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2023 Guideline for the Management of Patients

With Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A
Guideline From the American Heart Association/
American Stroke Association
The American Academy of Neurology affirms the value of this statement as an educational tool for neurologists.
The American Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological Surgeons Cerebrovascular Section
affirms the educational benefit of this document.
Endorsed by the Neurocritical Care Society, Society of Neurointerventional Surgery, and Society of Vascular and
Interventional Neurology

Brian L. Hoh, MD, MBA, FAHA, Chair; Nerissa U. Ko, MD, MAS, Vice Chair; Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD, FAHA*;
Sherry Hsiang-Yi Chou, MD, MSc†; Salvador Cruz-Flores, MD, MPH, FAHA‡; Neha S. Dangayach, MD, MBBS, MSCR;
Colin P. Derdeyn, MD, FAHA; Rose Du, MD, PhD; Daniel Hänggi, MD, PhD; Steven W. Hetts, MD §; Nneka L. Ifejika, MD, MPH, FAHA;
Regina Johnson, BS; Kiffon M. Keigher, DNP, MSN, ACNP-BC, RN; Thabele M. Leslie-Mazwi, MD║; Brandon Lucke-Wold, MD, PhD;
Alejandro A. Rabinstein, MD, FAHA¶; Steven A. Robicsek, MD, PhD; Christopher J. Stapleton, MD; Jose I. Suarez, MD;
Stavropoula I. Tjoumakaris, MD, FAHA; Babu G. Welch, MD#
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AIM: The “2023 Guideline for the Management of Patients With Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage” replaces the
2012 “Guidelines for the Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.” The 2023 guideline is intended
to provide patient-centric recommendations for clinicians to prevent, diagnose, and manage patients with aneurysmal
subarachnoid hemorrhage.
METHODS: A comprehensive search for literature published since the 2012 guideline, derived from research principally
involving human subjects, published in English, and indexed in MEDLINE, PubMed, Cochrane Library, and other selected
databases relevant to this guideline, was conducted between March 2022 and June 2022. In addition, the guideline writing
group reviewed documents on related subject matter previously published by the American Heart Association. Newer studies
published between July 2022 and November 2022 that affected recommendation content, Class of Recommendation, or
Level of Evidence were included if appropriate.
STRUCTURE: Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage is a significant global public health threat and a severely morbid and often
deadly condition. The 2023 aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage guideline provides recommendations based on current
evidence for the treatment of these patients. The recommendations present an evidence-based approach to preventing,
diagnosing, and managing patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, with the intent to improve quality of care
and align with patients’ and their families’ and caregivers’ interests. Many recommendations from the previous aneurysmal
subarachnoid hemorrhage guidelines have been updated with new evidence, and new recommendations have been created
when supported by published data.

Key Words: AHA Scientific Statements ◼ hematoma ◼ intracranial aneurysm ◼ intracranial hemorrhages
◼ subarachnoid hemorrhage, aneurysmal ◼ vasospasm

*AHA Stroke Council Scientific Statement Oversight Committee liaison. †NCS representative. ‡AHA Stroke Council Stroke Performance Measures Oversight
Committee liaison. §SNIS representative. ║SVIN representative. ¶AAN representative. #AANS/CNS representative.
AHA Stroke Council Scientific Statement Oversight Committee members, see page e351.
Supplemental Material is available at
© 2023 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at

e314   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

TABLE OF CONTENTS aneurysm treatment, expert nursing care, and mul-

tidisciplinary teams is associated with lower mor-
Abstract�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� e314

tality and increased likelihood of good functional
Top 10 Take-Home Messages�������������������������������������� e315
outcomes. Timely transfer to centers with expertise
Preamble ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� e316
in aSAH is recommended.
1.  Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������� e316
2. Acute rebleeding after initial aSAH is associated
1.1. Methodology and Evidence Review ���������� e317
with increased mortality and poor clinical outcomes.
1.2. Organization of the GWG������������������������������ e317
Prompt evaluation, identification of aneurysmal
1.3. Document Review and Approval ���������������� e317
source, and treatment of the ruptured aneurysm
1.4. Scope of the Guideline���������������������������������� e318
are recommended, preferably within 24 hours. The
1.5. CORs and LOEs���������������������������������������������� e319
goal of treatment should be complete obliteration
1.6. Abbreviations���������������������������������������������������� e319
whenever feasible to reduce the risk of rebleeding
2.  General Concepts���������������������������������������������������� e319
and retreatment.
2.1. Significance of Condition������������������������������ e319
3. Balancing the goal of securing the ruptured aneu-
2.2. Mechanisms of Injury After aSAH�������������� e320
rysm with risk of intervention is based on patient and
2.3. Generalizability ������������������������������������������������ e321
aneurysm characteristics and should be determined
3.  Natural History and Outcome of aSAH�������������� e321
by specialists with expertise in endovascular and sur-
4.  Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis
gical treatments. Use of established grading scales
of aSAH���������������������������������������������������������������������� e322
can assist in prognostication and shared decision-
5.  Hospital Characteristics and Systems
making with patients, families, and surrogates.
of Care ������������������������������������������������������������������������ e324
4. Medical complications in multiple organ systems
6.  Medical Measures to Prevent Rebleeding
are associated with worse outcomes after aSAH.
After aSAH ���������������������������������������������������������������� e326
Standard intensive care unit bundles of care
7.  Surgical and Endovascular Methods for
for mechanically ventilated patients and venous
Treatment of Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysms����������e327
thromboembolism prophylaxis are recommended.
7.1. Anesthetic Management of Surgical
Close hemodynamic monitoring and blood pres-
and Endovascular Treatment of aSAH�������� e330
sure management to minimize blood pressure vari-
8.  Management of Medical Complications
ability are beneficial. Goal-directed treatment of
Associated With aSAH�������������������������������������������� e332
intravascular volume status to maintain euvolemia
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8.1. Nursing Interventions and Activities���������� e335

and avoid excess morbidity associated with hyper-
8.2. Monitoring and Detection of Cerebral
volemia is also important in improving overall out-
Vasospasm and DCI ��������������������������������������e338
comes. Routine use of antifibrinolytic therapy did
8.3. Management of Cerebral Vasospasm
not improve functional outcomes.
and DCI After aSAH ��������������������������������������e339
5. For new-onset seizures after aSAH, treatment with
8.4. Management of Hydrocephalus
antiseizure medication for 7 days is recommended.
Associated With aSAH���������������������������������� e343
Prophylactic antiseizure medication should not
8.5. Management of Seizures Associated
be routinely used but can be considered in high-
With aSAH�������������������������������������������������������� e344
risk patients (with ruptured middle cerebral artery
9.  SAH Recovery ����������������������������������������������������������e346
aneurysm, intraparenchymal hemorrhage, high-
9.1. Acute Recovery������������������������������������������������e346
grade aSAH, hydrocephalus, or cortical infarction).
9.2. Long-Term Recovery��������������������������������������e349
Phenytoin use is associated with excess morbidity
10. Risk Factors, Prevention, and Subsequent
and should be avoided. Monitoring with continuous
Monitoring for Recurrent aSAH���������������������������� e350
electroencephalography can detect nonconvulsive
President and Staff���������������������������������������������������������� e351
seizures, especially in patients with depressed con-
Disclosures (Appendixes 1 and 2) ������������������������������ e352
sciousness or fluctuating neurological examination.
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������� e357
6. Delayed cerebral ischemia remains a significant
complication and is associated with worse out-
comes after aSAH. Monitoring of clinical dete-
TOP 10 TAKE-HOME MESSAGES rioration requires trained nurses with expertise to
1. Improving timely and equitable access to health rapidly detect neurological examination changes.
care system resources such as comprehensive Diagnostic modalities, including transcranial
stroke centers is important to improve overall Doppler, computed tomography angiography, and
patient outcomes. Management of aneurysmal computed tomography perfusion, when performed
subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) in centers with by trained expert interpreters, can be useful to detect
dedicated neurocritical care units, experience cerebral vasospasm and predict delayed cerebral
with higher case volumes, physician expertise in ischemia. Continuous electroencephalography and

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e315

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

invasive monitoring may also be useful in patients must be acknowledged that guidelines may be used to

with high-grade aSAH with limited neurological inform regulatory or payer decisions, the core intent is

examination. to improve quality of care and align with patients’ inter-

7. Early initiation of enteral nimodipine is beneficial in ests. Guidelines are intended to define practices meeting
preventing delayed cerebral ischemia and improv- the needs of patients in most, but not all, circumstances
ing functional outcomes after aSAH. Routine use and should not replace clinical judgment; furthermore,
of statin therapy and intravenous magnesium is not the recommendations set forth should be considered in
recommended. the context of individual patient values, preferences, and
8. Elevating blood pressure and maintaining associated conditions.
euvolemia in patients with symptomatic delayed AHA/ASA strives to ensure that guideline writing
cerebral ischemia can be beneficial in reducing groups contain requisite expertise and are representative
the progression and severity of delayed cerebral of the broader medical community by selecting experts
ischemia. However, prophylactic hemodynamic from a broad array of backgrounds, representing differ-
augmentation and hypervolemia should not be per- ent sexes, races, ethnicities, intellectual perspectives,
formed to minimize iatrogenic patient risks. geographic regions, and scopes of clinical practice and
9. Cerebrovascular imaging after treatment and by inviting organizations and professional societies with
subsequent imaging monitoring are important in related interests and expertise to participate as endors-
treatment planning for remnants, recurrence, or ers. AHA/ASA has rigorous policies and methods for
regrowth of the treated aneurysm and to identify development of guidelines that limit bias and prevent
changes in other known aneurysms. Although improper influence. The complete policy on relationships
the risk of rerupture is low, the use of imaging to with industry and other entities can be found at https://
guide treatment decisions that may reduce the
risk of future aSAH among survivors is recom- and-statements/policies-devolopment/aha-asa-disclosure-
mended, especially in patients with residual aneu- rwi-policy-5118.pdf?la=en.
rysm. Imaging monitoring for the development of Beginning in 2017, numerous modifications to AHA/
de novo aneurysms is also important in younger ASA guidelines have been implemented to make guide-
patients with multiple aneurysms or with ≥2 first- lines shorter and enhance user friendliness. Guidelines
degree relatives with aSAH. are written and presented in a modular knowledge chunk
10. A multidisciplinary team approach to identify dis- format, in which each chunk includes a table of recom-
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charge needs and design rehabilitation treatment mendations, a brief synopsis, recommendation-specific
is recommended. Among aSAH survivors, physi- supportive text, and, when appropriate, flow diagrams or
cal, cognitive, behavioral, and quality of life deficits additional tables. Hyperlinked references are provided for
are common and can persist. Early identification each modular knowledge chunk to facilitate quick access
with validated screening tools can identify deficits, and review. Other modifications to the guidelines include
especially in behavioral and cognitive domains. the addition of Knowledge Gaps and Future Research
Interventions for mood disorders can improve long- segments in some sections and a web guideline supple-
term outcomes, and counseling on the higher risk for ment (Data Supplement) for useful but noncritical tables
long-term cognitive dysfunction may be beneficial. and figures.
Jose Romano, MD, FAHA
Chair, AHA Stroke Council Scientific
PREAMBLE Statement Oversight Committee
Since 1990, the American Heart Association (AHA)/
American Stroke Association (ASA) has translated sci-
entific evidence into clinical practice guidelines with rec- 1. INTRODUCTION
ommendations to improve cerebrovascular health. These Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is a sig-
guidelines, which are based on systematic methods to nificant global public health threat. The overall worldwide
evaluate and classify evidence, provide a foundation for incidence of aSAH is ≈6.1 per 100 000 person-years,1
the delivery of quality cerebrovascular care. AHA/ASA with a global prevalence of 8.09 million (95% uncer-
sponsors the development and publication of clinical prac- tainty interval, 7.02–9.72 million) cases.2 However, the
tice guidelines without commercial support, and members incidence of aSAH is highly variable by region, with the
volunteer their time to the writing and review efforts. highest incidence in Japan and Finland at 28 and 16.6
Clinical practice guidelines for stroke provide rec- per 100 000 person-years, respectively,1 and the highest
ommendations applicable to patients with or at risk of age-standardized prevalence in Japan and Andean Latin
developing cerebrovascular disease. The focus is on America.2 In addition, there seems to be wide regional
medical practice in the United States, but many aspects heterogeneity among incidence trends over time, with
are relevant to patients throughout the world. Although it an overall downward trend in the incidence of aSAH

e316   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

between 1955 and 2014 by 1.7% annually worldwide content, Class of Recommendation (COR), or Level of

and by 0.7% annually in North America.1,3,4 There was a Evidence (LOE) were included if appropriate.

decrease of 0.81% (95% uncertainty interval, −1.91% The study data that support recommendations in this
to 0.26%) in the age-standardized global prevalence rate guideline (see recommendation tables in each section)
of aSAH from 2010 to 2020. In contrast, between 2007 can be found in the guideline’s Data Supplement. The
and 2017, the incidence in the United States increased supplement comprises evidence tables summarizing the
to 11.4 per 100 000 person-years.5 specific evidence used by the GWG to formulate recom-
aSAH is a severely morbid and often deadly condition. mendations listed in tables, as well as a list of search
Prehospital mortality rates from aSAH have been reported terms. Please note that AHA/ASA methodology discour-
to be 22% to 26%.6 Although hospital inpatient mortality ages the inclusion of citations in Knowledge Gaps and
rates from aSAH have shown no improvement (13.7% in Future Research subsections so that the focus remains
2006 to 13.1% in 2018 [United States]7 and 19%–20% in on information that is lacking and questions remaining in
2021 [global]8), population-based studies report a decline the field rather than on research that has been completed.
in overall case-fatality rates (−1.5%/y between 1980 Each section was assigned a primary author and a
and 2020) with substantial between-country variation.9,10 primary reviewer. (Some topics also had secondary
Age-standardized mortality rates estimated for subarach- authors and secondary reviewers.) Author assignments
noid hemorrhage (SAH) were highest in Oceania, Andean were based on the areas of expertise of the members of
Latin America, and Central Asia in 2020.2 As our popula- the GWG and their lack of any relationships with indus-
tion ages, aSAH may be an even more significant pub- try related to the section material. All recommendations
lic health burden. The incidence of aSAH increases with were reviewed and discussed by the full writing group to
age, particularly in women >55 years of age.1 There is a include a diverse range of perspectives. Recommenda-
reported sex-specific predilection of aSAH in women, with tions were then voted on, and a modified Delphi pro-
a 1.3 relative risk (RR) for women compared with men.1,11 cess was used to reach consensus. GWG members who
In the United States, the incidence of aSAH was also dis- had relationships with industry relevant to certain topics
proportionately higher and increasing in Black patients were recused from voting on those particular recom-
compared with people of other races and ethnicities.5 mendations. (These instances are listed in Appendix 1,
Despite a seemingly downward trend in overall aSAH the relevant relationships with industry table.) All recom-
incidence and prevalence, there are populations at mendations in this guideline were agreed to by between
increased risk. The persistently high in-hospital and pre- 80.9% and 100% of the voting GWG members.
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hospital mortality rates and increased incidence in the

aging population necessitate improved therapies and
practice standards in the management of patients with 1.2. Organization of the GWG
aSAH. These mortality rates are likely underestimated The aSAH GWG consisted of neurocritical care spe-
and do not account for the additional burden of loss of cialists, vascular neurologists, vascular neurosurgeons,
productivity and long-term morbidity among survivors. neurointerventionalists with a variety of backgrounds
The previous AHA/ASA guideline for the management (radiology, neurology, and neurosurgery), an anesthesi-
of aSAH was published in 2012.12 Since that guideline, ologist, physiatrists/stroke recovery physicians, an acute
there have been important advances in knowledge of the care nurse practitioner, a fellow in training, and a lay/
treatment of aSAH based on evidence and data. This patient representative. The GWG included representa-
2023 guideline seeks to provide evidence-based practi- tives from AHA/ASA, the American Association of Neu-
cal recommendations for clinical practice. rological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological Surgeons,
the American Academy of Neurology, the Neurocritical
Care Society, the Society of Neurointerventional Surgery,
1.1. Methodology and Evidence Review and the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurol-
The recommendations listed in this guideline are, when- ogy. Appendix 1 of this document lists GWG members’
ever possible, evidence based and supported by exten- relevant relationships with industry and other entities. For
sive evidence review. A search for literature published purposes of full transparency, the GWG members’ com-
since the 2012 guideline, derived from research involv- prehensive disclosure information is available online.
ing principally human subjects, published in English,
and indexed in MEDLINE, PubMed, Cochrane Library,
and other selected databases relevant to this guideline, 1.3. Document Review and Approval
was conducted between March 2022 and June 2022. This document was reviewed by AHA Stroke Council
In addition, the guideline writing group (GWG) reviewed Scientific Statement Oversight Committee; AHA Science
documents on related subject matter previously pub- Advisory and Coordinating Committee; AHA’s Executive
lished by AHA. Newer studies published between July Committee; reviewers from the American Association
2022 and January 2023 that affected recommendation of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e317

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Surgeons, American Academy of Neurology, Neurocriti- care (Section 5), and acute interventions (Sections 6, 7,

cal Care Society, Society of Neurointerventional Surgery, and 7.1) to further inpatient care of post-aSAH complica-

Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, and tions (Sections 8–8.5). New sections in this 2023 aSAH
39 individual content reviewers. Appendix 2 lists the guideline include nursing care (Section 8.1) and recov-
reviewers’ comprehensive disclosure information. ery (Section 9). Risk factors for recurrent aSAH are also
addressed (Section 10); however, risk factors for aneurysm
development and rupture and management of unruptured
1.4. Scope of the Guideline aneurysms are not included in this guideline because these
This guideline addresses the diagnosis and treatment of topics are addressed in a separate guideline for manage-
aSAH in adults and is intended to update and replace the ment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms.15 The new,
AHA/ASA 2012 aSAH guideline.12 This 2023 guideline important emphases in this guideline are shared decision-
is limited explicitly to aSAH and does not address other making, health equity, and systems of care.
types of SAH such as those caused by trauma, vascular Some aspects of inpatient aSAH medical care and
malformation, or hemorrhage-prone neoplasm. Further- post-aSAH rehabilitation and recovery are likely to be
more, this guideline does not overlap with AHA/ASA similar between patients with aSAH and patients with
guidelines or scientific statements on the treatment of other types of stroke. Readers are therefore referred to
intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH),13 arteriovenous malfor- relevant AHA/ASA guidelines and scientific statements
mations,14 and unruptured intracranial aneurysms.15 in these overlapping areas. Table 1 lists associated AHA/
This guideline aims to cover the full course of aSAH ASA guidelines and scientific statements that may be of
(Figure 1), from initial diagnosis (Section 4), systems of interest to the reader.
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Figure 1. Care continuum of the patient with aSAH.

aSAH indicates aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage; and ICP, intracranial pressure.

e318   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Table 1. Associated AHA/ASA Guidelines and Statements

Title Organization Publication year

AHA/ASA guidelines
 2022 Guideline for the Management of Patients With Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Guideline AHA/ASA 202213
From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: A Guideline for AHA/ASA 201515
Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
 Guidelines for the Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Guideline for Healthcare AHA/ASA 201212
Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
 Guidelines for the Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Statement for Healthcare AHA/ASA 200916
Professionals From a Special Writing Group of the Stroke Council, American Heart Association
AHA/ASA scientific statement
 Management of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations: A Scientific Statement for Healthcare Professionals From AHA/ASA 201714
the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
AHA/ASA indicates American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.

