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‘Center of Excellence in Higher Education’

Project on
Human Resource Management Practices in Bangladesh
Pran Rfl Group

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Md. Mohtasim Neaz Dr. Md. Shariful Alam Khandakar
ID 201 6639 660 Department of Business & Economics
Course: BUS 601 North South University
Sec: 04

December 3, 2021

1. Introduction

Human resource management department is established to attain the desired goals by

utilizing employees properly in an organization. Apart from hiring and recruitment of most
deserving employees, HRM works to train employees, monitor employees’ activities,
evaluate employees’ performance, and promote an employee friendly work environment
through the organization. Also, promotions, incentives, salary increment, leaves, rewards,
recognition, and termination etc. are performed by the HRM department. Pran-RFL group
is the local Multinational company and one of the leading companies that offers various
products and services of different segments. The company sells various products
maintaining proper taste, health & hygienic standard, and quality to its target customers
on affordable prices. The company has strengths in diversification (offering various
products in various segments), highly skilled and well qualified workforce, and a good
brand recognition. The company believes its skilled employees’ hard work and dedication
are the reason behind the huge success, recognition, and achievement.

2. Objectives of the report

The main objective of this report is to understand the Human Resource Management
practices in one of the biggest companies of Bangladesh; Pran-RFL group of companies.
This report requires primary and secondary information, and after analyzing these
information and resources, the current scenarios of HRM practice will be understood.
Also, the way the recruitment policy works at Pran-RFL, the selection and hiring process
and the different strategies that the HRM follows while recruiting will be highlighted by this
report. The objectives include:

1) To study and understand the employee recruitment process in different stages.

2) To assess and evaluate the selection process at Pran-RFL,
3) To observe the assistance in achieving employees’ personal and professional goals,
4) To assess the responsibility and the authority in employee recruitment of HRM,

5) To observe the different training methods & techniques,
6) To discuss on the different employees’ incentives, and benefits,
7) To understand the HRM policies supporting the organizational goals, and needs

3. Research Design & Methodology

This research was conducted based on information from different sources. Due to some
constraints, this research has been done by analyzing data from secondary sources
mainly. Online journals, research papers, books, articles, and online research surveys
are some of the sources of secondary data. Primary data is collected from personal
observations on the selected company. This research emphasized on a few important
factors including HR planning, Recruitment & selection, HR practices, Training &
Development, industrial relations, and finally ‘performance appraisal’ on a particular
organization. Sufficient data on Compensation policy and Job analysis were not found
due to lack of available information. Explanations and interpretations on overall findings
were done to complete this research.

4. Research Findings

HRM practice in Bangladesh on a particular organization is depict on the following

sections. Pran-RFL Group was selected as the organization to conduct research on the
practices of Human Resource Management in Bangladesh for being one of the largest

A. Brief Information on Pran-RFL Group

One of the biggest conglomerate of Bangladesh Pran-RFL was established in 1981 by

Amjad Khan Chowdhury a retired major general, and it became to be one of the largest
food & Beverage companies in Bangladesh. The organization is also the biggest plastic
products manufacturer and agribusiness in BD. The name ‘PRAN’ stands for ‘Programme
for Rural Advancement Nationally’. Pran provides farmers with good prices and thus it

started to lead in the agribusiness in Bangladesh. Pran-RFL group has a subsidiary that
produces agricultural products named ‘Pran Foods’. India lifted ban on FDI from
Bangladesh on 2007, and in 2008 Pran-RFL group announced to start its production
facility in India. The company managed to export of 10 billion USD products by 2016, and
Pran has production facilities in India, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and UAE. The
number of employees of Pran-RFL is distributed in two categories named Direct
employees of 80 thousand, and Indirect employees of 2 lacs employees. Pran-RFL
imports in 118 different countries.

B. Objectives of HRM department of Pran-RFL Group

1) Finding out the total vacant positions, and setting up a target in recruiting employees,

2) Publishing job circulars if no internal recruitment happens,

3) Target candidates of certain educational qualities and experience required for the job,

4) Select the best candidates after the screening process, and background check,

5) Set up a balancing wage and salary structure in the organization,

6) Forming the necessary rules, regulations, and policies in the organization,

7) Conduct proper training facilities for employees for development,

8) Focus on achieving a good workplace environment for employees,

9) Evaluate employees’ performance, and show ways to improve the performance,

10) Encourage employees with proper reward, incentives, benefits, and promotions,

11) Take actions against employees disobeying organizational rules & regulations,

12) Employee termination and firing are performed under the authority of HRM dept.

C. Human Resource Department of Pran-RFL Group

Pran-RFL has a well-organized HRM department that works on performing HR duties with
discipline and following international standard. The tasks performed by HRM department
are presented through this table shown below.

