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Adult Pediatric
Basic and Basic and Resuscitation
Neonatal Life Systems of
Advanced Advanced Education
Support Care
Life Support Life Support Science

These Highlights summarize the key issues and changes in the 2020 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). The 2020 Guidelines are a comprehensive
revision of the AHA’s guidelines for adult, pediatric, neonatal, resuscitation education science, and systems of care topics.
They have been developed for resuscitation providers and AHA instructors to focus on the resuscitation science and guide-

and practice, and to provide the rationale for the recommendations.

Because this publication is a summary, it does not reference the supporting published studies and does not list Classes
of Recommendation (COR) or Levels of Evidence (LOE). For more detailed information and references, please read the 2020
AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC, including the Executive Summary,1 published in Circulation in October 2020, and the
detailed summary of resuscitation science in the 2020 International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science With Treatment
Recommendations, developed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and published simultaneously
in Circulation2 and Resuscitation3 in October 2020. The methods used by ILCOR to perform evidence evaluations4 and by the
AHA to translate these evidence evaluations into resuscitation guidelines5 have been published in detail.

The American Heart Association thanks the following people for their contributions to the development of this publication: Eric J. Lavonas,
MD, MS; David J. Magid, MD, MPH; Khalid Aziz, MBBS, BA, MA, MEd(IT); Katherine M. Berg, MD; Adam Cheng, MD; Amber V.
Hoover, RN, MSN; Melissa Mahgoub, PhD; Ashish R. Panchal, MD, PhD; Amber J. Rodriguez, PhD; Alexis A. Topjian, MD, MSCE;
Comilla Sasson, MD, PhD; and the AHA Guidelines Highlights Project Team.
© 2020 American Heart Association 1
Applying Class of Recommendation and Level of Evidence to Clinical Strategies, Interventions, Treatments, or Diagnostic
Testing in Patient Care (Updated May 2019)*

2 American Heart Association

Distribution of COR and LOE as percent of 491 total recommendations in the 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC.*

*Results are percent of 491 recommendations in Adult Basic and Advanced Life Support, Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support, Neonatal Life
Support, Resuscitation Education Science, and Systems of Care.
Abbreviations: COR, Classes of Recommendation; EO, expert opinion; LD, limited data; LOE, Level of Evidence; NR, nonrandomized; R, Randomized.

About the Recommendations


resuscitation research.
Both the ILCOR evidence-evaluation process and the AHA guidelines-development process are governed by strict AHA

Recommendations and Guidelines publications. 3
Adult Basic and Advanced Life Support
Summary of Key Issues and Major Changes pressure control, evaluation for percutaneous coronary
In 2015, approximately 350 000 adults in the United States intervention, targeted temperature management, and
experienced nontraumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest multimodal neuroprognostication.
(OHCA) attended by emergency medical services (EMS) • Because recovery from cardiac arrest continues long
after the initial hospitalization, patients should have formal
assessment and support for their physical, cognitive, and
psychosocial needs.

has plateaued since 2012.

• Management of cardiac arrest in pregnancy focuses on

and IHCA outcomes continue to improve.
cesarean delivery if necessary to save the infant and
Recommendations for adult basic life support (BLS) and
improve the chances of successful resuscitation of
advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) are combined
the mother.

Algorithms and Visual Aids

• Enhanced algorithms and visual aids provide easy-to-
remember guidance for BLS and ACLS resuscitation improvements to visual training aids to ensure their utility as
• The importance of early initiation of CPR by lay rescuers changes to algorithms and other performance aids include
has been re-emphasized.
• Previous recommendations about epinephrine •
Chains of Survival (Figure 3).
early epinephrine administration. •
• Use of real-time audiovisual feedback is suggested as a to emphasize the role of early epinephrine administration for

• Continuously measuring arterial blood pressure and end- •

tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) during ACLS resuscitation been added for lay rescuers and trained rescuers
(Figures 5 and 6).

• On the basis of the most recent evidence, routine use of •

emphasize the need to prevent hyperoxia, hypoxemia, and

• Intravenous (IV) access is the preferred route of medication

administration during ACLS resuscitation. Intraosseous (IO) •
access is acceptable if IV access is not available.
• Care of the patient after return of spontaneous circulation •

4 American Heart Association

Adult BAsic And AdvAnced life support

Despite recent gains, less than 40%

of adults receive layperson-initiated
CPR, and fewer than 12% have an
AED applied before EMS arrival.

AHA Chains of Survival for adult IHCA and OHCA. 5
Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm.

6 American Heart Association

Adult BAsic And AdvAnced life support

Opioid-Associated Emergency for Lay Responders Algorithm. 7
Opioid-Associated Emergency for Healthcare Providers Algorithm.

8 American Heart Association

Adult BAsic And AdvAnced life support

Adult Post–Cardiac Arrest Care Algorithm. 9
Recommended approach to multimodal neuroprognostication in adult patients after cardiac arrest.

