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Angiographic vasospasm is arterial narrowing seen on vascular imaging; it begins several
days after SAH and peaks in severity about 1 week later. Clinical or symptomatic vasospasm
is narrowing causing cerebral ischemia with corresponding symptoms and signs and is
sometimes referred to as delayed ischemic neurological deficit. Progression to cerebral
ischemia depends largely on the degree and distribution of arterial narrowing.
Vasospasm can be focal or diffuse in distribution and mild, moderate, or severe in degree.
Vasospasm affects only the intradural arteries and primarily, but not exclusively, arteries and
arterioles located on the surface of the brain.

● Thus, the prognosis of aneurysmal SAH remains very poor: 10-15% of SAH patients
die before arriving at hospital (Petridis et al., 2017), and thereafter about 25% of
those die within 24 - 72 hours of onset
● Angiographic vasospasm is common after rupture of an aneurysm, with an overall
incidence of 50-90%.

● Rough estimates are as follows: moderate or more severe vasospasm in at least one
cerebral artery will develop in two-thirds of patients with ruptured aneurysms, half of
these patients will become symptomatic as a result of ischemia, and a cerebral
infarct will develop in about half of these symptomatic patients
● Cerebral infarction was significantly associated with increasing patient age, worse
neurological condition on admission, a history of hypertension or diabetes mellitus,
larger aneurysm, induced hypertension as part of management, fever, and a
diagnosis of symptomatic vasospasm
● With modern SAH management routines, the combined risk for death and permanent
disability from vasospasm alone has been reduced to less than 10%, but it still
remains one of the leading causes of preventable poor outcome after rupture of an

A large volume of persistent subarachnoid clot is the most important risk factor predictive of
vasospasm after SAH.6,7 The original Fisher grading scale in which clot volume and
distribution on admission computed tomography (CT) are related to risk for vasospasm has
been modified and in one single-center study found to have greater predictive value for
delayed ischemia and prognosis.
Other risk factors for the development of vasospasm have been identified, including a loss of
consciousness at the time of rupture, poor neurological grade on admission, cigarette
smoking, diabetes mellitus or hyperglycemia, and preexisting hypertension (Table 2).9-11
Premorbid left ventricular hypertrophy in either smokers or hypertensive patients was
especially predictive of severe vasospasm in one large single-center series.12 Factors
studied and found to have a possible relationship with risk for vasospasm include female
gender, younger patient age, and aneurysm location. A recent single-center review found
that distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms had an unusually high incidence of
symptomatic vasospasm.13 There has been a suggestion that Japanese people may be
more susceptible to vasospasm.14 Cocaine use may also be an independent risk factor for

● The acute pathophysiological events that occur in the brain within the first 72 hours of
aneurysmal SAH are collectively called early brain injury (EBI) (Suzuki, 2015). EBI
begins to develop by arterial bleeding-induced ICP elevation, (transient) global
cerebral ischemia, mechanical brain injuries due to causes including intracerebral
hemorrhage and/or acute hydrocephalus, and extravasated blood components within
minutes post-SAH.

● EBI is accompanied by both systemic and intracranial inflammatory reactions

(Suzuki, 2019). BBB disruption promotes blood-borne cells including leukocytes and
platelets as well as potentially neurotoxic and vasoactive compounds such as
prothrombin/thrombin and fibrinogen/fibrin to enter brain parenchyma, and therefore
aggravates neuroinflammation and EBI furthe.

● Patients surviving the initial insults of an aneurysmal rupture and EBI have a further
risk of angiographic cerebral vasospasm in about 70% and delayed cerebral
ischemia (DCI) in about 30%, both of which occur at days 4 to 14 or later post-SAH,
and are characteristics of SAH.

