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LEARNING OUTCOME – Write efficient reports (format and content)

TOPICS DISCUSSED – Content of reports, the role of creativity


You will be asked to analyze a report written by one of my former Business

communication students, Matteo Pisano. This exercise aims to help you identify
what makes a good report based on content and format.

I will ask you to work on the two versions of his report, which you will find in the in
the workshop folder.

 the 'black and white' version

 the creative version

Your assignment is to:

1. Read the 'black and white' version and answer the following questions:
a. Is the writing strategy direct or indirect? Why?
b. Which writing style does he use, formal or informal? Why?
c. What are the three sections of the introduction? What is their purpose?
d. What are the two research strategies used? What are the reasons one
would use them?
e. Do you have any comments regarding his sources for both his research
approaches (quality and quantity)?
f. How did he indicate the references he used? Did he paraphrase?
g. How can you see he used APA?
h. What is particular about the way he presents his information in the
results section of the report? Why did he organize his information that
i. What was the purpose of his discussion and his conclusion?
j. Why is his table of content practical?
k. How are his graphic presentations effective?
l. What were the uses of the appendix?
m.What are the report formatting elements of the report that make it easy
for the reader to understand its content? Be detailed as possible.
2. Comparing the creative version with the 'black and white' version
a. What are the creative elements Matteo has used to attract the reader's
attention to his report's key content?
b. What makes the creative report standout and desirable to read?
c. What are the differences between the creative and the 'black and white'
versions (fonts, line spacing and the number of pages)? What can you
d. Would you call the creative version professional? Explain your answer.


Professional writing tools –
specific writing tips

TIME TO COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT – Before the beginning of class 6.

WHEN YOU FINISH – Upload your answers in the folder ‘WORKSHOP – REPORT

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