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I am very pleased that you have taken the time to stop by and read my work. This is the first chapter of the second book in a project I started back in 2004. The chapter is not fully edited but I have it here to gain feedback. If you have any comments please direct them to

Thanks again.

Please do share your thoughts!

Roshane O. Miller


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Chapter 1 The King's Return

THE PALACE WALLS WERE ASSAULTED BT THE HEAVY LASHES OF THE rains frigid torrent. Thunderous gallops filled the courtyard, as carriages drawn by gargantuan black horses filed through the estate's south entrance, dropping off their precious cargo. The nobles, integral figures from across the realm of Sardonem, had been summoned by His Imperial Majesty, the Archduke Oren I, Grand Duke of Bourbonia, the soon to be sole ruler of Sardonem and all lesser realms, which fell under its protection. The nobles and aristocrats, the latter already being present, made their way into the Great Domed Hall of the Palace. The nobles in-front to assume their positions closest to the seat of the monarch's power, arranged in order of rank the high nobles further ahead still, at the sides sitting across from each other, at the foot of the stairs leading to the throne. While the aristocrats were in long pews at the back of the hall, seated based on the power held by their respective countries in the Four Great Continents - Bourbonia, Rocaseo, Fosfora and Reginaldi; also present were representatives of the Lesser Continent of Munchausen. The Hall was filled with loud chatter as arguments broke out about issues of trade and military reduction, and for the Rocaseon Ministers the issue of disputed territories. At the sound of the trumpets all stood as the High Prince entered.

He wore the robes of the High Minister and had garbed around his neck and upon his shoulders the Ducal Chains of the Principal Kingdoms, made of pure gold, encrusted with the deepest green emeralds. For the moment, he served as political superior to all but the Queen and His Majesty Himself. There were deep bows as he walked to the head of the hall bearing the large sceptre of the realm upon his shoulder. The Prince ascended the steps to stand at the right hand of the thrones. There were two seats at the head of the hall the large, eccentrically embellished throne of the monarch, and a smaller, less elaborate throne. The sceptre came to rest beside the former. He now spoke, 'The Queen,' in a raspy but audible voice he bowed. All eyes returned to the back of the hall. The doors were already ajar and the men and women present bowed their heads deeply as the beautiful, youthful and powerful sorceress the Lacovian born princess the Queen of Sardonem, Her Majesty Mariana Vivica Franchesca Victoria of the Great House of Lacovia - Bourbon, entered. Mariana in one motion shimmered and re-appeared at the front of the room, seated in the large throne. She wore a gown of deepest purple, with a high collar. The top of her rose kissed bosom protruded, displaying her supple, youthful flesh. Her curly blonde hair flowed seamlessly down her back and atop her head lay a platinum tiara with a perfectly cut ruby at its centre. 'Nobles and Ministers be seated.' Her instruction was executed in unison.

She adjusted her position, crossed her ankles and began. 'As you are aware my husband, King William, having retired to early hibernation, has issued documents instructing the succession of the Grand Duke Bourbonia, our son. He will be henceforth styled King Oren I. Additionally, you are aware that there exists a grave matter of security within Sardonem, and until such a time that it is safe or the King is old enough to rule, His Majesty's whereabouts will remain highly classified. You were all summoned here under His hand, but it is I who shall address you. As the Queen, I still command the powers of the realm and as such will serve until I too go into hibernation. For now I am the head of the Royal Family...' There came a brief pause, Mariana adjusted her neck and acknowledged Cruelo. He had not yet taken a seat. This was an invitation to speak. 'The Queen will maintain peace within our borders, but we must also request that you all take the issue of security seriously...' Cruelo's eye caught a disturbance. A hand had shot up and remained, unwavering. A High Noble had taken her feet. Cruelo's eyes blazed at this transgression. 'Dear Cousin,' she began, her Reginaldi accent distinct. 'Rosaline?' Cruelo replied, an eyebrow raised. Rosaline noticed this but was not perturbed in the least. 'It will be hard to maintain peace and security within our respective borders should the Royal Family itself be unable to settle its disputes,' breathed the Archduchess.

She had stirred chatter and was preparing to continue, when a crack drew the crowds attention towards to the foot of the stairs. The Queen now stood before them. 'My dear lady, that shall be enough,' uttered the Regnant, not once glancing at her subject and in nothing more than a whisper. The Archduchess seemed to believe that she would continue and opened her mouth; her gaze met Mariana's, and before the first syllable could escape her lips nothing. A low hum rang throughout the room, and the apparent impulse to speak subsided. She sat. A grave look upon her face, she reached for her handkerchief and touched at her forehead. 'My lords and ladies, I do understand your frustration at the ill-advised behaviour of the Princess and Princes. But you must understand that discipline of any sort in reaction to this must not be rushed...though admittedly this outrage is nothing less than treason. With every word the Queen's voice had risen; apparent anger and anguish had filled her throat and her eyes flashed malevolently. She breathed there was a moment of silence. She began; her tone returning to normal but with a detectable hint of sadness. 'At this time, we have decided to exercise mercy in hopes of having some civil end to this conflict. We do not desire casualties of any number due to this ill-fated plot. One