● DCI is considered to occur by cerebral vasospasm and/or microcirculatory

disturbances possibly due to microthrombosis, arteriolar constriction, disturbance of
cerebral blood flow autoregulation, BBB disruption, CSD, and so on.
● . Failure to treat DCI leads to the development of cerebral infarction, an important
determinant of poor outcome
● Angiographic vasospasm occurs biphasically: ultraearly (within 48 hours of SAH) and
delayed angiographic vasospasm (Phan et al., 2017; de Oliveira Manoel and
Macdonald, 2018). Delayed vasospasm is clinically important, and therefore cerebral
vasospasm means delayed angiographic vasospasm, which traditionally refers to a
prolonged but reversible narrowing of large-capacitance cerebral arteries at the base
of the brain beginning several days post-SAH and peaking in severity about one
week later.
● causes ischemic symptoms and cerebral infarction, depending on the severity as well
as brain conditions, the status of anatomical collateral blood supply and
microcirculation, genetic variations such as gene polymorphisms of endothelial nitric
oxide (NO) synthase and haptoglobin, and systemic and physiological factors
including circulating blood volume, blood pressure, hematocrit, hyponatremia, and
gas in arterial blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); and in that case, it is called
symptomatic vasospasm or DCI.

● Angiographic vasospasm occurs biphasically: ultraearly (within 48 hours of SAH)

and delayed angiographic vasospasm,Ultra-early angiographic vasospasm
develops in <10% of SAH cases, possibly by blood products from previous
subclinical bleeding. This may mean that the processes of ultra-early and delayed
vasospasm may have a common underlying mechanism, and that ultra-early
vasospasm may induce an early harmless phase of vasospasm, which may progress
to be symptomatic in a delayed phase.

● Aneurysmal rupture causes EBI, which releases various damage-associated
molecular patterns (DAMPs) including reactive oxygen species (ROS) from injured
cells or tissues (Suzuki, 2019). Aneurysmal rupture also spreads intravascular blood
into the subarachnoid space or the CSF, including fibrinogen and fibrin, both of which
are also DAMPs
● upregulate cell adhesion molecules on endothelial cells, recruit neutrophils and
macrophages into the subarachnoid space and activate them within several hours of
onset (Nishikawa and Suzuki, 2018; Kanamaru and Suzuki, 2019; Peeyush Kumar et
al., 2019; Suzuki, 2019). The inflammatory cells eat erythrocytes, and promote
inflammatory reactions to release cytokines, ROS, vasoactive substances such as
endothelin (ET)-1, oxyhemoglobin (OxyHb) and its by-products.
● By anaerobic glycolysis associated with physiological reactions in ischemic brain and
CSF after SAH, lactic acidosis occurs and further induces inflammatory and free
radical reactions (Suzuki et al., 2017; Kanamaru and Suzuki, 2019). Erythrolysis
begins to occur 2 days after SAH and releases OxyHb, which is also a DAMP.
● Reported substances which cause vasospasm, socalled spasmogens, include
OxyHb, hemoglobin degradation products such as bilirubin oxidation products,
metabolic products of arachidonic acid, ROS.OxyHb can directly
● induce ET-1 production in endothelial cells and vascular,smooth muscle cells
● including free radicals, lipid peroxides, cytokines, platelet-derived or epidermal
growth factors, ET-1, TNC, sphingosylphosphorylcholine, and adenosine
triphosphate (ATP), some of which also belong to DAMPs.
● OxyHb can directly induce ET-1 production in endothelial cells and vascular smooth
muscle cells
● arterial smooth muscle cell contraction is initiated by the activation of
Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent myosin light chain kinase, but sustained
vasoconstriction, which is Ca2+-independent and less reversible with pharmacologic
vasodilators, may be mediated by other signal transduction pathways, including
myosin phosphatase, Rho kinase, protein kinase C, protein tyrosine kinase, mitogen-
activated protein kinases (MAPKs), and caldesmon.
● As a result, endothelial synthesis of vasodilators such as NO, prostacyclin and
endothelium-derived hyperpolarization factor and therefore endothelium-dependent
vasorelaxation are impaired, while a vasoconstrictor ET1 is overproduced in the
endothelium and the abluminal side of the tunica media.
● Damaged endothelial cells release a number of proinflammatory molecules leading to
platelet activation (adhesion and aggravation) and the coagulation cascade including
fibrin formation, resulting in enhancing inflammatory responses in a feedback loop.
● Damaged endothelial cells release a number of proinflammatory molecules leading to
platelet activation (adhesion and aggravation) and the coagulation cascade including
fibrin formation, resulting in enhancing inflammatory responses in a feedback loop
● Pro-inflammatory cytokines like tumor necrosis factor-α and thromboxane A2 also
cause endothelial cell apoptosis (Peeyush Kumar et al., 2019). Endothelial cell
damage and thrombus formation in spastic artery may contribute to the onset of
ischemic symptoms.
Microcirculatory disturbance
● Vasa vasorum:Another important component is the vasa vasorum, a network of
arterioles to supply nutrients to the thick medial layers of large arteries, although
cerebral arteries seem to lack a typical vasa vasorum and instead possess a rete
vasorum connected to the subarachnoid space, through which CSF and some
substances can penetrate to the medial layers.