1.5. CORs and LOEs Abbreviation Meaning

Recommendations are designated with both a COR and HIMALAIA Hypertension Induction in the Management of Aneurysmal
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage With Secondary Ischaemia
an LOE. The COR indicates the strength of recommen-
ICH intracerebral hemorrhage
dation, encompassing the estimated magnitude and cer-
ICP intracranial pressure
tainty of benefit in proportion to risk. The LOE rates the
ICU intensive care unit
quality of scientific evidence supporting the intervention
on the basis of the type, quantity, and consistency of data IHAST Intraoperative Hypothermia for Aneurysm Surgery Trial

from clinical trials and other sources (see Table 2 for the ISAT International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial

COR/LOE schema). LOE Level of Evidence

LOS length of stay
LP lumbar puncture
1.6. Abbreviations
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MCA middle cerebral artery

Abbreviation Meaning MMSE Mini-Mental Status Examination

AHA American Heart Association MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment

ALISAH Albumin in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage mRS modified Rankin Scale

ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome NIHSS National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale

ASA American Stroke Association PRINCE Point Prevalence in Neurocritical Care

aSAH aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage QASC Quality in Acute Stroke Care

AVERT A Very Early Rehabilitation Trial QOL quality of life

BP blood pressure RCT randomized controlled trial

BRAT Barrow Ruptured Aneurysm Trial RR relative risk

CBF cerebral blood flow SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage

cEEG continuous electroencephalography SAHIT Subarachnoid Hemorrhage International Trialists

CLOTS Clots in Legs or Stockings After Stroke TCD transcranial Doppler

COR Class of Recommendation TTM therapeutic temperature management

COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019 ULTRA Ultra-Early Tranexamic Acid After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

CSF cerebrospinal fluid VTE venous thromboembolism

CT computed tomography WFNS World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies

CTA computed tomography angiography

CTP computed tomography perfusion
DCI delayed cerebral ischemia 2. GENERAL CONCEPTS
DSA digital subtraction angiography 2.1. Significance of Condition
EEG electroencephalography
aSAH is a devastating condition. Approximately 13%
EVD external ventricular drain
of patients will die in the hospital of aSAH,7 and up
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale
to 26% will die before arriving at the hospital.6 Unlike
GWG guideline writing group
other stroke subtypes, aSAH affects individuals in their
HH Hunt and Hess
working years, with a mean age of 55 years.7 Although

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e319

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Table 2. Applying American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Class of Recommendation and Level of
Evidence to Clinical Strategies, Interventions, Treatments, or Diagnostic Testing in Patient Care* (Updated May 2019)
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the cause for cerebral aneurysms and aSAH is likely $373 353.94 and as much as $530 544.77 in those
multifactorial, hypertension and tobacco use are impor- patients with aSAH who develop delayed cerebral
tant modifiable risk factors.1 Family history is a rare but ischemia (DCI).21 These costs do not include posthos-
important risk factor.17 In individuals with ≥2 first-degree pitalization costs associated with long-term care and
relatives with known cerebral aneurysms, there is a rehabilitation or the societal cost of loss of work and
12% prevalence of harboring a cerebral aneurysm.18 productivity of patients with aSAH.
Radiological screening for aneurysms is cost-effective
when performed every 5 to 7 years for individuals 20 to
80 years of age with a family history of ≥2 first-degree 2.2. Mechanisms of Injury After aSAH
relatives with known cerebral aneurysms.19,20 Over the past decade, clinical and translational stud-
The socioeconomic costs of aSAH are signifi- ies, including randomized clinical trials, have expanded
cant. Inpatient hospital charges in the United States our understanding of aSAH-associated brain injury as
for patients with aSAH have been reported to be being multiphasic and multifactorial.22 Pathophysiological

e320   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

mechanisms in the first 72 hours after aSAH that drive Recommendations for Natural History and Outcome of aSAH

early brain injury also influence secondary complications (Continued)

and overall outcomes.23 DCI is now hypothesized to be COR LOE Recommendations
caused by the combined effects of large-vessel cerebral 2. In patients with high-grade aSAH, aneu-
vasospasm and multiple brain injury processes triggered 2a B-NR
rysm treatment is reasonable, after careful
discussion of likely prognosis with family
by aneurysm rupture and early brain injury. Mechanisms
members, to optimize patient outcome.28,30
involving arteriolar constriction and cerebral microthrombo-
3. In patients with aSAH and advanced age,
sis, cortical spreading depolarization/ischemia, blood-brain aneurysm treatment is reasonable, after care-
2a B-NR
barrier breakdown, cerebral autoregulation impairment, and ful discussion of prognosis with family mem-
capillary transit time heterogeneity are hypothesized to play bers, to improve survival and outcome.31–33

a role in the pathophysiology of DCI and DCI-related cere- 4. In patients with aSAH who do not improve
after correction of modifiable conditions and
bral infarction.22,24,25 Neuroinflammation, either indepen- 3: No
B-NR are deemed unsalvageable because of evi-
dently or as a consequence of early brain injury, has been benefit
dence of irreversible neurological injury, treat-
identified as a potential target for intervention.26,27 ment of the aneurysm is not beneficial.34,35
Early repair of the ruptured aneurysm by endovascu-
lar coiling or neurosurgical clipping to prevent rebleed- Synopsis
ing has reduced case fatality. In addition, management aSAH requires prompt clinical evaluation, aneurysm
in specialized neurological intensive care units (ICUs) treatment, and management of associated complications
with multidisciplinary clinical groups focused on treat- to optimize patient outcomes (see also specific recom-
ment of cerebral edema, hydrocephalus, elevated intra- mendations in Sections 6–8). The use of established
cranial pressure (ICP), DCI, and medical complications grading scales serves as a clinical prognostic indicator.
has likely contributed to improved acute outcomes.24 Patients with high-grade SAH may be candidates for
However, there is growing evidence for chronic morbid- aneurysm treatment as long as they do not have irre-
ity in areas of cognitive recovery, mood disorders, and coverable and devastating neurological injury. Patients of
quality of life (QOL).22 advanced age require careful consideration for treatment
This guideline identifies knowledge gaps and the need and the use of shared decision-making and prognosis
for future research on improving biomarkers for injury discussion with the family or surrogate decision maker.
and outcome prediction, recognizing long-term follow-up Social determinants of health and their impact on aSAH
needs for the delayed complications in aSAH survivors, outcomes are addressed in Section 5.
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and incorporating patient-centric outcomes with shared

decision-making throughout the continuum of care. Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text
1. Several studies have established the efficacy of
clinical grades to predict outcomes such as HH and
2.3. Generalizability WFNS grades.28,29 Other classification systems such
It is important to note that much of the evidence through- as the Yasargil grading, the Glasgow Coma Scale
out this guideline comes from high-resource countries (GCS), and the Johns Hopkins GCS grading scale
and may represent relatively homogeneous ethnic, racial, have been introduced.36 Recent combination of radio-
and socioeconomic-level patient populations. The gen- graphic (eg, Fisher) and clinical grades has led to
eralizability of this guideline may be limited when lower- composite scores such as the VASOGRADE, HAIR
resource settings are considered, highlighting the need (HH grade, age, IVH, rebleed), SAHIT (Subarachnoid
for further studies in clinically underserved areas and Hemorrhage International Trialists), and SAH
within underrepresented groups. scores.37–39 These grading scales provide clinical
outcome prediction and assist the medical team in
standardizing the severity of the hemorrhage.37–39
3. NATURAL HISTORY AND OUTCOME OF 2. The management of patients with high-grade
aSAH remains a great challenge. Most literature
aSAH defines high-grade SAH as a clinical HH grade 4
Recommendations for Natural History and Outcome of aSAH and 5 or WFNS grade 4 and 5. Although aneurysm
Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in treatment may prevent rerupture, treatment needs
online Data Supplement 1.
to be individualized according to patient-specific
COR LOE Recommendations factors such as medical comorbidities and pre-
1. In patients with aSAH, use of clinical hemorrhage functional status and should incor-
scales (eg, the Hunt and Hess [HH] grade
or World Federation of Neurosurgical
porate shared decision-making with the family or
1 B-NR surrogate decision makers. In a study by Mocco
Societies [WFNS] grade) is recom-
mended to determine initial clinical sever- and colleagues,28 98 patients with HH grade 4 and
ity and predict outcome.28,29
5 aSAH received treatment, of whom 40% had a

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e321

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

favorable outcome in 12 months. Similar results important in determining their use in prognosis and

were reported in a meta-analysis by Zhao et al,40 interventions for improving outcomes.


which included 85 studies with 4506 patients with • Advanced age: Advanced age constitutes an addi-
poor-grade aSAH. Good outcomes were observed tional risk factor for poor clinical outcome. However,
in 39% of treated patients. a specific threshold is yet to be determined and will
3. When controlling for degree of neurological injury, likely vary between individuals.
older patients compared with younger patients with • Acute resuscitation and early do-not-resuscitate
aSAH have less favorable outcomes.28,29,31–33 In a post order: Impact of an early do-not-resuscitate order
hoc analysis of the 405 patients included in BRAT versus acute resuscitation on outcomes has not
(Barrow Ruptured Aneurysm Trial), 42% of patients been specifically studied in aSAH. Acute resuscita-
>65 years of age reached functional independence at tion and delaying the do-not-resuscitate order for
the 6-year follow-up. Although this number was sig- up to 72 hours have been advocated in other stroke
nificantly smaller than in the younger cohort (82%), populations to prevent therapeutic nihilism.
it demonstrates that aneurysm treatment in this age • Irrecoverable early brain injury: The factors cited pre-
group is reasonable and should be considered after viously as evidence of early and irrecoverable brain
discussion with the family and surrogates.31 injury are incompletely defined, particularly in terms
4. Some patients with high-grade aSAH with irrecov- of time course and severity.
erable brain injury have such a poor prognosis that
aneurysm treatment provides no benefit.34,35 These
patients may have partially or completely absent
brainstem reflexes, lack of purposeful responses to 4. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND
noxious stimuli, large completed ischemic infarct on DIAGNOSIS OF aSAH
admission computed tomography (CT), or presence Recommendations for Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of
of global cerebral edema consistent with anoxic aSAH
brain injury.33–35,41,42 Modifiable medical conditions Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
online Data Supplement 2.
should be identified early because their outcomes
COR LOE Recommendations
are significantly more favorable. Some of these con-
ditions include seizures, hydrocephalus, electrolyte Evaluation for aSAH

abnormalities such as hyponatremia, status epilepti- 1. In patients with acute onset of severe
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

headache, prompt diagnostic workup and

cus, and hypothermia. In addition, there are nuances 1 B-NR evaluation are recommended to diagnose/
to these parameters, including a time dimension. exclude aSAH and minimize morbidity and
Absent brainstem responses at presentation mean mortality.43–46
less than absent brainstem responses at 12 or 24 2. In patients with acute onset of severe head-
hours. Brain edema may be difficult to identify on ache who present >6 hours from symptom
onset or who have a new neurological defi-
early CT imaging. Other nuances include high ICP 1 B-NR
cit, a noncontrast head CT and, if negative
without ventricular enlargement and response to for aSAH, lumbar puncture (LP) should be
management of cerebral edema and mass effect. performed to diagnose/exclude aSAH.47,48

Expert multidisciplinary medical and critical care 3. In patients with acute onset of severe head-
ache who present <6 hours from symptom
management is of paramount importance. onset and without new neurological deficit,
2a B-NR a noncontrast head CT performed on a
Knowledge Gaps and Future Research high-quality scanner and interpreted by a
board-certified neuroradiologist is reason-
• Medical comorbidities and parameters: Several medi- able to diagnose/exclude aSAH.49–53
cal parameters have been associated with clinical 4. In patients with acute onset of severe
outcomes in aSAH. Some of these are body mass headache without a new neurological
index, hypertension, hyperglycemia, troponin lev- 2b B-NR deficit, application of the Ottawa SAH
Rule may be reasonable to identify those
els, hyperthermia, peak white blood cell, C-reactive at high risk for aSAH.45,54,55
protein, and high neutrophil counts. However, addi-
Evaluation for cause of aSAH
tional investigation is required for the determination
5. In patients with spontaneous SAH with
of their prognostic value and influence on treatment high level of concern for aneurysmal
outcomes. 1 B-NR
source and a negative or inconclusive CT
• Novel biomarkers: Biomarkers including imaging, angiography (CTA), digital subtraction
angiography (DSA) is indicated to diag-
serum, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are an active nose/exclude cerebral aneurysm(s).56–59
area of research in aSAH. Further studies incorpo- 6. In patients with SAH from confirmed
rating new methods of proteomics, genomics, and cerebral aneurysm(s), DSA can be useful
2a B-NR
other biological markers with existing clinical, radio- to determine the optimal strategy for
aneurysm intervention.60,61
graphic, and physiological monitoring data will be

e322   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Figure 2. Workflow for patients with
symptoms concerning for aSAH.
Colors correspond to Class of
Recommendation in Table 2. CT indicates
computed tomography; CTA, computed
tomography angiography; DSA, digital
subtraction angiography; Dx, diagnosis; and
SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage.
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Synopsis necessary, because diagnosis of a sentinel bleed

The classic clinical presentation of aSAH in an awake before a catastrophic rupture can be lifesaving.43,44
and alert patient is a headache that is sudden in onset 2. In patients who do not meet criteria for applica-
and immediately reaches maximal intensity. A warning or tion of the Ottawa SAH Rule (Table 3), additional
sentinel headache that precedes the aSAH-associated workup with head CT and, if necessary, LP for
presentation occurs in 10% to 43% of cases.46 Misdiag- xanthochromia evaluation is necessary.47 LP is
nosis or delayed diagnosis can have grave consequences, often performed >6 to 12 hours after symptom
including death and severe disability. Noncontrast head onset. Walton et al48 reported 1235 patients from
CT remains the mainstay of SAH diagnosis, but the spe- 3 studies in which CSF obtained by LP after a
cific workup required depends on the time of presentation negative or nondiagnostic head CT was exam-
from symptom onset and the patient’s neurological sta- ined by spectrophotometric analysis for xantho-
tus. Figure 2 outlines a suggested workflow for patients chromia and reported a sensitivity of 100% and
presenting to medical attention with a severe headache specificity of 95.2%. The American College of
or other symptoms concerning for aSAH. Treating physi- Emergency Physicians provided an LOE C rec-
cians will need to exercise judgment on the likelihood ommendation for CTA or LP as the next diagnos-
that a certain test will alter their clinical management. tic study if noncontrast head CT is inconclusive
in a patient with a high suspicion for SAH.62 No
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text study has evaluated CTA versus LP as the next
1. Effective management of aSAH and its possible step in the workup in a patient with a high sus-
associated complications requires prompt iden- picion of aSAH and a normal or nondiagnostic
tification and initial management. aSAH is a life- head CT. CTA does not directly evaluate for SAH,
threatening condition, and the failure to identify only cerebrovascular pathology, and its sensitivity
aSAH when present is associated with significant is ≈97.2%. Another analysis estimated the sen-
morbidity and mortality.46 Physicians must main- sitivity of CTA for ruptured aneurysms <3 mm at
tain a high level of awareness and concern for this 61%.64 Given the severe morbidity and poten-
diagnosis and pursue appropriate workup, when tial mortality associated with a missed aSAH

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e323

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Table 3. Ottawa SAH Rule but only 7.6% specific. Use of the Ottawa SAH

For alert patients >15 y of age with new severe nontraumatic headache Rule can therefore identify a subset of patients

reaching maximum intensity within 1 h. Patients require additional (albeit small) who are unlikely to have aSAH and
investigation for SAH if they meet any of the following criteria: thereby avoid additional imaging and workup that
1 Age ≥40 y use resources and expose patients to unneces-
2 Neck pain or stiffness sary risk.
3 Witnessed loss of consciousness 5. CTA is widely available and often is the next
4 Onset during exertion diagnostic test performed when SAH is diag-
5 Thunderclap headache (instantly peaking pain) nosed with noncontrast CT. Certain hemorrhage
6 Limited neck flexion on examination
patterns likely reflect a greater risk for the pres-
ence of an underlying aneurysm than others (eg,
SAH indicates subarachnoid hemorrhage.
diffuse basal cistern and sylvian fissure SAH ver-
sus small-volume focal cortical SAH). For diffuse
diagnosis, these small differences are critical. SAH, DSA is indicated for evaluation regardless
LP for xanthochromia evaluation should be per- of CTA results because small aneurysms or other
formed in patients presenting >6 hours from vascular lesions may not be fully appreciated or
ictus in whom there is high suspicion for SAH. defined on CTA imaging owing to limitations in
3. High-quality CT scanners can detect SAH with a spatial resolution.56–59,66
high sensitivity, especially when the images are 6. DSA is considered the gold-standard modality for
interpreted by fellowship-trained, board-certified the evaluation of cerebrovascular anatomy and
neuroradiologists. (Equipment specifications for a aneurysm geometry and can aid in decision-mak-
high-quality CT scanner have been published by ing on the choice of optimal treatment modality.
the American College of Radiology.65) For patients CTA alone may, in certain clinical settings, be used
presenting within 6 hours of headache onset who for treatment decision-making.60,61
have no new neurological deficits, the lack of SAH
Knowledge Gaps and Future Research
on a noncontrast head CT is likely sufficient to
• Utility of magnetic resonance imaging: Diagnostic
exclude aSAH.50–53 This question was evaluated
accuracy studies of various established and
in a 2016 meta-analysis in which 8907 patients
emerging magnetic resonance imaging sequences
were studied. Thirteen patients had a missed SAH
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

for the detection and characterization of aSAH

on head CT performed within 6 hours, leading to
are needed.
a sensitivity of 98.7% and specificity of 99.9%.
• Perimesencephalic SAH: There is currently equi-
Therefore, when performed within 6 hours of symp-
poise concerning the appropriate diagnostic path-
tom onset, a negative head CT was likely to miss
way for a perimesencephalic distribution of SAH
<1.5 in 1000 SAHs.51 It is important to note that
with CTA alone versus catheter-based DSA.
many of these analyses do not apply to patients
• Emerging technologies: Dual-energy CT and single-
with atypical presentations such as primary neck
photon counting CT represent novel imaging tech-
pain, syncope, seizure, or new focal neurological
niques that may be helpful for SAH and aneurysm
deficit. Therefore, the lack of a classic presenta-
tion should still prompt appropriate imaging and
4. The Ottawa SAH Rule serves as a method to 5. HOSPITAL CHARACTERISTICS AND
screen out individuals with a low likelihood of
aSAH.45 Application of the rule requires that SYSTEMS OF CARE
patients who present with a severe headache and Recommendations for Hospital Characteristics and Systems of Care
meet any of the criteria outlined in Table 3 may Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
online Data Supplement 3.
need to undergo additional testing, as directed by
the treating physician. The initial study by Perry et COR LOE Recommendations

al45 enrolled 2131 patients, of whom 132 (6.2%) 1. For patients with aSAH, timely transfer
from hospitals with low case volume to
had SAH. Application of the rule was 100% sen- higher-volume centers with multidisci-
sitive but only 15.3% specific. The rule was later plinary neurointensive care services, com-
1 B-NR
validated by the study authors at 6 medical cen- prehensive stroke center capabilities, and
experienced cerebrovascular surgeons/
ters in a prospective manner, with 1153 patients neuroendovascular interventionalists is
enrolled and 67 SAHs, and was found to be 100% recommended to improve outcomes.67–77
sensitive and 13.6% specific.55 The rule was exter- 2. For patients with aSAH, care should be
nally validated by Bellolio et al54 in 454 patients, 1 B-NR provided in a dedicated neurocritical care
of whom 9 had SAH, and it was 100% sensitive unit by a multidisciplinary team.78–80

e324   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Synopsis neurological emergencies is present worldwide;

Hospital resources and case volumes are important con- severity of illness and absence of a dedicated neu-

siderations in systems of care. Lower mortality rates have rocritical care unit were independent predictors
been demonstrated in some nonrandomized studies when of mortality.78,79 Although some studies describe
patients with aSAH are treated by experienced cerebro- superior outcomes at hospitals that take care of
vascular surgeons and neuroendovascular intervention- more patients with aSAH, other studies do not
alists in hospitals with larger volumes of aSAH cases find this relationship. One explanation offered for
(eg, >35 aSAH cases per year, used in the 2012 aSAH noninferior outcomes at lower-volume centers has
guideline) compared with smaller volumes of aSAH cases been the expertise of individual health care pro-
(eg, <10 aSAH cases per year, used in the 2012 aSAH fessionals.68,82 Teaching status of a hospital was
guideline) and when care is provided in dedicated neuro- associated with improved outcomes in aSAH in an
critical care units. Delays in transfer to facilities with such analysis of the US Nationwide Inpatient Sample
capabilities may be associated with worse outcomes. from 2001 to 2010.84

Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text Knowledge Gaps and Future Research

1. The effect of hospital characteristics and health • Annual monitoring: Much remains uncertain in terms
systems of care—including physician expertise, of systems of care for the treatment of patients with
case volumes, and care provision in dedicated aSAH. Quality improvement programs are a pillar of
neurocritical care units—on outcomes for patients modern hospital care. Therefore, annual monitor-
with aSAH has been described in large nonran- ing for complication rates for surgical and inter-
domized studies.67–69,71,75–77 Specifying exact case ventional procedures performed on patients with
volumes for what should constitute a high-volume aSAH may reasonably be assumed to be standard
center versus a low-volume center is particularly practice. However, there are scant data on whether
challenging given the heterogeneity of studies. the institution of such programs affects mortality
Thus, specific case numbers are not included in and morbidity. In addition, individual hospital case
Recommendation 1; instead, the case numbers numbers remain controversial and should continue
used in the 2012 aSAH guideline are included to be examined in terms of relevance to patient
in the Synopsis for historical reference. The US outcomes.
Nationwide Inpatient Sample and international
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• Patient characteristics and health inequities: For

studies suggest that treatment in a high-volume patients with aSAH, there is significant variabil-
center was associated with a lower risk of in- ity in outcome in different hospital resource set-
hospital death and higher odds of good functional tings that may relate to race, baseline medical
outcome.72,75 Stroke center designation has been comorbidities, socioeconomic factors, insurance
associated with reduced in-hospital mortality for status, impact of do-not-resuscitate orders, and
patients with aSAH.71 Timely arrival of patients with access to treatment. Payer status, type of health
aSAH in hospitals where they can receive both insurance, race, ethnicity, local health care sys-
aneurysm treatment and neurocritical care is rel- tem organization, and transfer status versus pre-
evant given the risks for aneurysm rerupture and sentation at the hospital where definitive therapy
DCI.70,73,74 According to US Nationwide Inpatient can be performed are areas that warrant further
Samples, factors associated with treatment delay examination. Recognition of inequities and vari-
in aSAH were older age, non-White race, Medicaid able access to care at the health system level is
payer status, surgical clipping, and admission to essential so that interventions can be directed
low-surgical-volume hospitals.80,81 at ameliorating inequities and thereby improving
2. Outcomes have been reported primarily as in-hos- outcomes. Underresourced populations can be
pital and short-term posthospitalization mortality, disproportionately affected by disasters, further
although some studies have offered more granular compounding adverse health outcomes. As in
details such as rates of DCI during hospitalization other areas of health care, recognition of implicit
for aSAH82 or the time to transfer patients from bias and trainings to mitigate that bias may con-
referring hospitals to large-volume aSAH cen- tribute to amelioration of health inequities in
ters.83 Case-fatality rates in aSAH have declined stroke care and should be investigated.
over the past 2 decades, attributed to improved • Guideline adherence: Guideline adherence and the
medical and surgical care and the emergence of impact on patient outcomes for aSAH has not been
neurocritical care units.74 In the PRINCE study systematically studied. Data available for traumatic
(Point Prevalence in Neurocritical Care) of 257 brain injury and for ischemic stroke suggest that
centers in 47 countries, variability in the deliv- guideline adherence is positively correlated with
ery of neurocritical care to patients with various improved outcomes.