10 American Heart Association

Adult BAsic And AdvAnced life support

Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy In-Hospital ACLS Algorithm. 11
Major New and Updated and unfavorable neurologic outcome in
the epinephrine group.
Of 16 observational studies on and detect ROSC.
Early Initiation of CPR by Lay Rescuers Why: Although the use of physiologic
monitoring such as arterial blood
2020 (Updated): earlier epinephrine and ROSC for pressure and ETCO2 to monitor CPR
laypersons initiate CPR for presumed
cardiac arrest because the risk of harm although improvements in survival
guidelines. Data from the AHA’s Get
in cardiac arrest.
2010 (Old): The lay rescuer should not
check for a pulse and should assume CPR initially and giving epinephrine
that cardiac arrest is present if an adult using either ETCO2 or diastolic blood
suddenly collapses or an unrespon- pressure.
sive victim is not breathing normally. Any drug that increases the rate This monitoring depends on the
The healthcare provider should take of ROSC and survival but is given presence of an endotracheal tube (ETT)
no more than 10 seconds to check for or arterial line, respectively. Targeting
a pulse and, if the rescuer does not compressions to an ETCO2 value of at
unfavorable neurologic outcome. least 10 mm Hg, and ideally 20 mm Hg
period, the rescuer should start chest or greater, may be useful as a marker
compressions. approach seems to be continuing
Double Sequential Defibrillation
to drug for all patients; by doing so, Not Supported

a victim has a pulse, and the risk of neurologic outcome. 2020 (New): The usefulness of double

exceeds the harm from unneeded chest Real-Time Audiovisual Feedback shockable rhythm has not been
compressions. established.
It may be
Early Administration of Epinephrine reasonable to use audiovisual feedback
is the practice of applying near-
devices during CPR for real-time
simultaneous shocks using 2
optimization of CPR performance.
respect to timing, for cardiac arrest Why:
increase in survival to hospital dis-
reasonable to administer epinephrine -
as soon as feasible. on compression depth and recoil.
against its routine use. Existing studies
Physiologic Monitoring of CPR Quality are subject to multiple forms of bias,
a shockable rhythm, it may be reason-
able to administer epinephrine after 2020 (Updated): It may be reasonable to improvements in outcome.
use physiologic parameters such as A recent pilot RCT suggests that
arterial blood pressure or ETCO2
Why: The suggestion to administer feasible to monitor and optimize current by repositioning the pads may
to a recommendation on the basis of a
2015 (Old): Although no clinical study has
- of harm from increased energy and
trials of epinephrine enrolling more than
during CPR improves outcome, it may
that epinephrine increased ROSC and be reasonable to use physiologic
survival. At 3 months, the time point felt -
to be most meaningful for neurologic nography, arterial relaxation diastolic
- pressure, arterial pressure monitoring,
and central venous oxygen saturation)

12 American Heart Association

Adult BAsic And AdvAnced life support

IV Access Preferred Over IO

2020 (New): It is reasonable for providers caring for a patient near death. An AHA

for drug administration in cardiac arrest. this multimodal approach to topic is expected in early 2021.
2020 (Updated): IO access may be neuroprognostication.
considered if attempts at IV access are Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy
unsuccessful or not feasible. Care and Support During Recovery
2020 (New): Because pregnant patients
2010 (Old): It is reasonable for providers 2020 (New): are more prone to hypoxia, oxygenation
to establish intraosseous (IO) access arrest survivors have multimodal reha-
if intravenous (IV) access is not readily bilitation assessment and treatment for prioritized during resuscitation from
available. physical, neurologic, cardiopulmonary, cardiac arrest in pregnancy.
Why: and cognitive impairments before 2020 (New): Because of potential
comparing IV versus IO (principally discharge from the hospital. -
pretibial placement) drug administra- 2020 (New): tation, fetal monitoring should not be
tion during cardiac arrest found that arrest survivors and their caregivers undertaken during cardiac arrest in
receive comprehensive, multidisci- pregnancy.
clinical outcomes in 5 retrospective plinary discharge planning, to include 2020 (New):
studies; subgroup analyses of RCTs medical and rehabilitative treatment temperature management for pregnant
recommendations and return to
resuscitation from cardiac arrest.
Although IV access is preferred, for 2020 (New): 2020 (New): During targeted tempera-
assessment for anxiety, depression, ture management of the pregnant
IO access is a reasonable option. posttraumatic stress, and fatigue for patient, it is recommended that the
cardiac arrest survivors and their fetus be continuously monitored for
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care and caregivers. bradycardia as a potential complication,
Neuroprognostication Why: The process of recovering from and obstetric and neonatal consultation
cardiac arrest extends long after the should be sought.
- initial hospitalization. Support is needed Why: Recommendations for manag-
during recovery to ensure optimal
care in the days after cardiac arrest. physical, cognitive, and emotional
Recommendations from the 2015
AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and functioning. This process should be
ECC about treatment of hypotension, initiated during the initial hospitalization are particularly important in the setting
titrating oxygen to avoid both hypoxia and continue as long as needed. These of pregnancy because of an increase
and hyperoxia, detection and treatment themes are explored in greater detail in in maternal metabolism, a decrease in
of seizures, and targeted temperature functional reserve capacity due to the
gravid uterus, and the risk of fetal brain
supporting evidence. Debriefings for Rescuers injury from hypoxemia.
Evaluation of the fetal heart is not
2020 (New):
helpful during maternal cardiac arrest,
lay rescuers, EMS providers, and and it may distract from necessary
observational studies, and the post– resuscitation elements. In the absence
cardiac arrest care algorithm has after a cardiac arrest event may be of data to the contrary, pregnant
been updated to emphasize these
important components of care. To be should receive targeted temperature
reliable, neuroprognostication should Why: Rescuers may experience anxiety management just as any other survivors
or posttraumatic stress about providing
or not providing BLS. Hospital-based of the fetus that may remain in utero.
hours after return to normothermia,
care providers may also experience
and prognostic decisions should be
based on multiple modes of patient
assessment. 13
Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
Summary of Key Issues and Major Changes or norepinephrine infusions if vasopressors are needed,
More than 20 000 infants and children have a cardiac arrest is appropriate in resuscitation from septic shock.
each year in the United States. Despite increases in survival • On the basis largely of extrapolation from adult data,
and comparatively good rates of good neurologic outcome balanced blood component resuscitation is reasonable
after pediatric IHCA, survival rates from pediatric OHCA
remain poor, particularly in infants. Recommendations
• Opioid overdose management includes CPR and the timely
for pediatric basic life support (PBLS) and CPR in infants,
administration of naloxone by either lay rescuers or trained
ommendations for pediatric advanced life support (PALS)
in a single document in the 2020 Guidelines. The causes •

