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At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

Rewrite a quadratic equation into the standard form;

Identify the values of constants a, b, and c from the equation;

Solve a quadratic equation by using the quadratic formula; and

Participate actively in class discussion.


Topic: Solving Quadratic Equations by using the Quadratic Formula

Learning Resources: Unfurling Mathematics: Worktext in High School Math
Learning Materials: Laptop and PowerPoint for the presentation of the lesson


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Greetings Good morning, Grade 9. Good morning, Sir.

Prayer Okay, let us pray. Yes Sir.

Krissalaine, can you please lead the prayer? (Student starts the prayer)

Thank you Krissa.

Again, good morning, everyone. Good morning, Sir.

Checking of Attendance (The students will open their camera)

I can see that all of you are present today, so can you please open your camera for
our quick attendance?
Okay. Ready, 1 2 3 Smile.

Review Now, let’s have a short review on what we have discussed last meeting. Anyone It’s all about quadratic equation and factoring.
who can recall?

Okay very good! Last time, we have discussed about the quadratic equation and
solving quadratic equations by factoring.

So, what do we mean by quadratic equation? Anyone?

Sir, quadratic equation is any equation in which x has a second-degree
Very good! Very well said. Quadratic Equation, it is a second-degree equation in x
which can be written in the form…

Who can still remember what is the standard form of quadratic equation?

The standard form of quadratic equation is ax^2 + bx + c = 0

Okay very good. The standard form of quadratic equation is ax^2 + bx + c = 0

Why it is a is not equal to zero? What do we call those equations that has no
second-degree exponent?

Okay, great! It is called a linear equation. Sir, it is called linear equation.

Last time, we also discussed the solving quadratic equations by factoring.

But not all quadratic equations can be solved by factoring.

Today, we will discuss another method in solving quadratic equation.

But before that, let’s play a game.

Here, I prepared a game to everyone, and it is a crossword puzzle.

Motivation Are you familiar with this game?

Okay great! Yes Sir.

In this game, all you have to do is to search for the 10 words that you think is
related to our lesson today. You can write your answers on a scratch paper and later
we will check if you find all of it.
You have 3 minutes to find it and your timer starts now.
(After 3 minutes)
Okay, let’s see if you find them all.
(Show the solution)
Who among you found the 10 words?
Very good (Name of students)!
How about the others? How many words did you find?
Oh okay. Don’t worry because we will have another game later.
So now, based on the words that you found in the crossword puzzle, what do you
think is our lesson for today?
Very good!

(Student’s searching…)

(Some students raise their hands)

Sir we just found 7 words.

Our lesson for today is Solving Quadratic Equations by Quadratic


Lesson Proper
Today, we will be discussing about the Solving Quadratic Equations using the
Quadratic Formula.

But before that, let me present to you our learning objectives in today’s lesson.

(Read the objectives one by one)

What is quadratic formula?

Quadratic formula is one of the alternative methods in solving quadratic equation. It
is one of the easiest ways because the roots of an equation are found in terms of the
literal coefficients a, b, and c.

All we have to do is to look for the values of a, b, and c and plug it in the quadratic
formula which is…
The question is where
did this quadratic formula
came from?
Quadratic Formula is derived
from the standard form of
quadratic equation which is? Again, what is the standard form of quadratic

Okay very good!

So, let me show you how to derive quadratic formula using the standard form of
quadratic equation.

The standard form of quadratic equation is

The standard form of quadratic equation is ax^2 + bx + c = 0.

Next is transpose c to the other side and it becomes

Next is divide each term by a,

Then, we have

Now, we make this equation a perfection square trinomial. So, how can we do that?

We will add both sides

Where did we get that? It can from the middle term (b/a)x, and we divide it by 2 or
multiply by ½ then we squared it.

So, we have

Now, let’s make it a squared of binomial.

So, how can we do that?

We copy x then copy the sign of the middle term (+) then copy the third term and
squared it. So, we have

Then simplify the other equation. b squared is b^2 and 2a square is 4a^2.
Now let’s solve it by getting the LCD of the denominator. The LCD of a and 4a^2
is 4a^2. So, 4a^2 divided a is 4a multiplied by -c so we have -4ac. Next is 4a^2
divided by 4a^2 is 1 then multiplied by b^2 so, we have

Now, we get the square root of both sides.

We can now cancel the radical sign and squared in first equation, so we have have
(x+b/2a) then solve the second equation but since ac in not a perfect square number
and it is a binomial, we cannot get the square root of it so we retain the numerator
with the radical sign and get the square root of the denominator 4a^2 and we have
Now for us to get the value of x, we transpose b/2a to the other side and it becomes
Since they are similar fraction, we can combine it and we have
Now? It is equal to the quadratic formula?
Okay good. But in this case, -4ac and b^2 is not the same but with the commutative
property, we can interchange its position so we can have the same formula.
So, that is how we derived quadratic formula from the standard form of quadratic
Is it clear?
Any question?
Okay very good.