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e325

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

6. MEDICAL MEASURES TO PREVENT observational series.94 Previous guidelines have sug-


gested keeping the systolic BP <160 mm Hg12 or


<180 mm Hg.95 Although these parameters may be

Recommendations for Medical Measures to Prevent Rebleeding reasonable to consider in practice, available evidence
After aSAH is insufficient to recommend any specific BP target.
Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
online Data Supplement 4. When deciding on the target for BP reduction, factors
COR LOE Recommendations
to appraise include BP at presentation, brain swelling,
hydrocephalus, and history of hypertension and renal
1. In patients with aSAH and unsecured
aneurysm, frequent blood pressure (BP) impairment.
1 C-EO
monitoring and BP control with short- 2. The benefit of emergency reversal of anticoagula-
acting medication(s) is recommended to
tion has not been tested in patients presenting with
avoid severe hypotension, hypertension,
and BP variability. aSAH. Yet, the value of immediate anticoagulation
2. In patients with aSAH who are receiving
reversal has been demonstrated in other forms
anticoagulants, emergency anticoagula- of intracranial hemorrhage.13,96 Consequently,
1 C-EO tion reversal with appropriate reversal immediate anticoagulation reversal in any patient
agents should be performed to prevent
presenting with aSAH is strongly recommended.
3. In patients with aSAH, routine use of anti-
Reversal strategies should follow current published
3: No standards for life-threatening bleeding.13,97
A fibrinolytic therapy is not useful to improve
functional outcome.85–87 3. The largest, high-quality randomized controlled trial
(RCT) evaluating ultraearly, short-term antifibrinolytic
Synopsis therapy in patients with aSAH, ULTRA (Ultra-Early
Prompt obliteration of the ruptured aneurysm is the only Tranexamic Acid After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage),
treatment proven to be effective to reduce the likelihood did not show a significant reduction in the rate of
of rebleeding.88,89 Ultraearly administration of antifibrino- rebleeding and demonstrated no improvement in
lytic therapy might reduce the risk of rebleeding, but this functional outcomes among patients treated with
effect has not been consistent across trials.85–87 Further- tranexamic acid compared with patients who did not
more, treatment with antifibrinolytics does not improve receive antifibrinolytic therapy.85 Patients assigned to
functional outcomes.85–87 Therefore, the routine use of receive tranexamic acid were started on the medica-
antifibrinolytic therapy is not recommended because of tion after a median time of 185 minutes from symp-
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a lack of benefit. Treatment of hypertension is commonly tom onset, and the medication was continued until
pursued in practice until the ruptured aneurysm is treated, the aneurysm was secured, up to 24 hours. A good
but the effect of early hypertension control on the risk functional outcome at 6 months (modified Rankin
of rebleeding is not well established.90–92 Although it is Scale [mRS] score 0–3) was observed in 287 of 475
reasonable to treat severe hypertension on presentation, patients (60%) in the tranexamic acid group and 300
there is insufficient evidence to recommend a particu- of 470 patients (64%) in the control group. Moreover,
lar BP target. Sudden, profound reduction of BP should the rate of excellent outcome (mRS score 0–2) was
be avoided.93 For patients taking anticoagulants, clinical lower in the tranexamic acid group. Rates of rebleed-
judgment supports emergency reversal of anticoagula- ing were 10% in the tranexamic acid group and 14%
tion, even if the value of this intervention has not been in the control group.85 Older studies showed conflict-
studied in patients presenting with aSAH. ing results on reduction of rebleeding and absence
of significant improvement in functional outcomes
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text among patients treated with antifibrinolytic ther-
1. Increased BP variability has been associated with apy.86,87 Consequently, current evidence indicates that
worse outcomes in aSAH,93 and excessive BP reduc- antifibrinolytic therapy is not indicated for the routine
tion may compromise cerebral perfusion and induce management of patients with aSAH.
ischemia, especially in patients with elevated ICP.
Hence, this writing group recommends gradual reduc- Knowledge Gaps and Future Research
tion of BP when patients are severely hypertensive • Antifibrinolytic therapy: Although the ULTRA trial pro-
(>180–200 mm Hg) but ensuring strict avoidance of vides convincing evidence that the use of tranexamic
hypotension (mean arterial pressure <65 mm Hg) and acid does not significantly decrease the rate of
closely monitoring the neurological examination while rebleeding and is not effective to improve functional
lowering the BP. A meta-analysis of factors predictive outcomes in patients with aSAH whose ruptured
of early rebleeding in aSAH suggested higher rates aneurysm is obliterated early (median time was 14
of rebleeding with systolic BP >160 mm Hg but not hours from symptom onset in the trial), there is a pos-
with systolic BP <140 mm Hg but also highlighted sibility that a short course of antifibrinolytic therapy
the heterogeneity of results across the few available could have a role in the management of patients in

e326   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

whom aneurysm treatment will be delayed because Recommendations for Surgical and Endovascular Methods for

of logistic or medical reasons. Treatment of Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysms (Continued)

• BP treatment: Research needs to be conducted to COR LOE Recommendations
determine the optimal management of BP between 3. For patients with aSAH in whom com-
presentation and aneurysm obliteration. Whether plete obliteration of the ruptured aneu-
rysm by either clipping or primary coiling
the therapeutic targets to be tested should be cut-
treatment is not feasible in the acute
offs of systolic BP, use of mean arterial pressure, or 2a C-EO
phase, partial obliteration to secure the
proportions of BP reduction (to minimize BP vari- rupture site and retreatment in a delayed
fashion in those with functional recovery
ability) is an issue that deserves careful consider-
are reasonable to prevent rebleeding.
ation during the planning of a future trial to answer
Modality of treatment: general
this question. The value of individualizing the moni-
4. For patients with aSAH from ruptured
toring (invasive versus noninvasive) and treatment aneurysms of the posterior circulation
of acute hypertension to minimize BP variability 1 B-R that are amenable to coiling, coiling is
(bolus versus continuous infusion) and optimizing indicated in preference to clipping to
improve outcome.108–110
cerebral perfusion pressure (when ICP is known)
also merits investigation. 5. For patients with aSAH deemed
salvageable and with depressed level of
• Effect of antithrombotics: There is some evidence consciousness due to large intrapa-
1 B-R
that aspirin use could be associated with an renchymal hematoma, emergency clot
increased risk of rebleeding. Consequently, it might evacuation should be performed to
reduce mortality.111,112
be reasonable to investigate whether a treatment
6. For patients with aSAH, the ruptured aneu-
aimed at improving platelet function in patients who rysm should be evaluated by specialist(s)
have aSAH while taking antiplatelet agents could with endovascular and surgical expertise to
1 C-EO
be beneficial. There is currently limited evidence determine the relative risks and benefits of
surgical or endovascular treatment accord-
on the risks and benefits of platelet transfusion in ing to patient and aneurysm characteristics.
patients with aSAH, either in general or for patients
7. For patients >70 years of age with aSAH, the
who require an open surgical intervention. Safety 2b B-R superiority of coiling or clipping to improve
concerns in patients with ICH should be considered outcome is not well established.113,114
if a trial on platelet transfusion in aSAH were to be 8. For patients <40 years of age with
conducted. aSAH, clipping of the ruptured aneurysm
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2b C-LD might be considered the preferred mode

• Effect of CSF diversion: It is uncertain whether CSF of treatment to improve durability of the
diversion may increase the risk of rebleeding before treatment and outcome.113,115
treatment of the ruptured aneurysm, with conflicting Modality of treatment: for aneurysms equally suitable for clipping and coiling
reports in the literature. Further investigation should 9. For patients with good-grade aSAH
be performed on optimal external ventricular drain from ruptured aneurysms of the anterior
(EVD) management strategies when CSF diversion circulation equally suitable for both
1 A primary coiling and clipping, primary
is required. coiling is recommended in preference
to clipping to improve 1-year functional
7. SURGICAL AND ENDOVASCULAR 10. For patients with good-grade aSAH
METHODS FOR TREATMENT OF from ruptured aneurysms of the anterior


circulation equally suitable for both
primary coiling and clipping, both treat-
ment options are reasonable to achieve
Recommendations for Surgical and Endovascular Methods for
favorable long-term outcome.108,109,117
Treatment of Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysms
Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in Endovascular adjuncts
online Data Supplement 5. 11. For patients with aSAH from ruptured
COR LOE Recommendations wide-neck aneurysms not amenable to
surgical clipping or primary coiling, endo-
Timing 2a C-LD
vascular treatment with stent-assisted
1. For patients with aSAH, surgical or coiling or flow diverters is reasonable to
endovascular treatment of the ruptured reduce the risk of rebleed.118,119
aneurysm should be performed as early
1 B-NR 12. For patients with aSAH from ruptured
as feasible after presentation, preferably
fusiform/blister aneurysms, the use of
within 24 hours of onset, to improve 2a C-LD
flow diverters is reasonable to reduce
Treatment goal
13. For patients with aSAH from ruptured
2. For patients with aSAH, complete oblit- saccular aneurysms amenable to either
eration of the ruptured aneurysm is indi- 3: Harm B-NR primary coiling or clipping, stents or flow
1 B-NR
cated whenever feasible to reduce the diverters should not be used to avoid
risk of rebleeding and retreatment.105–107 higher risk of complications.122,123

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e327

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Synopsis obliteration of a ruptured aneurysm.105–107,124


Patients with aSAH should undergo repair of their aneu- Therefore, the goal of initial treatment is complete

rysm as soon as it is feasible to reduce the risk of aneu- obliteration whenever feasible.
rysm rerupture, an event that is frequently fatal. However, 3. For patients in whom, after multidisciplinary discus-
the choice of treatment modality is highly nuanced. The sion, complete obliteration is not feasible by clip-
goal of securing the aneurysm must be balanced with the ping or primary coiling during the initial treatment,
risks of the procedure. Open surgical options and endo- partial treatment aimed at securing the putative
vascular techniques have different advantages and dis- rupture site during the acute phase is reasonable
advantages that need to be carefully weighed for each to reduce the risk of early rebleeding. Retreatment,
individual patient because many patient-specific factors typically within 1 to 3 months,105 as allowed by the
(including patient age, aneurysm geometry and location, patient’s functional status and recovery is advis-
and presence of intraparenchymal hemorrhage) must be able to prevent future rebleeding.
considered. Sometimes complete obliteration is not fea- 4. Subgroup analysis of posterior circulation aneu-
sible, either technically or because procedural risks out- rysms, derived from 2 RCTs included in a Cochrane
weigh the benefits. The best outcomes for patients with review, is limited by small numbers (69 partici-
SAH will be achieved when both endovascular and open pants) but supports the benefit of coiling over clip-
surgical options are available. The quality of the evidence ping with an RR of 0.41 (95% CI, 0.19–0.92) for
supporting recommendations for treatment modality is death or dependency.110 Similarly, in the prospec-
relatively limited, with a particular paucity of data on com- tive controlled BRAT study, the outcomes of poste-
parison of different endovascular techniques with surgical rior circulation aneurysms were significantly better
techniques or with each other. Further studies for many in the coil than the clip group at both 1 year and
of these questions are necessary, and several of these longer-term follow-up.108,109
are listed under "Knowledge Gaps and Future Research." 5. One small RCT of 30 patients published in the pre-
coiling era examined emergency surgery versus
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text conservative management for patients with rup-
1. Early treatment of ruptured aneurysms reduces the tured aneurysm with large intracerebral hematoma
risk of rebleeding and facilitates treatment of DCI. resulting in severely decreased level of conscious-
Timing of ruptured aneurysm treatment has been ness/serious neurological deficit but with spon-
directly examined in only 1 small randomized pro- taneous respiration and reaction to pain.111 The
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spective trial of patients with good-grade aSAH in study demonstrated a large mortality benefit (27%
the precoiling era; this study of 159 patients dem- versus 80%) in favor of clot evacuation/clipping
onstrated that early surgery (0–3 days from SAH) and a higher rate of independent outcome (53%
resulted in lower death and dependence at 3 months versus 20%). Rapid intervention is supported by
compared with intermediate surgery (4–7 days) or observational data indicating significantly shorter
late surgery (≥8 days).103 Subsequent retrospective time to treatment in patients with large (>50 cm3)
and prospective observational studies of both clip- intracerebral hematoma and favorable outcome
ping and coiling, including post hoc analyses of the compared with those with unfavorable outcome.112
randomized ISAT trial (International Subarachnoid Although small retrospective studies have reported
Aneurysm Trial), have defined early treatment vari- the feasibility of coiling to secure the aneurysm
ably as within 24, 48, or 72 hours from onset of before clot evacuation,125,126 these include smaller
SAH (rather than from time of presentation). Meta- intracerebral hematoma volumes (eg, >30 cm3)
analyses of these studies and individual series sup- and are subject to selection bias. The desire for
port the outcome benefit of early treatment,99,102,104 rapid clot evacuation generally favors surgery with-
including in patients with high-grade aSAH.40,98 The out delay and concomitant aneurysm clipping.
data demonstrate a beneficial effect of treatment 6. Studies that inform recommendations for the modal-
<24 hours versus >24 hours from ictus but have ity of aneurysm treatment have routinely required
not been able to similarly demonstrate significant the involvement of treating specialists with endovas-
beneficial difference between <24 hours and 24 cular and surgical expertise. ISAT, the largest RCT
to 72 hours.100,104 Studies also support the benefit examining clipping and coiling for ruptured aneu-
of treatment in the intermediate time frame (4–7 rysms,116 relied on judgment concerning the suitabil-
days) rather than delaying beyond 7 to 10 days, ity for both coiling and clipping by individuals with
indicating that treatment should not be postponed expertise in endovascular and surgical techniques.
beyond the typical DCI period in patients present- Similarly, the prospective controlled BRAT study
ing during that time frame.99,102,103 relied on the presence of individuals with expertise
2. The risks of both rebleeding and retreatment are in each technique.127 In patients with aSAH, evalua-
substantially higher in patients with incomplete tion of the ruptured aneurysm for endovascular and

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Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

surgical treatment options by specialists with exper- (RR, 0.82 [95% CI, 0.64–1.05]).117 In the prospec-

tise, individually or as a team, in both modalities is tive controlled BRAT study, which also favored coil-

necessary to optimally evaluate the relative risks ing at 1 year, no significant benefit of coiling versus
and benefits of each treatment strategy. clipping was evident at the 3- and 6-year follow-up
7. Although older patients (>70 years of age) are in the original cohort of all patients with SAH108,109
often preferentially treated with coiling, in practice, or in analysis limited to saccular aneurysms.130
there are insufficient data to support a clear benefit Long-term data also indicate a small but higher
of coiling in this population. In the largest available incidence of rebleeding with coiling and a higher
RCT, ISAT, subgroup analysis by age demonstrated incidence of seizures with clipping.110,113,131,132
no benefit of coiling in the group >70 years of age, 11. Although stent-assisted coiling and flow divert-
with an RR of death dependency of 1.15 (95% ers are associated with higher reported risks of
CI, 0.82–1.61) for coiling.113 Within the cohort of complications123 and rebleeding133 than primary
patients >65 years of age in ISAT, outcome was coiling (including balloon-assisted techniques) or
dependent on aneurysm location, with coiling clipping, their use can be effective in achieving
superior in those with internal carotid and poste- aneurysm occlusion or reducing rebleeding when
rior communicating artery aneurysms but clipping other options for aneurysm treatment are not fea-
superior for those with ruptured middle cerebral sible.118,119 Performing ventriculostomy before the
artery (MCA) aneurysms.114 Nonrandomized reg- endovascular procedure and initiating antiplatelet
istry and observational data have also failed to administration in this setting may reduce ventricu-
demonstrate an effect of treatment modality on lostomy-related hemorrhage.123
outcomes in the elderly (>75 years of age).128,129 12. Blister aneurysms, also referred to as blood-blister–
8. Longer life expectancy and better long-term pro- like aneurysms arising as pseudoaneurysms from
tection from rerupture related to clipping favor con- defects in the arterial wall, represent a challeng-
sideration of clipping in young patients. Subgroup ing subgroup of aneurysms associated with high
analysis from the largest available RCT, ISAT, indi- rupture risk and attendant morbidity and mortality.
cates less benefit of coiling in those <50 years of Such lesions are not amenable to primary coiling or
age,113 and calculations based on ISAT data sug- standard clipping, requiring more complex surgical
gest that clip placement may be more advanta- wrapping or extracranial-intracranial bypass strate-
geous for patients <40 years of age.115 gies.134 Meta-analyses of small retrospective case
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9. The Cochrane review and meta-analysis of 4 RCTs series indicate that morbidity and mortality with
of clipping versus coiling indicates that primary flow diverters are comparable to those reported
coiling provides higher odds of functional indepen- with surgical strategies.120,121
dence (mRS score 0–2) at 1 year, with an RR 0.77 13. The use of stent-assisted coiling and flow diverters
(95% CI, 0.67–0.87) for death/dependency.110 The has a higher risk of thrombogenicity than primary
meta-analysis results are driven primarily by the coiling, necessitating dual antiplatelet therapy.
largest RCT, ISAT,116 and did not include BRAT, a Their use in ruptured aneurysms is associated with
single-center, prospective, controlled but nonran- a higher risk of hemorrhagic complications,122 par-
domized trial with alternating-day treatment allo- ticularly ventriculostomy-related hemorrhage.123
cation.127 In the ISAT trial, of the selected patients Consequently, the use of stents or flow diverters
who were judged suitable for both coiling and clip- should be avoided in the acute phase whenever a
ping, 97% had anterior circulation aneurysms, and ruptured aneurysm can be treated (even partially to
the majority were WFNS grades 1 to 3. secure the rupture site) by primary coiling (includ-
10. Collectively, data do not demonstrate a signifi- ing use of balloon-assisted techniques) or clipping.
cant difference in long-term functional outcome
between patients treated with primary coiling and Knowledge Gaps and Future Research
those treated with clipping. In a post hoc analysis • Ultra-early treatment: Although data strongly support
of the largest RCT, ISAT, excluding pretreatment early aneurysm treatment, the timing of treatment
deaths (which were higher in the clipping cohort generally has not been prospectively assigned, and
because of a longer mean interval between ran- studies have used various definitions. There are no
domization and treatment), the RR for death or data to support emergency (eg, ≤6 hours) or 24/7
dependency at 1 year was still significantly in favor treatment, including nighttime, which may create
of coiling (RR, 0.77 [95% CI, 0.67–0.89]), but the suboptimal logistic conditions or dissuade transfer
RR for death was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.66–1.19). At 5 to comprehensive centers, with subsequent poten-
years, the difference between coiling and clipping tial for detrimental outcome.
was not significant for either death or dependency • QOL/cognitive outcomes: Data on differential QOL
(RR, 0.88 [95% CI, 0.77–1.02]) or death alone and neurocognitive outcomes after clipping versus

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e329

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

coiling are limited, and further studies focused on Recommendations for Anesthetic Management of Surgical and

these outcomes are needed. Endovascular Treatment of aSAH (Continued)