D. Pran-RFL: Recruitment & Selection Process

Pran-RFL Group looks to have employees with standard merit, and required academicals,
honest, sincere, and hardworking in nature. The company chooses employees those look
forward to having an excellent career by showing good performance and thus achieve
recognition on their designated positions. The company believes that, the proper
resources and work environment are offered to the employees to perform better by
utilizing their inner talents. Currently, the company has thousands of employees hailing

from diversified backgrounds, religions, nations, and cultures to accomplish the
organizations various tasks by representing different positions, and performing many

Pran-RFL focuses on getting employees of certain qualities, and these are mentioned
a. The first priority of selection is merit,
b. Functional competencies are important, and attitudes are given same priority,
c. Functional Head & HR Head conducts panel interviews,
d. Employees are recruited from university, college, campus, consultants, internal
recruitments, employee referrals, and the online platforms,
e. Written tests are required for all the positions,
f. Thorough background check is performed before finalizing an employee,
g. Medical tests are done as well,
h. HRM ensures no discrimination based on gender, age, race, color, religion on
recruitment process.

D.1. Recruitment Process

The recruitment process is performed by the HRM department of Pran-RFL group. The
responsibility of HRM department is to find and attract capable, energetic, and deserving
candidates based on the job position. The recruitment process starts with publishing the
job circulars that highlights job description and needed qualities from a candidate.
Sufficient information is expressed through the job circular. The recruitment process is
completed by performing the following activities;

a. Performing the need assessment,

b. Job position description is defined,

c. Recruitment options are checked,
d. Public advertisements,
e. Performing screening and get a short list of most deserving employees,
f. Written Test,

g. Selection interviews (3 Levels)
h. Decision on employment,
i. Selected candidates are sent offer letters after the decision,
j. Introducing employees through the orientation program.

D.2. Job positions & Sources for recruitment

The recruitment process is performed to fill up the required vacant positions. Pran-RFL
group arrange recruitment of employees for four types of positions. These are as follows:

1. Entry Level managers,

2. Management trainee officers (MTO),
3. Mid-level & senior level managements,
4. General Staffs

Employees are recruited and accepted from two different sources, these are;
1. Recruitment from Internal sources,
2. Recruitment from External sources.

Recruitment from Internal Sources

In many occasions, competent and eligible candidates for a certain position are available
in the current employees. Employees those are considered eligible to fill up a position are
given more priority over others. The company thinks, hiring internal employees are more
efficient and less expensive. The work experience is more to those who are working for
a certain period over those who have never worked here at Pran-RFL group. A few
formalities are conducted before deciding on internal recruitment.

Job Posting Programs

HRM department publicizes internal job openings through job positioning programs by
getting involved in the process. The job positioning programs inform, open, and invite
employees about the certain job positions that are going to be filled by the capable and

deserving employees. The notices are published on company’s notice boards, and in the
website to invite employees to apply for the certain positions. Job analysis information
usually shows the qualifications, and abilities that are required for the job. The goal is to
encourage employees who seek to attain promotion, and switch to another kind of job.
Employees working for a better career are usually targeted. The internal recruitment at
Pran-RFL group is for lower level jobs like clerical, supervisory, and technical positions.
However, manager level positions, entry level positions, and top stuffs are recruited from
external sources.

Recruitment from external sources

This is the most complicated and sophisticated task performed by the HRM department
of Pran-RFL Group, as the HRM needs to find the right people for the vacant job positions
from external sources or getting new employees by recruiting outsiders.

Advertisement Publishing

The Company gives advertisement in national dailies to draw in talented candidates from
the market. PRAN- RFL puts two sorts of advertisements within the newspapers. It
sometimes keeps the identity concealed within the ads, mentioning a GPO BOX number
only. But, this fashion the organization may lose meritorious candidates out there within
the market who would have applied for the identical post had they known the name of the
organization. By revealing the BPL identify, the corporate attempts to draw in most
talented potentials among all the others.

Referrals from existing employees

By Employee referrals Pran-RFL group uses employees’ personal contracts to find job
opportunities. Talented job applicants are hired based on recommendation from current
employees as company believes to put trust on the existing employees to find out the
appropriate candidate. PRAN-RFL selects some loyal and dedicated employees that are

encouraged to recommend the names of their friends or family members, or any
deserving candidate working in other organizations for a possible vacancy.

Through Agencies

An agency finds and prescreens applicants, referring candidates that seem qualified to
the organization for further assessment and final selection. PRAN- RFL also takes help
from such agencies that deal with employment by offering potential candidates to the
company. Job portal like; BD jobs, BITAC are used by the HRM department.

Walk-ins & Write-ins

Walk-ins are seekers that acquire the HR department of Pran-RFL group for a job; Write-
ins are candidates that are sent a questionnaire to answer. These candidates are
normally asked to finish and application blank to evaluate their interests and talents.
Usable application is kept in a vigorous file until an appropriate opening occurs or until an
application is just too old to be considered valid, usually six months.

