B2.3 Phrasal Verbs and Onomatopaeia Answers

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Page 20 Onomatopoeia

A. Choose the most appropriate words to

complete the sentences.

1) Bacon sizzled in the frying pan and my

stomach rumbled in anticipation.
2) When the clock finished chiming, there
was a sound of champagne corks popping
and glasses clinking.
3) A car horn beeped outside and he came
clattering excitedly down the stairs.
4) There was a screech of brakes followed by
the crack of gunfire.
5) Leaves began to rustle, windows rattled
and a door banged shut.
6) They lay awake, relieved to hear the door
click quietly shut, her keys jingle briefly as
she returned them to her pocket and the
stairs creak as she crept up to her room.

B. Underline the noun in the groups a – h

that does not correspond to the verb 1 –

1. beep a. drum
2. click b. footsteps
3. creak c. coins
4. howl d. plane
5. hum e. keys
6. rumble f. wind
7. screech g. balloon
8. sizzle h. fly

C. Match pictures A-I below to the correct

onomatopoeic words used as choices in
Exercise A.

A) plop
B) jingle
C) shriek
D) buzz
E) crackle
F) squeak
G) ring
H) whistle
I) splash
Making Sense of Phrasal Verbs Ex. d)

Page 23-31 Answers i) go down

ii) get through
Page 23
iii) stood up for
Part 2 iv) keep up with
v) came up with
Exercise c) vi) see through
vii) take…to
i) 1c
ii) 7 Ex. e)
iii) 8
iv) 3 viii) got through
v) 4 ix) went down
vi) 5b x) come up with
vii) 1a xi) saw through
viii) 2 xii) stand up for
ix) 1b xiii) taken to
x) 5a xiv) keep up with

Ex. d) = 6 (a workout) Ex. f)

Part 3 i) He turned up the collar of his coat

because it was cold.
Ex. a) = 8 ii) He turned up late for the meeting.
/ He turned the music up loud
Ex. b)
iii) He broke off a piece of his
i) L chocolate bar to give to me.
ii) M iv) Jane and Tony have broken off
iii) M their engagement.
iv) L v) He looked up at the aeroplane
v) L passing over.
vi) M vi) She looked up the word in the
vii) M dictionary. / When I was in
viii) L London I looked up my old friend
Page 24

