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King Salman International University 1s Term 2023-2024

Faculty of Engineering Question Bank

Energy Engineering Economics of Energy Generation,
Transmission & Operation ELE371

Chapter One: Introduction and basic concepts

1) Write a brief definition and description of each of the following and provide example(s)
if helpful:
a) Energy in physical science. e) Fossil fuels
b) Energy in economic science. f) Nuclear fission
c) Power. g) Nuclear fusion.
d) Energy economics. h) Renewable energy
2) Answer the following questions and provide sketches and/or example(s) if helpful:
a) Enumerate sources of energy.
b) Briefly explain the importance of energy economics.
c) What is a chemical fuel? How does it differ from a nuclear fuel?
d) How are chemical fuel classified?
e) Explain briefly the following solid fuels: Lignite or brown coal, Bituminous coal,
anthracite and Coke.
f) List advantages of liquid fuels.
g) What are the advantages of gaseous fuels?
h) State the factors which go in favor of nuclear energy?
i) Name the principal types of power plants and write a short note for each one.

Chapter Two: Economic considerations in power plant construction

1) Answer the following questions and provide sketches and/or example(s) if helpful:
a) How are steam power plant classified?
b) What are the essential requirements of steam power station design?
c) What are the four major circuits that constitute the layout of modern steam power plants?
d) What factors should be taken into consideration while selecting the site for steam power
e) How can the capacity of steam power plant be determined?
f) On which factors does the economic selection of steam conditions depend?
g) List the advantages and disadvantages of steam power plants?
h) What factors should be taken into consideration while selecting the site for gas turbine
power plant?
i) Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of hydro-electric power plant.
j) Enumerate and briefly explain the factors which should be considered while selecting the
site for hydro-electric plant.
k) State the advantages of operating the power plants combinedly in electric power system.
l) How can the power generation cost be reduced?
Chapter Three: Economics of Power Generation
1) Write a brief definition and description of each of the following and provide example(s)
if helpful:
a) Connected load. f) Load factor.
b) Demand. g) Diversity factor.
c) Demand factor. h) Utilization factor.
d) Peak load. i) Interest.
e) Average Load. j) Depreciation.

2) Answer the following questions and provide sketches and/or example(s) if helpful:

a) Briefly explain the following: i) load curve, and ii) Load duration curve.
b) What is the significance of load curves?
c) Enumerate various types of loads.
d) List the different costs that contribute to the total cost of a power system.
e) Briefly explain the following: i) capital or fixed cost, and ii) operational costs.
f) Enumerate and explain briefly various methods used to calculate the depreciation cost.
g) What do you understand by the term tariff?
h) What are the objectives and requirements of tariff?
i) Enumerate various types of tariff and explain any two of them.
j) Briefly explain the following tariff: i) Straight meter rate, ii) Block meter rate., iii)
Doherty rate (Three-part tariff).
3) Define the load factor and explain its importance in the total power system and how it
can be improved?
4) Explain the effect of load factor of a plant on the cost/kWh generated.
5) Discuss in detail how the load between two alternators can be divided for the best
economic operation.
6) Explain the principle of economic distribution of load between generating stations.
7) Discuss the methods of determining the depreciation of electric power plant.
8) What are the factors that influence the depreciation of capital equipment?
9) What are fixed costs and operating costs? Name the major items of both of them?

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