● Arteries structure: Surface pial arteries and penetrating arterioles have extrinsic
innervation from trigeminal and autonomic nerves, whereas parenchymal arterioles
have intrinsic innervation

Smaller pial and parenchymal arterioles have a greater degree of vasoconstriction than in
larger pial and parenchymal arteries or arterioles (Friedrich et al., 2012; Tso and Macdonald,
2014; Luo et al., 2016). Capillaries also show segmental luminal narrowing or constriction
after SAH, which is mediated by pericytes and followed by pericyte death (apoptosis).

Pericyte death caused a reduced capillary density and maintained an inactive

microcirculation .
ytes cover capillaries and venules as well as arterioles, and may determine the diameter of
these vessels. Post-SAH penetration of OxyHb into brain parenchyma possibly via the
paravascular and the glymphatic systems (paravascular CSF pathways consisting of influx
along arterioles and capillaries, and efflux along para-venous spaces; Fig. 3) suppresses
NO/cyclic guanosine monophosphate signaling at multiple levels, and causes phenotypic
transformation of pericytes to a hypercontractile form to reduce microvessel diameters.
OxyHb induces the release of ROS and the production of ET-1 in astrocytes to constrict
pericytes, and may cause swelling of perivascular astrocyte endfeet to compress the
capillary lumen, as well as luminal endothelial protrusions to further compromise blood flow (

Capillary flow disturbance and reduced tissue oxygen tension increase the risk of
capillary NO depletion, and then may lead to a vicious cycle by causing further tissue
hypoxia, because oxygen is the substrate for NO production via NO synthases.

● Neurons interact with parenchymal microvessels. In normal brain tissues,

increased neuronal activity leads to arteriolar vasodilation and functional
hyperemia (increased local blood flow): that is, neurons release glutamate,
which binds to metabotropic glutamate receptors on astrocytes and triggers
an increase in intracellular Ca2+ and then activation of largeconductance
Ca2+-activated K+ channels for outflow of K+ at astrocytic end-feet, resulting
in overall mild increases in perivascular K+ concentration (<20 mM) inducing
smooth muscle cell hyperpolarization and relaxation (Dreier, 2011; Tso and
Macdonald, 2014). However, in the setting of SAH, a subarachnoid blood clot
increases a basal perivascular K+ concentration in relation to hemolysis, and
therefore the physiological mechanisms of neurovascular coupling cause
excessive perivascular K+ concentrations (>20mM) and impaire Clearance of
perivascular K+, resulting in smooth muscle cell depolarization and
parenchymal arteriolar constriction (pathological inversion of neurovascular
coupling) (Tso and Macdonald, 2014).
● Decreased basal NO and higher amplitude in spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations
in hypertrophic astrocyte end-feet surrounding arterioles (resulting in surges
of extracellular potassium) caused by the presence of blood degradation
products may also contribute to the inverted neurovascular coupling, which
forms the basis of spreading ischemia associated with CSD after SAH
● CSD is defined as a slowly selfpropagating wave of sustained neuronal and
astroglial depolarization that spreads in all directions from a region of onset,
and may be induced by decreased levels of oxygen and glucose associated
with causes such as global cerebral ischemia at aneurysmal rupture or the
subsequent focal cerebral ischemia, along with decreased levels of NO,
increased levels of potassium, OxyHb, ET-1 and glutamate in the
subarachnoid space
El sistema glinfático
● Recently, it was reported that meningeal lymphatic drainage or sinus-associated
lymphatic vessels are blocked possibly by blood clots after SAH.
● As a result, blood cells, including T lymphocytes, hemoglobin, other blood
components, and toxic metabolites may enter into and accumulate within brain
perivascular and paravascular spaces, causing prolonged arteriolar vasospasm