Ex. c)
Ex. g)
1) d
2) b i) make up = invent something that
3) g is not true e.g. make up a story /
4) c an excuse
5) a make up = become friends again
6) f after an argument e.g. After their
7) e quarrel, Jim and Sarah made up.
ii) put up with = tolerate e.g.
I had to put up with my
neighbours’ dog barking all night.
iii) catch up = to improve in order to 7) put away a notebook, etc. (in the place you
reach the same standard as normally keep it) / put someone away = in jail /
someone else some money (= save) / (excessive amount of) food
or drink e.g. he must have put away a whole
I had some private lessons in
bottle of whisky last night
order to catch up with the other 8) put off a meeting or a wedding or a decision, etc.
students who were ahead of me (= postpone or delay) / put someone off sth. =
in the class. make someone lose interest or enthusiasm for
iv) put off = delay / postpone sth. e.g. The low pay put me off the job. /
e.g. We decided to put off the put someone off sth. = interrupt or distract e.g. (in
meeting until next week. tennis) The sudden noise put her off her game.
put off = dissuade
Task C
e.g. The disgusting smell put me
off eating. 1) This is a serious problem. I will look into it.
2) Are you OK? What’s come you over you?
Page 25 - Part 4 3) Read this book for the information you need –
I’m sure you’ll come across it / what you’re
Intro question: looking for.
4) David’s a terrible liar. I can always see through
T = Transitive (Takes an object) him through.
5) Francesca left you three years ago, Chris – so
I = Intransitive (Does not take an object) you need to get it over it.
Task A Task D
1) I like this shirt, so I think I’ll go and try on it on. 1) come across some old photos / a person who
2) I like this shirt, so I think I’ll go and try it on. you hadn’t seen for ages /
3) Careful with that knife, Rosa! Put it down! 2) count on someone for something e.g. advice
4) Careful with that knife, Rosa! Put it down it! or to do something e.g. to arrive on time
5) I took the rubbish out about half an hour ago. √ 3) sail through a job interview or an exam (=
6) I took out the rubbish about half an hour ago. √ pass easily with no problems)
7) I threw away all the rubbish which had 4) look after pets or plants (while you’re on
accumulated in my garage over the years away. holiday) = take care of / young children (while
their parents are occupied) / patients in
hospital / a new computer (i.e. sth. that could
Task B (suggested answers)
easily be broken if you’re not careful)
1) fill in a form / your details (on a form) / 5) take after your mother or father (= look or
the blank spaces/missing words (in a test) behave like an older relative)
2) put up a wall / a poster / the price (of sth,) / an 6) go over your homework or a report (= check) / lines
umbrella / the hood of your coat / a friend (for for a play or a speech (= practise/repeat) / the
the night) = let someone stay in your house events that took place (= remember in detail)
3) take out the rubbish / a wallet, etc. (from your Task E
pocket) / take someone out (for dinner or to the
1) Danny and I are best friends. We get along us really
cinema, etc. – where you are paying) /
insurance / a mortgage (from a bank) / take
2) I want to go out the house tonight.
someone out = to kill someone (informal)
3) You’re so immature – you need to grow up. √
4) take on new staff or employees (= hire) / a
4) On my way to Lisbon the car broke it down.
particular task or responsibility or challenge / a
5) I agreed to meet Joe at the bar, but he
(football) team (in a match)
never showed up. √
5) knock down someone (with a vehicle) / a wall /
6) It was a tough time but we had enough to get it by.
the price (of sth.) = reduce /
7) Our plans for an inter-railing trip have fallen through. √
6) throw away junk (old or broken things that you
don’t want to keep) / an opportunity (= waste) /
Task F Page 27 – Get Up Stand Up
1) The film didn’t live up to my expectations to.
2) You are putting on weight – you need to cut
Bob Marley Song
down on fatty foods (for example).
Song Lyrics: (phrasal verbs highlighted)
3) I don’t think he’ll get away with it. √
4) I really admire my grandfather, and have
Get up, stand up (Oh yeah) stand up for your
always looked him up to him.
rights (Lord, Lord)
Get up, stand up (In the morning) stand up for
Page 26 Task G your rights (Stand up for your rights)
Get up, stand up (Stand up for your life) stand
1) looking forward to up for your rights (Stand up for your life)
2) cut down on Get up, stand up (Stand up for your life) don't
3) get away with give up the fight!
4) look up to
5) look down on
Oh I say
Preacher man, don't tell me
6) lived up to
Heaven is under the earth
Page 26 Consolidation – Extra Practice I know you don't know
What life is really worth
1) If people are trying to bring you down, it only It's not all that glitters is gold
means that you are above them. = TYPE 1 'Alf the story has never been told
2) Strong people stand up for themselves, but So now you see the light, eh!
the strongest people stand up for others. = Stand up for your rights. Come on!
3) When something goes wrong in your life, just CHORUS
yell “Plot twist!” and move on. = TYPE 3
4) You can’t get round the problem by Most people think
pretending it doesn’t exist. = TYPE 2 Great god will come from the skies
5) Being right isn’t nearly as important as Take away everything
knowing when to shut up. = TYPE 3 And make everybody feel high
6) Be with the people who bring out the best in But if you know what life is worth
you. = TYPE 1 You will look for yours on earth
7) I refuse to give up on myself = TYPE 4 And now you see the light
8) Those who move forward with a happy spirit You stand up for your rights jah
will find that things always work out. = TYPE 3
Get up, stand up! (Jah, jah!)
9) I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got
Stand up for your rights! (Oh-hoo!)
over it. = TYPE 2
Get up, stand up! (Get up, stand up!)
10) Don't trust atoms. They make up everything.
Don't give up the fight! (Life is your right!)
= TYPE 1 (invent) / TYPE 2 (constitute)
Get up, stand up! (So we can't give up the
Stand up for your rights! (Lord, lord!)
Get up, stand up! (Keep on struggling on!)
Don't give up the fight! (Yeah!)
Page 27
Exercise 3

1 2

verb + adverb + object verb + preposition + object

separable inseparable

give up the fight look for yours on Earth (= your life?)