- high risk of cardiac arrest. Early transfer to an intensive care

ic evidence supports these recommendations. Key issues,
major changes, and enhancements in the 2020 Guidelines circulatory support or extracorporeal life support (ECLS).

the best science and improve clarity for PBLS and PALS
resuscitation providers. management.
• • Management of pulmonary hypertension may include the
the recommended assisted ventilation rate has been use of inhaled nitric oxide, prostacyclin, analgesia, sedation,
increased to 1 breath every 2 to 3 seconds (20-30 breaths neuromuscular blockade, the induction of alkalosis, or
per minute) for all pediatric resuscitation scenarios.
• Algorithms and Visual Aids
science and made several major changes to improve the
• The routine use of cricoid pressure during intubation is no
longer recommended.

• To maximize the chance of good resuscitation outcomes, infants, children, and adolescents (Figure 10).
epinephrine should be administered as early as possible,

a nonshockable rhythm (asystole and pulseless
Chain of Survival (Figure 10).
electrical activity).
• The Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Algorithm and the Pediatric

continuous measurement of arterial blood pressure may

• After ROSC, patients should be evaluated for seizures; status
epilepticus and any convulsive seizures should be treated.
pediatric patients (Figure 13).
• Because recovery from cardiac arrest continues long

after the initial hospitalization, patients should have formal
been added for lay rescuers and trained rescuers (Figures 5
assessment and support for their physical, cognitive, and
and 6).
psychosocial needs.

care (Figure 14).

14 American Heart Association

pediAtric BAsic And AdvAnced life support

The causes of cardiac arrest in infants

and children differ from cardiac
arrest in adults, and a growing body of
pediatric-specific evidence supports
these recommendations.

AHA Chains of Survival for pediatric IHCA and OHCA. 15
Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Algorithm.

16 American Heart Association

pediAtric BAsic And AdvAnced life support

Pediatric Bradycardia With a Pulse Algorithm. 17
Pediatric Tachycardia With a Pulse Algorithm.

18 American Heart Association

pediAtric BAsic And AdvAnced life support

Pediatric Post–Cardiac Arrest Care Checklist. 19
Major New and Updated Cuffed ETTs Emphasis on Early
Recommendations Epinephrine Administration
2020 (Updated): It is reasonable to
Changes to the Assisted Ventilation 2020 (Updated): For pediatric patients in
ETTs for intubating infants and children. any setting, it is reasonable to admin-
Rate: Rescue Breathing ister the initial dose of epinephrine
should be paid to ETT size, position,
2020 (Updated): (PBLS) For infants and
<20-25 cm H2O).
- 2015 (Old): It is reasonable to administer
sonable to give 1 breath every 2010 (Old): epinephrine in pediatric cardiac arrest.
2 to 3 seconds (20-30 breaths/min). ETTs are acceptable for intubating
infants and children. In certain circum- Why:
2010 (Old): (PBLS) If there is a palpa- stances (eg, poor lung compliance, high
ble pulse 60/min or greater but there nonshockable rhythm (asystole and
pulseless electrical activity) demon-
breaths at a rate of about 12 to 20/min - strated that, for every minute of delay
(1 breath every 3-5 seconds) until tion is paid to [ensuring appropriate] in administration of epinephrine, there
spontaneous breathing resumes.
pressure. survival at 24 hours, survival to dis-
Changes to the Assisted Ventilation
Why: Several studies and systematic neurological outcome.
Rate: Ventilation Rate During CPR
With an Advanced Airway ETTs and demonstrate decreased need
for tube changes and reintubation.
2020 (Updated): -
aspiration. Subglottic stenosis is rare epinephrine more than 5 minutes