• Modality of treatment in patients with high-grade COR LOE Recommendations

aSAH: Although patients with high-grade aSAH are 5. In patients with aSAH, intraoperative
often preferentially treated with coiling in practice, 2b B-NR neuromonitoring may be reasonable to guide
anesthetic and operative management.154–159
there are insufficient robust randomized data on
coiling versus clipping specifically in patients with 6. In patients with aSAH and an uncontrolled
intraoperative aneurysmal rupture, adenosine
high-grade aSAH to support clear evidence-based 2b C-LD may be considered to facilitate aneurysm
guidance in this population. clip placement by inducing cardiac standstill
• Anterior circulation aneurysms: Ruptured MCA and temporary profound pause.160,161

aneurysms, and anterior circulation bifurcation 7. In patients with good-grade aSAH, the
3: No routine use of induced mild hypothermia
aneurysms in general, are typically considered more benefit
during aneurysm surgery is not benefi-
favorable for clipping, which is supported by limited cial.147,162–168
data; however, there are insufficient data to pro-
vide definitive guidance, especially in the setting of Synopsis
emerging endovascular technologies. There are limited studies evaluating intraoperative anes-
• Novel flow diversion technologies: Endosaccular thetic management of patients undergoing ruptured
flow diverters and less thrombogenic intravascular aneurysm repair. Intraoperative management paradigms
flow diverters reduce the need for dual antiplate- may be gleaned from perioperative investigations, and
lets and attendant higher complications. Limited the anesthetic principles that apply to open surgical treat-
noncomparative data suggest protection against ment of aSAH may generally be applied to endovascular
rebleeding and acceptable outcome with endosac- treatment.169 In patients receiving a general anesthetic, a
cular devices, but there are insufficient comparative balanced technique using a combination of medications
data and long-term outcomes to provide guidance to provide hypnosis, analgesia, and amnesia while pre-
on the use of these devices for ruptured aneurysms. venting patient movement is commonly used. Infusions of
• Evolving endovascular technologies: In general, evolv- certain hypnotic and analgesic medications might best be
ing endovascular technologies may provide addi- administered through continuous infusion to maintain a
tional treatment options for ruptured aneurysms, but stable anesthetic state. Goals include hemodynamic sta-
their comparative efficacy cannot be extrapolated
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bility, favorable ventilatory strategies, and absolute lack

from prior data on other endovascular techniques of movement during exposure, clipping, or deployment of
such as primary coiling. New technologies should be coils. Anesthetic medications should be titrated in a man-
studied prospectively relative to existing treatment ner to facilitate acquisition of a neurological examination
options before widespread adoption. as soon as the procedure is complete, whenever possi-
ble. The neurointerventional treatment of cerebral aneu-
rysms can be performed under local sedation or general
7.1. Anesthetic Management of Surgical and anesthesia and has unique issues.170 Sedation may be
Endovascular Treatment of aSAH more advantageous for patients with significant systemic
medical conditions; however, outcome data are lacking.
Recommendations for Anesthetic Management of Surgical and
Endovascular Treatment of aSAH Confusion or neurological impairment makes sedation
Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in challenging, whereas general endotracheal anesthe-
online Data Supplement 6. sia ensures control of ventilation and immobility of the
COR LOE Recommendations patient. Neuroanesthesiologists may limit the severity of
1. In patients with aSAH, the intraoperative complications by efficiently managing anticoagulation
use of mannitol or hypertonic saline can and maintaining systemic and cerebral hemodynamics.
2a B-R
be effective in reducing ICP and cerebral
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text
2. In patients with aSAH, anesthetic goals 1. Although there are no specific studies of hyper-
2a B-NR should include minimizing postprocedural
pain, nausea, and vomiting.137–140 osmotic agents in the intraoperative manage-
3. In patients with aSAH, prevention of
ment of patients with aSAH, use of these agents
intraoperative hyperglycemia and hypogly- is described in the intraoperative setting, and they
2a B-NR
cemia during aneurysm surgery is reason- are used routinely in patients with aSAH. Hypo-
able to improve outcomes.141–147
osmotic fluids are generally avoided, whereas iso-
4. In patients with aSAH and an unsecured osmotic and sometimes hyperosmotic fluids are
ruptured aneurysm, frequent intraopera-
2a C-LD tive BP monitoring and BP control are favored.171 Intraoperatively, hyperosmotic agents
reasonable to prevent ischemia and have been used to manage brain relaxation and
rerupture.148–153 intracerebral pressure in the face of vasogenic or

e330   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

cytotoxic edema, which greatly increase the risk of 4. Intraoperative volume status and BP goals are

poor outcome if associated with local and global not well defined in intraoperative aSAH manage-

cerebral ischemia.135 In addition, surgical exposure ment. Numerous pathophysiological states may be
and the operative procedure become more dif- present after aneurysmal rupture such as cardio-
ficult. Both mannitol and hypertonic saline have vascular dysfunction, systemic inflammation, auto-
been used to decrease ICP and increase cerebral regulatory failure, and spreading depolarizations
blood flow (CBF) and brain relaxation.136 Mannitol that can be affected by intravascular volume.152
is a potent diuretic and can cause hypovolemia and During the intraoperative period, frequent BP mon-
hypotension, whereas hypertonic saline increases itoring and BP control are reasonable to prevent
blood sodium, has minimal effect on diuresis, and ischemia and rerupture. Hypovolemic states often
can increase BP. A clinical trial to evaluate the opti- necessitate additional pressor support, especially
mal intraoperative dose of mannitol in patients with when clinical management necessitates hyperten-
aSAH is ongoing at the time of guideline publica- sive therapy. There are suggestions that hypovo-
tion ( identifier: NCT04135456). lemia (in the perioperative period) may contribute
Currently, there is insufficient evidence to rec- to the incidence of DCI,152 whereas hypervolemia
ommend one therapy over the other or to affirm lacks benefit148,149,151,153 and the rapid reduction of
whether outcomes are affected. BP is potentially harmful.150 Careful BP manage-
2. Postoperative nausea and vomiting can have a ment needs to occur throughout the perioperative
negative impact after aneurysm coiling and clipping period, including transportation.
by increasing the risk of aspiration of gastric con- 5. Intraoperative neuromonitoring can be used to
tents.137 Incidence after aSAH has not been stud- evaluate functional brain integrity in a timely
ied, but postoperative nausea and vomiting after manner during aneurysm surgery. Common intra-
craniotomy occur in 22% to 70% of patients.140 A operative neuromonitoring modalities used are
multimodal regimen of medication targeting differ- spontaneous electroencephalography (EEG) and
ent chemoreceptors is recommended.172 Although somatosensory aSAH evoked and motor evoked
serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists (eg, ondan- potentials.155 Although neuromonitoring has tra-
setron), steroids (eg, dexamethasone), and their ditionally been used for open craniotomies, some
combination are the most frequently used anti- centers also use intraoperative neuromonitoring
emetics, the addition of propofol, reduction of for endovascular coiling. Anesthetic protocols to
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narcotics, and euvolemia are generally advocated. optimize neurophysiological recordings are rec-
Medications that can cause confusion or sedation ommended.157,159 Although no prospective studies
such as anticholinergics (eg, scopolamine) and have validated the efficacy of intraoperative neuro-
phenothiazines (eg, promethazine) at higher doses monitoring on outcome and a recent retrospective
may impair neurological examination. The use of study questioned its utility with respect to overall
volatile anesthetic medications for craniotomy has outcomes in elective aneurysm management,156 a
been associated with a higher incidence of post- growing body of evidence supports its use.154,158
operative nausea and vomiting compared with In addition, pharmacologically induced EEG burst
intravenous agents such as propofol,138,173 and dex- suppression may be reasonable during temporary
medetomidine may offer an advantage compared clipping if hypotension can be avoided.174
with fentanyl as an analgesic.139 Further clinical tri- 6. The use of adenosine for temporary profound
als comparing different regimens that significantly hypotension may be considered to facilitate expo-
reduce the incidence of postoperative nausea and sure and aneurysm clip placement in selected situ-
vomiting after aSAH would provide relevant data in ations, particularly in the setting of uncontrolled
this patient population. intraoperative rupture. It has been used for both
3. Poor perioperative glycemic control in patients with ruptured and unruptured aneurysms in both the
aSAH has been associated with increased risk of anterior and posterior cerebral circulation. The
poor clinical outcome. The management of intraop- pharmacological properties of rapid onset and off-
erative glucose concentrations has not been well set of adenosine and its predictable action make
studied; however, the prevention of intraoperative it a valuable tool in cerebrovascular surgery. Its
hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia during aneurysm clinical onset of action is within seconds, provid-
surgery is probably indicated.141,142,144–146 A post ing a brief period of profound systemic hypoten-
hoc analysis of IHAST (Intraoperative Hypothermia sion with a low side-effect profile. In 2017, Desai
for Aneurysm Surgery Trial)147 determined that et al161 compiled 19 case series and retrospec-
commonly encountered hyperglycemia was asso- tive reviews illustrating the benefit of adenosine.
ciated with long-term changes in cognition and Initial doses have been described to obtain a pre-
gross neurological function.143 dictable and transient period of cardiac pause for

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e331

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

≈45 seconds.160 Adenosine is contraindicated in Anesthetics:


patients with sinus node disease, second- or third- • There is insufficient evidence on optimal anes-

degree atrioventricular block, and pulmonary issues thetic management in aSAH, which is generally
such as bronchoconstrictive or bronchospastic lung institutionally driven. Within institutions, variability
disease. Caution should be used in patients with may occur during the periprocedural period. The
first-degree atrioventricular block, bundle-branch long-term impact of anesthetic medications on
block, or history of heart transplantation. Its admin- neurological outcomes during aSAH is not known,
istration to patients with coronary artery disease and although neuroprotection and conditioning by
may result in cardiac arrest, sustained ventricular anesthetics have been studied extensively for >60
tachycardia, or myocardial infarction. years, there is limited evidence for them occurring.
7. Systemic hypothermia has been studied to atten- The potential for anesthetics to cause conditioning
uate ischemic injury during aneurysm surgery. effects to protect against angiographic vasospasm
Although early studies suggested a neurological and DCI in humans has recently been presented
benefit,165,166,168,175,176 a multicenter, prospective, and may deserve validation.
randomized trial that evaluated 1000 patients with • Although ketamine may influence neurological
good-grade SAH (WFNS grade 1, 2, or 3) found examination of the patient, its role in aSAH intraoper-
no improvement in 3-month neurological outcome ative management may merit re-evaluation because
after surgery.147 A post hoc analysis demonstrated it influences the occurrence of cerebral infarctions
no difference between temporary clipping in the associated with DCI and may attenuate spread-
hypothermic and normothermic groups (target ing depolarizations after an aSAH. Further studies
temperatures, 33° C and 36.5° C, respectively) in are needed to evaluate the significance of this with
the incidence of cognitive impairment and 24-hour respect to both immediate and long-term effects.
and 3-month outcomes.164 Because this study • There is insufficient evidence on the effects of reduc-
evaluated only patients with good-grade SAH, ing sympathetic activation during the management
the conclusions may not extrapolate to the high- of aSAH by either β-adrenergic blockade or narcotic
grade SAH population, and it should be noted that administration and the impact on mortality.
rewarming strategies were not standardized. A • Ventilation: There is limited information to guide ven-
comparison of mild hypothermia and normothermia tilatory management to control arterial carbon diox-
was performed in limited studies,162,163 suggest- ide tension or arterial carbon dioxide tension goal in
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ing that further investigations with larger popula- patients with aSAH in the intraprocedural period.
tions are warranted to evaluate this patient cohort. • Glucose and electrolytes: Additional data are
Although the effects of intraoperative hyperther- needed on the intraoperative management of glu-
mia after an aSAH have not been investigated, it cose and electrolytes such as sodium during aSAH
has been associated with worse outcomes in the management and whether treatment affects clini-
perioperative period.167 cal outcomes.
• Subspecialty training: There is insufficient infor-
Knowledge Gaps and Future Research
mation on outcomes of patients managed by
BP and volume management:
anesthesiologists with subspecialty training in neu-
• The usefulness of the routine placement of an arterial
roanesthesiology compared with general training.
line for continuous BP monitoring before induction of
anesthesia and during anesthesia for craniotomy or
endovascular intervention is not well established. 8. MANAGEMENT OF MEDICAL
• There are limited data to indicate appropriate BP
target ranges in patients with aSAH in the peripro- COMPLICATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH
cedural period, particularly during elevated ICP and aSAH
acute rupture. Recommendations for Management of Medical Complications
• There are no studies defining optimal intraoperative Associated With aSAH
volume status in the management of patients with Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
online Data Supplement 7.
• There are limited human data on the role of albu- COR LOE Recommendations

min in fluid management in aSAH and its ability to Pulmonary management

impart any cerebral neuroprotection and improve 1. In patients with aSAH who require
mechanical ventilation for >24 hours,
clinical outcomes. However, the ALISAH multicenter
implementation of a standardized ICU
pilot trial (Albumin in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage) 1 B-NR
care bundle is recommended to reduce
identified a dose-dependent increase in cardiac the duration of mechanical ventilation and
hospital-acquired pneumonia.177,178

e332   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Recommendations for Management of Medical Complications during the course of acute aSAH and affect out-

Associated With aSAH (Continued) comes. ARDS is independently associated with

COR LOE Recommendations worse SAH outcomes. Recent multicenter obser-
2. In patients with aSAH who develop severe vational studies report an ARDS incidence up to
acute respiratory distress syndrome 3.6% within the first 7 days of aSAH.191,201 Large
(ARDS) and life-threatening hypoxemia,
cohort studies demonstrated that adaptation of
2b B-NR rescue maneuvers such as prone position-
ing and alveolar recruitment maneuvers bundled care for mechanically ventilated patients
with ICP monitoring may be reasonable to with brain injury (including patients with aSAH)
improve oxygenation.179–182
accelerated extubation readiness, reduced duration
Intravascular volume and electrolyte management of mechanical ventilation, and increased ventilator-
3. In patients with aSAH, close monitor- free days and ICU-free days.177,178 Such bundled
ing and goal-directed treatment of
2a B-R
volume status are reasonable to maintain
care included lung-protective, low tidal volume ven-
euvolemia.183–185 tilation, moderate positive end-expiratory pressure,
4. In patients with aSAH, use of mineralocor- early enteral nutrition, standardization of antibiotic
2a B-R ticoids is reasonable to treat natriuresis therapy for hospital-acquired pneumonia, and a
and hyponatremia.186,187 systematic approach to extubation.
5. In patients with aSAH, induction of hyper- 2. Acute lung injury is prevalent (up to 27%) in
volemia is potentially harmful because
3: Harm B-R
of the association with excess morbid-
aSAH and is associated with higher treatment
ity.188–190 intensity, longer ICU stay, and unfavorable over-
Other all outcome.191,201–203 ARDS is a life-threatening
6. In patients with aSAH whose ruptured
condition occurring in 3.6% to 27% of aSAH
aneurysm has been secured, pharmaco- cases before the COVID-19 pandemic.191,196,201,204
1 C-LD logical or mechanical venous thromboem- Whether the COVID-19 pandemic has increased
bolism (VTE) prophylaxis is recommended
to reduce the risk for VTE.191–193
the incidence of ARDS complicating aSAH is not
7. In patients with aSAH, effective glycemic
known at this time. Maneuvers to treat refrac-
control, strict hyperglycemia management, tory hypoxemia in severe ARDS such as alveolar
2a B-NR
and avoidance of hypoglycemia are rea- recruitment, higher positive end-expiratory pres-
sonable to improve outcome.141,142,194,195
sure use, and prone positioning are controversial
8. In patients with aSAH with fever refractory in patients with severe brain injury because of
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to antipyretic medications, the effective-

2b C-LD ness of therapeutic temperature manage- the concern that they may worsen ICP elevation.
ment (TTM) during the acute phase of Small RCTs now demonstrate that alveolar recruit-
aSAH is uncertain.196–198 ment and prone positioning can be performed in
patients with aSAH with ICP monitors to effectively
Synopsis increase arterial oxygen partial pressure while not
A significant number of patients with aSAH develop mul- leading to pathological ICP and cerebral perfusion
tisystem medical complications, including fever resulting pressure values.179–182,197,205–209 Although no stud-
from infectious and noninfectious causes such as cen- ies compared the safety of these maneuvers in
tral fever; systemic inflammatory syndrome; hyponatre- patients with or those without ICP monitors, given
mia attributable to cerebral salt wasting or syndrome of the overall critical condition of these patients and
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone; infectious complica- the available safety data, it is advisable to monitor
tions such as pneumonia and sepsis; VTE complications; ICP in patients who may require these maneuvers.
cardiac complications, including neurogenic stunned 3. The optimal method to assess and continuously
myocardium; and respiratory failure requiring mechani- monitor intravascular volume status and fluid respon-
cal ventilatory support, including ARDS.177,199 (Readers siveness in critically ill patients, including patients
are directed to Section 8.3 for discussion of DCI and with aSAH, remains controversial.204,210 Extensive
induced hypertension and to Section 6 for discussion of evidence suggests that central venous pressure
initial BP management.) Patients with aSAH with medi- correlates poorly with circulating blood volume and
cal complications have worse outcomes compared with is not able to predict hemodynamic response to a
those without complications.178,200 Prevention, timely fluid challenge in critically ill patients. Therefore, cen-
diagnosis, treatment of medical complications, and high- tral venous pressure is not an adequate surrogate
quality critical care support are important in improving measure for intravascular volume status.208,211–213
overall outcomes for patients with aSAH. Intravascular volume depletion in SAH can occur as
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text a result of natriuresis and may be associated with
1. Respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation, DCI and poor outcome, leading many experts to
health care–associated pneumonia, and ARDS are recommend continuous monitoring and optimization
important medical complications that may develop of adequate circulating blood volume in aSAH. Early

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e333

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

goal-directed treatment using continuous monitor- reduction of perioperative secondary ischemia with

ing and optimization of hemodynamic parameters, no impact on overall outcome.199,240


including cardiac output, preload, and stroke volume 6. In patients with acute aSAH, 4% to 24% will
variability to guide fluid and hemodynamic manage- develop VTE.179–182,189–191,221 Routine asymptomatic
ment in aSAH during endovascular/surgical therapy screening may increase occult deep vein throm-
and ICU care, can increase the detection and treat- bosis detection rates but with an unclear impact
ment of dehydration/intravascular volume depletion on outcome.180,188,192,221 CLOTS (Clots in Legs or
compared with conventional methods. However, this Stockings After Stroke) 3 was the largest RCT
may not affect the incidence of vasospasm, DCI, examining physical VTE prophylaxis (intermittent
death, or functional outcome.183,184,190,203 One RCT pneumatic compression) in ischemic (84.2%)
suggested that in patients with high-grade aSAH, and hemorrhagic (13%) strokes but excluded
early goal-directed treatment within 24 hours of aSAH.179,191 The safety of pharmacological VTE
aSAH onset for hemodynamic monitoring is asso- prophylaxis in aSAH can be derived from clinical
ciated with reduced rates of subsequent DCI, ICU trials of pharmacological agents typically used for
length of stay (LOS), and unfavorable outcome VTE prophylaxis. A small RCT of enoxaparin 40 mg
(mRS score 4–6).183,203 SC injection once daily in aSAH after aneurysm
4. Hyponatremia, with or without polyuria or natriure- treatment found that enoxaparin did not increase
sis, is a prominent clinical feature in aSAH but has bleeding and may have decreased the VTE rate but
been inconsistently associated with DCI and poor had no overall effect on outcome.184 Retrospective
outcome in cohort studies.186,214–230 Clinically sig- cohort studies of low-molecular-weight heparin in
nificant hyponatremia and uncontrolled natriuresis aSAH after aneurysm occlusion did not find signifi-
resulting in potential intravascular volume depletion cant hemorrhages.183,185,236 The optimal timing of
can lead to significant additional neurological and pharmacological VTE prophylaxis in aSAH relative
systemic deteriorations that require high-intensity to aneurysm occlusion and neurosurgical proce-
interventions in the ICU.196,231 Several moderately dures remains unclear. A case-control study187,193
sized RCTs found fludrocortisone to be effective comparing early (≤24 hours after aneurysm occlu-
in reducing excess sodium excretion, urine volume, sion) with delayed (>24 hours) pharmacological
hyponatremia, and intravenous fluid use during prophylaxis (>40% had an EVD) found no intracra-
acute aSAH, but fludrocortisone did not consis- nial hemorrhagic complications in the early group.
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tently reduce DCI or affect outcome.143,187,219,232–237 Three patients in the delayed group who received
These RCTs did not find significant morbidity with concomitant dual antiplatelet therapy developed
fludrocortisone use for reducing hyponatremia or severe intracranial hemorrhages.
natriuresis other than hypokalemia and the need 7. Hyperglycemia on admission, during aneurysm
for potassium supplementation. Other agents, surgery, or within 72 hours of aSAH presenta-
including high-dose hydrocortisone, have been tion has been associated with vasospasm, DCI,
studied in RCTs and demonstrated similar effects unfavorable short-term and long-term functional
on serum sodium, urinary sodium excretion, and outcomes, and risk of death in both patients with
natriuresis but reported more medical complica- diabetes and those without diabetes in multiple
tions such as hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, gas- studies.142,143,195,241 Although the data are fairly
trointestinal hemorrhage, and congestive heart consistent in the association between hypergly-
failure.187,198,217,218,237,238 The majority of these RCTs cemia and aSAH outcome, data are conflicting
used fludrocortisone or hydrocortisone in combina- on what glycemic threshold should be targeted,
tion with either delayed aneurysm treatment186,239 what monitoring and treatment intensities should
or induced hypervolemic hypertensive hemodilu- be used, and whether all these affect outcome.
tion therapy, which may have confounded the rela- Acute hyperglycemia on SAH presentation may
tionship between study drug and overall outcome. reflect the severity of the initial brain injury and
5. Prophylactic induced hypervolemia, often admin- therefore may not be a modifiable factor in pre-
istered as part of hypervolemic hypertensive venting secondary brain injury. Several small RCTs
hemodilution therapy using crystalloids or colloid comparing intensive with conventional glycemic
fluids such as human albumin or blood transfu- control in aSAH did not demonstrate any outcome
sion, had historically been used in clinical practice benefit.141,194 However, 1 study found that patients
with the goal of preventing or reducing DCI. The who received intensive insulin therapy targeting
RCTs to date demonstrate that volume expan- a glucose level of 80 to 120 mg/dL had signifi-
sion increases the rate of medical complications cantly lower infection rates but had no effect on
without improving overall outcome or reducing overall outcome.194 A key consideration with such
DCI.141,142,188–190,194,195,211 One study demonstrated a inconsistent data is whether tight glycemic control

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Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

can lead to systemic or cerebral hypoglycemia and • Cardiac complications: Cardiac arrhythmias, bio-

metabolic crisis in the acutely injured brain and markers of myocardial injury and cardiomyopathy,

potentially worsen brain injury and outcome, which have frequently been described after aSAH. The
remains to be determined.232,233,239 limited amount of evidence focuses mainly on the
8. Fever is common in acute aSAH, often refractory predictive value of aSAH-associated cardiac injury
to conventional antipyretics, and associated with on outcomes. However, there is no specific evidence
worse outcomes in multiple studies.198,202,238 Data on the management of cardiac complications.
remain heterogeneous on how fever is defined and • Protein malnutrition: Protein malnutrition is common
whether treatment of fever or TTM improves out- in aSAH. Nutrition support with high-protein supple-
comes in aSAH.196,197 Available fever control/TTM mentation may improve outcome in select patients
modalities include pharmacological treatment, sur- with aSAH such as those who develop infection, but
face cooling devices with or without a feedback the impact and optimal treatment of protein malnu-
loop, and endovascular cooling devices.205,209 To trition in aSAH remain unknown.
date, none of these modalities, alone or in com- • Circulatory volume: Whether the goal is hypervol-
bination, have improved outcome, although many emia or euvolemia, a key area of insufficient evi-
are effective in temperature control. TTM can be dence is how circulatory volume should best be
associated with complications such as shiver- determined in aSAH. Conventional methods for
ing requiring pharmacological control, increased circulating volume estimation such as fluid balance
duration of sedation, longer days on mechani- or central venous pressure are associated with
cal ventilation, longer ICU stay, hypotension, and more instances of hypovolemia. There is no gold
catheter-related complications if endovascular standard, and no studies have compared different
devices are used.205–207 Furthermore, the use of modes of circulatory volume measure in aSAH and
mild hypothermia in aSAH has been studied in the impact on overall outcome. Studies looking at
small RCTs, suggesting clinical feasibility,163 but total fluid administration in aSAH found that higher
different modalities may not have the same impact fluid intake was associated with DCI. Small RCTs
on reducing inflammatory biomarkers.242 suggest that goal-directed therapy with advanced
circulatory volume monitoring devices may reduce
Knowledge Gaps and Future Research the instances of hypovolemia, and goal-directed
• Transfusion targets in aSAH: Anemia is common therapy in patients with high-grade aSAH may be
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and associated with poor aSAH outcome. Red associated with a reduced incidence of DCI.
blood cell transfusion can increase cerebral oxy- • Fever and TTM: Key questions and research priori-
gen but causes medical complications and wors- ties remain in TTM delivery in aSAH, including the
ens outcome. Optimal hemoglobin thresholds and optimal target temperature, duration of TTM, opti-
the indications for transfusion remain unknown. mal TTM modalities to use, and how side effects of
Multicenter clinical trials are underway to address TTM affect outcomes.
these key questions.
• Systemic inflammation and infection: Systemic inflam-
matory response syndrome is prevalent and compli- 8.1. Nursing Interventions and Activities
cates the course of patients with aSAH, worsening Recommendations for Nursing Interventions and Activities
outcome. There are inconsistent data on how to Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
distinguish infectious from noninfectious causes of online Data Supplement 8.

systemic inflammatory response syndrome in aSAH. COR LOE Recommendations

Infectious complications, including pneumonia and 1. In patients with aSAH, use of evidence-
sepsis, are prevalent and worsen outcome, but based protocols and order sets is recom-
1 B-R
mended to improve standardization of
whether treatment of infection improves outcome care.243–250
is unknown. Furthermore, evidence suggests that 2. In patients with aSAH, frequent neuro-
inflammation contributes to brain injury after aSAH; logical assessment with a neurological
however, medications targeting inflammation such assessment tool such as the GCS or
1 B-NR National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
as glucocorticoid steroids have not been sufficiently (NIHSS) is recommended to monitor
studied in aSAH to assess their safety and efficacy. DCI and other secondary complica-
• Cardiopulmonary arrest: About 4% of patients with tions.246,251–254

aSAH suffer early cardiac arrest, and about one- 3. In patients with aSAH, frequent vital
sign and neurological monitoring is
quarter of survivors can have good outcomes,
recommended for detection of neu-
although data are inconsistent. Currently, there are 1 B-NR
rological change and prevention of
insufficient data to inform optimal treatment and secondary cerebral insults and poor
prognostication in aSAH-associated cardiac arrest.