The CV bank consultation

The company searches through the CV bank to find out the old applicants that match the
job requirements and experience. Sometimes, due to heavy competition, and have to
choose between two deserving candidates for one post, mostly one candidate is rejected
as the selected candidate may have slightly better qualities than the rejected candidate
from the company’s point of view and evaluation. So, the company digs through the old
candidates’ applications to find the appropriate person for the job.

Selection Process

The selection process helps the company to evaluate the job applicants’ information, and
decide on selecting the right candidate for the particular job position. This process takes
a few steps to complete as discussed below.

Step 1: Applications’ screening & short listing

The responses to the job circulars are sorted, and then screened to get the eligible
candidate. The Cover letter of CVs are examined to understand the psychology of the
selected candidates. The cover page, writing skills, command over English writings, the
experiences in handling tough situations, understanding the characteristics & nature of
the candidates, and personal goals & contributions etc. are the areas according to the
advertisements’ needs, and therefore the quality of the letter are the aspects that are
judged. After finding the presence of these factors to the required extent (experience,
educational degree, computer literacy, etc) the cumulative weights for all the applicants
are counted and also the listing of the candidates is generated. However, the HR officials
also study the CVs with the respective line manager to test whether any valuable deciding
parameter is missed that are mentioned within the CVs. Then the candidates selected
within the list are asked to attend the written test.

Step 2: Written Test

Written test may be a regular a part of the conventional recruitment process. But, for Pran-
RFL group, the written tests are conducted when required. Previously no written test was
taken for the management employees; the applicants had to move directly through the
interview process. After the introduction of the manager trainee program, the written test
before the interview process has proved to be effective and a great tool to pick out the
desirable candidates. The written test includes mental testing, test on behavioral
competency, and written test on communication skills. The candidates are requested to
sit the preliminary (first) interview after showing excellent performance within the written

Step 3: Selection interviews

The interview process takes a three-tier program to find out the appropriate candidates.
A preliminary interview is conducted; this interview follows the “elimination method”. After
that, the second interview takes place with less candidates. Then, the HRM department
finally selects the possible best candidate for attending the final interview. The interview
time is kept convenient for the candidates that are engaged in elsewhere for work at the
time of interview. After the business hour or in any holiday is the time usually chosen for
the final interview.

Step 4: Reference checking

Reference check is important for obtaining information and opinions regarding the
selected candidate’s character, quality of the work and whether he/she is suitable for the
position. it's a chance to verify the personal data and work information received from the
candidate via their resume and interview. The HRM department of Pran-RFL discusses

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with the candidate’s previous managers and colleagues to understand the candidates’
past history. The candidates’ immediate supervisors are contacted by the HRM
department of Pran-RFL group. HRM works to get permission to contact with the
candidate’s referee before contacting their current employer. It's uncomfortable for a
candidate to learn that the HRM are asking a current employer about the referred
candidate. If they're uncomfortable, an alternate employer (work colleague) has to be
chosen by the candidate. Unless the candidate could be a graduate with no prior work
experience, then only contact work related referees are contacted. A minimum of two
reference checks are performed. The HRM department organizes a reference check
guide that can take information from the referee about the key skills, competencies and
skill required for the position. Reference checks are conducted by line manager or higher
personnel of the HRM department at Pran-RFL group. During the interviews, the
candidates are handed over some incidents, tasks or projects to ask about their strategies
and decision on those incidents. The referee is asked about the candidates’ actions
during such situations mentioned in the examples. This is how, the HRM department
makes sure about the information received from referee and the candidates are matched
or not.

Step 5: Decision on employment

When the HRM finds no problem with the selected candidate, and the candidate accepts
all the terms and conditions for the job that were mentioned and discussed within the final
interview, then that particular candidate is given an application blank. It follows the
standard format of employee-information that features all information that is needed
regarding the personnel. The candidate needs to fill this blank and submit it to the HRM

Step 6: Role offering

After the HRM department is done with the above steps, the HRM gives the candidate an
offer letter mentioning the job responsibilities, salary package, utilities provided by the
organization. Even at this stage the chosen candidate has the independence to withdraw
her/himself from the offer. The candidate is given answers on possible difficulties that

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may arise regarding pay structure and employees’ facilities, etc. HRM department
accepts any discussion on work related matters. .

Verbal Offer

After the completion of employment decision and reference checking of the selected
candidate, the verbal offer takes place. The discussion on the verbal offer is similar to the
presented one below:

a. The HRM informs the candidate that he/she is offered the job,
b. HRM department congratulates the selected candidate,
c. The candidate is asked whether he/she is satisfied with the decision or not,
d. The candidate is asked to verbally accept the job offer,
e. Finally, HRM informs the candidate that he/she will be sent an offer letter soon.