to target a respiratory rate range of to survive to discharge. Studies of

1 breath every 2 to 3 seconds pediatric OHCA demonstrated that
(20-30/min), accounting for age and Cricoid Pressure During Intubation earlier epinephrine administration
clinical condition. Rates exceeding increases rates of ROSC, survival to
these recommendations may 2020 (Updated): Routine use of cricoid intensive care unit admission, survival
compromise hemodynamics. pressure is not recommended during to discharge, and 30-day survival.
2010 (Old): (PALS) If the infant or child is endotracheal intubation of pediatric
intubated, ventilate at a rate of about patients. Cardiac Arrest Algorithm, patients
1 breath every 6 seconds (10/min) 2010 (Old):
to recommend routine application of epinephrine every 3 to 5 minutes, but
compressions. cricoid pressure to prevent aspiration early administration of epinephrine
Why: during endotracheal intubation in
ventilation rates (at least 30/min in children.
not changed, the algorithm and
infants [younger than 1 year] and at Why:
least 25/min in children) are associated recommendation language have been
routine use of cricoid pressure reduces updated to emphasize the importance
intubation success rates and does not of giving epinephrine as early as
survival in pediatric IHCA. Although reduce the rate of regurgitation. The
there are no data about the ideal
is nonshockable.
recommendations to discontinue

- ventilation or the speed or ease of Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring to

intubation. Assess CPR Quality
the respiratory arrest recommendation
2020 (Updated):
continuous invasive arterial blood
pressure monitoring in place at the
time of cardiac arrest, it is reasonable
for providers to use diastolic blood