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must remember, dear Archduchess, that Princess educcion and the Princes Ludric and Mafio are also ruling nobles in provinces and maintain much political sway in these places as you can see their ministers and nobles are not here present, though summoned...' She identified their vacant spaces. Mariana now turned to face Rosaline, her gaze more sombre. 'I do not wish to have to authorize the deaths of any member of The Most Noble House of Bourbon and equally significant the death of any citizen of Sardonem no matter the province.' Mariana returned to the throne in a waft of mist and concluded. 'This Great Issue will be monitored; damage must be minimal. The mood of the room was now more relaxed as the Monarch assumed her seat. But soon after there came a loud banging from the back of the room, the doors which had been closed after the Queen's entrance were slowly creaking open. The crowd all turned their attention, bewildered at this occurrence. On occasions like these, this particular chamber is sealed until the Monarch gives the command that the meeting is complete. The confusion soon turned to frenzied amazement, a young boy with golden hair stood upon the threshold, his majesty unquestionable it was the King. They all stood. The figure drew nearer to the front of the room and as it did something peculiar happened; the boy began to grow before their eyes - he was now a man, albeit a young man, no older than twenty-five.

The crowd let out a gasp of astonishment the Queen rose, with outstretched arms. The man had moved with such speed, that in moments he had come to stand before the throne. 'Our Great Cousin,' smiled Mariana. 'Your Majesty,' replied the figure with a deep bow. The chatter intensified. He, the visitor, took the Queen's extended hand and kissed it in a bow. She smiled. Mariana moved to the centre of the elevated platform, pausing before the steps and spoke. 'Dear nobles and ministers of this realm join me in welcoming this monarch - our Great Cousin - His Excellent Majesty, King Abterno, ruler of Vamaratu, our neighbouring realm. The hall fell silent. Half-heartedly, based on the looks on their faces, the nobles all turned to acknowledge this King's presence with a formal gesture of respect - bows and curtsies the ministers followed suit. The gathered numbers once again took their seats. All but three nobles remained standing. Archduchess Rosaline, Marchioness Anne and their father Grand Duke Edward, first cousin of King William, all from the Reginaldi Isles. 'Yes cousin,' demanded the Queen.

'Pardon me, Your Majesty described this creature as our cousin,' replied the Grand Duke, the dissent etched in his voice. Mariana's face went scarlet at the words; how uncouth. She laughed. 'No, not to worry my dear Edward,' assured the Queen. Edward smiled. Her gaze grew more intense. 'I did not refer to His Majesty as our Great Cousin meaning that he was a direct relative I simply made this gesture to make absolutely clear the fact that He outranks all present; with the exception of Sardonem's Monarch who is his equal,' she had said this slowly allowing each word to cut those to whom it had been directed. 'Know this, dear one, such foul language directed towards a superior, and in Our presence, no less, shall not be tolerated within this court,' her eyes flared and her lips grew tight across her mouth as she spoke. The family was flush with embarrassment as the other nobles looked on, some snickering under their breaths. 'My apologies, Your Majesty,' responded Edward with a deep bow; each daughter curtsying on either side. 'The apology will be directed to the King,' said the Queen softly. A scandalized look crossed their faces. Mariana turned her back, a gesture to which they bowed their heads, she took her seat. 'We are waiting,' she breathed.

'Beg pardon, Your Grace,' said Edward, the same scandalized look upon his face. Abterno nodded indifferently, and they sat. The Queen spoke, 'Ah, to what do we owe this visit, cousin,' the last word stressed. 'Your Majesty please allow me this opportunity to address both yourself and your court, all here being gathered,' beseeched the King. Mariana nodded and Cruelo went to take the seat by her side. Abterno turned to face the audience and began. 'The most powerful has risen,' the gathered listened fervently. 'My father, the first vampire, created by the blood God himself, has risen and he means to lay waste to your realm as he once tried before.' There came a pause and he turned to face Mariana, who had moved forward and was now literally at the edge of her seat. 'Please fortify this realm, like you have never done before he means to strike before the King is old enough to rule. A growl, a slash, a woosh of wind filled with the screams of hundreds. Abterno held, with one arm outstretched, a huge beast with the body of what seemed to be a man but had the menacing features of a wolf. There was a werewolf in their midst. Edward screamed, ' Down, heel Conolie! ' The beast whimpered under the crushing force of the King's grip while its claws


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and legs, now off the ground, slashed and kicked, as it tried for freedom. Abterno tightened his grip. The beast screamed. Its eyes widened as the pain rushed through its body. Numbness. The muscles spasmed, as the air was being crushed from its body. The increasing pressure would be the end of the beast. 'Majesty, release him,' begged Rosaline. Cruelo stood and before Rosaline or Edward or the seemingly subdued Anne could speak the werewolf was gone. 'You can pick up your pet at the gate,' breathed Cruelo obviously containing his anger. 'That is where it should have been tethered. How dare you bring such a creature into the same room as the sitting Monrach? ' Rosaline and her father, who were both on their feet, were slammed hard into their chairs the High Prince was poorly managing his temper. 'Enough!' commanded Mariana. 'I will deal with you, Sir, later,' continued the Queen. 'Abaeterno, we must speak in private, immediately. Council you are adjourned, you are all to remain within Lacobricovia, until you are dismissed. Write to your respective courts and have them know this command. If there is important business to be sorted within your respective territories, do so in writing.'

The Queen stood. 'That is all.' With those final words the Queen, the visiting King and the High Prince vanished. The area where they had stood moments before was now illuminated by bright lights; when it subsided all was clear the thrones were gone. The room descended into loud chatter, more audible and vigorous than it had been before. The realm had a new threat. Nosferatu.


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