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Tables, Columns, and Their Descriptions:

1. Projects
 ProjectID INT (Primary Key, Auto Increment)
 ProjectName VARCHAR(255)
 StartDate DATE
 EndDate DATE
 Description TEXT
 ProjectManagerID INT (Foreign Key to Users)
 Status ENUM('Active', 'Completed', 'On Hold', 'Cancelled')
2. Users
 UserID INT (Primary Key, Auto Increment)
 FirstName VARCHAR(100)
 LastName VARCHAR(100)
 Password VARCHAR(255) (Stored using a hashing algorithm)
 Role ENUM('Project Manager', 'Team Member', 'Admin')
 DateJoined DATE
3. Lessons
 LessonID INT (Primary Key, Auto Increment)
 ProjectID INT (Foreign Key to Projects)
 UserID INT (Foreign Key to Users)
 LessonTitle VARCHAR(255)
 LessonDescription TEXT
 DateAdded DATETIME
 CategoryID INT (Foreign Key to LessonCategories)
 Priority ENUM('High', 'Medium', 'Low')
4. LessonCategories
 CategoryID INT (Primary Key, Auto Increment)
 CategoryName VARCHAR(150)
 Description TEXT
 CommentID INT (Primary Key, Auto Increment)
 LessonID INT (Foreign Key to Lessons)
 UserID INT (Foreign Key to Users)
 CommentText TEXT
 DateCommented DATETIME
6. Tags
 TagID INT (Primary Key, Auto Increment)
 TagName VARCHAR(100)
7. LessonTags (To represent many-to-many relationships between lessons and
 LessonID INT (Foreign Key to Lessons)
 TagID INT (Foreign Key to Tags)

1. Introduction:

The "Lessons Learned" application serves as a repository for project teams to store, categorize, and
retrieve valuable insights and experiences gained during the completion of projects.

1.1 Purpose:

To provide a centralized system for capturing, categorizing, and retrieving lessons learned from
completed projects to improve future project planning and execution.

1.2 Scope:

This application will enable users to:

 Add and edit projects.

 Record lessons learned linked to specific projects.

 Categorize and prioritize lessons.

 Comment on and discuss lessons.

 Search and filter lessons based on various criteria.

2. Functional Requirements:

2.1 User Management:

 2.1.1 Users should be able to register, log in, and log out.

 2.1.2 Admin users should be able to manage user roles and permissions.

 2.1.3 Users should be able to reset forgotten passwords via email.

2.2 Project Management:

 2.2.1 Users can create, edit, and delete projects.

 2.2.2 Projects can be marked with statuses such as "Active", "Completed", "On Hold", or

2.3 Lessons Management:

 2.3.1 Users can add lessons learned with details like title, description, date, and associated

 2.3.2 Lessons can be categorized (e.g., "Risk Management", "Stakeholder Engagement").

 2.3.3 Users can assign a priority level (High, Medium, Low) to lessons.

 2.3.4 Users can edit or delete their own lessons. Admin users have the privilege to edit or delete
any lesson.

2.4 Comments and Collaboration:

 2.4.1 Users can add comments to a lesson.

 2.4.2 Comments can be edited or deleted by their authors or by admin users.

 2.4.3 Users should receive notifications when someone comments on a lesson they created or
commented on.

2.5 Search and Filter:

 2.5.1 Users can search for lessons using keywords.

 2.5.2 Users can filter lessons by category, project, date range, or priority.

2.6 Tags:

 2.6.1 Users can add tags to lessons for better categorization.

 2.6.2 Lessons can be filtered by tags.

3. Non-functional Requirements:

3.1 Usability:

 3.1.1 The application should have an intuitive user interface with clear navigation menus.

 3.1.2 Onboarding tutorials or guides should be available for first-time users.

3.2 Performance:

 3.2.1 The application should load within 3 seconds on a standard broadband connection.

 3.2.2 Search results should display within 2 seconds of the query being made.

3.3 Security:

 3.3.1 User passwords should be stored securely using encryption.

 3.3.2 The system should have protection against common web vulnerabilities like SQL injection,
XSS, and CSRF.

 3.3.3 Regular backups of the database should be taken to prevent data loss.
3.4 Scalability:

 3.4.1 The system should be designed to handle a large number of concurrent users.

 3.4.2 It should be possible to add additional servers or resources without major changes to the

3.5 Accessibility:

 3.5.1 The application should be usable by people with disabilities and should meet accessibility
guidelines (e.g., WCAG).

4. System Architecture (High-level):

 Frontend developed using a modern framework like React or Vue.js.