20 American Heart Association

pediAtric BAsic And AdvAnced life support

2015 (Old): treatment of status epilepticus is Corticosteroid Administration

hemodynamic monitoring in place at
the time of cardiac arrest, it may be general. 2020 (New):
reasonable for rescuers to use blood
Evaluation and Support for
Cardiac Arrest Survivors reasonable to consider stress-dose
compressions is critical to successful
2020 (New): It is recommended that Why: -
among pediatric patients receiving pediatric cardiac arrest survivors be stay of initial therapy for infants and
evaluated for rehabilitation services. children in shock, especially in hypovo-
- 2020 (New): It is reasonable to refer
pediatric cardiac arrest survivors for can lead to increased morbidity. In
ongoing neurologic evaluation for at
25 mm Hg in infants and at least
30 mm Hg in children.
Detecting and Treating recovery from cardiac arrest continues
long after the initial hospitalization.
Seizures After ROSC - -
ed medical, rehabilitative, caregiver, and dations to reassess patients after each
2020 (Updated):
community support in the months to
available, continuous electroencepha-
years after their cardiac arrest. A recent -
lography monitoring is recommended
importance of supporting patients and
Previous versions of the Guidelines
families during this time to achieve the
persistent encephalopathy. did not provide recommendations
best possible long-term outcome.6
about choice of vasopressor or the
2020 (Updated): It is recommended to
Septic Shock use of corticosteroids in septic shock.
cardiac arrest.
Fluid Boluses is superior to dopamine as the initial
2020 (Updated): It is reasonable to treat vasopressor in pediatric septic shock,
nonconvulsive status epilepticus 2020 (Updated): and norepinephrine is also appropriate.
shock, it is reasonable to administer
from corticosteroid administration in
2015 (Old): An electroencephalography
for the diagnosis of seizure should be septic shock.
2015 (Old): Administration of an initial
promptly performed and interpreted
- Hemorrhagic Shock
ly or continuously in comatose patients
after ROSC. 2020 (New): Among infants and children
as severe sepsis, severe malaria, and
2015 (Old): The same anticonvulsant dengue.
regimens for the treatment of status -
epilepticus caused by other etiologies Choice of Vasopressor able, instead of crystalloid for ongoing
may be considered after cardiac arrest. volume resuscitation.
2020 (New):
Why: Why: Previous versions of the
sonable to use either epinephrine or
dations for managing seizures after treatment of hemorrhagic shock from
norepinephrine as an initial vasoactive
cardiac arrest. Nonconvulsive sei- other causes of hypovolemic shock. A
zures, including nonconvulsive status
epilepticus, are common and cannot 2020 (New): In infants and children
alography. Although outcome data epinephrine or norepinephrine are un-
resuscitation using packed red blood
from the post–cardiac arrest popula- available, dopamine may be considered.
cells, fresh frozen plasma, and platelets.
tion are lacking, both convulsive and Balanced resuscitation is supported by
nonconvulsive status epilepticus are recommendations from the several US
and international trauma societies. 21
Opioid Overdose Single Ventricle: Recommendations
arrest or cardiac arrest from opioid for the Treatment of Preoperative
2020 (Updated): For patients in overdose.
respiratory arrest, rescue breathing and Postoperative Stage I Palliation
These recommendations are
or bag-mask ventilation should be identical for adults and children, except (Norwood/Blalock-Tausig Shunt) Patients
maintained until spontaneous breathing that compression-ventilation CPR is
returns, and standard PBLS or PALS 2020 (New): Direct (superior vena cava
recommended for all pediatric victims
measures should continue if return of catheter) and/or indirect (near infrared
of suspected cardiac arrest. Naloxone
spontaneous breathing does not occur. spectroscopy) oxygen saturation
can be administered by trained
2020 (Updated): and direct management in the critically
training, and untrained laypersons.
Separate treatment algorithms palliation or shunt placement.
or only gasping (ie, a respiratory arrest), are provided for managing opioid-
in addition to providing standard PBLS associated resuscitation emergencies 2020 (New): -
or PALS, it is reasonable for responders priately restrictive shunt, manipulation
to administer intramuscular or intrana- check for a pulse (Figure 5), and by of pulmonary vascular resistance
sal naloxone. trained rescuers (Figure 6). Opioid- -
associated OHCA is the subject of a ering systemic vascular resistance
2020 (Updated):
suspected to be in cardiac arrest, in the (alpha-adrenergic antagonists and/or
phosphodiesterase type III inhibitors),
use of naloxone, standard resuscitative Myocarditis
measures should take priority over be useful to increase systemic delivery
2020 (New): Given the high risk of cardiac
of oxygen (DO2.)
ventilation). 2020 (New):
2015 (Old): Empiric administration of cardiac output, early consideration of systemic DO2.
intramuscular or intranasal naloxone transfer to ICU monitoring and therapy
to all unresponsive opioid-associated 2020 (New):
is recommended.
life-threatening emergency patients or suspected shunt obstruction, it
may be reasonable as an adjunct to 2020 (New): is reasonable to administer oxygen,
vasoactive agents to increase shunt
provider BLS protocols. cardiac output, prearrest use of ECLS perfusion pressure, and heparin
or mechanical circulatory support can
2015 (Old): ACLS providers should for catheter-based or surgical
support ventilation and administer support and prevent cardiac arrest. intervention.
cardiac rhythm and opioid-associated 2020 (New): Given the challenges to 2020 (Updated): For neonates prior to
respiratory arrest or severe respiratory successful resuscitation of children -
depression. Bag-mask ventilation
should be maintained until spontaneous once cardiac arrest occurs, early systemic cardiac output and DO2, it is
breathing returns, and standard ACLS consideration of extracorporeal reasonable to target a Paco2 of 50 to
measures should continue if return of 60 mm Hg. This can be achieved during
spontaneous breathing does not occur. Why: Although myocarditis accounts mechanical ventilation by reducing
minute ventilation or by administering
2015 (Old): -
recommendation regarding the deaths in infants,11 -
diovascular deaths in children,11 romuscular blockade.
opioid-associated cardiac arrest. - 2010 (Old): Neonates in a prearrest
letes, previous12,13 PALS guidelines did state due to elevated pulmonary-
Why: The opioid epidemic has not
spared children. In the United States for management. These recommenda- co2 of

deaths in children younger than 15 during mechanical ventilation by reduc-

ing minute ventilation, increasing the
24 years old, and many more children inspired fraction of CO2, or administer-

22 American Heart Association

neonAtAl life support

Single Ventricle: Recommendations for PALS care. Previous PALS guidelines

the Treatment of Postoperative Stage II did not contain recommendations for
this specialized patient population. administered.
(Bidirectional Glenn/Hemi-Fontan) and These recommendations are con-
Stage III (Fontan) Palliation Patients 2020 (New):
refractory pulmonary hypertension,
statement on CPR in infants and
2020 (New): For patients in a prearrest 14
or profound respiratory failure despite
anastomosis physiology and severe optimal medical therapy, ECLS may
Pulmonary Hypertension be considered.
2020 (Updated): Inhaled nitric oxide or 2010 (Old): Consider administering
strategies that target a mild respiratory prostacyclin should be used as the inhaled nitric oxide or aerosolized
initial therapy to treat pulmonary hyper- prostacyclin or analogue to reduce
tensive crises or acute right-sided heart pulmonary vascular resistance.
useful to increase cerebral and system- failure secondary to increased pulmo-
ic arterial oxygenation. Why: Pulmonary hypertension, a rare
nary vascular resistance.
disease in infants and children, is
2020 (New): - 2020 (New): Provide careful respiratory
perior cavopulmonary anastomosis or management and monitoring to avoid
Fontan circulation may be considered hypoxia and acidosis in the postoper- management. Previous PALS guidelines
from reversible causes did not provide recommendations for
or as a bridge to a ventricular assist hypertension. managing pulmonary hypertension in
device or surgical revision. infants and children. These recommen-
2020 (New): For pediatric patients
Why: Approximately 1 in 600 infants and
- on pediatric pulmonary hypertension
genital heart disease. Staged surgery published by the AHA and the
analgesics, sedatives, and neuromus-
American Thoracic Society in 2015,16
cular blocking agents.
physiology, such as hypoplastic left
2020 (New): For the initial treatment of
years of life. Resuscitation of these
15 pulmonary hypertensive crises, oxygen
infants and children is complex and administration and induction of alka- cardiac disease.14
losis through hyperventilation or alkali

