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Ruslan Ufa Vladimir Rudnik Fujin Deng

School of Energy & Power Engineering School of Energy & Power Engineering School of Electrical Engineering
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic National Research Tomsk Polytechnic Southeast University
University University Nanjing, China
Tomsk, Russia Tomsk, Russia

Abstract—The main goal of renewable energy is to ensure RES schemes on the one hand has negatively impacts to the EPS
global access to inexpensive and reliable energy sources, a high operation, but on the other hand opens up new opportunities.
2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia) | 979-8-3503-9966-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ISGTASIA54193.2022.10003478

level of environmental and climatic safety, as well as to improve Thus, VSC provides a rapid response and independent
the reliability and efficiency of power supply of consumers. regulation of frequency and voltage (operation in the four
However, penetration level of renewable generation also has a quadrants of the PQ diagram) and a "flexible" regulation of the
great impact on the stability of the system. In particular, based on regime parameters of EPS [21-23] and significantly expands the
the power electronic interface renewable unit impacts on the degree of controllability and efficiency renewable generation
processes in system, changes its frequency spectrum and increases units as a whole. The above determines the need to analyze the
the potential for the appearance of new operation modes of power
operation of EPS with renewable generation based on the VSC
system. The analysis of the static stability of system with different
penetration level of solar generation unit is shown in this paper.
[24, 25].
The results of studies of loading in normal and post-emergency Therefore, taking into account this fact the results of the
modes of power system, calculation of static stability margin of analysis of the impact of PV station with VSC on the static
active power and voltage, and analysis of damping properties of stability are presented in this paper.
power system without and with renewable units are presented.
The paper is organized as follow: In Section 2 the test
Keywords—power system, solar generation unit, static stability, scheme of EPS is described, in particular, part of Eastern Siberia
modeling, analysis. power system is considered. It is characterized by the problem
of power deficit: the low capacity of conventional power
I. INTRODUCTION (HEADING 1) stations, as well as limitations in capacity of power flow from
Renewable power generation units, in particular solar power, the United energy system of Siberia, and from neighboring EPS,
are becoming increasingly important in the structure of modern as the existing power networks (along Baikal-Amur Mainline)
electric power system (EPS). Thus, according to the Global operate at the limit of capacity. In addition, the studied part of
Market Outlook report for 2020 the penetration level of solar EPS is located in a zone with significant solar radiation, so this
power or photovoltaic (PV) plants in the world was increased by energy district is a good example, in which the introduction of
138.2 GW, and another increase of 203 GW is planned for 2022 PV station can solve the existing problems of power deficit and
[1-9]. increase the stability of the EPS. In Section 3 the studies of
loading in normal and post-emergency modes, calculation of
Scheme of PV station involves connection to the grid static stability margin of active power and voltage аre presented.
through a voltage source converter (VSC) [10-14]. In this case, Additionally, the analysis of damping properties of EPS without
due to the lack of rotating parts, the growth of total installed and with renewable energy generation have been carried out.
power of renewable energy source (RES) units based on the Finally, in Section 4 the paper is concluded.
VSC leads to decrease of the total (physical) inertia, so it
changes the EPS processes, its frequency spectrum and increases II. DESCRIPTION OF THE SCHEME OF EPS
the probability of power oscillations, in particular low frequency
The considered scheme of the studied part of Eastern Siberia
oscillations (LFO), parameters and trajectory of which are
power system is shown in Fig. 1. It was mentioned that injection
different from LFO in traditional EPS [15]. In addition, the
of solar energy allows to solve the problems of the power deficit
authors of [16, 17] indicated the problem of adequate modeling
and is one of the possible solutions to improve the reliable and
of oscillations in "weak" EPS (which is characterized by small
sustainable power supply to consumers. There are two options
value of short-circuit ratio). The problem is related to the fact
for connecting of PV station in buses # 7 and # 10 are
that the traditional settings of the automatic control system of
considered, which are justified by suitable climatic conditions
VSC of RES units, used for "strong" networks, are
[26]: the district is located near the zone of maximum intensity
unsatisfactory in the case of "weak" networks and lead to the
of solar radiation. The structural scheme of PV station is
occurrence of undamped oscillations of different frequencies
presented in Fig. 2.
[18-20]. However, as it was shown above, the use of VSC in the