● Microthrombosis is observed in brain parenchymal microvessels, pial arterioles as
well as large cerebral arteries after SAH (Fumoto et al., 2019; Khey et al., 2019).
Microthrombi may be not merely emboli resulting from endothelial injury at the site of
aneurysmal rupture, because they are observed globally in both cerebral
hemispheres (Ishikawa et al., 2009). Microthrombosis may be caused by
hypercoagulability, endothelial damage (apoptosis) and microvascular narrowing
(stasis or turbulence of blood flow), which were at least partly suppressed by a free
radical scavenger (Fumoto et al., 2019). A study reported that approximately 30% of
constricted arterioles were occluded by microthrombi and that the frequency of
arteriolar microthrombosis correlated with the degree of arteriolar constriction in
endovascular perforation mice models (Friedrich et al., 2012). Despite the fact that
arteriolar constriction was reversible, persistent vasoconstriction of arterioles could
● SAH induced rolling and adhesion of leukocytes and platelets on the endothelium
(platelet-leukocyteendothelial cell interactions) particularly in the postcapillary
venules, but to a small degree in arterioles at the surface of the brain.
● Moreover, platelet-mediated microthrombosis releases glutamate, which mediates
excitotoxic brain injury and neuronal dysfunction after SAH

Veins, venules as well as capillaries have thinner walls compared with arteries, and
therefore may be easily compressed and even collapsed by elevated ICP or the
surrounding tissue edema including swollen astrocyte end-feet and adherent
leukocytes, leading to an increase in the hydrostatic pressure of upstream vessels
and the resultant development or aggravation of tissue edema as well as a decrease
in blood outflow


Tissue ischemia and hypoxia after SAH not only induce energy storage loss,
metabolic failure, and disturbed ionic hemostasis, but also cause an excessive
release of neurotransmitters such as glutamates (Frontera et al., 2015; Kanamaru
and Suzuki, 2019; van Lieshout et al., 2018). ATP depletion and excess intracellular
calcium lead to persistent opening of sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1)-transient
receptor potential melastatin 4 (TRPM4) channels, resulting in cytotoxic edema due
to massive sodium influx into neurons and astrocytes as well as vasogenic edema
due to endothelial cell swelling or inflammation and subsequent disruption of the
interendothelial tight junctions (Hayman et al., 2017). An intraparenchymal
concentration of glutamate was elevated at 1 to 7 days post-SAH, and was
independently associated with DCI and 12-month poor outcomes in a clinical setting
(Helbok et al., 2017).
Glutamate, a major excitatory transmitter, is synthesized by activated astrocytes and
microglia, and mediates massive Ca2+ influx and subsequent mitochondrial
dysfunction, leading to apoptotic cell death and necrosis via excessive activation of 4
different receptors, including ionotropic glutamate receptors (Nmethyl-D-aspartate, α-
amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- isoxazolepropionic acid, and kainate receptors) and a
metabotropic glutamate receptor
Coincident with its delayed onset, symptoms of ischemia resulting from cerebral vasospasm
most commonly appear 1 week after aneurysm rupture but often occur later; accordingly, it is
important to remain vigilant for this complication for at least 2 weeks after SAH

Signs of symptomatic vasospasm are referable to the territory that has become ischemic and
are most easily distinguished when they lateralize to a middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory
with monoparesis or hemiparesis and, when the dominant hemisphere is affected, aphasia.
Anterior cerebral artery vasospasm can be marked by leg weakness, sometimes bilateral in
distribution, as well as confusion, drowsiness, poverty of speech, and eventually abulia.
Vertebrobasilar vasospasm can cause more generalized neurological deterioration, with a
reduced level of consciousness an early sign followed by any pattern of body weakness.

Delayed neurological deterioration after aneurysmal SAH has several causes, including
increased edema (surrounding intracerebral hematomas, surgical contusions, or infarcts),
rebleeding of the aneurysm or an aneurysmal remnant, hydrocephalus, sepsis (including
meningitis and ventriculitis), hyponatremia, hypoxia, and hypotension (Table 4). Any one (or
a combination) of these conditions can magnify a preexisting neurological deficit.

DIAGNOSTICOis of symptomatic vasospasm requires that the other causes of delayed

worsening listed earlier be ruled out with CT and appropriate laboratory investigations. If
vasospasm remains the most likely cause of deterioration and treatment by induced
hypertension reverses the deficit, the diagnosis can usually be assumed and additional
testing is at the discretion of the treatment team.