Neonatal Life Support

There are over 4 million births every The process of facilitating Summary of Key Issues
year in the United States and Canada. transition is described in the Neonatal
and Major Changes
Resuscitation Algorithm that starts

and proceeds to steps that address anticipation and preparation by

as teams.
dedicated to facilitating that transition •
and for that caregiver to be trained and the algorithm, including anticipation
- and preparation, umbilical cord resuscitation and can be evaluated
management at delivery, initial actions, and monitored during skin-to-skin
facilitated transition are at risk for com- heart rate monitoring, respiratory
support, chest compressions,
personnel. All perinatal settings should intravascular access and therapies, • Prevention of hypothermia is
be ready for this scenario. an important focus for neonatal
resuscitation, postresuscitation care, resuscitation. The importance of
and human factors and performance. skin-to-skin care in healthy babies is
reinforced as a means of promoting
parental bonding, breastfeeding, and
from cardiac arrest. 23
• Major New and Updated Clearing the Airway When
Recommendations Meconium Is Present

• A rise in heart rate is the most Anticipation of Resuscitation Need 2020 (Updated): -

ventilation and response to 2020 (New): Every birth should be at-

resuscitative interventions. through MSAF, routine laryngoscopy

• Pulse oximetry is used to guide resuscitation and initiate PPV and not recommended.
oxygen therapy and meet oxygen
saturation goals. 2020 (Updated): -

• Routine endotracheal suctioning for Why: To support a smooth and safe

both vigorous and nonvigorous infants during PPV, intubation and tracheal

should be attended by at least 1 person 2015 (Old):

Endotracheal suctioning is indicated
routine intubation for tracheal suction
in this setting is not suggested because
after providing positive-pressure
ventilation (PPV). continue recommending this practice.
• Chest compressions are provided if studies indicate that this approach
there is a poor heart rate response
to ventilation after appropriate steps and PPV may be provided. Endo-
tracheal suctioning is indicated only if
preferably include endotracheal
intubation. providing PPV. Evidence from RCTs
• The heart rate response to
chest compressions and delivered through MSAF have the same
medications should be monitored Temperature Management for outcomes (survival, need for respiratory
electrocardiographically. Newly Born Infants before or after the initiation of PPV.
• Direct laryngoscopy and endotracheal
2020 (New):

access is not feasible, the IO route

in improving breastfeeding, tempera-
may be considered.
ture control, and blood glucose stability.
• If the response to chest
compressions is poor, it may be Why: Evidence from a Cochrane
reasonable to provide epinephrine, Vascular Access
early skin-to-skin contact promotes
preferably via the intravascular route.
2020 (New):
• addition, 2 meta-analyses of RCTs and access at the time of delivery, the um-
epinephrine and have a history or an observational studies of extended skin- bilical vein is the recommended route.
to-skin care after initial resuscitation If IV access is not feasible, it may be
reasonable to use the IO route.
mortality, improved breastfeeding,
• If all these steps of resuscitation Why:
shortened length of stay, and improved
is no heart rate response by 20 vascular access to infuse epinephrine and/
minutes, redirection of care should be or volume expanders. Umbilical venous

the delivery room. IO access is an alter-

native if umbilical venous access is not
feasible or care is being provided outside
of the delivery room. Several case reports
have described local complications associ-

24 American Heart Association

resuscitAtion educAtion science

Termination of Resuscitation reason, a time frame for decisions advantages in psychomotor perfor-
about discontinuing resuscitation
2020 (Updated):
receiving resuscitation, if there is no engagement of parents and the resus-
heart rate and all the steps of resusci- citation team before redirecting care. therefore suggested that neonatal
tation have been performed, cessation resuscitation task training occur more
Human and System Performance
the family. A reasonable time frame for 2020 (Updated):
Why: Educational studies suggest that
this change in goals of care is around have been trained in neonatal resus-
20 minutes after birth. citation, individual or team booster
2010 (Old):
detectable heart rate, it is appropriate
to consider stopping resuscitation if the improve performance in simulation
and behaviors.
heart rate remains undetectable for studies and reduce neonatal mortality
10 minutes. 2015 (Old):
healthcare students should train teams may improve their performance
approximately 20 minutes of age have

