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Read the article, The Question Concerning Technology.


1. How is the human person revealed in modern technology?

Martin Heidegger contends that technology in particular sheds light on the human person in his essay
"The Question Concerning Technology." This kind of disclosure is known as enframing. A way of looking
at the world known as enframing regards everything as a resource that can be used and controlled. It is
a way of seeing the world as a collection of things rather than as a living, interconnected whole.
Heidegger contends that enframing is embodied in contemporary technology. It is a method of exposing
a world that is driven by the need to be effective and the ambition to rule. The development of
technology has shown that people are very intelligent and powerful beings. Furthermore, it
demonstrates how prone humans are to vanity and being tempted to improperly utilize technology. For
instance, technology reveals the person’s capacity for being innovative and creative. People used
technology to create such amazing things with modern devices. It reveals the human person’s desire for
need. It makes the individual’s lives easier and more comfortable. For example, we use technology to
stay connected with friends and family, and to communicate with people all over the world. However, it
also has a negative side. Technology unveils humans as a person’s potential for destruction, humans
could use the technology to harm the environment. In conclusion, Heidegger explains that technology
reveals the human person as a being who is both creative and destructive. However, it is up to us to
decide how we will handle technology, and whether we will use it for good or for evil.

2. What do you think constitutes human flourishing?

Martin Heidegger doesn't give a clear definition of human flourishing in his writings, but he drops some
hints about his understanding of this concept. For him, Human flourishing isn't merely about meeting
our fundamental needs or reaching our material objectives. It involves leading a life that is rich in
purpose and satisfaction, one that aligns with our genuine essence. Heidegger argues that technology
can play a role in human flourishing, but only if we use it in a way that is respectful of our humanity. He
warns that if we become too dependent on technology, or if we use it to control and manipulate others,
we risk losing our sense of self and our connection to the world around us. He also relates factors that
are really important for human flourishing such as engaging in work that is meaningful to one's human
and that contributes to common good. Promoting having a meaningful relationship with others is
important. He also stated that humans should often connect to nature and appreciate its beauty and
mystery. Humans always find ways to express their creativity to share the individual’s uniqueness to the
world. In essence, Heidegger believed that living a fulfilling life involves being complete, true to oneself,
and connected with others. He saw it as a life aligned with our genuine nature and filled with meaning.
In my view, this perspective on human flourishing remains pertinent today. Our world is greatly
influenced by technology, and it's crucial to be conscious of how we employ it. We should use
technology in a manner that enriches our humanity rather than diminishes it.

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