Transcranial Doppler (TCD) works on the principle that, as an artery narrows, blood flow
velocity within it increases, causing a Doppler shift frequency between emitted and reflected
There is good general correlation between TCD velocities and vasospasm, with velocities in
the MCA greater than 120 cm/second being indicative of some degree of vasospasm and
those greater than 200 cm/second consistent with severe vasospasm.
A “Lindegaard ratio” of VMCA/VICA greater than 3 is consistent with vasospasm (hyperemia
is associated with increased velocity in both the MCA and internal carotid artery, so the ratio
is the same).
The clinical utility of TCD is best when MCA values are clearly low (<120 cm/second) or very
high (>200 cm/second), and the respective negative and positive predictive values for
significant angiographic vasospasm in the MCA trunk are close to 90%.

TCD does not reliably detect vasospasm in more peripheral branches


Computed tomographic perfusion (CTP) or “perfusion CT scanning” has been used in
patients with SAH78,79 and has rapidly gained popularity because of its ease of use, speed
of image acquisition, and good correlation with digital subtraction angiography for
angiographic vasospasm.
In a recent meta-analysis, the sensitivity of CTP in identifying patients with angiographic
vasospasm was 74% and specificity 93%.

NIRS is a noninvasive and relatively low-cost optical technique for measuring tissue oxygen
saturation, changes in hemoglobin volume, and, indirectly, CBF. NIRS detects ischemia
through a decrease in cortical oxygen saturation and total hemoglobin. Time-resolved NIRS
permits quantitative measurements of hemoglobin concentration, and in one pilot study was
found more sensitive than TCD in the diagnosis of vasospasm.87 Verification from studies
with larger sample sizes is required

Microdialysis Monitoring
Cerebral microdialysis catheters allow continuous bedside measurement of extracellular
concentrations of glutamate, lactate, pyruvate, glucose, and glycerol in brain tissue, thereby
screening for excitotoxic cell injury characterized by elevations in lactate with respect to
glucose and pyruvate levels and an increase in the glycerol concentration.
should be noted that high lactate by itself does not indicate ischemia, but rather a
hypermetabolic state that may show improved outcome.

Vascular Imaging
The most practical method of imaging large- and mediumsized cerebral arteries is digital
subtraction angiography or highdefinition computed tomographic angiography.93 Magnetic
resonance imaging is appealing in terms of the amount of information it can provide, but is
difficult to carry out in critically ill patients.94 Computed tomographic angiography had a
collective sensitivity and specificity of 80% and 93%, respectively, in ten recent studies but
failed to be as accurate as digital subtraction angiography because of artifacts from clips and
coils. It has been recommended as an initial screening test.80 Catheter-based angiography
is best in patients in whom balloon angioplasty is being considered. Angiographic
vasospasm is a concentric narrowing that can be focal, segmental, or diffuse. It is commonly
graded as mild (<25%), moderate (25% to 50%), or severe (>50%) in comparison to
baseline, prevasospasm imaging.

Patients should be hydrated with at least 3 L of isotonic fluids daily, and there is some
evidence that additional colloid infusions (such as albumin) are beneficial.101 Some SAH
patients experience excessive natriuresis known as “cerebral salt wasting” that is usually
related to elevations in brain natriuretic peptide, and they are susceptible to the development
of hyponatremia during this time.102 Hyponatremia may increase the risk for vasospasm103
and is associated with cerebral infarction in poorgrade patients.
Blood transfusion has been associated with a higher likelihood of both vasospasm and poor
outcome in SAH patients,8,106 suggesting that anemia is a marker for other factors that
contribute to SAH-associated morbidity.

Nimodipine, administered orally or via a nasogastric tube, 60 mg every 4 hours and

continued for 3 weeks (for patients requiring that length of hospitalization), is standard
treatment of patients with aneurysmal SAH because it was shown to have a statistically
significant beneficial impact on clinical outcome, however modest.108 Nimodipine prevents
increases in intracellular calcium by blocking dihydropyridine-sensitive (L-type) calcium
channels, but its mechanism of effect in patients with SAH is unknown. It does not appear to
reduce angiographically detectable vasospasm. It may work as a neuroprotective agent.
Nimodipine can cause temporary depression of blood pressure, in which case the dose can
be reduced and, if possible, given more frequently (i.e. 30 mg every 2 hours) (Table 6).
Optimal ventilation and oxygenation, prevention of fever, maintaining euglycemia, good
nutrition, and attention to the concentration of all electrolytes in addition to sodium are
important in reducing the impact of vasospasm and delayed ischemia.