Resuscitation Education Science

support training, and incorporating • Virtual reality
in improving survival outcomes from a computer interface to create
passing standards, can improve skill an immersive environment, and
education, lay rescuers and
• Booster training (ie, brief retraining
to consistently apply the science sessions) should be added to massed be incorporated into resuscitation
supporting the evidence-based learning (ie, traditional course based) training for laypersons and healthcare
treatment of cardiac arrest. Evidence- providers.
based instructional design is critical to Provided that individual students can • Laypersons should receive training in
improving provider performance and attend all sessions, separating training
patient-related outcomes from cardiac into multiple sessions (ie, spaced overdose, including the administration
arrest. Instructional design features are learning) is preferable to massed of naloxone.
the active ingredients, the key elements learning.
of resuscitation training programs that • Bystander CPR training should target
• For laypersons, self-directed training,
delivered to students. either alone or in combination

recommendations about various bystander CPR. CPR training should

instructional design features in and ability to perform CPR. Greater address gender-related barriers to
resuscitation training and describe use of self-directed training may improve rates of bystander CPR
remove an obstacle to more

CPR. much exposure their providers
• Middle school– and high school–age receive in treating cardiac arrest
children should be trained to provide victims. Variability in exposure among
outcomes from cardiac arrest. providers in a given EMS system
• In situ training (ie, resuscitation may be supported by implementing
Summary of Key Issues targeted strategies of supplementary
education in actual clinical spaces)
and Major Changes can be used to enhance learning
• The use of deliberate practice outcomes and improve resuscitation • All healthcare providers should complete
and mastery learning during life performance. 25
• Use of CPR training, mass training, In Situ Education
should be balanced against student
hands-only CPR promotion should availability and the provision of 2020 (New): It is reasonable to conduct
resources that support implementation in situ simulation-based resuscitation
training in addition to traditional train-
to cardiac arrest victims, increase the spaced-learning courses, or training ing.
prevalence of bystander CPR, and that is separated into multiple sessions, 2020 (New): It may be reasonable to
improve outcomes from OHCA. conduct in situ simulation-based resus-
citation training in place of traditional
Major New and Updated as a single training event. Student training.
Recommendations attendance across all sessions is
Why: In situ simulation refers to train-
ing activities that are conducted in
Deliberate Practice and
Mastery Learning each session.
advantage of providing a more realistic

2020 (New): Incorporating a deliberate Lay Rescuer Training -

practice and mastery learning model ronment, either alone or in combination
into basic or advanced life support 2020 (Updated): A combination of
courses may be considered for improv- self-instruction and instructor-led
positive impact on learning outcomes
(eg, faster time to perform critical tasks
recommended as an alternative to
Why: Deliberate practice is a training and team performance) and patient
instructor-led courses for lay rescuers.
outcomes (eg, improved survival, neu-
If instructor-led training is not available,
discrete goal to achieve, immediate rological outcomes).
self-directed training is recommended
feedback on their performance, and for lay rescuers.
ample time for repetition to improve
performance. Mastery learning is 2020 (New): It is recommended to train risks, such as mixing training supplies
middle school– and high school–age
practice training and testing that
CPR. Gamified Learning and Virtual Reality
2015 (Old): A combination of self-
implies mastery of the tasks being instruction and instructor-led 2020 (New):
learned. and virtual reality may be considered for
Evidence suggests that incorporating be considered as an alternative to basic or advanced life support train-
a deliberate practice and mastery traditional instructor-led courses for lay ing for lay rescuers and/or healthcare
learning model into basic or advanced providers. If instructor-led training is not providers.
life support courses improves multiple available, self-directed training may be Why:
learning outcomes. considered for lay providers learning competition or play around the topic of
AED skills. resuscitation, and virtual reality uses a
Booster Training and Why: Studies have found that self-
Spaced Learning instruction or video-based instruction
Some studies have demonstrated
2020 (New): It is recommended to imple- for lay rescuer CPR training. A shift
to more self-directed training may
massed-learning approach for resusci- lead to a higher proportion of trained
tation training. lay rescuers, thus increasing the
2020 (New): It is reasonable to use a chances that a trained lay rescuer
or virtual reality should consider
spaced-learning approach in place of a
massed-learning approach for resusci- needed. Training school-age children
tation training.
Why: The addition of booster training
sessions training helps build the future cadre of
sessions focused on repetition of prior community-based, trained lay rescuers.
content, to resuscitation courses im-
proves the retention of CPR skills.

26 American Heart Association

resuscitAtion educAtion science

Bystander CPR training should target

specific socioeconomic, racial,
and ethnic populations who have
historically exhibited lower rates of
bystander CPR. CPR training should
address gender-related barriers
to improve rates of bystander CPR
performed on women.