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Network 220 kV Network 110 kV
4 6
Network 10,5 kV where: ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ – operating current of SC; ‫ܫ‬௣௛ – photocurrent; ‫ܫ‬஽ –
4 22+j12 diode current; ‫ – ݍ‬electron charge; ݇ – Boltzmann constant; ܶ –
Tr3 7 SC temperature; ݊ – idealization factor of the diode; ܷௌ஼ –
various power, voltage of SC; ܴ௦ and ܴ௣ – series and parallel resistance,
3 Tr1 8 MW
EPS 1 2 Tr5 33+j19 15 MW
L5 According to the [28] the VSC model is implemented using
6+j1 T
Tr2 9 a fictitious, having no physical analogues, controlled injector,
L1 L2 SG2
20+j29 4+j2 which introduces additional current into the connection node.
5 15 MW
L6 Control of the injector, and, accordingly, modeling of the
T 10 automatic control system of the VSC and the PV station as a
PV1 whole, is carried out by means of macroblocks.
various power,
Fig. 1. The test scheme of EPS. A. Assessment of static aperiodic stability
DC/DC converter Inverter In practical calculations to obtain the limit of static stability
EPS the method of sequential mode loading is used: sequentially
Solar panels Cdc1 DC Cdc2 increasing the load of the controlled line until the iteration
process ceases to converge. The value of the limit of transmitted
Fig. 2. The structural scheme of PV station.

power (ܲ௟௜௠ ) and power flow (ܲ௡ ) in normal mode, as well as
value of unregulated power oscillations ( οܲ௨௡ ) are used to
In accordance with Fig. 2 in the Eurostag software the calculate the static stability margin of active power (‫ܭ‬௣௡ ):
appropriate PV station model has been realized (Fig. 3), which
includes simulation blocks of solar cells (SC), DC/DC ௡
ܲ௟௜௠ െ ܲ௡ െ οܲ௨௡
converter, DC circuit, and VSC [27]. The parameters of the PV ‫ܭ‬௣௡ ൌ ௡
station are shown in Table 1.
The calculated coefficient ‫ܭ‬௣௡ should be less than the Ͳǡʹ pu
TABLE I. PV STATION MODEL PARAMETERS [29]. According to the [30] the value of οܲ௨௡ should be
Parameter Description Value calculated by the following equation:
Depending on the
P Installed power PV station (MW)
scenario (2,5…25) ܲ௟ଵ െ ܲ௟ଶ
GSTC Light level (w/m2) 1000 οܲ௨௡ ൌ ‫ ܭ‬ή ඨ
ܲ௟ଵ ൅ ܲ௟ଶ
The reference value of the
breaker output voltage (V)
where: ܲ௟ଵ and ܲ௟ଶ – value of active power consumption
DC capacitor voltage reference
value (V)
700 capacity of the power system from each side of the controlled
Parameter of DC capacitor line; ‫ ܭ‬ൌ ͲǤ͹ͷ [30].
voltage regulators
Internal resistance of the DC
In the same way the limit of transmitted power in the post-
RCOND capacitor at the output of the PV 105 emergency mode (ܲ௟௜௠ ) and static stability margin of active
panel (Ohm) ௣Ȁ௘ ௣Ȁ௘
power (‫ܭ‬௣ ) are determined. The calculated coefficient ‫ܭ‬௣
Internal resistance of the breaker
RCPV 105 should be less than the ͲǡͲͺ pu.
output DC capacitor (Ohm)
Shunt resistance of the equivalent
model (Ohm)
0.91 For loading modes, the most stressed line of the EPS (the
TAUIPV Interrupter response time (s) 10-3 branch between bus # 3 and # 5 (double-chain 110 kV
TRI Inverter response time (s) 10-2 transmission line)) has been selected. In this case only PV1
Parameter of DC capacitor
station is considered. The loading mode has been performed for
regulators voltage (p.u.) 6 scenarios with a step-by-step increasing of the PV power and
Solar cell Injector DC circuit Injector
model (DC/DC converter) macroblock (inverter) 1) without PV1;
2) with PV1 (5 MW);
Macroblock solar power plant 3) with PV1 (10 MW);
Fig. 3. The structural scheme of PV station model. 4) with the disconnection of one parallel transmission line
(branch 3-5) without PV1;
The model of the SC is realized by the following equation:
5) similar to the 4th scenario, but with PV1 (5 MW);
‫ݍ‬ሺ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ ܴ௦ ൅ ܷௌ஼ ሻ ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ ܴ௦ ൅ ܷௌ஼ 6) similar to the 4th scenario, but with PV1 (10 MW).
‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ ൌ ‫ܫ‬௣௛ െ ‫ܫ‬஽ ቆ݁‫ ݌ݔ‬ቆ ቇ െ ͳቇ െ
݊݇ܶ ܴ௣