 Backend API developed using Node.js with Express.js or similar.

 Database using MySQL or PostgreSQL.

 Cloud-based deployment using AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

5. Acceptance Criteria:

Outlines the criteria that must be met for the application to be considered complete. For example:

 5.1 A user can successfully register and log in.

 5.2 A lesson, once added, appears in the list view and can be searched.

 5.3 Comment notifications are received instantly.


1. User Management:

Register a new user:

INSERT INTO Users (FirstName, LastName, Email, Password, Role, DateJoined)

VALUES ('John', 'Doe', '', 'hashed_password', 'Team Member', NOW());

2. Log in a user (only fetch – password comparison should be done in the application logic):

SELECT UserID, FirstName, LastName, Role FROM Users WHERE Email =


3. List all users (for admin):


2. Project Management:

1. Add a new project:

INSERT INTO Projects (ProjectName, StartDate, EndDate, Description, ProjectManagerID,

Status) VALUES ('Project A', '2023-08-22', '2023-12-31', 'Description here', 1, 'Active');

2. Update project status:

UPDATE Projects SET Status = 'Completed' WHERE ProjectID = 1;

3. List all projects:

SELECT * FROM Projects;

Lessons Management:

1. Add a new lesson:

INSERT INTO Lessons (ProjectID, UserID, LessonTitle, LessonDescription, DateAdded,

CategoryID, Priority) VALUES (1, 1, 'Lesson Title', 'Lesson description here', NOW(), 2, 'High');

2. Update a lesson:

UPDATE Lessons SET LessonDescription = 'Updated description' WHERE LessonID = 3;

3. Delete a lesson:

DELETE FROM Lessons WHERE LessonID = 3;

4. Comments and Collaboration:

1. Add a comment to a lesson:

INSERT INTO Comments (LessonID, UserID, CommentText, DateCommented) VALUES (2, 1,

'This is a comment.', NOW());

2. Edit a comment:

UPDATE Comments SET CommentText = 'Edited comment text.' WHERE CommentID = 4;

3. List comments for a lesson:

SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE LessonID = 2 ORDER BY DateCommented DESC;

5. Search and Filter:

1. Search for lessons by keyword:

SELECT * FROM Lessons WHERE LessonTitle LIKE '%keyword%' OR LessonDescription LIKE


2. Filter lessons by category:

SELECT * FROM Lessons WHERE CategoryID = 2;

3. Filter lessons by date range:

SELECT * FROM Lessons WHERE DateAdded BETWEEN '2023-08-01' AND '2023-08-31';

6. Tags:

1. Add a tag to a lesson:

INSERT INTO LessonTags (LessonID, TagID) VALUES (2, 5);

2. Retrieve lessons with a specific tag:

SELECT Lessons.* FROM Lessons JOIN LessonTags ON Lessons.LessonID = LessonTags.LessonID

WHERE LessonTags.TagID = 5;
5. Retrieve active projects:

SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE Status = 'Active';

6. Fetch project names and their respective manager's name:

SELECT Projects.ProjectName, Users.FirstName, Users.LastName FROM Projects JOIN Users ON

Projects.ProjectManagerID = Users.UserID;

5. Retrieve high priority lessons:

SELECT * FROM Lessons WHERE Priority = 'High';

6. Count lessons per category:

SELECT CategoryID, COUNT(LessonID) AS LessonCount FROM Lessons GROUP BY CategoryID;

4. Fetch recent comments across all lessons:

SELECT * FROM Comments ORDER BY DateCommented DESC LIMIT 10;

4. Fetch lessons added in the last 7 days:


3. Fetch all tags for a specific lesson:

SELECT Tags.TagName FROM Tags JOIN LessonTags ON Tags.TagID = LessonTags.TagID WHERE

LessonTags.LessonID = 3;

5. Count lessons associated with each tag:

SELECT Tags.TagName, COUNT(LessonTags.LessonID) AS LessonCount FROM LessonTags JOIN

Tags ON LessonTags.TagID = Tags.TagID GROUP BY LessonTags.TagID;
UI Design
1. Login/Registration Page:

 Header: App logo on the left, "Login" and "Register" buttons on the right.

 Main Content:

 For Login: Fields for Email and Password. "Forgot Password" link below. "Login" button.

 For Registration: Fields for First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Confirm Password.
"Register" button.

 Footer: Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Contact Us links.

2. Dashboard (after user login):

 Header:

 Left: App logo (clickable, redirects to dashboard).

 Center: Search bar for lessons.