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e335

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Recommendations for Nursing Interventions and Activities (Continued) interventions 4 years after the bundle introduction,

COR LOE Recommendations

with ongoing reduced dependency at 90 days.249

Current studies of patients with stroke suggest

4. In patients with aSAH, a validated
dysphagia screening protocol should be that the use of stroke-specific order sets provides
1 B-NR implemented before initiation of oral intake the foundation for standardized care. Compliance
to reduce the incidence of pneumo- with current guidelines and a review of individual
indicators such as treatment of hypertension,
5. In patients with aSAH, specialized nursing
stroke competencies and certification can
administration of nimodipine, and timely treatment
2a C-LD be effective to positively affect outcomes, of aneurysms have shown a positive association
timeliness of care, and adherence to with reduced 1-year mortality rate.250 Protocol-
stroke protocols.248,262–264
specific pathways and stroke order sets that guide
6. In patients with aSAH and a secured
aneurysm, an early, evidence-based
nursing activities result in improved standardization
2a C-LD mobility algorithm is reasonable to improve of care and better 90-day outcomes.249,250
level of function at discharge and global 2. Although diagnostic and imaging tools aid in the
functional outcome at 12 months.249,265–268
monitoring and detection of DCI, a large body of
evidence suggests that there may be other predic-
tors of DCI risk, including aneurysm size, location,
Nursing care activities, assessments, and interventions
Fisher score, oxygen saturation, and changes in
for patients with aSAH are initiated at the time of arrival
neurological examination as measured by neuro-
and continue throughout the patient’s hospital stay and
logical assessment scales.245,251–254,257 The most
recovery. Expert nursing care is the backbone and pillar
common described scales used to predict neu-
of critical care interventions in preventing medical compli-
rological changes are the GCS and NIHSS. One
cations and maximizing the chance for a good functional
large subgroup analysis looking at significant inde-
outcome. The focus of care is reduction of medical com-
pendent predictors of DCI found that although a
plications and secondary insults, including maintaining
change in GCS score alone was not an indepen-
euvolemia and avoiding BP variability. Prevention includes
dent predictor of DCI risk, a decrease in GCS
rapid recognition and treatment of neurological deteriora-
by ≥2 points was associated with clinical DCI.254
tion related to DCI, cerebral edema, hydrocephalus, fevers,
Multiple studies identified the NIHSS and GCS as
hyperglycemia, and pneumonia.244,246,251,253–256,258 The liter-
the preferred assessment scales for neurological
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ature identifies frequent assessments by nurses as a key

monitoring without identifying one scale as supe-
component in prevention strategies.244,246,255–257 The use
rior over another.251–253 Other DCI-specific predic-
of validated tools such as the NIHSS or GCS and vali-
tion scales such as VASOGRADE have shown the
dated dysphagia screening scales is shown to positively
ability to significantly predict DCI using a stratifica-
affect earlier intervention for vasospasm and DCI and
tion model.251
decrease rates of pneumonia.246,251,254,256–258 Furthermore,
3. Early detection of neurological deterioration for
nursing activities provided by certified and competent
patients with aSAH is crucial to prevent second-
stroke-trained nurses are suggested to have a positive
ary insults related to DCI or other complications
impact on patient outcomes.262–264 Use of and adherence
resulting from cerebral edema or hydrocephalus.
to aSAH order sets and protocols help to improve stan-
The studies reviewed include both RCTs and non-
dardization of care and reduce mortality.243,245,248,250
RCTs with a consistent recommendation for nurses
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text to provide frequent assessments in the acute
1. Uniform and standardized care for stroke patients phase.244–246,254–257 Frequent assessments ranged
has been shown to reduce LOS, decrease rate of from every 15 minutes to every 4 hours.246,251,255–257
DCI, and positively affect patient functional out- The duration of frequent assessments also varied,
comes at 90 days.243,244,246,247,249,250 Nursing inter- with a range of at least 48 hours to 7 days after
ventions are often driven by stepwise algorithms the bleed.245,246,254–257 One study observed neu-
and protocols that clearly define the activities. The rological deterioration in 42.6% of patients after
QASC trial (Quality in Acute Stroke Care), a large aneurysm clipping using the GCS and NIHSS as
observational study, found that patients in a nurse- the frequent assessment tool every hour up to 72
initiated intervention group using a fevers, sug- hours.256 There are a lack of consensus and wide
ars, and swallowing protocol had a 16% absolute variability in the timing and duration of frequent
improvement in death and dependency at 90 days assessments, allowing more individualized care
compared with patients in the control group.244,246 plans based on the complexity and needs of the
Follow-up of the QASC study found that estab- patient.
lishing and hardwiring this nursing protocol led to 4. It is estimated that up to 65% of patients with
an 80% increase in patient receipt of all protocol stroke will develop neurogenic dysphagia in the

e336   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

acute phase, putting them at increased risk of compared with nonparticipants.266 Evidence sug-

developing pneumonia and leading to increased gests that certain patients may benefit from an

LOS and poor functional outcome and mortality at early mobilization intervention.
90 days.258–261 Nurses are in a unique position to
evaluate for dysphagia before administering any- Knowledge Gaps and Future Research
thing by mouth. A systematic review and subgroup • Bundling of nursing activities: Limited literature
analysis that included 4528 patients found that focuses on how nursing activities affect the pre-
nurse-initiated dysphagia screening and the use of vention or detection of complications. Although it
formal guidelines had a significant positive effect is believed that nurses should bundle activities and
in the prevention of pneumonia and decreased consider timing of interventions, no large RCTs or
mortality rates.261 Another large systematic review meta-analyses to date have addressed this patient
and single-blinded cluster RCT that included both population and long-term outcomes as they relate
patients with hemorrhagic stroke and patients to nursing tasks.
with ischemic stroke reported various dysphagia • Vital sign and neurological assessment frequency:
screening tools and recommended the use of a The impact of the frequency of vital sign and neu-
validated tool as best practice within 24 hours of rological assessments on identification of neuro-
admission.246 logical deterioration, prevention of complications,
5. Implementing stroke care protocols and order and long-term functional outcomes is not well
sets and providing specialized assessments to the understood.
patient with stroke require expert nursing care. A • Multimodal monitoring: The nursing burden of
pre-/posttest-designed study found that nurses multimodal monitoring is unknown in the aSAH
who participated in stroke competency training population. The volume of nurses required and
had improved knowledge of and adherence to the ongoing education and training needed are
stroke guidelines with a positive association with not established.
decreased LOS.263 Nurse-specific competencies • Stroke education impact: Patient and family educa-
described in the literature include NIHSS assess- tion is a common intervention provided by nurses.
ment, dysphagia screening, patient and family However, there are no specific studies evaluating
stroke education, monitoring for increased ICP, the impact of education provided during the acute
and EVD management.248,262–264 In a retrospective, phase on the prevention of complications or long-
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comparative review, stroke-certified nurses were term outcomes. A nurse-driven study evaluating this
found to deliver more timely care and have a higher common patient care intervention may better guide
adherence rate to stroke protocols than noncer- nurses on the impact of education.
tified nurses.264 Additional studies are needed • Negative impact of nursing activities: Nursing care
to better understand the impact that specialized activities are intended to have a positive impact. For
nurse training and competencies have on long- some patients, these activities may be minimally tol-
term patient outcomes.248,262–264 erated because they may exacerbate acute issues
6. Immobility is a common problem for patients with such as increased ICP, decreased perfusion pres-
stroke that contributes to many secondary prob- sures, pain, sleep, or hemodynamic fluctuations.
lems, including thromboembolism, pressure sores, Future studies evaluating the impact of clustered
pneumonia, and poor functional outcomes.247,266–268 nursing interventions and risk/benefit review may
Initiation of rehabilitation therapies with early be beneficial.
mobilization has a positive impact, without a neg- • Sleep disruption tool: There is no validated tool to
ative effect on the frequency or severity of DCI evaluate the impact of frequent assessments of
events, and is associated with positive global vital signs and neurological checks on sleep dis-
functional outcome 1 year after hemorrhage.267,268 ruption. Frequent monitoring may have a potential
A prospective, interventional study compared a negative impact on patient outcomes. Future stud-
nurse-driven early mobilization group with a stan- ies and the development of a scale for this measure
dard treatment group and found that with each may be beneficial.
step of mobilization achieved in the early inter- • Nursing competencies: There is little understanding
vention group in the first 4 days after aneurysm of how nurse competency or certification contributes
repair, there was a 30% reduction of risk of severe to positive outcomes. A study evaluating uniformity,
vasospasm.267 Implementation of a nurse-driven timing, and validation of type of nurse competency
evidence-based mobility program found a 2.3- and certifications may be helpful. In addition, a bet-
fold increase in the level of function at 90 days ter understanding of appropriate expertise and stan-
for patients participating in the mobility program dards for nurse staffing ratios are needed.

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e337

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

8.2. Monitoring and Detection of Cerebral DSA, making it a reasonable option for vasospasm

Vasospasm and DCI detection in patients with high-grade aSAH.270


When severe vasospasm is detected on CTA,

Recommendations for Monitoring and Detection of Cerebral patients can be triaged for intervention in the angi-
Vasospasm and DCI
Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
ography suite because of the risk for DCI.274 CTA
online Data Supplement 9. vasospasm scores are direct predictors of DCI and
COR LOE Recommendations poor neurological outcome,312 and CTP allows early
1. In patients with aSAH with suspected prediction of perfusion abnormalities.313,314 CTP
vasospasm or limited neurological exami- can therefore aid in the detection of alterations to
2a B-NR nation, CTA or CT perfusion (CTP) can be the microcirculation, in addition to the macroscopic
useful to detect vasospasm and predict
DCI.270–275 vasospasm that can be detected with CTA.273 CTP
2. In patients with aSAH, transcranial
has a positive predictive value of 0.67 for DCI.271
Doppler (TCD) ultrasound monitoring In addition, CTP can be performed on day 3 after
2a B-NR
is reasonable to detect vasospasm and aSAH to assess patients at risk for DCI entering
predict DCI.253,276–280
the vasospasm window, thus limiting the need for
3. In patients with high-grade aSAH, con- repeat studies, contrast, and radiation exposure.272
2a B-NR tinuous EEG (cEEG) monitoring can be
useful to predict DCI.276,280–292 2. TCD is a noninvasive, safe bedside neuromonitoring
4. In patients with high-grade aSAH, invasive
technique that allows repetitive and dynamic assess-
monitoring of brain tissue oxygenation, ment of vasospasm after aSAH.253,276–280 Most of the
2b B-NR
lactate/pyruvate ratio, and glutamate may published studies have focused on MCA vasospasm,
be considered to predict DCI.293–305
usually defined as mean CBF velocity ≥120 cm/s
and Lindegaard ratio ≥3 (mean blood flow veloci-
ties in MCA/ipsilateral extracranial internal carotid
Narrowing of the cerebral arteries (cerebral vasospasm)
artery). The most recent systematic review and meta-
occurs frequently in patients with aSAH and is associated
analysis included 17 studies (n=2870 patients).277
with DCI and infarction. DCI occurs in ≈30% of patients,
TCD evidence of vasospasm was found to be highly
mostly between days 4 and 14 after aSAH. Clinical dete-
predictive of DCI. The pooled estimates for TCD
rioration due to DCI has been defined as the occurrence
diagnosis of vasospasm (for DCI) were a sensitiv-
of focal neurological impairment or a decrease of at
ity of 90% (95% CI, 77%–96%), specificity of 71%
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least 2 points on the GCS.306–308 This should last for at

(95% CI, 51%–84%), positive predictive value of
least 1 hour, is not apparent immediately after aneurysm
57% (95% CI, 38%–71%), and negative predictive
occlusion, and cannot be attributed to other causes. New
value of 92% (95% CI, 83%–96%). Retrospective
cerebral infarction has been defined as the presence of
observational studies suggest that the combination
cerebral infarction on CT or magnetic resonance imaging
of TCD and other neuromonitoring modalities (such
scan of the brain within 6 weeks after aSAH not attribut-
as cEEG,307 CTP,253 and Pbto2278) may increase the
able to other causes.306–308 Diagnosis of DCI can be chal-
prediction of DCI. These findings are of significance
lenging, and although serial neurological examinations are
because TCD is performed intermittently (at best
important (see Section 8.1), they are of limited value in
1–2 times per day), is operator dependent, can be
patients with high-grade aSAH. Several diagnostic tools
limited by patient anatomy (poor temporal bone win-
have been used to identify arterial narrowing and cerebral
dow), and can be affected by other physiological
perfusion abnormalities that may help predict DCI. The
measures (such as heart rate and BP).276,279
most commonly available techniques include TCD ultra-
3. Recent technical advances and broader availabil-
sound,253,276–280 CTA and CTP,270–275 and cEEG.276,280–292
ity have made cEEG feasible for more patients
Other invasive methods include partial pressure of brain
with aSAH. cEEG provides a continuous measure
tissue oxygen (Pbto2), and cerebral microdialysis.293–305
of cerebral function with predictable responses to
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text ischemia.284,286 In addition, quantitative EEG soft-
1. CTA and CTP can provide valuable assessment for ware programs allow the expeditious review of con-
vasospasm after aSAH and guide treatment deci- densed raw EEG data. This has made the real-time
sions.309 CTA has high sensitivity (91%) for detect- detection of adverse events such as seizures and
ing central vasospasm when symptoms develop.275 DCI possible. Published criteria for predicting DCI
The accuracy diminishes in distal vascular territo- are based on changes in cEEG spectral features,
ries.310 CTA can also be useful when TCD readings including decreasing alpha-to-delta power ratio, rel-
become elevated and neurological examination is ative alpha power variability, epileptiform discharges,
limited.311 In a prospective cohort study, CTA has rhythmic and periodic ictal-interictal continuum
been shown to have a diagnostic accuracy of 90% patterns, and isolated alpha suppression.281–292 A
and a false-positive rate of 5% compared with prospective observational study284 assessed the

e338   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

diagnostic accuracy of cEEG for DCI in patients various sources of bias, including patient selection,

with high-grade aSAH following the Standards for lack of standardized timing of initiation of monitoring,

Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies.315 The and outcome ascertainment. In addition, insufficient
study protocol consisted of clinical neurophysi- evidence exists to determine whether invasive multi-
ologists prospectively reporting prespecified EEG modal neuromonitoring affects long-term clinical out-
alarms: (1) decreasing relative alpha power vari- come in patients with high-grade aSAH.
ability, (2) decreasing alpha-to-delta power ratio, • Electrocorticography: Electrocorticography is a
(3) worsening focal slowing, or (4) late-appearing promising neuromonitoring technique to predict DCI
epileptiform abnormalities. The diagnostic reference but requires further validation and automatization.
standard was DCI. EEG alarms occurred in 96.2% • Cerebral autoregulation: Abnormal cerebral auto-
of patients with and 19.6% without subsequent DCI regulation has been associated with DCI. However,
(1.9-day median latency; interquartile range, 0.9– further validation of available algorithms and their
4.1). Among alarm subtypes, late-onset epileptiform real-time application are needed.
abnormalities had the highest predictive value. • Blood flow monitoring: Further studies are needed
4. Invasive neuromonitoring techniques have increas- to determine whether CBF monitoring changes
ingly been used to detect DCI in patients with capture DCI (when TCDs become elevated or neu-
high-grade aSAH.293–305 Pbto2 provides a surro- rological examination changes) in a reliable manner
gate measure of regional CBF and represents the to guide treatment decisions.
balance among oxygen supply, diffusion, and con- • CTP: Further validation of CTP thresholds to guide
sumption. Pbto2 has been found to help in the early more invasive angiographic evaluation or medical
detection of DCI and brain hypoxia.278,295,300 Pbto2 therapy is needed.
probes can be inserted safely.299 Cerebral microdial-
ysis monitoring may detect metabolic changes in the
extracellular fluid associated with ischemia.297,302,304 8.3. Management of Cerebral Vasospasm and
The lactate/pyruvate ratio is a metabolic measure DCI After aSAH
of cerebral oxygen supply and may serve as a bio-
Recommendations for Management of Cerebral Vasospasm and
chemical marker of impending hypoxia/ischemia. DCI After aSAH
Lactate/pyruvate ratio and glutamate concentra- Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
tions have been correlated with DCI in patients with online Data Supplement 10.
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high-grade aSAH. A recent systematic review of COR LOE Recommendations

47 studies investigating invasive neuromonitoring 1. In patients with aSAH, early initiation
of enteral nimodipine is beneficial in
(Pbto2, n=21; cerebral microdialysis, n=22) found 1 A
preventing DCI and improving functional
evidence that these techniques identify patients at outcomes.316–319
risk for DCI.295 A major disadvantage is that they 2. In patients with aSAH, maintaining euvolemia
provide information of the regional brain milieu; thus, 2a B-NR can be beneficial in preventing DCI and
placement in the highest-risk area for DCI may be improving functional outcomes.320,321

important. Some evidence supports the safety and 3. In patients with aSAH and symptomatic
vasospasm, elevating systolic BP values
utility of bihemispheric cerebral microdialysis to 2b B-NR
may be reasonable to reduce the progres-
enhance DCI detection.293 sion and severity of DCI.322–325

Knowledge Gaps and Future Research 4. In patients with aSAH and severe vaso-
spasm, use of intra-arterial vasodilator
• TCD monitoring: Insufficient evidence exists to 2b B-NR therapy may be reasonable to reverse
determine whether TCD monitoring affects long- cerebral vasospasm and reduce the pro-
term clinical outcome. Further studies of the role gression and severity of DCI.326–335

of TCD in the management of aSAH are needed, 5. In patients with aSAH and severe vasospasm,
cerebral angioplasty may be reasonable to
in particular standardized interpretation parameters 2b B-NR
reverse cerebral vasospasm and reduce the
and how they influence treatment decisions. progression and severity of DCI.336–344
• cEEG monitoring: Some, but not all, cEEG features 6. In patients with aSAH, routine use of
3: No
such as evidence of new or worsening epilepti- benefit
A statin therapy to improve outcomes is not
form abnormalities are associated with a sustained
impairment in functional outcome. Insufficient evi- 7. In patients with aSAH, routine use of intra-
3: No
A venous magnesium to improve neurologi-
dence exists to determine whether treatment deci- benefit
cal outcomes is not recommended.347,348
sions based on cEEG monitoring affect long-term 8. For patients with aSAH at risk of DCI,
clinical outcome. prophylactic hemodynamic augmenta-
3: Harm B-R
• Invasive multimodal neuromonitoring: Studies investigat- tion should not be performed to reduce
iatrogenic patient harm.189,211,349,350
ing invasive multimodal neuromonitoring suffer from

