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1. .In correct. You answered: d. Aspects of technology.

Which of the following is not part of 'Media Literacy'?

The correct answer was: e. All of the above are part of media literacy..

2. Incorrect. You answered: e. None of the above.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three general categories in building media literacy?

The correct answer was: c. Media production practices.

3. Incorrect. You answered: a. The size and design of books, newspapers, and magazines.

The grammar of media includes which of the following?

The correct answer was: e. All of the above.

4. Incorrect. You answered: e. None of the above.

Which of the following is NOT one of the main ways of evaluating information found online?

The correct answer was: b. Making sure the source is a governmental agency.

5. Incorrect. You answered: c. A greater diversity of voices now have better chances of
reaching a larger media audience than in the past because of more media outlets..

Which of the following statements about the fragmentation of media channels is incorrect?

The correct answer was: a. The fragmentation of media channels is drastically altering the
media landscape, but this trend is lessened by the World Wide Web..

6. Incorrect. You answered: c. Corporate sponsorship plays a large role in funding public
television programs in the U.S., who get less than a third of their funding from the

Which of the following is NOT true of the commercial forces shaping media content?

The correct answer was: d. Large media companies like Time Warner, Walt Disney, and
Viacom are global in scope and therefore rarely can dominate local media..

7. Incorrect. You answered: c. Diversity goals that can be met primarily through broad media

Concentration of media ownership is driven by which of the following forces?

The correct answer was: a. Economies of scale that media owners can get by owning larger
media companies in a variety of media types.

8. Incorrect. You answered: d. All of the above.

Subtext does NOT refer to which of the following

The correct answer was: c. The explicit message.

9. Incorrect. You answered: c. Ben H. Bagdikian.

One of the most vocal critics of media concentration is the author of the book New Media

The correct answer was: null. null.

10. Incorrect. You answered: b. User Generated Content (UGCs).

The notion that audiences cannot simply be considered consumers anymore but also often
take an active role in producing content or information refers to

The correct answer was: d. Produsers

Correct. You answered: c. Marketing.

Which of the following is NOT an important function of books?

The correct answer was: c. Marketing.

1. Incorrect. You answered: b. Copying texts by hand was a laborious process.

Before the invention of the printing press, disseminating written texts was difficult and
expensive because

The correct answer was: d. All of the above.

2. Incorrect. You answered: d. 1555.

Using a converted winepress, Johannes Gutenberg created the first Western printing press in:

The correct answer was: a. 1455.

3. Incorrect. You answered: a. The author of the first major 19th century novel was named

Nineteenth century novels earned their nickname, the 'dime novel' because

The correct answer was: d. The cover price was ten cents..

4. Incorrect. You answered: a. Diversification; Intertwined with global media and

entertainment; Emergence of online booksellers, e-books, and on-demand printing.

Which of these reflects the three major trends in today's book industry?

The correct answer was: b. Mergers and Consolidation; Intertwined with global media and
entertainment; Emergence of online booksellers, e-books, and on-demand printing.
5. Correct. You answered: c. Have occasionally risen a percent or two and then dropped in a
subsequent year.

For the last 20 years, book sales

The correct answer was: c. Have occasionally risen a percent or two and then dropped in a
subsequent year.

6. Correct. You answered: d. All of the above.

Newspapers primarily serve which functions?

The correct answer was: d. All of the above.

7. Incorrect. You answered: b. The New York Times..

The only truly national daily newspaper, with readership throughout the U.S., is:

The correct answer was: d. All of the above..

8. Correct. You answered: a. Stopped publishing general interest magazines in favor of

specialized magazines.

To counter the increasing popularity of television, the magazine industry took what major
steps to win advertising dollars?

The correct answer was: a. Stopped publishing general interest magazines in favor of
specialized magazines.

9. Incorrect. You answered: a. Sports, movies, and fashion.

Name three of the most important topics covered by specialized magazines, according to a
trade publication.

The correct answer was: c. News, fashion, and women.

Incorrect. You answered: a. True.

Media literacy is a goal, not a process.

The correct answer was: b. False.

1. Correct. You answered: a. True.

Media Grammar means understanding how media are created and produced and how aspects
of different media types affect how stories and content are presented.

The correct answer was: a. True.

2. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The media grammar of online media is fully developed, despite the relative newness of the

The correct answer was: b. False.

3. Correct. You answered: a. True.

It is difficult for many people to tell legitimate information from biased information online.

The correct answer was: a. True.

4. Correct. You answered: a. True.

Advertisers can influence media content through product placement in shows in which their
products are talked about or shown being used by the characters.

The correct answer was: a. True.

1. Correct. You answered: a. True.

Despite conventional wisdom, people are reading more today than they ever have

The correct answer was: a. True.

2. Incorrect. You answered: a. True.

With the rise of the Internet and other new media, the publishing industry is no longer a major
worldwide industry.

The correct answer was: b. False.

3. Incorrect. You answered: a. True.

The trend to make books cheaper to print and easier to transport is unlikely to continue in the
21st century with print-on-demand and e-books.

The correct answer was: b. False.

4. Incorrect. You answered: a. True.

There are more daily newspapers today than there were 60 years ago.

The correct answer was: b. False.

5. Incorrect. You answered: b. False.

Magazines generally target specialized audiences, with 225 market classifications according to
one trade group.

The correct answer was: a. True.

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