Now, let have this example.

Okay class, no need to copy because I will give you a copy of my presentation. Just
listen so that you can follow the steps in solving quadratic equations by quadratic

So, again our example number 1 is

First thing we need to do is to get the values of the constant a, b, and c.

In this equation, what is the value of our a, b, and c?

Okay very good. Now, since we already have the values of our a, b, and c. We can
now plug it or substitute it in our formula.

Again, what is the quadratic formula?

Okay very good.

Now, let’s substitute the values of a, b, and c.

x is equal to negative 5 plus or minus the square root of the quantify 5 squared
minus 4 times 3 times negative 2 all over 2 times 3.
Then we simplify
Negative 5 plus or minus the square root of 5 squared,
What is 5^2?
Very good. And negative 4 times 3 is?

Okay good. And negative 12 times negative 2 is?

Okay very good. Then let’s solve the denominator 2 multiplied by 3 is…

Okay very good! So, we have

Then, we add 25 and 24. What is their sum? Almost the same Sir.

Okay very good.

What is the square root of 49?
Okay good.
So here, we will have 2 values of x.
negative 5 plus 7 is…
Very good. And 2 over 6 is also equal to…
Very good. So, we have our first root which is 1/3. Now, let’s solve the other root.

negative 5 minus 7 is…

Okay. And -12 over 6 is equal to…

Yes Sir.

Very good. Our roots are 1/3 and -2.

No Sir.
Now, let’s check.
Since, it satisfies our equation. That means our answer is correct.
(Show the solution in the Ppt)
So here is the solution to our example 1.
Any question?
Let’s have our next example.

As you can see, it is not written in the standard form. Who can rewrite it in standard
form? Just say your answer…
Okay very good. Now, who can give the values of a, b, and c?
Very good! Since we have the values of our a, b, and c. Let us now substitute it in
our formula.
X is equal to Negative multiplied by negative 3 is…
Okay good. Plus, or minus the square root of Negative 3 squared is…
Okay good. Negative 4 times 5 is…
And negative 20 times negative 14 is…
Nice very good. In the denominator, 2 times 5 is…
Very good. Now, we have
3 plus or minus the square root of 9 plus 280 is… good its 289 all 10. A = 3, B = 5 and C = -2

What is the square root of 289?

Very good. Now, let’s get the values of the x.
3 plus 17 is…
Good and 20 over 10 is…
Very good. 25.

Next, 3 minus 17… 24


And -14 over 10 is…

Our roots are 2 and -7/5.

Now, let’s check if our answer satisfies the equation.

Since it satisfies our equation, that means our roots is correct.
(Show the solution in Ppt)
Here is the solution in number 2. 49
Any question?
Did you understand our lesson today?
Okay very good. Now, it’s your turn. Try to solve it in your notebook.
I’ll give you 3 minutes to answer.
(Remind everyone to open their camera)
Class, please open your camera so that I can see if everyone is answering. Thank
(After 3 minutes) 7
Okay class, what is your answer?
Can you type your answers on the message box?
(Check their answers)
Okay, let’s check if your answers are correct.
(Substitute the values of x in the original equation to check if their answer is
Okay class, I can see that all of you got the correct answer. Very good everyone!

So, I think all of you is now ready for activity today.



No Sir.

Sir, the standard form is

A = 5, B = -3 and C = -14








No Sir.

Yes Sir.
(Student’s starts answering…)

(Student’s starts typing)

The title of our activity is “Crack the Code”.

Directions: Solve the following quadratic equations and choose the letter of the
correct answer to get the code to be used to complete the phrase below.

You have 10 minutes to finish this activity. And if you have question, just raise
your hand, or type it on the message box. Okay?
You may now start answering…
(After 10 minutes)
Now, let’s check you answers. Can you please type the phrase that you found on the
message box?
Okay very good class!
The phrase is…
Did all of you got the correct phrase?
Okay very good! After class, kindly send your work on my fb messenger. Okay?
So, do you have any question?
Since, you don’t have any question. I have a question to everyone. Is math really
I’m happy that you really did enjoy our lesson.
Yes Sir.

(Student’s starts typing…)

Yes Sir.

Okay Sir.

No Sir.

Yes Sir.

(Student answers)

Again, let’s have a recap of what we have discuss today.

What is Quadratic Formula?

Okay very good! So, how can we solve quadratic formula? What is the first thing
we need to do? Look for the values of a, b, and c.

Very good. Next?

Substitute the values of a, b, and c to the given formula and simply.

Very good! The last thing we need to do to…

To check the solution in the original equations.

Very good! Don’t forget to check your answer so that you can clarify if your answer Okay Sir.
is right or wrong. Okay?

Prepared by:

Mr. Jaycer B. De Mesa


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