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e339

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Figure 3. A practical and evidence-

guided approach to the management
of patients with cerebral vasospasm
and DCI after aSAH.
Colors correspond to Class of
Recommendation in Table 2. aSAH
indicates aneurysmal subarachnoid
hemorrhage; cEEG, continuous
electroencephalography; CT/CTA,
computed tomography/computed
tomography angiography; DCI,
delayed cerebral ischemia; IA, intra-
arterial; and TCD, transcranial Doppler.
*Recommendation from Section 8.3,
Management of Cerebral Vasospasm and
DCI After aSAH. †Recommendation from
Section 8.1, Nursing Interventions and
Activities. ‡Recommendation from Section
8.2, Monitoring and Detection of Cerebral
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Synopsis in the management of aSAH. (See Section 8 for discus-

For patients who survive initial aneurysmal rupture, DCI sion of volume management and recommendation for
represents a major concern.306 The angiographic pres- hypervolemia.)
ence of cerebral vasospasm as a cause of DCI is a major
predictor of morbidity and mortality.89 Undiagnosed and Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text
insufficiently treated cerebral arterial vasospasm was 1. Nimodipine is a dihydropyridine calcium channel
historically implicated as a major cause of death at blocker that was approved by the US Food and Drug
autopsy after aSAH.351 However, the mechanisms that Administration for clinical neurological improvement
lead to loss of brain tissue viability secondary to DCI are after aSAH. Continued enteral administration at a
more complex than vasospasm alone. Proposed mech- dose of 60 mg 6 times a day can be beneficial in
anisms for DCI include blood-brain barrier disruption, preventing DCI and improving functional outcome,
microthrombosis, cortical spreading depolarization/isch- as originally published in the 1983 clinical trial353 and
emia, and failure of cerebral autoregulation.352 Therapy confirmed in a meta-analysis of 16 trials involving
directed at vasospasm alone has had limited impact on 3361 patients.354 Samseethong and colleagues318
DCI or mortality in patients with aSAH. Clearly, effec- also found that continuous administration is valu-
tive risk stratification, prophylaxis, detection, and treat- able, but the ideal timing for when to begin nimodip-
ment of DCI (Figure 3) represent an important frontier ine before the vasospasm window is debated.

e340   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Hernandez-Duran and colleagues317 found that dis- literature, the development of a focal deficit or a

ruption of nimodipine was associated with a greater decrease in GCS is typically used to determine the

incidence of DCI (ρ=0.431, P<0.001); furthermore, presence of DCI, whereas criteria for patients with
an inverse correlation to DCI was shown if full dos- high-grade aSAH and limited clinical examina-
ing could be maintained (ρ=−0.273, P<0.001). tions are less certain. In a randomized trial of vaso-
Therefore, consistent administration is suggested pressor administration, there was a trend toward
even in the setting of nimodipine-induced hypoten- maintained CBF during DCI in the treatment
sion that can be managed with standard medical group. Serious adverse events (death, myocardial
interventions. However, if nimodipine causes signifi- infarction, and cardiac arrhythmia) were higher
cant BP variability, temporary stoppage may be nec- but nonsignificant in the treatment group.323 In a
essary. Although nimodipine remains a therapeutic retrospective study, significantly more patients in
mainstay, it is important to acknowledge the age of the norepinephrine group exhibited neurological
the data guiding its use and limitations of repeat- improvement compared with those in the phen-
ing RCTs with the oral form of the medication now. ylephrine group (94% versus 71%; P=0.01) and
Although studies of intravenous and intra-arterial were discharged to home or an acute rehabilita-
nimodipine have been reported,355 there are limited tion facility (94% versus 73%; P=0.02). The 2
data to make any recommendation for these routes groups experienced similar rates of complica-
of nimodipine administration. tions.325 The only RCT of induced hypertension
2. Maintenance of euvolemia can be effective to in aSAH, HIMALAIA (Hypertension Induction in
prevent DCI and improve functional outcomes the Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid
after SAH.356 Gelder and colleagues321 found that Haemorrhage With Secondary Ischaemia), was
58% of patients with documented volume deple- discontinued prematurely because of a lack of
tion developed DCI. Hypervolemia is associated benefit for cerebral perfusion and poor enrollment,
with worse outcomes and higher rates of compli- limiting the ability to interpret results. There was
cations (see Section 8).245,357–359 Euvolemia, not no difference in functional outcome, but the study
hypervolemia, should be targeted during intensive was underpowered.322 Observational data, includ-
care and the vasospasm period.360 Definitions of ing large, multiyear, multicenter retrospective data,
euvolemia vary in the literature, and no clear stan- indicate an improvement after induced hyperten-
dard exists. Use of central venous pressure alone sion in ≈80% of symptomatic patients.322,324 Taken
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is not reliable for assessing volume status.361 together, these data suggest that induced hyper-
Invasive measures of cardiac output have been tension may be reasonable in patients with DCI.
used, including advanced hemodynamic monitor- 4. A range of endovascular options exist for treat-
ing with transpulmonary thermodilution.183,245 The ing vasospasm.365,366 Vasorelaxation/spasmolysis
added importance of these monitoring techniques with intra-arterial vasodilators allows access to
is uncertain. Euvolemia is included as part of a both proximal and distal cerebral vasculature. A
goal-directed approach to therapy, as discussed range of agents, doses, and treatment durations
previously (see Section 8). Crystalloid infusions to exists. Each of these agents is further associated
maintain euvolemia have been supported in the lit- with side effects, including systemic hypoten-
erature.362 With euvolemia as part of goal-directed sion, and no high-quality studies have compared
therapy, DCI was observed in 13% of the patients them in a randomized fashion.367 The benefit of
in the goal-directed therapy group and in 32% of these medications for DCI prevention/reversal
the patients in the control group (odds ratio, 0.324 and improved functional outcome and their com-
[95% CI, 0.11–0.86]; P=0.021) in 1 study.245 parative advantages or risks require future study.
Duangthongphon and colleagues320 found that ini- Papaverine, although a historically effective vaso-
tiation of the euvolemic protocol reduced DCI from dilator, is generally avoided because of the risk
44.2% to 7.7% (odds ratio, 0.10 [95% CI, 0.04– of neurotoxicity.368 Intra-arterial nimodipine is not
0.23]; P<0.001). Furthermore, mortality rates in available in all geographic regions.335 Procedurally,
patients with a good WFNS grade decreased from systemic hypotension369 and elevation of ICP due
16.3% to 8.8% (hazard ratio, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.28– to vasodilation370 are concerns during medication
2.28]). Maintenance of euvolemia also reduces administration. Infusion through a cervical catheter
cardiac and pulmonary complications.363 seems reasonable, with intracranial microcatheter
3. BP variability is associated with less favorable placement and infusion reserved for more severe
neurological outcomes in SAH.364 Clinically, hypo- cases.371 Intermittent therapy is favored over con-
tension can precede the development of focal tinuous infusion of vasodilator, for both efficacy
neurological deficits in patients who are neuro- and complication profiles.372 Intra-arterial infu-
logically compensated otherwise. In the available sions can be used in combination with angioplasty

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e341

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

techniques to target different levels of the cerebral neurological outcomes but a higher incidence of

vasculature.373 complications, including congestive cardiac failure.


5. Angioplasty offers a mechanical option for improv- Permissive autoregulation seems a reasonable
ing perfusion in patients with severe vasospasm. strategy given that in patients with aSAH devel-
Historically, angioplasty was performed with endo- oping DCI, there is a rise in BP values380,381 that
vascular balloons and was confined to proximal correlates with developing cerebral vasospasm.
vasculature. The choice between compliant and Recently, milrinone has been used for DCI preven-
noncompliant balloons remains operator depen- tion on the basis of limited and nonrandomized
dent.356 A poor angiographic response to angio- data. Available evidence suggests that the medi-
plasty is associated with recurrent vasospasm and cation is well tolerated as an intravenous infusion
risk of cerebral infarction.337 Particular care must through the period of peak DCI risk and may have
be taken with cerebral angioplasty given the high a beneficial effect in preventing symptomatic vaso-
mortality associated with vessel rupture, although spasm or DCI. Whether this effect is mediated
contemporary safety profiles are favorable. Limited through inotropy or cerebral vasodilation is unclear.
direct comparisons exist between angioplasty and The role of milrinone, although promising, requires
vasodilator therapy,360 but data suggest greater further investigation.382,383
durability in angiographic response after balloon
angioplasty.336 Combination therapy with intra- Knowledge Gaps and Future Research
arterial vasodilator infusions allows access to the • Risk stratification for DCI and evidence of functional
entire vasculature for diffuse spasm. improvement after DCI treatment: The evidence for
6. A recent meta-analysis by Shen and colleagues345 much of the therapy detailed previously is limited. A
found that among the 6 randomized aSAH trials for deeper understanding of DCI, accurate risk stratifi-
statin therapy, vasospasm was reduced but no sig- cation, and the impact of current (and future) thera-
nificant benefit in DCI or mortality was observed. pies are important needs.
A proposed mechanism is the long-term dosing • Combination therapies: Combination therapies may
of statins predisposed to bacteremia in the aSAH offer the best chance of success for DCI preven-
population, thereby mitigating any potential benefit tion, with ongoing investigation warranted. Platform
in vasospasm protection.374 Thus, some groups are and master protocol studies allow evaluation of mul-
investigating shorter-duration therapy and combi- tiple therapies simultaneously, and several effective
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nation therapies.375 Current evidence indicates no examples exist. The role of this approach in aSAH
benefit in outcomes based on prior dosing strat- is yet to be explored.
egies; therefore, statins are not recommended as • Utility of intra-arterial medication and devices: High-
routine therapy in this population.376 quality, randomized data are required to understand
7. Preclinical data suggested that magnesium sulfate the role of intra-arterial treatment for DCI, despite
could improve CBF and decrease vasospasm.377 widespread use. Endovascular device evolution is
Clinical evidence found no benefit in terms of out- expected, including the emergence of new angio-
comes when intravenous magnesium sulfate was plasty tools based on stent-retriever technology.
given.347 Two meta-analyses of the available RCTs Comparative research is an area of significant need.
showed no benefit in terms of cerebral infarction or • Neural ganglia blocks: Neural ganglia blocks with
reduced mortality.378,379 Some groups have argued local anesthetic are being studied for symptom
that it is the concentration of magnesium in the management in patients with aSAH. Given the
CSF that is important compared with peripheral potential for neural contributions to the neurovas-
circulation, but this has yet to be validated. Current cular unit and vasospasm, the impact of such inter-
evidence therefore recommends against the rou- ventions on DCI requires additional study.
tine use of magnesium sulfate to improve neuro- • Antiplatelets and anticoagulation: Antiplatelet
logical outcomes for patients with aSAH.348 and anticoagulation administration cannot be
8. The peak risk for DCI and cerebral vasospasm is recommended for or against because of insuf-
postbleed days 6 to 10 after aSAH. A prophylactic ficient or conflicting evidence on use for the
versus reactive approach to hemodynamic aug- prevention of DCI.
mentation has been studied. Hemodynamic aug- • Intrathecal medication delivery: Intrathecal delivery
mentation in the existing literature was achieved of medications targeting heme degradation prod-
through various different methods, including intra- ucts (haptoglobin, deferoxamine, vitamin D) and
venous colloids or various vasopressor medica- various vasodilators (nimodipine, nicardipine, milri-
tions (dobutamine, norepinephrine, milrinone, and none, cilostazol, magnesium sulfate, nitric oxide, and
phenylephrine). Patients treated with prophylactic glyceryl trinitrate) has been evaluated to ameliorate
hemodynamic augmentation had no difference in DCI. Although preliminary data and animal studies

e342   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

have shown promise, treatment in patients with Use of a targeted, bundled EVD management proto-

aSAH requires further studies. col has been identified as a best practice for preven-

• Drainage via lumbar drain or EVD: Such drainage tion of ventriculostomy-associated infection and other
allows expedited removal of blood products from associated complications.390–392,394 Although the lit-
the CSF, with computational models showing effec- erature on the elements of a bundled protocol varies,
tiveness. Available trial data suggest that drainage the primary considerations should include a protocol
through a lumbar drain reduces the incidence of that addresses insertion and technique, management,
DCI, despite trials being population and center lim- monitoring, and education.388–392,394,395
ited. The role of a lumbar drain in aSAH is being
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text
actively investigated.
1. The risk of acute hydrocephalus after aSAH ranges
• Cisternal fibrinolytic and spasmolytic medication:
from 15% to 87% in the acute stage.12,400 aSAH
These medications have recently been introduced
with associated acute symptomatic hydrocepha-
to help clear subarachnoid blood in the CSF space.
lus should be managed urgently by CSF diversion
An ongoing double-blinded clinical trial is underway
(EVD or lumbar drainage) to improve neurological
to detect effectiveness through administration by
condition.12,236,384–387 Lumbar drainage of CSF after
cisternal lavage.
aSAH has been shown to reduce the prevalence
of DCI and improve early clinical outcome.404 (ICP
8.4. Management of Hydrocephalus Associated monitoring may be considered in patients with
With aSAH suspected intracranial hypertension even in the
absence of hydrocephalus.) The placement of an
Recommendations for Management of Hydrocephalus Associated EVD or lumbar drain can be determined by hemor-
With aSAH
Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized
rhage or hydrocephalus CSF flow pattern. In terms
in online Data Supplement 11. of timing of EVD, no data exist; however, in cen-
COR LOE Recommendations ters without qualifications to perform aneurysm
1. In patients with aSAH and acute
treatment, urgent stabilization of the patient, CSF
symptomatic hydrocephalus, urgent CSF diversion, and EVD placement, if needed, should be
1 B-NR diversion (EVD and/or lumbar drainage) performed before transfer to a center with aSAH
should be performed to improve
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

neurological outcome.236,384–387
2. The importance of developing and using an evi-
2. In patients with aSAH and hydrocephalus
who require an EVD, implementation and dence-based EVD protocol for reduced complica-
adherence to an EVD bundled protocol tions is widely reported in the literature. A review of
1 B-NR that addresses insertion, management,
10 bundled protocols from 1990 to 2013 evaluat-
education, and monitoring are recom-
mended to reduce complication and ing the incidence of a protocol impact on infection
infection rates.388–396 rate before and after insertion found a significant
3. In patients with aSAH and associated reduction in ventriculostomy-associated infection
1 B-NR
chronic symptomatic hydrocephalus, per- with a preprotocol ventriculostomy-associated
manent CSF diversion is recommended to
improve neurological outcome.397–400
infection rate ranging between 6.1% and 37% to a
4. In patients with aSAH, routine fenestration
postprotocol ventriculostomy-associated infection
3: No
C-LD of the lamina terminalis is not indicated for rate ranging from 0% to 9%.393 This same review,
reducing the rate of shunt dependency.401 along with others, summarized key practices for
EVD insertion and maintenance bundles.390–394,396
Synopsis Aseptic technique and the use of antibiotic impreg-
Patients with aSAH are at risk of developing symp- nated catheters are widely accepted as best
tomatic acute or chronic hydrocephalus. The rec- practices to decrease CSF positive cultures and
ommendations focus on interventions to improve reduce rates of ventriculostomy-associated infec-
neurological outcome after aSAH-associated acute or tion.390–396 The place of insertion, inserting physi-
chronic hydrocephalus. In terms of the existing litera- cian, type and size of catheter, and the antibiotic
ture on the management of acute or chronic hydro- coating vary widely. Although the evidence sug-
cephalus, only 1 RCT402 and 3 meta-analyses focus gests that reduced sampling and use of aseptic
on risk factors.400,401,403 The majority of the existing lit- technique decrease rate of ventriculostomy-asso-
erature consists of nonrandomized case-control case ciated infection, there is not enough literature to
series and case reports. The need for urgent EVD in support specific recommendations for this inter-
the acute phase of hydrocephalus should be consid- vention.388–395 EVD dressing management is also
ered. The incidence and risk of ventriculostomy-asso- an important part of any bundle, but this is variable
ciated infection range from <1% to 45%.389–391,393,395 among organizations.390,393,394 Table 4 outlines the

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e343

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Table 4. Elements for an EVD Infection Control Bundled Protocol388–395


Insertion and technique Management Monitoring and education


EVD setup Type of dressing Health care professional training (insertion

and management)
Aseptic technique Frequency of dressing change Staff education and competency
Skin preparation Flushing of EVD system Monitoring number of EVD catheter days
EVD insertion location (ICU, OR, other) CSF sampling frequency Monitoring rates of infection
EVD insertion health care professional (neuro- CSF sampling technique Uniform definition for ventriculostomy-associ-
surgery, ICU, resident, APP) ated infection
Catheter selection (size, antibiotic impregnated) EVD manipulation Use of EVD order panel
Procedure timeout Catheter or system exchange
Nursing handoff
EVD clamping and weaning
Mobilization safety
APP indicates advanced practice provider; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EVD, external ventricular drain; ICU, intensive care unit; and OR, operating room.

key components defined in the literature to be con- EVD and lumbar drainage, and risk of rebleeding
sidered and included in a bundled EVD protocol. before aneurysm treatment.
3. According to the literature, aSAH-associated per- • EVD bundles: There are no clear best-practice
sistent or chronic shunt-dependent hydrocephalus EVD bundles identified to date in current studies.
occurs in 8.9% to 48% of patients with aSAH.400 Variability within the literature includes, but is not lim-
Significant predictors of shunt dependency include ited to, type of antibiotic-coated catheter, frequency
poor admission neurological grade, increased age, of CSF sampling, type and frequency of dressing
acute hydrocephalus, high Fisher grades, pres- changes, and weaning protocols. Future RCTs com-
ence of intraventricular hemorrhage, rebleeding, paring bundled EVD protocols may help guide best
ruptured posterior circulation artery aneurysm, practice for the management and care of EVDs.
anterior communicating artery aneurysm, surgi- • Drainage management: Weak or inconclusive data
cal clipping, endovascular coiling, cerebral vaso- exist on how to manage continuous versus non-
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spasm, meningitis, and a prolonged period of continuous CSF drainage and daily drainage vol-
EVD.12,397–400 According to a large observational ume through an EVD or lumbar drain for acute
study, clipping and coiling of ruptured and unrup- hydrocephalus.
tured cerebral aneurysms were associated with
similar incidences of ventricular shunt placement
for hydrocephalus.398 Last, permanent CSF diver- 8.5. Management of Seizures Associated With
sion was shown to improve neurological outcome aSAH
after aSAH.12,397–400 Recommendations for Management of Seizures Associated
4. A meta-analysis including 11 studies and 1973 With aSAH
patients revealed no significant association Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
online Data Supplement 12.
between lamina terminalis fenestration and a
COR LOE Recommendations
reduced incidence of shunt-dependent hydroceph-
alus.401 The overall incidence of shunt-dependent Patients who present without seizures

hydrocephalus in the fenestrated cohort was 10% 1. In patients with aSAH and either fluctuat-
ing neurological examination, depressed
compared with 14% in the nonfenestrated cohort mental state, ruptured MCA aneurysm,
(P=0.089). The RR of shunt-dependent hydro- 2a B-NR
high-grade SAH, ICH, hydrocephalus, or
cephalus in the fenestrated cohort was 0.88 (95% cortical infarction, cEEG monitoring is
reasonable to detect seizures.291,405,406
CI, 0.62–1.24).401
2. In patients with aSAH and high-seizure-
Knowledge Gaps and Future Research risk features (ie, ruptured MCA aneurysm,
high-grade SAH, ICH, hydrocephalus, and
• ICP monitoring: Limited data exist on the benefit of 2b B-NR
cortical infarction), use of prophylactic
ICP monitoring in patients with high-grade aSAH antiseizure medication(s) may be reason-
without hydrocephalus. able to prevent seizures.407–413

• Rebleeding: There are limited data on whether 3. In patients with aSAH without high-
seizure-risk features (ie, ruptured MCA
treatment of acute hydrocephalus before treat- 3: No aneurysm, high-grade SAH, ICH,
ment of the ruptured aneurysm increases the risk B-R
benefit hydrocephalus, and cortical infarction),
of rebleeding. In addition, there are limited data on prophylactic treatment with antiseizure
medication is not beneficial.392
the management of hydrocephalus, comparison of

e344   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Recommendations for Management of Seizures Associated depressed consciousness or a fluctuating neuro-