= abandon / quit / cease keep on struggling on
= continue doing sth.
take away everything
= (a)rise / stir (yourself)

3 4

verb + adverb (no object) verb + adverb + preposition + object

inseparable inseparable

get up stand up for your rights / your life

= (a)rise / stir (yourself) = act in support of / uphold / defend
stand up
= (a)rise / stir (yourself)
come on (imperative)
= move (yourself)
struggle on
= continue doing something difficult
Page 28 Part 5 Page 29
Ex.a) PHRASAL VERBS WITH up and down

i) tolerate 1)
ii) assimilated / discern
iii) deceived a. Chelsea were below 3rd place.
b. The person was leaning forward.
iv) compensated for
c. He was looking forwards.
v) declining d. Someone just arrived in the office.
vi) improve e. The person had been working very hard and
vii) pretending felt tired.
viii) abolishing
ix) remain 2)
x) extracted
a. Volume of the radio, TV or music
b. Noise made by the kids
Ex. b) c. Money
d. Reduction in number of hours worked in a
i) blow up company
e. Speed of a car
ii) threw up
f. Pace of walking
iii) assaulting
iv) surrender 3)
v) stuck up for
vi) told me off a. dumbed (down) = iii
vii) restored b. talked (down) = i
viii) keeping up c. jazzed (up) = iv
d. dress (up) = ii
Ex. c)
i) reprimanded
ii) take in a. You want to become self-employed and
iii) do away with it have some money to invest in your own
iv) vomiting
b. You want to grill some sausages
v) doing up c. He was forced to resign
vi) discern d. The couple drifted apart and no longer
vii) maintain had anything in common.
viii) beaten up e. The computer’s capacity is full
ix) put up with f. It didn’t have enough customers.
x) pick up

a. A person’s health
Ex. d)
b. Amount of drink left in the person’s glass
i) FILL IN c. Amount of time allocated for holiday time
from work
d. Harry was evading me.
iii) HANDED IN e. Period spent continually moving from one
iv) PUT OFF place to another and not living at a fixed
v) TURNED DOWN address.
vi) LEFT OUT f. Took off his clothes.
a. up
b. up
c. down a. An outdoor event like an open-air concert.
d. up b. The effect of a pill e.g. for a headache.
e. down c. Employees
f. up d. An engagement (to be married)
g. down e. A strike
h. up f. Eating chicken
i. up
j. down
k. down 3)
l. up
a. see (off) = v
b. ran (off) = viii
i) In A it is just one single tear but in B c. sneaked (up on) = vii
the paper is in lots of pieces. d. verging (on) = i
ii) Again, in A it’s just a single cut in the e. back (off) = iii
apple but in B the apple is in lots of f. advanced (on) = iv
separate pieces. g. scare (off) = vi
iii) In A his sons managed the company; h. put = ii
in B they managed it so badly that it
went out of business.
iv) In A he washed himself; In B he 4)
washed the dishes.
a. joined on / fenced off
b. built on / borders on
Page 30 c. cordoned off / sealed off
PHRASAL VERBS WITH on and off d. added on / partitioned off

1) Page 31
a. a computer A
b. a stomach ache 1) rip … off
c. Electronic devices on a plane 2) sold out
d. a fire alarm 3) get together
4) crack down
a. catch on (= become successful) 5) write off (=cancel/annul)
b. finished off (= completed) 6) broke out
c. bring it on! (= I’m confident we’ll win) 7) sell-out
d. log off (= disconnect yourself from a 8) crack-down
computer) 9) breakout
e. put on (=boil a kettle i.e. water for making 10) get-together
tea) 11) rip-off
f. paid off (= paid back all the money that we 12) write-off
owed in debt)
2) 1)
Starting a relationship: ask sb out /
a. Because they wanted to find out what Fall for / run after sb/ get off with sb/
happened at the end. chat sb up/ pick sb up
b. Because it was really boring.
c. Because they were really excited about it. Finishing a relationship: go off sb/ break sth
d. Because they want them to win. off/ pack sb in/ split up with sb/ get over sb/
e. Because what you want is unobtainable in walk out on sb
f. Because it’s getting late.
(2) walked out on him / (3) broken off / (4) get
over /
(5) chatting up / (6) get off with
(7) packing her in / (8) running after
(9) falling for / (10) gone off

Page 32
Further Practice

a. …caught on
b. wear off
c. …gone off it
d. put on the kettle
e. comes on at 9pm
f. rained off
g. laid off
h. see her off
i. putting it off
j. drag on
k. sealed it off

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