Written Offer

HRM department sends a written letter of offer to the selected candidate. After the
candidate’s verbal acceptance of the position, HRM prepares the appointment letter
offering the job position. This appointment letter reaches to the candidate within two or
three days after the verbal offer and acceptance. The successful candidate also receives
an introductory package from Pran-RFL group along with appointment letter. An
appointment notice on the notice board at Pran-RFL is placed at least one week before
the selected candidate joining in their new position, that notice will be published on the
website as well.

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E. Evaluating and assessing the recruitment process

From the above information, the recruitment process of Pran-RFL is understood. As a

large company Pran-RFL group has created many job positions over the years, and the
company is successfully starting other ventures too. For this reason, the need of
employees for the new positions is increasing along with the business expansion. The
goodwill and the strong financial position of Pran-RFL group in the Bangladeshi market
have made the company a very lucrative one for the candidates looking for jobs. As Pran-
RFL focuses on developing the rural economic condition, it prefers meritorious and
dedicated candidates that would work for achieving the company’s goal. The selection
process at Pran-RFL is unquestionably one of the bests in Bangladesh because of
transparency, and genuine talents are sought and selected by the process. Pran-RFL
ensures international HRM standard in the recruitment & selection procedure. The HRM
team at Pran-RFL is doing an excellent job in hiring deserving candidates in a transparent,
and disciplined way while maintaining the international standard.

F. Observing the assistance in achieving employees’ personal goals

At Pran-RFL group the employees are given opportunities to show their talents. The
scope is created by the HRM department to allow an employee to excel his/her knowledge
for the betterment of his/her personal goals and to bring good to the overall organization
in the long run by the contribution of every employee. HRM supports every employee to
overcome any problem related to the job and offers solutions to the employees to create
a good environment in the organization. The company believes that employees are the
reason behind its success, so the HRM department is instructed to help the employees
to achieve their personal and professional goals as well as professional goals.

G. To assess the responsibility in employee recruitment of HRM

HRM holds the full authority and responsibility in the recruitment process at Pran-RFL
group. The managers of other departments inform the HRM department about the job

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position vacant, and the quality they are looking to fill these vacant. The proper
requirements are sent to the HRM department, and then after the final approval from the
top management, the HRM department starts its operation in hiring the right people for
the jobs. HRM department is given full independence and authority in the whole
recruitment process, and no interference from other departments are found. But, other
departments can provide suggestions, and recommend employees to the HRM
department. The final decision is taken by the HRM to accept the offer after evaluating
the suggestions, and recommendations.

H. To observe the different training methods & techniques

The HRM department arranges training and developing sessions for the existing and new
employees to develop their skills and abilities. The training takes place once in a month
or twice or thrice in 6 months, it all depends on the need. The general training is provided
to keep the momentum going, and to recover or remind employees about their tasks.
HRM department has the responsibility to organize the training events for the company.
The training methods are followed from the international standards, focused on providing
employees better learning opportunities. All sorts or updated techniques and methods are
taught to the employees to keep up pace with the competitive world. Training sessions
are taken in different locations, from Dhaka to factories in Narshingdi and Narayangonj.

I. To discuss on the different employees’ incentives, and benefits,

Pran-RFL group believes that employees’ satisfaction is important in achieving its goal at
ease. The employees’ hard work and dedication have taken the company to a very
prestigious position. So, even though the company has a big family of eighty thousand
dedicated employees, the company emphasizes on repaying the employees for their
efforts and sincerity. The HRM department has a good amount of incentives and benefits
to support and help the employees. Pay raise, promotions, insurances, bonuses, health

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benefits, maternal leaves, sick leaves are provided for rational reasons. The support from
the HRM depends on the situation of an employee, but it is guaranteed that no employees
are left behind when in trouble.

J. HRM policies to support the organizational goals, and needs

The HRM department is well aware of the organizational goals, and needs. The company
has progressed from the day it was established. The top management and the directors
give the credit of the success to the employees. The HRM department works to hire and
train the employees to attain organizational goals. The development in skill and
knowledge in the employees are visible because of extraordinary efforts from the HRM
department. This has been possible as the HRM has a very clear and precise knowledge
on the requirement of the organization, and the department performs relentlessly to
satisfy the needs.

Recommendations and Conclusion

HRM department is one of the most important department that has an immense amount
of contribution in an organization. The value is created by the HRM at Pran-RFL is
unmatchable. No system in this world is perfect, there is always a scope for development.
The world is changing, so the competition is increasing along with the population. To
survive with the existing world every company needs to show durability and must adapt
to the changes. Though HRM department is doing great at Pran-RFL, they must find ways
to develop.

Bangladesh is still a well step behind in HRM practices, still a lot of things to change and
develop. HRM used to be an eye-washing department once, but now the organizations
have started to understand the advantages of having an independent HRM department.

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