2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies – Asia (ISGT Asia)
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Fig. 4 shows the power flow through the one circuit of TABLE III. THE STATIC STABILITY MARGIN OF VOLTAGE
110 kV transmission line (branch 3-5) because of loading mode Scenario # ࡷࢁ
without PV1. 1 0.56
2 0.59
19.85 3 0.61
19.0 4 0.52
5 0.58
6 0.60


15.0 Pow Emergen

er of cy
14.0 PV, allowabl
13.0 MW Maximum allowable active power flow, MW e flow of
12.0 power,
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 MW
t, s according to the criterion of
static static
Fig. 4. Power flow on the first circuit of 110 kV transmission line (branch 3- static voltage ensuring stability
5) as a result of loading mode without PV1. stability static stability stability the in terms
in terms in terms of in a current of active
௡ ௣Ȁ௘
The value of ܲ௟௜௠ ൌ ͳͻǤͺͷ MW, while ܲ௟௜௠ ൌ ͳͳǤ͹ͷ MW. of active active power normal load of power in
In this case the static stability margin of active power (taking power in after standard circuit power a normal
a normal disturbances ensuring transmiss circuit
into account the overflow on the second circuit) is equal to: circuit dynamic ion lines
ͳͻǤͺͷ ή ʹ െ ͳͳǤ͹ͷ ή ʹ െ ͵ǤͶͳ stability
‫ܭ‬௣௡ ൌ ൌ ͲǤ͵ʹ 0 28.35 19.79 32.48 44.59 0.01570
ͳͻǤͺͷ ή ʹ 5 28.42 21.19 32.59 44.59 0.00730
10 28.59 21.86 32.99 44.59 0.00032
In the same way the static stability margin of active power
has been calculated for the rest 5 scenarios (Table 2). According to the obtained results penetration level of solar
generation leads to improve the value of the maximum allowable
It can be noted that due to the injection of solar generation active power flow.
into remote nodes of deficit areas a transmission lines, which in
the basic scheme are used to supply power of local consumers, B. Assessment of static oscillative stability
are unloaded: the transmitted power is reduced, the static From the point of view of static oscillatory stability, it is
stability margin of active power in the normal and post- necessary to estimate the amplitude and damping time of
emergency modes is improved. oscillations under small disturbances (increasing the load in the
bus # 5). The following scenarios are considered:
1) PV1 and PV2 are disabled;
Scenario # ࡼ࢔࢒࢏࢓ ࡼ࢒࢏࢓ ࡷ࢔࢖
1 19.85 11.75 0.32
2) PV1 and PV2 are connected (each 2,5 MW);
2 19.85 9.25 0.45 3) PV1 and PV2 are connected (each 5 MW);
3 20.00 6.45 0.59
4 23.60 22.25 unstable 5) PV1 and PV2 are connected (each 7,5 MW).
5 24.77 18.85 0.10
6 26.00 13.05 0.37 6) PV1 and PV2 are connected (each 10 MW).
Additionally, the static stability margin of voltage in bus # 5
In Fig. 5 the voltage curves at bus # 4 in the considered
has been determined according to the following equation:
scenarios are shown: the amplitude and damping time of
ܷ െ ܷ௖௥ oscillations decrease with an increase of the PV installed
‫ܭ‬௎ ൌ capacity. This positive effect is determined by the appearance in
ܷ௖௥ the network of additional regulated power of the connected PV1
where ܷ and ܷ௖௥ – nominal and critical voltages at the bus. and PV2.
All results of calculation are shown in Table 3. The Another group of studies to assess the damping properties of
calculation of the ‫ܭ‬௎  in normal and post-emergency modes EPS with PV was carried out in accordance with the Guidelines
shows that the introduction of PV1 not only provides the for testing automatic voltage regulator (AVR) of synchronous
necessary level of generated power to cover the needs of generators and algorithms for their operation [31]. So, for one
consumers, but also increases the stability of the EPS. set of AVR parameters, taken in accordance with [32, 33], for
all generators, the degree of damping of the transient process (D)
Additionally, the requirement for determining the maximum is determined at a normative perturbation (three-phase short
allowable and emergency allowable active power flows in the circuit with a duration of ͲǤͲʹ s) on the high-voltage buses of
controlled line has been checked, the results are presented in the conventional power station for the different scenarios:
Table 4. without and with PV2.