 Right: Notifications bell icon, User profile picture with dropdown (Profile, Settings,

 Sidebar (vertical on the left):

 Home (Dashboard)

 My Projects

 All Lessons

 Add New Lesson

 Admin Panel (visible to admins only)

 Main Content:

 Overview of recent projects (for managers) or lessons (for regular users).

 List of recent comments on user's lessons.

 Quick links or buttons to frequently used sections or actions.

 Footer: Copyright information, version, links to help documentation.

3. Project Management Page:

 Header: Same as Dashboard.

 Main Content:

 List of projects with filters (status, date range).

 Each project entry displays: Project Name, Start Date, End Date, Status, and Manager.
Edit and Delete options.

 "Add New Project" button leading to a form for project creation.

4. Lessons Page:

 Header: Same as Dashboard.

 Main Content:

 List of lessons with filters (project, category, date range, priority).

 Each lesson entry displays: Title, Description snippet, Date, Project Name, and Priority.
Options to View, Edit, Delete.

 "Add New Lesson" button at the top.

5. Individual Lesson Page:

 Header: Same as Dashboard.

 Main Content:

 Lesson title, full description, date, associated project, category, and priority displayed

 Below the main content, a section for comments. Users can add, edit, or delete

 On the side, tags associated with the lesson.

6. Admin Panel (for admins only):

 Header: Same as Dashboard.

 Sidebar:

 User Management

 Lessons Overview
 System Settings

 Main Content: Depending on the sidebar selection:

 User Management: List of users with roles, options to assign roles, delete or deactivate

 Lessons Overview: Analytics on lessons (number of lessons added over time, popular
categories, etc.).

 System Settings: Configuration options for the application.

7. Profile & Settings:

 Header: Same as Dashboard.

 Main Content:

 Profile Tab: Display and allow editing of user information (name, email, password, etc.).

 Settings Tab: Configuration options for notifications, privacy, and other user-specific

Design Aesthetics:

 Color Palette: Choose a modern and neutral color palette, possibly with a primary color (e.g.,
blue or green) to highlight buttons and active menu items.

 Typography: Use readable and web-friendly fonts. Consider a combination like "Roboto" for
body text and "Raleway" for headers.

 Icons: Use consistent iconography. Consider using a popular icon set like FontAwesome or
Material Icons.

 Spacing & Alignment: Ensure consistent spacing and alignment for all elements.

 Responsiveness: Design should be mobile-responsive, adjusting layouts appropriately for

desktop, tablet, and mobile views.
1. User Authentication:
 Client-side validation: Before users submit their registration or login forms, use JS
to validate input fields, ensuring data is present and correctly formatted.
 Dynamic feedback: Provide feedback to users about the authentication process,
such as "logging in..." loaders or displaying error messages without needing a page

2. Dashboard & Project Management:

 Dynamic content loading: Use AJAX calls to fetch data and update parts of the dashboard
without reloading the entire page.
 Tooltips: Show detailed information about project status or any other dashboard element
on hover.
 Notifications: Display real-time notifications using JS (e.g., a new comment on a lesson).

3. Lessons Management:
 Filter and Search: Implement dynamic filtering and searching for lessons without a page reload.
 Paginations and Infinite Scrolling: Instead of loading all lessons at once, load them as users scroll
down or click on pagination links.
 Modal Windows: Use modals for quick lesson views or editing to avoid taking users to a new
page for each action.

4. Individual Lesson & Comments:

 Real-time comments: Allow users to post, edit, or delete comments without a full page refresh.

 Tag management: Dynamically add or remove tags associated with a lesson using JS.

 Upvotes or Likes: If you have a feature for upvoting lessons or comments, JS can update the
count instantly.

5. Admin Panel:
 User Management: Use JavaScript to dynamically assign roles, activate/deactivate users, etc.,
without redirecting to different pages.
 Graphs & Charts: If you're showing analytics, JS libraries like Chart.js or D3.js can render
dynamic, interactive charts.
6. General UX Enhancements:
 Loading Spinners: Display spinners or progress bars during any data-fetching activity.

 Confirmation Dialogs: Use JS-driven dialogs to confirm actions like lesson deletion.

 Form Auto-save: Automatically save form data as users fill in, preventing data loss if they
accidentally navigate away.

 Navigation Highlights: Use JS to dynamically highlight the active navigation item based on the
page being viewed.

7. Integrating with Front-end Frameworks or Libraries:

Given the dynamic nature of your app, you might consider using a front-end framework or
library like Vue.js, React, or Alpine.js. Laravel has good integration with Vue.js, especially. They
can further refine user interactions and simplify the handling of dynamic content.

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