Heft Live at The Opera Trumpet Arias Img661-04

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Order number: DHP 1175778-400

CD number: DHR 13-989-3

ISMN 979-0-035-23509-6
ISBN 978-90-431-5181-8

Live at the Opera

Arranged for Trumpet

Un idea di / Concept by
Gualtiero Gatte per / for 07 Music Oroup S.r.l.

Orchestra e Coro / Orchestra and Chorus: COMPAGNIA D'OPERA ITALIANA

Direttore / Conducton ANTONELLO GOTTA
Contenuti audio / Audio contents: ©G7 Music Group S.r.l. - Milano
Telefono / Phone: +39 02 365 29 365 - Fax: +39 02 365 29 366 - mall: info@g7music.com

Solo recording, editing and mixing by Pieterjan Seynaeve at MotorMusic Studios, Belgium
Trumpet: Jeroen Berwaerts

Photo credits:
Page 8, Renata Tebaldi: akg-images • Page 12, Maria Callas: akg-images / Fototeca Gilardi
Backcover (Jeroen Berwaerts): © PeterKallo

© Copyright 2017 by De Haske Publications,

PO. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland
Exclusively Distributed by Hai Leonard MGB

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