHSDA C) Sex Offender D) Right-to-carry

7) Right-to-carry laws all but guarantee that people who are not barred from purchasing guns can 7)
carry guns, often in a ________ manner.
A) concealed B) reckless C) dangerous D) defensive

8) Which approach includes trigger locks and personalized gun technology? 8)

A) altering gun design
B) buybacks
C) right-to-carry
D) denying gun ownership to dangerous person

9) It is estimated that enforcing America's drug laws costs the federal government about ________ 9)
A) $65 billion B) $40 million C) $100 million D) $16 billion

10) The ________ regulates virtually all consumer products, but not firearms. 10)
A) Consumer Product Safety Commission B) Patriot Act
C) Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms D) Food and Drug Administration

11) According to one source, at least ________ of the national U.S. drug control budget is spent on 11)
apprehending and punishing drug dealers and users.
A) 100% B) 75% C) 25% D) 50%

12) Under the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, the most ________ offenders were 12)
required to register for life due to the serious nature of their offenses.
A) elusive B) apprehensive C) flamboyant D) serious

13) Research indicates that judges, and even the public, do not consider ________ a serious offense. 13)
A) driving under the influence B) prostitution
C) motor vehicle theft D) possession of an illegal firearm

14) Presently, all ________ (with the exception of rural counties in Nevada) have chosen to criminalize 14)
A) municipalities B) cities C) states D) counties

15) The so-called ________ model of notification requires paroled sex offenders to directly notify the 15)
community they reside in of their offense.
A) forced B) passive C) active D) criminal

16) The most common legal challenge to sex offender registration is based on the ________ 16)
Amendment's double jeopardy provision.
A) Seventh B) Fourth C) Fifth D) Sixth

17) One of the most common approaches to crime control in the United States is for legislators to ban 17)
certain ________ and substances that are thought to contribute to the crime problem.
A) foods B) drugs C) actions D) devices

18) So long as the justice system fails to target the demand for drugs that exists, the supply will 18)
eventually find its way to ________.
A) consumers B) dealers C) police D) Mexico

19) Critics of drug and gun bans argue that criminalization creates a black market where products and 19)
services will be provided by profit-seeking criminal ________.
A) syndicates B) lines C) attorneys D) courts

20) Research suggests that ________ resulted in only modest reductions in the consumption of alcohol, 20)
despite significant increases in the costs of alcohol resulting from the policy.
A) prohibition B) licensure C) drugs D) alcohol

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

21) America's war on drugs has had little adverse affect on inner-city communities. 21)

22) Participation in "buyback programs" of firearms is strictly voluntary. 22)

23) The Brady Bill sought to establish waiting periods for purchasing guns. 23)

24) The Eighth Amendment prohibits government from bringing someone to trial again after acquittal. 24)

25) America's prohibition of alcohol is often cited as a resounding success and evidence we should 25)
continue bans on substances.

26) Fingerprint recognition systems are one method of altering gun designs. 26)

27) Megan's laws focus upon community notification of sex offenders. 27)

28) Military tribunals are a recent creation, formed after the September 11th terrorist attacks on the 28)
World Trade Center towers.

29) In Printz v. United States, the Supreme Court declared the background check portion of the Brady 29)
Act unconstitutional.

30) Both the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NHSDA) and Monitoring the Future (MTF) can 30)
be used to effectively measure drug use by addicts.

31) America's tough-on-drugs approach is concerned purely with interdicting and eradicating illicit 31)

32) Gun buyback programs are short-lived and voluntary. 32)

33) According to the Gun Control Act of 1968, minors cannot buy guns. 33)

34) The Gun Control Act of 1968 requires that licensed dealers require buyers to show identification 34)
and complete a form attesting that they can legally own a gun.

35) Research suggests that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), can easily 35)
inspect the nation's 80,000 licensed dealers each year, but refuse to do so.

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

36) The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse measures self-reported drug use at the 36)
________ level.