Opioid Overdose Training for ommend that EMS systems monitor

Lay Rescuers are also less likely to receive bystander provider exposure and develop strate-
2020 (New): It is reasonable for lay rescu- ers fear injuring female victims or being
ers to receive training in responding to accused of inappropriate touching. ACLS Course Participation
opioid overdose, including provision of
naloxone. 2020 (New): It is reasonable for health-
for CPR education and modifying care professionals to take an adult
Why: Deaths from opioid overdose in the
education to address gender
United States have more than doubled
in the past decade. Multiple studies Why: For more than 3 decades, the
have found that targeted resuscita- in CPR training and bystander CPR, ACLS course has been recognized as
tion training for opioid users and their potentially enhancing outcomes from an essential component of resuscita-
cardiac arrest in these populations. tion training for acute care providers.
higher rates of naloxone administration
EMS Practitioner Experience
and Exposure to Out-of-Hospital ACLS have better patient outcomes.
Disparities in Education Cardiac Arrest Willingness to Perform Bystander CPR
2020 (New): It is recommended to target 2020 (New): It is reasonable for EMS
and tailor layperson CPR training to 2020 (New): It is reasonable to increase
systems to monitor clinical personnel’s
exposure to resuscitation to ensure
and neighborhoods in the United CPR through CPR training, mass CPR
treating teams have members com-
States. petent in managing cardiac arrest
promotion of Hands-Only CPR.
2020 (New): It is reasonable to address cases. Competence of teams may be
barriers to bystander CPR for female Why: Prompt delivery of bystander CPR
victims through educational training strategies. doubles a victim’s chances of survival
from cardiac arrest. CPR training, mass
Why: - that EMS provider exposure to cardiac
and promotion of Hands-Only CPR are
predominantly Black and Hispanic proved patient outcomes, including
bystander CPR.
- rates of ROSC and survival. Because
- 27
Systems of Care
• rescuers via a smartphone app or
integrated system of people, training, rapid response teams can prevent
cardiac arrest in both pediatric and shorter bystander response times,
adult hospitals, but the literature higher bystander CPR rates, shorter
maintain AEDs, emergency service
telecommunicators, and BLS and ALS components of these systems are survival to hospital discharge for people

all contribute to successful resuscita- • Cognitive aids may improve in the observational data. The use of
resuscitation performance by mobile phone technology has yet to be
- untrained laypersons, but in simulation
ry therapists, pharmacists, and other studied in a North American setting, but
settings, their use delays the start of -
professionals supports resuscitation CPR. More development and study are tries makes this a high priority for future
outcomes. needed before these systems can be research, including the impact of these
Successful resuscitation also fully endorsed. alerts on cardiac arrest outcomes in
depends on the contributions diverse patient, community, and geo-

graphic contexts.
pharmaceutical companies,
resuscitation instructors, guidelines performance of EMS or hospital-
based resuscitation teams. Data Registries to Improve
developers, and many others. Long-
System Performance
• Although specialized cardiac
from family and professional caregivers, New (2020): It is reasonable for organiza-
including experts in cognitive, physical, technology not available at all tions that treat cardiac arrest patients
and psychological rehabilitation and hospitals, the available literature to collect processes-of-care data and
about their impact on resuscitation outcomes.
outcomes is mixed.
level of care is essential to achieving Why: Many industries, including health-
• Team feedback matters. Structured care, collect and assess performance
successful outcomes.
performance of resuscitation teams in opportunities for improvement. This
Summary of Key Issues
can be done at the local, regional, or
and Major Changes national level through participation in

• Recovery continues long after the Implementing structured data data registries that collect informa-
initial hospitalization and is a critical tion on processes of care (eg, CPR
component of the resuscitation resuscitation processes and survival
Chains of Survival. adherence to guidelines) and outcomes
both inside and outside the hospital.
of care (eg, ROSC, survival) associated

Major New and Updated
Three such initiatives are the AHA’s
general public to perform CPR and Recommendations
use an AED improve resuscitation
registry (for IHCA), the Cardiac Arrest
outcomes in communities. Using Mobile Devices to
Registry to Enhance Survival registry (for
• Novel methods to use mobile phone Summon Rescuers OHCA), and the Resuscitation
technology to alert trained lay Outcomes Consortium Cardiac Epistry
New (2020): The use of mobile phone
(for OHCA), and many regional
CPR are promising and deserve technology by emergency dispatch
databases exist. A 2020
more study. most
• Emergency system telecommunica- AED use is reasonable. studies assessing the impact of
tors can instruct bystanders to per-
form hands-only CPR for adults and Why: Despite the recognized role of lay reporting, demonstrate improvement in
cardiac arrest survival in organizations
outcomes, most communities experi- and communities that participated in
cardiac arrest registries.
AED use. A recent ILCOR systematic

28 American Heart Association

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30 American Heart Association

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