The Smell of Books

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The smell of books, the dancing of the chandelier, the rising of the sun through the rectangular window,

the murmur of the

students, and the freezing of the air conditioning embrace the morning of this young girl named Billie, who wears glasses, has curly
thick hair, red splashy lips, and books in her hands. She grabbed a chair and sat down for a while to go over her to-do list. As she
looked into it, she discovered that she needed to read more stories for their critique assignment. But, by the way, Billie is a lonely
girl with no friends. She goes to school alone, lives alone, and has everything on her own. Despite this, she is one of the class's top
academic performers. She excels in all parts of her academics. Almost every day, she read endlessly. Her home is the library. It is
impossible that she read nearly every book in every genre in the library as a comfort to herself or as a way to have someone to talk
to and understand until one day, the librarian was shocked to discover that Billie had been absent from the library for almost three
days, with no sign of her presence in the middle or in a corner. Additionally, Billie was absent from her classes. And it's hard to find
her as she had no friends to call or talk to whenever she's not around. The last time everyone notice Billie always had a teary eye
whenever reading a book. It is evident as some pages are full of droplets of tears from her eyes. She had not participated well in class
this past few days. Everyone was alarmed of what could happened. Billie's adviser decided to visit her in her place , and they really do.
When they arrived, they discovered Billie sleeping quietly in bed, but with numerous scratches on her arms, indicating that she tried
suicide. Her teacher questioned her about the situation, and she loves to deny it. She just wanted to unwind and sleep. When her
teacher was about to leave her room, she noticed a letter on the floor, an annulment letter for her parents. Billie's professors
understood that she was this way due of her personal troubles. The next day, Billie went to school and discovered a different awra of
herself. She appears different, she seems very alive and gorgeous, her eyes are smiling, her cheeks are chatting, and her forehead is
pulling your attention to talk to her, she gives off a different vibe than her usual awra. The bookworm finally discovered her actual
self, which is why everything else happened. One night, in the middle of an anxiety attack, she had a dream about a book that was
igniting and catching fire. The book was beckoning to her in the dream. The Bible was the book she really discovered at the library
that matched the description of her dream. She read the it every day and night, and it changed her life. Her entire life was changed
when she made a true relationship with God.

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