662 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies – Asia (ISGT Asia)
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117.3 οܲ
ܲଵ െ ܲଶ
Note that, in accordance with [31], the value of the
experiment №4 coefficient D should be less than ͲǤͲͳ pu: the damping
experiment №3 properties of the EPS are satisfactory and the setting of the AVR
U, kV

of synchronous generators is acceptable.

In the same way the coefficients D has been calculated for
experiment №2
experiment №1 other scenarios (Table 5).


Power of PV, MW Penetration level of PV, % D, pu
0 0 0.03610
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
5 16 0.01570
t, s 10 33 0.00730
15 50 0.00032
Fig. 5. Voltage curves at bus # 5 in the considered scenarios. 20 66 0.00086
Additionally, based on the analysis of the literature on the
Oscillograms of the active power of the generator G-1 and research topic [34-36], test scenarios for the repair scheme have
an example of calculating the coefficient D are shown in Fig. 6- been carried out – when the G-2 generator switched off (Tables
7. 6-7).
P1=19.768 MW
P2=14.996 MW
16 Power of PV, MW Penetration level of PV, % D, pu
14 0 0 0,02220
12 2,5 16 0,01910

∆P 0.1725 5 33 0,00669
10 D= = = 0.0361
P1-P2 19.768-14.996 7,5 50 0,00570
8 10 66 0,00590


∆ P=0.1725 MW
2 Power of PV, MW Penetration level of PV, % D, pu
100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116
0 0 0,02217
t, s 15 50 0,00046
25 83 0,00087
Fig. 6. Oscillograms of the active power of the generator G-1 in case of short
circuit at bus # 4 (without PV2).
The presented results show that with the growth of
P1=11.8253 MW penetration level of PV station, the degree of damping of the
18 transient process (D) generally decreases. At the same time, the
P2=7.4936 MW
lowest value has been obtained at 50% penetration level of the
14 PV: with a greater increase in the EPS of the solar generation,
the total generated power increases, and the value of inertia

decreases, which leads to a change in the processes in the EPS

and, as a result, the need to adjust the settings of the AVR of
8 D= ∆P = 0.0014 = 0.00032
P1-2 11.8253-7.4936 synchronous generators or to create the power oscillation
6 damping controller in VSC of PV station, which is the future
4 ∆ P=0.0014 MW continuation of this work.

100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116
t, s In this paper the results of the analysis of solar generation
units on static stability of EPS are presented. In the Eurostag
Fig. 7. Oscillograms of the active power of the generator G-1 in case of short software the EPS test scheme and the model of PV station have
circuit at bus # 4 (ܲ௉௏ଶ ൌ ͳͷ MW). been realized.
The degree of damping of the transient process (D) is It was found that increasing the installed capacity of PV
calculated as the ratio of the difference between the amplitudes station not only provides the necessary level of generated power
of the active power oscillations (οܲ) and the difference between to meet the needs of consumers, but also significantly increases
the amplitudes of the first oscillation of the active power (ܲଵ ) the static stability margin of active power and voltage and
and the steady value of the active power of the generator (ܲଶ ): improves the limits of transmitted power.

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