With aSAH (Continued) logical examination should raise clinical suspicion

COR LOE Recommendations for nonconvulsive seizures, and monitoring for a
4. In patients with aSAH, phenytoin for period of 24 to 48 hours is reasonable. Patients
3: Harm B-NR
seizure prevention and/or antiseizure in a coma may require a longer period of monitor-
prophylaxis is associated with excess
ing.291,405,417 Recent technical advances (eg, remote
morbidity and mortality.407–411,413–415
monitoring) have made it possible to bring cEEG
Patients who present with seizures
monitoring to more patients with aSAH. In addition,
5. In patients with aSAH who present with
seizures, treatment with antiseizure
cEEG is now being used with quantitative tech-
2a B-NR medications for ≤7 days is reasonable to niques for the evaluation of DCI. The neurocritical
reduce seizure-related complications in care team should determine what EEG parameters
the perioperative period.411,416,417
(quantitative or otherwise) will be used to define
6. In patients with aSAH without prior seizures. Similar to the 2022 AHA/ASA guideline
epilepsy who present with seizures, treat-
3: No
B-NR ment with antiseizure medications beyond on the management of spontaneous intracranial
7 days is not effective for reducing future hemorrhage,13 we suggest the definition outlined
SAH-associated seizure risk.408,410,411 by the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society:
“epileptiform discharges averaging >2.5 Hz for ≥10
Synopsis seconds (>25 discharges in 10 seconds) or any
Although the incidence of aSAH-associated seizures is pattern with definite evolution and lasting ≥10 sec-
relatively common, an understanding of the management onds.”421 Standardized criteria like this are especially
of seizures is poorly supported by randomized, controlled important with the rising number of care extenders
studies. Since the 2012 aSAH guideline,12 meta-anal- who are less experienced with EEG interpretation.
yses, single-center studies, and evaluations of next- 2. Although the concept of seizure prophylaxis in
generation antiseizure medications are the best sources aSAH is significantly contested, the effect of an
from which to obtain management recommendations. uncontrolled seizure on the rupture risk of an
Although seizure-like episodes have been reported in up unsecured aneurysm is not. Prior guidelines have
to 26% patients with aSAH, a better understanding of the suggested that seizure prophylaxis may be con-
incidence of seizures has been attained with improved sidered in the immediate posthemorrhagic period
EEG monitoring capability. More recent studies suggest (<7 days).12 Subsequent meta-analyses have not
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a lower seizure incidence of 7.8% to 15.2%.410,411,417 produced sufficient evidence to support the rou-
Early and late postoperative seizures have an incidence tine use of antiseizure medications for the primary
of 2.3% and 5.5%, respectively.411 In patients with aSAH or secondary prevention of seizures after aSAH.408
who present with seizures, the use of antiseizure medica- Framing this discussion is the benefit of reducing
tions for <7 days is reasonable to reduce delayed seizure seizures, along with the adverse effects related to
or hemorrhage risk.411,416,417 Endovascular coil emboliza- the historical use of phenytoin. A recent guideline
tion compared with neurosurgical clipping seems to be addressing the management of patients with ICH
associated with a lower incidence of late seizures.113,411 suggested that there was no benefit in prophylac-
In addition to the surgical management of aneurysms, tic antiseizure medications in the isolated setting of
clinical grade (HH grade ≥3), MCA aneurysm location, ICH.13 However, the presence of MCA aneurysm,
and hydrocephalus appear to be associated with an high clinical/radiological grade (HH grade >3 or
increased incidence of seizures.12,407,410,418 It may be rea- Fisher grade III/IV), cortical infarction, or hydro-
sonable to use EEG monitoring in these cases or in those cephalus has been associated with an elevated
with a depressed neurological examination.405,406,412,417,418 seizure risk.12,409,412,413 Seizure prophylaxis may be
With these characteristics, prophylaxis may be reason- reasonable when associated with aSAH and any of
able. However, although prophylactic use of antiseizure these findings.
medications may be reasonable when high-risk char- 3. Please refer to supporting text for Recommendation 2.
acteristics are present, the use of phenytoin appears 4. The data supporting the prophylactic use of anti-
potentially harmful and thus is not recommended for this seizure medications clearly lack the support of
purpose.406,407,410,419 RCTs.408 This is especially clear in patients who
do not meet the clinical or radiographic charac-
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text teristics that correlated with a higher risk for sei-
1. In prior guidelines for the management of aSAH,12,16 zures (see prior supporting text). Nonrandomized
clinical (HH grade ≥3) or radiographic (MCA aneu- data do highlight that although control of identi-
rysm or ICH) findings correlated with elevated fied seizures can be achieved with phenytoin, the
seizure incidence in the first 24 hours of the hem- side-effect profile of this drug produces risks that
orrhage. With or without these characteristics, outweigh the benefits of seizure prophylaxis in

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e345

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

many instances.422 Studies that discuss the effect development of late seizures. Recent meta-analy-

of antiseizure medications on global functional ses suggest that compared with short-term use (<3

outcomes are inconclusive.407,423 Poorer cognitive days), the long-term use (>3 days) of prophylactic
outcomes have been related to phenytoin adminis- antiseizure medications in patients with aSAH has
tration. Whether this increased morbidity is related a similar effect on in-hospital seizure prevention
to an effect on DCI through metabolic competition but is associated with poor clinical outcomes.410
with nimodipine or undiagnosed transaminase These data cannot be applied to the patient group
elevations is unclear. Use of newer-generation that has a preexisting seizure disorder.
antiseizure medications that may be more effec-
Knowledge Gaps and Future Research
tive or less toxic than phenytoin remains a topic of
Antiseizure medications:
discussion.424 A single-blinded randomized study
• The impact of antiseizure medications, especially
of levetiracetam versus phenytoin demonstrated
when given in a targeted and time-limited manner,
the same outcomes with respect to mortality or
on outcome in patients with aSAH associated sei-
seizure control as evaluated by cEEG. Therapy
zures is not well defined.
with levetiracetam resulted in a lower incidence
• Although the improved side-effect profiles of newer-
of adverse effects as evaluated by the Glasgow
generation antiseizure medications may reduce the
Outcome Scale–Extended and Disability Rating
risk of primary or secondary prevention of seizures
Scale. The excess morbidity associated with the
after aSAH, the benefit of routine administration of
use of phenytoin should prompt the use of alter-
antiseizure medications is not supported by ran-
native antiseizure medications.415
domized evidence.
5. An important distinction in the management of
• Medication-related morbidity: The morbidity attrib-
patients with aSAH-associated seizure is whether
uted to the routine use of phenytoin for seizure
seizure is a component of the patient presenta-
prophylaxis is well documented. The effect of this
tion. This has resulted in literature and subsequent
medication-related morbidity on the outcome of
recommendations that are based on onset, early,
patients with aSAH and seizures is a significant
and late seizures. Onset seizures occur at the time
confounding factor in the understanding of the true
of the hemorrhage; early seizures occur during
impact of seizures on the outcome of these patients.
the first week; and late seizures are either post-
Randomized evidence evaluating the treatment of
operative or occur after 1 week. Onset seizures
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patients with aSAH with modern antiseizure medi-

have been found to predict poor outcome after
cations is needed to guide optimal management.
aSAH.417 The possibility of preventing nonconvul-
• Treatment modality: Although the literature sug-
sive status or rerupture of an unsecured aneurysm
gests that endovascular treatments are associated
in the onset seizure group has led to a practice of
with a lower incidence of late seizures, a matched
administering antiseizure medications on presen-
comparison between surgery and endovascular
tation. Despite the absence of randomized data,
therapies over similar patient groups, aneurysm
providing antiseizure medications to patients with
locations, and time periods does not exist to sug-
aSAH and onset seizures for a period of ≤7 days
gest a persistent beneficial effect on the incidence
serves to minimize early complications related to
of late-onset seizures.
the onset seizure in the perioperative period and
decrease long-term medication side effects. Early
and late seizures are distinct from onset seizures
in that they are not the immediate result of the 9. aSAH RECOVERY
initial hemorrhage and potentially are related to 9.1. aSAH Acute Recovery
the treatment modality or posthemorrhage infarct.
Accordingly, both categories warrant longer-term Recommendations for aSAH Acute Recovery
Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
antiseizure medication that should be managed in online Data Supplement 13.
the postoperative period by a clinician who special-
COR LOE Recommendations
izes in seizure management.
1. In patients with aSAH, use of validated
6. It is useful to conceptualize the management of grading scores or patient-reported
aSAH-associated seizures into the management outcome measures prior to hospital
1 B-NR
of perioperative risk and the management of discharge is recommended to screen for
physical, cognitive, behavioral, and QOL
delayed seizure risk. Although onset seizures may deficits.39,425–431
be best stabilized by early administration of anti-
2. In patients with aSAH, use of validated
seizure medication, there are no randomized data screening tools in the postacute period
1 B-NR
and little other literature to suggest that treatment is recommended to identify post-aSAH
depression and anxiety.429,432
for >7 days positively or negatively influences the

e346   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Recommendations for aSAH Acute Recovery (Continued) and QOL for aSAH survivors. Supporting data for

COR LOE Recommendations
validated scores come from all stroke survivors,

but there are not enough data to recommend one
3. In patients with aSAH and depression,
psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy are score over another for aSAH. A systematic review
1 B-NR
recommended to reduce symptoms of (n=65 studies) found that functional assessments
may not be sensitive enough to capture cognitive
4. In patients with aSAH, use of a validated impairments for aSAH survivors.430 In a narrative
screening tool in the postacute period
1 B-NR
is useful to identify cognitive dysfunc-
review, 1 in 3 stroke survivors was found to have
tion.430,436–439 poststroke depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic
5. In patients with aSAH, an early multidisci- stress disorder.429 Validated scores can help risk-
plinary team–based approach to treatment stratify patients and detect such impairments, pro-
1 B-NR and rehabilitation is recommended to
viding an opportunity for early intervention.426 In a
reduce LOS and identify discharge
needs.231,440 pooled analysis (n=10 936), the SAHIT score was
6. In patients with aSAH and no other medi- derived and validated with data available at the time
cal or neurological contraindications, early of admission for predicting mortality and 3-month
2a B-NR rehabilitation after the ruptured aneurysm functional outcomes.39,427 The Functional Recovery
is secured is reasonable to improve func-
tional outcome and reduce LOS.267,441–445 Expected After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage score,
7. In patients with aSAH in a coma, early use
derived from a cohort of 1519 patients, included
2b C-LD of neurostimulants may be reasonable to variables available within the first 48 hours to
promote consciousness recovery.446–448 predict cognition and QOL at 1 year.425 The Full
8. In patients with aSAH without depres- Outline of Unresponsiveness score at admission
3: No sion, fluoxetine therapy is not effective to and 7 days has been associated with mortality
benefit enhance poststroke functional sta-
tus.449–452 and functional outcomes at 1 and 6 months.428 A
review (n=20 studies) found that functional status,
Synopsis fatigue, cognitive complaints, depression, and cop-
Although mortality from aSAH has improved over the ing mechanisms correlate with health-related QOL
past decades, the number of survivors who have defi- in aSAH.431
cits in multiple domains is increasing. These domains 2. Although observational cohort studies have used
several scales and variable timing of administering
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

include function, cognition,430,436 behavior,432 difficulty in

returning to work, and QOL, among others. Depression these scales, we recommended screening patients
can occur in about one-third of aSAH survivors; anxiety for depression and anxiety before discharge and
and posttraumatic stress disorder can be seen in ≈15% in the postacute period to capture the cumulative
to 20%,429,432,453 and cognitive impairment can occur in impairments from both the initial aneurysm rupture
40% to 70%.430 These impairments may persist in the and DCI. A review that summarized the best avail-
long term, even in aSAH survivors who make a good func- able evidence for poststroke depression, anxiety,
tional recovery. Mortality and functional outcomes such as and posttraumatic stress disorder found that the
Glasgow Outcome Scale and mRS scores are commonly Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale and General
used as primary outcome measures in SAH RCTs, but Anxiety Disorder-7 have been used to screen for
there is variability in the timing of measuring functional anxiety, and the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale,
outcomes.454 Outcome assessments for other domains Patient Health Questionairre-2, Patient Health
are rarely used as end points for SAH clinical trials. There Questionairre-9, and Beck’s Depression Inventory
is heterogeneity in the scales and timing of administra- have been used to screen for depression. There is
tion of scales for such outcomes in cohort studies. The currently a lack of data on specific screening tools
postacute recovery phase, defined as the first 6 months and timing of screening for poststroke depression
of survivorship, should capture the cumulative burden of and anxiety after aSAH.
early brain injury, DCI, and hospital-acquired complica- 3. Patients with aSAH and depression should be
tions. Although global scales have been used, aSAH-spe- treated with appropriate psychotherapy and phar-
cific outcome scales are needed to understand the true macotherapy.429 Prestroke depression, prestroke
impact of illness. The SAH Outcome Tool, which includes anxiety, age <50 years, living alone, socioeconomic
56 items, is the only disease-specific patient-reported hardship, and cognitive symptoms have been
outcome measure455 but has not been implemented clini- associated with higher risks of developing post-
cally because of a complex Rasch-based interval analysis. stroke depression and anxiety.429,432 Depression
and anxiety may coexist in aSAH survivors. In a
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text Cochrane review evaluating the safety and effi-
1. Routine clinical examinations may not be sufficient cacy of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for
to identify issues in function, cognition, behavior, poststroke depression, 75 studies were included

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e347

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

with differences in the dose, duration, and type occupational therapists, and speech therapists can

of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors used. reduce LOS and improve patient outcomes. Such

Among patients with stroke who were on selec- a team-based approach can guide timely decision-
tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors, there was a making and identify barriers to safe transition of
reduction in the proportion of patients with post- care. In a single-center retrospective study, 174
stroke depression (RR, 0.75; 3 studies with high- patients with aSAH were enrolled in a physician-
quality evidence including 5907 participants).434 led multidisciplinary huddle to identify patient
In another review (n=8 trials), pharmacological discharge needs and decrease ICU and hospital
interventions (n=1025 participants) decreased LOS.231 Huddle team participants discussed antici-
depressive symptoms at the end of treatment.433 pated discharge needs and possible discharge
The use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors locations. Mean LOS times decreased to less than
is appropriate for patients with preexisting symp- those cited in earlier studies, with mean hospital
toms of depression. Various psychosocial interven- LOS dropping from 21.6 to 14.1 days. Transitions
tions that have been studied for stroke survivors of care during acute hospitalization and to inpa-
include music therapy, mindfulness, and motiva- tient rehabilitation facilities require anticipa-
tional interviewing. Although data supporting the tory guidance and a coordinated team approach
efficacy of these interventions are limited, they are between the acute care and rehabilitation teams.
safe and may reduce the risk of poststroke depres- In a single-center study, 1190 patients with stroke
sion.429 In a meta-analysis of 23 studies including were enrolled in an intervention with multidisci-
1972 patients, cognitive behavioral therapy with or plinary team huddle rounds led by physiatrists
without pharmacological interventions was found and a virtual rounding tool leveraging electronic
to reduce depression, but the overall quality of the health record data.440 Discharges for patients with
studies included in the review was low.435 acute stroke to inpatient rehabilitation facilities
4. In a systematic review that included 65 studies, increased from 24.2% in 2018 to 30.1% in 2020.
acute hydrocephalus requiring CSF diversion, sei- For hemorrhagic stroke, the average onset days to
zures, fever, prolonged ICU stay, and development inpatient rehabilitation facilities decreased from 12
of DCI were associated with cognitive impairments. days in 2018 to 9.9 days in 2020.
Even in patients with good functional outcomes, 6. Retrospective studies have shown that early
25% were found to have cognitive impairments, rehabilitation after the ruptured aneurysm is
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including memory issues, executive dysfunction, and secured is feasible without an increase in adverse
inattention.436 Screening for these impairments with events.267,441,442,444,445 To decrease the poten-
validated screening tools may help refer patients tial risk of rerupture of a patient’s aneurysm,
to appropriate cognitive rehabilitation.430 In a small bed rest would be safest before the aneurysm
comparative study (n=32), SAH survivors with good being secured.442,443 Patients with DCI are usu-
functional outcomes at 3 months were administered ally not considered for participation in rehabilita-
the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Mini- tion or ambulation while they are receiving BP
Mental Status Examination (MMSE), and neuropsy- augmentation and other therapies for DCI. No
chological tests. The MoCA was found to be more RCT has addressed the question of early mobi-
sensitive than the MMSE in diagnosing cognitive lization in aSAH. The AVERT trial (A Very Early
impairments. High performance on specific MoCA Rehabilitation Trial), which included 11 000
domains such as animal naming and abstraction was patients, did not include patients with aSAH and
more closely associated with returning to work.438 showed harm in patients with stroke undergoing
However, in a single-center study that included 180 ultraearly rehabilitation, defined as verticalization
patients, MoCA administered at 2 to 4 weeks did and ambulation within 24 hours of stroke onset.443
not predict functional outcomes at 1 year.457 In a In a meta-analysis442 to evaluate the effect of
case-control study that included 288 patients with early mobilization on functional outcomes in
aSAH and 80 control subjects whose cognitive patients with stroke, 6 studies were included and
outcomes were assessed with MoCA at discharge, showed no difference in functional outcomes
severe cognitive impairment was seen in 48.7% of between the early mobilization group and control
aSAH survivors with good functional outcomes. The group. Most of the studies in this review com-
authors concluded that cognitive screening should prised patients with acute ischemic stroke and
be performed in all aSAH survivors, regardless of the few studies that included patients with hem-
functional outcomes.439 orrhagic stroke did not provide subgroup analysis
5. A multidisciplinary team–based approach includ- of patients with aSAH versus patients with ICH.
ing neurocritical care, neurosurgery, rehabilita- 7. After other reversible causes of coma (eg, hydro-
tion specialists, physiatrists, physical therapists, cephalus, DCI, nonconvulsive seizures/status

e348   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

epilepticus) have been treated, few interventions • The frequency, timing, and types of screening

have been studied to promote consciousness recov- tools and neuropsychological evaluations need

ery in the acute setting. Cognitive motor dissociation to be studied. In addition, the role of early ICU
may be seen in 15% of patients with severe acute rehabilitation, early supported discharge, telere-
brain injuries, including aSAH,459 as determined by habilitation, peer-to-peer support groups, and
machine learning with cEEG monitoring. This has post-ICU recovery clinics should be investigated
prognostic implications because patients with cog- in prospective studies.
nitive motor dissociation have a higher likelihood of Patient-family dyad support:
not only recovering consciousness but also having a • Surrogate decision makers for patients with severe
better functional outcome at 1 year.459,460 Although acute brain injury have several concerns, including
no RCTs have been conducted in patients with aSAH, prognostic uncertainty. Understanding the commu-
the safety and possible efficacy of neurostimulants nication needs for the aSAH patient-family dyads,
in aSAH can be extrapolated from literature on their role in shared decision-making, and use of
traumatic brain injury.448 In a systematic review that decision aids remains an understudied area.
included 20 retrospective studies, with only 11% of • Targeted interventions with the potential to reduce
patients with aSAH—10 studies that included aman- the survivorship burden for the patient-family dyad
tadine and 10 studies with modafinil—the authors should be studied in RCTs.
found that it was reasonable to use neurostimu- • Patient-reported and patient-centered outcomes:
lants to promote consciousness recovery. No pooled Patient-reported outcome measures that include
analysis was done because of the heterogeneity impairments in the functional, cognitive, and
of the included studies.446 The median time from behavioral domains; return to work; positive psy-
aSAH to initiation of neurostimulants was ≈19 days. chological outcomes such as happiness; and
Although these studies show that the neurostimu- the neurochemical, neuroendocrine basis of dif-
lants could be initiated safely in patients with stroke ferent impairments should be studied prospec-
in the subacute period,446,447 they did not address tively for meeting the needs of aSAH survivors.
whether patients should undergo cEEG monitoring Incorporating patient-centered outcomes into
to evaluate for breakthrough seizures. Similarly, lim- standard outcome measures is important for
ited data exist to guide different combinations and aSAH survivors and their families.
doses of neurostimulants. • Delirium and post–intensive care syndrome: Delirium
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8. Fluoxetine has been studied extensively in patients and post–intensive care syndrome can impact out-
with stroke to promote neuronal plasticity. This rec- comes in patients with aSAH. Studies to better
ommendation is based on multiple RCTs on fluox- understand how ICU-related factors versus aSAH-
etine449–452 that included patients with ischemic and related factors affect multidomain outcomes are
hemorrhagic stroke. All of these trials had similar needed.
designs, randomizing patients to receive fluoxetine • Headache management: Multimodal management
20 mg versus placebo. Patients in the intervention of headaches, including pharmacological and
arm experienced an increased incidence of osteo- nonpharmacological strategies, to minimize opioid
porosis, fractures, and seizures with no improve- use in the acute and postacute settings should be
ment in motor recovery. Hence, fluoxetine is not studied.
recommended to enhance poststroke functional
status. (In patients with preexisting depression on
fluoxetine, this medication should be continued to 9.2. aSAH Long-Term Recovery
treat depression.) Recommendations for aSAH Long-Term Recovery
Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
Knowledge Gaps and Future Research online Data Supplement 14.
Multimodal prognosis and multidisciplinary follow-up: COR LOE Recommendations
• Multimodal prognostication needs to be studied to
1. In adult patients with aSAH, screening
improve prediction of patient-centered outcomes. and intervention for depression, anxiety,
1 B-NR
Studies should include clinical assessments, struc- and sexual dysfunction are recommended
to improve long-term outcomes.461–465
tural and functional imaging, biomarkers, electro-
physiology, premorbid patient characteristics (eg, 2. In patients with aSAH, it is reasonable
2a B-NR to choose the MoCA over the MMSE to
frailty, resilience, cognitive reserve, comorbidities), identify cognitive impairment.438,466,467
and complications during index hospitalization. 3. In patients with aSAH, counseling patients
• In patients with high-grade aSAH, coma science, and caregivers on the high long-term risk
2b B-NR
machine learning, and strategies to promote con- of cognitive dysfunction can be beneficial
to identify long-term needs.468
sciousness recovery need to be studied further.