37) The Consumer Product Safety Commission regulates most consumer products, but not 37)

38) The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms is charged with the responsibility to license 38)
and inspect our nation's gun ________.

39) Right-to-________ laws allow people to carry concealed weapons who are not otherwise 39)
barred from purchasing a handgun.

40) One way ________ jeopardy occurs is when, for the same offense, a person is 40)
re-prosecuted after acquittal.

41) The Patriot Act provides the Central ________ Agency oversight of all domestic 41)
intelligence gathering.

42) The ________ Control Act of 1968 requires that licensed dealers require buyers to show 42)
identification and complete a form attesting they are legally able to purchase a gun.

43) White ________ crime includes corporate fraud, and has gained increased attention after 43)
high profile accounting scandals involving companies such as Enron.

44) The ________ Communication Privacy Act governs access to stored electronic 44)
communications, like e-mail or voicemail.

45) ______offender registration was initiated by passage of Megan's Law. 45)

MATCHING. Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.

Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 2.

46) National Survey on Drug Use and A) A program that offers a token amount of
Health money or some other reward in exchange
for turning in a gun to authorities.
47) Monitoring the Future
B) An ongoing survey of students that gauges
48) Brady Handgun Violence Prevention trends in legal and illegal drug use.
C) A survey that measures the prevalence of
49) Buyback program drug and alcohol use in people 12 years
and older. 49)

D) A federal legislation that required

background checks on firearms purchasers
in the United States.

Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 2.

50) Right-to-carry laws A) State laws that permit certain people to

carry concealed weapons.
51) Megan's laws
B) Laws that require convicted sex offenders
52) Jessica's laws to register with authorities and notify the
public as to their whereabouts / residence / 52)
53) Adam Walsh Child Protection and
Safety Act of 2006
C) Laws that provide harsh penalties for sex
offenders and require lifetime GPS
monitoring of certain offenders.

D) Federal legislation that requires, among

other things, a three-tiered classification
system for convicted sex offenders.

Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 2.

54) Sarbanes—Oxley Act A) Federal anti-terrorism legislation passed

after 9/11.
55) Dodd—Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act B) Criminalized the purchase and
distribution of alcohol.
56) Patriot Act
C) Federal legislation passed in reaction to
57) Prohibition high profile corporate scandals (notably
Enron) and requiring new and improved 57)
accounting standards for public companies
in the United States.

D) Federal legislation signed into law by

President Barack Obama following the
2007/2008 financial crisis. It brought a
number of financial regulation reforms
intended "[t]o promote the financial
stability of the United States

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.

58) Describe the history of legislative bans on products and services in the United States and how they have set the
stage for bans on guns and drugs.

59) Describe several ways in which the United States has tried to impose gun control.

60) Discuss the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in terms of its purpose and effectiveness.

61) What are some pros and cons for legalizing prostitution?

62) There is no conclusive evidence that Megan Laws have succeeded in their stated purpose. There is no evidence
that a pedophile can be cured of his or her sexual attraction to children. What are some ideas that might increase
the success of preventing child molestation?

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED10

1) D
2) B
3) B
4) A
5) B
6) A
7) A
8) A
9) D
10) A
11) B
12) D
13) B
14) C
15) C
16) C
17) D
18) A
19) A
20) A
22) TRUE
23) TRUE
26) TRUE
27) TRUE
29) TRUE
32) TRUE
33) TRUE
34) TRUE
36) household
37) firearms
38) retailers
39) carry
40) double
41) Intelligence
42) Gun
43) collar
44) Electronic
45) Sex
46) C
47) B
48) D
49) A
50) A
Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED10