Prophylactic Balloon Angioplasty Based on the observation that angioplasty of canine carotid
arteries prevented the development of vasospasm when the arteries were subsequently
encased in blood clots,109 prophylactic transluminal balloon angioplasty was tested in a
phase II multicenter, randomized trial.

Clot Clearance
Intracisternal thrombolysis with either recombinant tissue plasminogen activator or urokinase
speeds clearance of subarachnoid clots, and there is evidence that this is associated with
prevention of vasospasm and less cerebral ischemia.

Intrathecal Vasodilators
Prolonged-release nicardipine implants placed in the subarachnoid space of patients with
thick clots and undergoing surgical clipping appeared to significantly prevent vasospasm and
ischemia in a single-center, nonrandomized cohort study.
However promising, it is unclear how this form of nicardipine treatment could be applied to
patients undergoing endovascular coiling of ruptured aneurysms.

Endothelin Receptor Antagonists

The ETA/B receptor antagonist TAK-044 was found to reduce delayed ischemia with an
acceptable safety profile in a phase II randomized controlled trial, but with no apparent effect
on outcome.127 The ETA receptor antagonist clazosentan, which showed promising results
in a multicenter phase IIa study,128 has now been studied in a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled, phase II dose-finding trial Treatment with either 1, 5, or 15 mg/hour of
intravenous clazosentan was started within 56 hours of SAH and continued up to 14 days.
The primary endpoint, moderate to severe angiographic vasospasm, was significantly
reduced in a dose-dependent fashion

Statin agents inhibit 3-hydroxyl-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, which is the rate-
limiting enzyme in the mevalonate pathway of cholesterol synthesis.
Perhaps important as they relate to SAH, statins also improve CBF by upregulation of
eNOS. Statins increase NO biosynthesis and bioavailability, which gave them great potential
for vasospasm prophylaxis in the setting of SAH
In a pilot randomized clinical trial, simvastatin (80 mg) given once daily for 14 days appeared
to decrease the incidence of radiographic vasospasm and delayed ischemia.
This combination is intended to improve cardiac output, increase CPP, and optimize
hemorheology for oxygen transport. A degree of hemodilution accompanies any deliberate
volume expansion, and reduced viscosity may contribute to an improvement in oxygen
delivery, provided that the hematocrit (i.e. the oxygen-carrying capacity) does not fall below
30 and the hemoglobin concentration is maintained higher than 9 g/dl.

When symptomatic vasospasm is diagnosed or strongly suspected, hemodynamic treatment

can commence by additional volume expansion with an isotonic crystalloid infusion, which in
euvolemic patients raises CBF in vasospastic territories without a significant change in
cardiac indices.144 A replete intravascular volume beyond which additional expansion is
probably of no further benefit corresponds to a central venous pressure between 8 and 10

The significant risks of triple-H therapy are cardiac failure and infarction, pulmonary edema,
the complications associated with either central venous catheter or pulmonary artery

Endovascular Reversal of Vasospasm If the hemodynamic goals of triple-H therapy are not
easily met in a patient with persistent signs of cerebral ischemia, if the signs do not reverse
within several hours of hypertension induced into the target range, or if a patient has a fragile
cardiopulmonary status, it is appropriate to proceed directly to endovascular treatment of
vasospasm. It is important to first rule out a large cerebral infarct with CT because dilation
therapy is both futile and dangerous in this situation.
The efficacy of mechanical balloon angioplasty was nearly 100% in a recent series, and
associated with a complication rate of only 1%

gments.168,169 Although balloon angioplasty is usually reserved for larger (≥2.0 mm diameter)
vessels, there is one recent report of 175 safe angioplasties in distal vessels without procedure-related
symptomatic complications.
promising results in preliminary studies. The pathophysiology of vasospasm following SAH is
complex and up until now has defied any simple pharmacological solution. The single and
partial exception is the calcium antagonist agent nimodipine, the only treatment for cerebral
vasospasm and delayed ischemia that presently achieves a class I, level of evidence “A”
recommendation in the American Heart and Stroke Association aneurysmal SAH
management guideline.

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