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e349

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Synopsis the strongest evidence demonstrating efficacy in


Long-term recovery extends beyond the first 3 months patients with aSAH, other assessment tools can

in individuals with aSAH. Neurological deficits can be used, including formal comprehensive cognitive
result in an increased incidence of depression, anxi- evaluation when indicated.
ety, and cognitive impairments, resulting in changes in 3. Dementia is one of the leading causes of both
familial roles and a negative impact on overall QOL for medical and social disability, which increases in
months to years after the initial injury. These recommen- patients with a history of stroke. In a large pro-
dations focus on evaluations done for the purpose of spective 30-year study, which included 9872 SAH
identifying treatable cognitive and behavioral sequelae survivors and a 49 360-person comparison cohort,
after aSAH. The variable yield of testing, including the the hazard ratio for dementia was 2.72 (95% CI,
potential influence of caregiver input, means that cli- 2.45–3.06).468 The median age at dementia diag-
nicians should exercise discernment when initiating nosis was 74 years for aSAH compared with 79
treatment plans. years for ICH and 81 years for ischemic stroke.
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text Knowledge Gaps and Future Research
1. Identification and treatment of psychological and • Interventions to improve long-term outcomes:
sexual sequelae can have a positive impact on Although we can improve recognition of the treat-
QOL after aSAH. Screening tools to evaluate pat- able causes of cognitive and behavioral sequelae
terns of depression, anxiety, mobility, and activi- after aSAH, more studies are needed to determine
ties of daily living detailed in the literature include the best screening tools, timing, and effectiveness
the State Trait Anxiety Inventory, Hospital Anxiety of interventions for these conditions.
and Depression Scale, Telephone Interview for • Return to driving: Return to driving may be a better
Cognitive Status, and Barthel Index at 6 months, predictor of long-term outcomes after aSAH than
1 year, and 2 years.462 Use of the International return to work. Data on visuospatial impairments
Index of Erectile Function and the Female Sexual affecting the ability to drive are limited, particu-
Function Index within the first 4 years465 is rec- larly in patients with aSAH, who may have multiple
ommended to evaluate sexual dysfunction in men mechanisms of visual impairment.
and women, respectively. For long-term follow-up • Effect of post-SAH sequelae on the ability to return
after aSAH, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression to work: Determining the effect of headache, hydro-
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

Scale can be used within the first 8.9 years463 cephalus, ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction, or
to examine anxiety and depression incidence, epilepsy on subjective health impairment and the
and the EuroQol-5D can be used within the ability to return to work is a critical component of
first 10 years to evaluate health-related QOL.461 long-term recovery. The inability to work has implica-
Furthermore, the 36-item Short Form can be tions at the patient, community, and societal levels.
used within 4.7 years to evaluate outcomes in
8 domains: physical and social functioning, role
limitations because of physical or emotional 10. RISK FACTORS, PREVENTION, AND
problems, bodily pain, mental and general health SUBSEQUENT MONITORING FOR
perception, and vitality.464 Although the time frame
for use of these screening tools is described here
in accordance with the studies, their use can be Recommendations for Risk Factors, Prevention, and Subsequent
considered beyond the suggested time frames Monitoring for Recurrent aSAH
Referenced studies that support recommendations are summarized in
for individual patients. online Data Supplement 15.
2. After aSAH, cognitive dysfunction is an impor-
COR LOE Recommendations
tant cause of disability. The most common cogni-
1. In patients with aSAH who have under-
tive complaints include mental slowness, memory, gone aneurysm repair, perioperative
and attention difficulties. Although most deficits 1 B-NR
cerebrovascular imaging is recommended
improve, ≈50% of patients with aSAH continue to identify remnants or recurrence of the
aneurysm that may require further treat-
to experience cognitive difficulties for a year.469,470 ment.113,116,131
Both the MMSE and the MoCA are useful tools 2. In patients with aSAH who have
in the identification of cognitive impairment after undergone aneurysm repair, follow-up
aSAH. In comparative studies, the MoCA seems to cerebrovascular imaging is recommended
to identify recurrence or regrowth of the
have a higher sensitivity than the MMSE438,466,467; 1 B-NR
treated aneurysm, changes in another
however, a lack of a baseline assessment in the known aneurysm, or development of de
aSAH population may contribute to test-result novo aneurysm(s) that may require further
treatment to reduce the risk of aSAH.116,131
variability. Although the MMSE and MoCA have

e350   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Table 5. Risk Factors for Rerupture and De Novo Aneurysms aneurysms is increased with incomplete occlusion

Characteristics Risk factors and with larger aneurysms.474 In a meta-analysis,

regrowth risk of clipped aneurysms was 2.1%/y in
those with residuals and 0.26%/y in those without
Residual aneurysms
  Incomplete aneurysm occlusion results in a
higher risk of rerupture.106,107 However, even residuals.475 Thus, aneurysms, especially those that
completely obliterated aneurysms carry a risk of are incompletely occluded, can recur over the long
rerupture in the long term.476
term and have the potential to rerupture. In addi-
Coiled aneurysms
  Coiled aneurysms have a higher rate of incom- tion to rerupture of the target aneurysm, the risk
plete occlusion130,477 and recurrence478 and
therefore have a higher risk of rerupture.107 of recurrent SAH from another known, unknown,
De novo
or de novo aneurysm after aSAH is 0% in the
first 12 months, 0.3% at 1 to 5 years, and 0.3%
  Risk factors for de novo aneurysms in patients
with ruptured aneurysms include younger age, at >5 years.116,131 Delayed imaging is therefore
family history, and multiple aneurysms.479–481 recommended to identify residual or regrowth of
Growth and rupture
  Risk factors for growth and rupture of de novo the treated ruptured aneurysm and other known,
aneurysms include female sex, shorter interval unknown, or de novo aneurysm(s) (Table 5) that
to formation of the de novo aneurysm, multiple
aneurysms, and larger size.481
may require further treatment to reduce the risk of
recurrent aSAH.
Synopsis Knowledge Gaps
Patients with aSAH who have undergone aneurysm • Follow-up imaging and outcome: Large trials such as
repair should undergo perioperative imaging after ISAT showed that there is a risk of rebleeding after
treatment to identify residual or recurrent aneurysms treatment of aneurysms and that there are incom-
because they may result in rebleeding. Although large pletely treated aneurysms that may be predisposed
randomized clinical trials such as ISAT evaluated to rerupture. However, data on how postoperative
rebleeding,113,116,131 intraoperative/postoperative imag- imaging affects retreatment or the risk of rebleed-
ing was a requirement only for endovascular treatment. ing are limited.
Intraoperative and postoperative imaging in surgically • Timing and duration of follow-up: Although the risk
clipped aneurysms has been studied but not specifi- of recurrent SAH from a treated ruptured aneu-
cally for the purpose of determining rebleeding risk rysm remains nonzero even at >5 years, the optimal
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

in ruptured aneurysms.471–473 The recommendations timing and duration of follow-up imaging remain
here are based on the occurrence of rebleeding and unknown.
the assumption that rebleeding in treated aneurysms
may be prevented by preemptively treating residual or
recurrent aneurysms that are concerning. AHA STROKE COUNCIL SCIENTIFIC
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text
Jose Romano, MD, FAHA, Chair; Nerissa U. Ko, MD, MAS,
1. In ISAT, the risk of recurrent aSAH from the
Vice Chair; Joseph P. Broderick, MD, FAHA, Immediate
target aneurysms in the endovascularly treated
Past Chair; Mona Bahouth, MD, PhD; Cheryl Bushnell,
and surgically treated groups in the first 30 days
MD, MHSc, FAHA; Mandip Dhamoon, MD, DPH, FAHA;
after treatment was 1.9% and 0.6%, respec-
Justin F. Fraser, MD; Jose Gutierrez, MD, MPH; Niloufar
tively.113,116,131 Of the 20 patients in the endovas-
Hadidi, PhD, RN, FAHA; Koto Ishida, MD, FAHA; Ron-
cular group who rebled within 30 days, 5 had
ald Lazar, PhD, FAHA; Patrick Lyden, MD, FAHA; William
no coils placed, 7 had incomplete occlusion, 3
Mack, MD, MS, FAHA; Soojin Park, MD, FAHA; Lauren
were felt to be completely occluded, and 5 had
Sansing, MD, MS, FAHA; Alexis Simpkins MD, PhD, MS,
thrombolytic therapy to treat a thromboembolic
FAHA; Laura Stein, MD, Med; Kori Zachrison, MD, MS,
complication.116 Thus, incompletely occluded
aneurysms had a higher risk of rebleeding in the
short term, and perioperative imaging is recom-
mended to evaluate for remnants or recurrence
that may require treatment. PRESIDENT AND STAFF: AHA/ASA
2. In ISAT, the risk of recurrent SAH from the target Michelle A. Albert, MD, MPH, FAHA, President
aneurysms in the endovascularly treated and surgi- Nancy Brown, Chief Executive Officer
cally treated groups at 30 days to 1 year was 0.6% Mariell Jessup, MD, FAHA, Chief Science and Medical
and 0.4%, at 1 to 5 years was 0% and 0%, and Officer
at >5 years was 0.5% and 0.3%, respectively.131 Radhika Rajgopal Singh, PhD, Senior Vice President,
Long-term recurrence of endovascularly treated Office of Science and Medicine

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e351

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Jody Hundley, Senior Production and Operations Manager, This guideline was approved by the American Heart Association Science Advi-
sory and Coordinating Committee on February 20, 2023, and the American Heart

Scientific Publications, Office of Science Operations Association Executive Committee on April 4, 2023. A copy of the document is

available at by using either “Search for

Guidelines & Statements” or the “Browse by Topic” area. To purchase additional
reprints, call 215-356-2721 or email
AHA/ASA STROKE GUIDELINES STAFF The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as
follows: Hoh BL, Ko NU, Amin-Hanjani S, Chou SH-Y, Cruz-Flores S, Dangayach
Prashant Nedungadi, PhD, National Vice President NS, Derdeyn CP, Du R, Hänggi D, Hetts SW, Ifejika NL, Johnson R; Keigher
Science and Medicine, Clinical Guidelines, Office of KM, Leslie-Mazwi TM, Lucke-Wold B, Rabinstein AA, Robicsek SA, Stapleton CJ,
Science, Medicine & Health Suarez JI, Tjoumakaris SI, Welch BG. 2023 Guideline for the management of pa-
tients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a guideline from the American
Melanie Stephens-Lyman, MS, Science and Health Advisor, Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370.
Stroke Guidelines, Office of Science, Medicine & Health doi: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436
Anne Leonard, MPH, RN, FAHA, CCRC, National Senior The expert peer review of AHA-commissioned documents (eg, scientific
statements, clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews) is conducted by the
Director, Science and Medicine, Office of Science, AHA Office of Science Operations. For more on AHA statements and guidelines
Medicine & Health development, visit Select the “Guide-
lines & Statements” drop-down menu, then click “Publication Development.”
Permissions: Multiple copies, modification, alteration, enhancement, and dis-
tribution of this document are not permitted without the express permission of the
ARTICLE INFORMATION American Heart Association. Instructions for obtaining permission are located at
The American Heart Association makes every effort to avoid any actual or poten- A link to the “Copyright Permissions Request
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personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the writing panel. Spe- statements-and-policies/copyright-request-form).
cifically, all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit a
Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be perceived Acknowledgments
as real or potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Chethan Rao also served as peer reviewer.

Appendix 1. Writing Group Relationships With Industry and Other Entities (Relevant)—2023 Guideline for the Management of
Patients With Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Writing grant/other Speakers’ Consultant/
group research bureau/ Expert Ownership advisory Voting recusals by
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

member Employment support honoraria witness interest board Other section‡

Brian L. Hoh University of Florida None None None None None None
Nerissa U. Ko University of Califor- None None None None None None
nia San Francisco
Sepideh University of Illinois Idorsia Phar- None None None None None 8.3. Management of
Amin-Hanjani at Chicago maceuticals* Cerebral Vasospasm
and DCI After aSAH
Sherry Feinberg School of None None None Mitochondrial CSL Behring* 6. Medical Measures
Hsiang-Yi Medicine and North- Biomarkers of to Prevent Rebleed-
Chou western Medicine and Therapeutics ing After aSAH
Aq15 for, CNS 8.3. Management of
Injury and Disease Cerebral Vasospasm
2017 coinventor* and DCI After aSAH
Patent application:
Salvador University Medical None None None None None None
Cruz-Flores Center of El Paso
Neha S. Mount Sinai None None None None None None
Dangayach Hospital
Colin P. Carver College None None None Euphrates Vascular* None None 7. Surgical and
Derdeyn of Medicine and Endovascular Meth-
University of Iowa ods for Treatment of
Hospitals and Ruptured Cerebral
Clinics Aneurysms
Rose Du Brigham and None None None None None None
Women’s Hospital
Daniel Hänggi Düsseldorf None None None None None None
University Hospital
University (Germany)

(Continued )

e352   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Appendix 1. Continued


Writing grant/other Speakers’ Consultant/
group research bureau/ Expert Ownership advisory Voting recusals by
member Employment support honoraria witness interest board Other section‡
Steven W. University of Califor- Stryker†; None None None Kaneka None 7. Surgical and
Hetts nia San Francisco Siemens Pharma Endovascular Meth-
Medical America LLC* ods for Treatment of
Solutions† Ruptured Cerebral
Nneka L. University of Texas None None None None None None
Ifejika Southwestern Medi-
cal Center
Regina NA None None None None None None
Kiffon M. Advocate Aurora None None None None None None
Keigher Health System and
Rush University Col-
lege of Nursing
Thabele M. University of Wash- None None None None None None
Leslie-Mazwi ington
Brandon P. University of Florida None None None None None None
Alejandro A. Mayo Clinic None None None None None None
Steven A. University of Florida None None None None None Heineman-
Robicsek Robicsek
Christopher J. Massachusetts Genentech†; None None None None None 7. Surgical and
Stapleton General Hospital Penumbra†; Endovascular Meth-
Route 92† ods for Treatment of
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

Ruptured Cerebral
Jose I. Suarez Johns Hopkins None None None None None None
University School of
Stavropoula I. Thomas Jefferson None None None None MicroVen- None 7. Surgical and
Tjoumakaris University Hospital tion*; Endovascular Meth-
at Sidney Kimmel Medtronic† ods for Treatment of
Medical College Ruptured Cerebral
Babu G. University of Texas Stryker*; None None None MicroVen- None 7. Surgical and
Welch Southwestern Medi- MicroVen- tion*; Stryker Endovascular Meth-
cal Center tion* Corp†; ods for Treatment of
Medtronic* Ruptured Cerebral
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on
the Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a)
the person receives $5000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting
stock or share of the entity or owns $5000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant”
under the preceding definition.
*Modest (<$5000).
†Significant (≥$5000).
‡Writing committee members are required to recuse themselves from voting on sections to which their specific relationships with industry and other entities
may apply.

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e353

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Appendix 2. Peer Reviewer Relationships With Industry and Other Entities (Comprehensive)—2023 Guideline for the
Management of Patients With Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Other Speakers’
research bureau/ Expert Ownership Consultant/
Peer reviewer Employment Research grant support honoraria witness interest advisory board Other
Matthew Medtronic; None None None None None None None
Alexander Johnson &
Johnson Health
Care Systems
Susan Ashcraft Novant Health None None None None None None None
J.J. Baumann UCHealth None None None None None None None
Ketan Bulsara American Heart None None None None None None None
Joseph Burns Lahey Hospital None None None None None None None
and Medical
Katharina Busl American None None None None None None None
Academy of
Care Society;
Society of Critical
Care Medicine
Arindam Washington None None None None None MDReview†; None
“Rano” University School Penumbra, Inc.*
Chatterjee of Medicine in
St. Louis
Hormuzdiyar Boston Medical None None None None None None None
Dasenbrock Center
Wendy The Joint None None None None Dusenbury None Association of
Dusenbury Commission; LLC* Neurovascular
Health Clinicians
Science Center, (unpaid–past
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

University of president,
Tennessee fiduciary officer)*
Shane English Ottawa Hospital; CIHR (does not None None None None None Heart and Stroke
Ottawa Hospital benefit him Foundation of
Research Insti- personally)* Canada (salary
tute support award)†
Nima Etiman Medical Faculty None None None None None None None
Justin Fraser University of None None None None Cerelux†; Stream Biomedical Imperative Care,
Kentucky Fawkes (equity options)*; Inc (independent
Biotechnol- Penumbra, Inc. contractor–data
ogy* (independent and safety moni-
contractor– toring)*
W. David Free- Mayo Clinic None None None None None None None
Bradley Gross Medtronic; None None None None None None None
Shelby Halsey UT Southwestern None None None None None None None
Medical Center
David Hasan MicroVention, None None None None None None None
Mark Johnson UT Southwestern None None None None None None None
Medical Center
Keri S. Kim University of Illi- National Institute of None None None None None None
nois at Chicago Health (grant recipi-
ent, institution)†
(Continued )

e354   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Appendix 2. Continued

Other Speakers’

research bureau/ Expert Ownership Consultant/
Peer reviewer Employment Research grant support honoraria witness interest advisory board Other
Michael Levitt University of Medtronic None None None Aeaean Proprio (indepen- Journal of Neu-
Washington (unrestricted Advis- dent contrac- rointerventional
educational grant to ers*; Fluid tor–consultant)†; Surgery (indepen-
institution)†; Stryker Biomed*; Metis Innovative dent contractor–
Corp (unrestricted Hyperion (independent Editorial Board)*;
educational grant to Surgical contractor–con- Arsenal Medical
institution)† (stock sultant, unpaid)* (independent
option)†; contractor–data
Cere- and safety moni-
brotech toring)*; Frontiers
(stock)†; in Surgery (inde-
Synchron pendent contrac-
(stock)† tor–Editorial
Board, unpaid)*
R. Loch Community None None None None None Idorsia Phar- None
Macdonald Health Partners maceuticals
sultant)†; SNO
Bio (independent
sultant)*; Acasti
sultant)†; BPL
sultant)*; CSL
Behring (indepen-
dent contractor–
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

Thanh Nguyen Boston Medical None Medtronic USA, None None None None Idorsia (Indepen-
Center Inc. (interest dent Contractor -
held by: Boston Advisory Board)†
Medical Center
ent: Thanh
Kristine University of None None None None None BARD (Indepen- None
O’Phelan Miami dent Contractor
– Consultant)*
Santiago Carver College Stryker (SEASE None None None None Stryker (con- None
Ortega- of Medicine - evolve international sultant; proctor
Gutierrez University of collaboration)†; of evolve and
Iowa methinks (Investiga- speaker)†;
tor initiated grant Medtronic (Proc-
to validate an AI tor for pipeline
software to estimate and speaker)†;
core volume in plain MicroVention, Inc.
head CT)†; NIH (ICAD consul-
(RO3 NS126804)†; tant)†
Jeffrey UpToDate None None None None None None None
Lauren Yale University NIH (U01NS130585, None None None None None None
Sansing School of R21NS132543,
Medicine U01NS106513,
(Continued )

Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436 July 2023   e355

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Appendix 2. Continued

Other Speakers’

research bureau/ Expert Ownership Consultant/

Peer reviewer Employment Research grant support honoraria witness interest advisory board Other
Aarti Sarwal Wake Forest Butterfly Network, University None None None CVR Global (Inde- Intensive Care
Baptist Health; Inc.†; C. R. Bard, of Technol- pendent Contractor Society (Travel;
Wake Forest Inc. & Subsidiaries† ogy, Sydney - Site Investigator Location:
School of (Intellectual for multicenter clini- Belfast, Ireland.
Medicine Property - Other cal trial conducted Reimbursement
Intellectual by CVR Global)*; for travel to speak
Property: Com- C. R. Bard, Inc. & at ICS)*; Travel:
pensation for Subsidiaries (Inde- Indian Academy
reviewing Thesis pendent Contractor of Neurology)*;
for a Master's - Site investigator American Society
project)*; Soci- for multicenter of Neuroimaging
ety of Critical trial sponsored by (Fiduciary Offi-
Care Medicine Bard)*; Biogen, cer)*; Association
(Intellectual Inc. (Independent of Indian Neurolo-
Property - Other Contractor - Site gists in America
Intellectual investigator for (Fiduciary
Property: Social multicenter trial Officer)*
Media Editor conducted by Bio-
for Critical Care gen. Monies paid
Medicine)* to Department for
costs associated
with multicenter
clinical trial. No
direct monies or
support paid to
Clemens Geisinger Medtronic Vascular, Cerenovus None None Neuro- Balt USA, LLC†; None
Schirmer Inc†; Penumbra, Inc† (independent technology Medtronic Vascu-
contractor– Investors lar, Inc†
research support (stock
to Geisinger- equity)*
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023

National Insti-
tutes of Health
research support
to Geisinger,
unpaid)*; Stryker
Corp (indepen-
dent contractor–
research support
to Geisinger,
Vishank Shah Johns Hopkins None None None None None None None
School of
Deepak University of Agency for Health- None None None None Masimo Corpora- Wolters Kluwer
Sharma Washington care Research and tion (Independent Health, Inc
Quality† Contractor–Sci- (gift–UpToDate
entific Advisory contribution)*
Gisele Sampia UNIFESP None None Pfizer None None Bayer (Indepen- None
Silva (Inde- dent Contractor
pendent – Consultant)*;
Contractor Boehringer Ingel-
- Speaker- heim (Indepen-
educational dent Contractor
lectures on – Consultant)*
Stroke and
Atrial fibril-
Tom Tinlin Howard Stein None None None None None None Hemorrhagic
Hudson stroke survivor.
(Continued )

e356   July 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:e314–e370. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000436

Hoh et al Guideline for the Management of Patients With aSAH

Appendix 2. Continued

Other Speakers’

research bureau/ Expert Ownership Consultant/
Peer reviewer Employment Research grant support honoraria witness interest advisory board Other
James Torner Neurelis, Inc.; None None None None None None None
NIH; University
of Utah
Mathieu van Erasmus None None None None None None Intellectual
der Jagt Medisch Property–copy-
Centrum right (No fees
attached. These
are professional
Mervyn D.I. Universitair None None None None None None None
Vergouwen Medisch
Centrum Utrecht
Max Wintermark The University None None None None None Subtle Medical, None
of Texas MD Magnetic Insight,
Anderson Icometrix, EMTen-
Cancer Center sor (independent
Stacey Q. Wake Forest None None None None None None None
Wolfe Baptist Health
School of
Richard MedStar Health None None None None None None None
Zorowitz Research
This table represents the relationships of reviewers that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure Ques-
tionnaire, which all reviewers are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person receives $5000 or more during any
12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns $5000 or more of
the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.
Downloaded from by on September 1, 2023


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51. Dubosh NM, Bellolio MF, Rabinstein AA, Edlow JA. Sensitivity of early brain 69. Leifer D, Fonarow GC, Hellkamp A, Baker D, Hoh BL, Prabhakaran S, Schoeberl M,
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