51) B
52) C
53) D
54) C
55) D
56) A
57) B
58) The United States attempted to place severe restrictions on gambling after a series of lottery scandals in the nineteenth
century. In addition, it was thought the Mafia was associated with illegal gambling, so aggressive anti-gambling laws
would limit their presence. It was also believed that police corruption could be tied to gambling. However, gambling
was seen as a low level offense and conviction rates for illegal gambling was extremely low.
Additionally, the United States chose to criminalize prostitution, but the court also saw this act as a low-level offense
and the public also appeared to give little consideration to prostitution as a serious crime. The argument could be
made that the issue was not supply of illegal products and services but rather the demand. Applying this concept to
guns and drugs, one could argue that we should spend less time going after the people who supply the guns and
drugs and , instead, focus more on treating or criminalizing the individuals who are demanding the guns and drugs.
59) One method is to force gun manufacturer to alter gun designs to promote safety. Some examples include indicators
whether the weapon is loaded, trigger locks, and personalized gun technology. A second method is to regulate gun
transaction via the Gun Control Act of 1968, which prohibits certain individuals from purchasing firearms. Other ways
to regulate gun transactions include requiring background checks and imposing a waiting, or "cooling off" period and
imposing fines on gun retailers who do not request identification or fill out the proper paperwork. Other methods
include denial of gun ownership to dangerous persons, implementing buyback programs, and arguments against
"right-to-carry" laws.
60) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was enacted in response to the rash of corporate fraud that occurred in companies
such as Enron, Tyco International, and WorldCom. Many employees and investors lost all their savings, retirement
benefits and livelihood. The act requires public companies to adhere to new and improved accounting standards
intended to, among other things, eliminate insider trading, disclose internal controls and financial reporting, and
impose longer maximum jail sentences on corporate executives who attempt to alter or falsify financial information.
The primary criticism is that the corporate executives are not subjected to forfeiture provisions, so even if they commit
fraud they are still able to keep all their money, toys, houses and other spoils. The debate over its effectiveness
continues because while there have been no recent reports of rampant corporate fraud, there is still doubt as to whether
it is consistently or frequently enforced.
61) Pros: No human or civil rights should be violated on the basis of their trade, occupation, work, calling or profession.
There are immoral people in all professions - government, law, journalism, banking, law enforcement, the stock
exchange, medicine, the clergy, prostitution, etc. If every profession were criminalized when some of its members
broke the law, there would be few legally sanctioned professions. Unscrupulous people should be swiftly dealt with by
the law, regardless of which profession they corrupt. No law has ever succeeded in stopping prostitution. Prostitution
is the provision of sexual services for negotiated payment between consenting adults. In other words, prostitution is a
service industry like any other in which people exchange skills for money or other reward.
Cons: Prostitution violates the right to physical and moral integrity by the exploitation of women's sexuality that is
appropriated, debased and reduced to a commodity to be bought and sold. It violates the right to enjoy the highest
standard of physical and mental health because violence, disease, unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and AIDS
present constant and grave risks for women and girls in prostitution.

Test Bank for Crime Control in America: What Works?, 2/E 2nd Edition John L. Worrall

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED10

62) One approach is to educate the children. Children must be taught about it honestly and as soon as they can
understand. They must be prepared to fend off and respond to sexual advances from persons they know and often
trust. Parents need to know that it is not enough to teach children only about being wary of strangers. The most
important thing to do to protect children is to make sure that they will always come to tell the parent immediately if
something unusual happens. Every child must know that his parents want him to talk to them. Opening the lines of
communication must start very early. Because the majority of children are molested by people they know we need to
discuss trust in older people and role models. This one person did something bad. Place an emphasis on all the other
people who are good, loving and kind. Speak to children about exercising care not to be caught in a situation alone.
Young people should walk in groups, particularly at night.
As far as what can be done to deter the perpetrator, legislators could pass laws that require a lifetime bracelet such as
what a person might where who is on intense probation. These bracelets can be connected to a GPS tracking system,
which would record the perpetrators location at all times. There could be periodic polygraph tests such as the way
drug addicts have to undergo periodic UAs. A polygraph fail could be grounds for various sanctions. The main
question would be "have you touched a child in any way?"

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