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Diversity Crises: How Firms Manage Discrimination Lawsuits

Author(s): Erika Hayes James and Lynn Perry Wooten

Source: The Academy of Management Journal , Dec., 2006, Vol. 49, No. 6 (Dec., 2006), pp.
Published by: Academy of Management

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The Academy of Management Journal

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? Academy of Management Journal
2006, Vol. 49, No. 6, 1103-1118.


University of Virginia


University of Michigan

Using a qualitative design, we develop a model of discrimination lawsuit resolution

identifying type of discrimination, firms' verbal and behavioral responses, and stake
holder mobilization as key. Data from media accounts of lawsuits reveal four paths to
resolution, distinguishable largely by the type of discrimination they represent. Find
ings also highlight aspects of race discrimination and sexual harassment that invite
different organizational responses than other forms of discrimination. In addition,
analysis of the response paths suggests that external stakeholders with and without
formal authority critically influence firms' responses. We discuss findings in the
context of organizational responses to threat, and institutional theory.

Business crises have been a defining feature of ture of these lawsuits and, more specifically, firms'
corporate America in the last ten years. In addition handling of them. We begin with the stories of two
to corporate scandals, accounting fraud, and ethical very different organizational responses to discrim
dilemmas, allegations of workplace discrimination ination lawsuits.
have reached crisis status. Discrimination lawsuits
now rank among the leading types of crises faced
by business leaders in the United States (Frank, A TALE OF TWO LAWSUITS
2002; Institute for Crisis Management [ICM], 2004), Texaco's Race Discrimination Lawsuit
with the number of class action discrimination law
suits against U.S. businesses rising more than 100 In the summer of 1994 six black employees of the
percent in 2003 (ICM, 2004). Class action lawsuits Texaco Corporation filed suit in federal court on
are of particular concern to organizations because behalf of themselves and more than 1,500 other
they represent a grievance brought by one or more black employees. The lawsuit alleged that Texaco
individuals against a company whose actions have had systematically discriminated against racial mi
harmed a group or class of people in a similar way. norities in the firm, claiming specifically that black
When such cases are recovered successfully, either employees were not hired or promoted at the same
by settlement or trial, all members of the class rate as their white counterparts. The case lingered
receive a portion of the amount paid by the offend in the legal system for more than two years. All the
ing organization. Despite the frequency and in while Texaco executives denied the discrimination
some cases notoriety of class action discrimination allegations, but they said or did little else to expe
lawsuits, understanding how and why firms re dite resolution of the lawsuit. In fact, the case re
spond the way they do to them is a topic that has ceived little media attention until November 1996,
received little empirical inquiry. Given their poten when plaintiffs' attorneys released transcripts of an
tial for damaging a firm's reputation, its financial audiotape of senior Texaco officials speaking dis
standing, and employees' perceptions of fair treat paragingly of black employees and allegedly using
ment, we felt it was important to examine the na the "'n'-word." Simultaneously, federal prosecu
tors launched a criminal investigation into obstruc
tion-of-justice charges, believing that members of
Texaco's top management team had shredded po
This research was supported by the Batten Institute at
the University of Virginia. The authors would like to tentially incriminating documents. Within days of
acknowledge the assistance of Nozima Tojimatova and these events, Texaco CEO Peter Bijur backed away
Brian White in the data collection and analysis for the from the firm's prior denial rhetoric and publicly
research. In addition, we are grateful to Arthur P. Brief, apologized on behalf of the firm for earlier behavior
lane Dutton, Martin Davidson, and Mary Ann Glynn for and wrongdoing. Working with firm attorneys and
helpful comments on drafts. the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

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1104 Academy of Management Journal December

(EEOC), Bijur then embarked on a number of law cases. For example, Texaco eventually reversed its
suit resolution strategies, including settling the prior denial rhetoric and publicly apologized. In
lawsuit for $176.1 million; suspending and cutting addition to making financial settlements, Texaco,
off the retirement benefits of the executives on the among other things, created a task force to address
tape; earmarking funds for salary increases for the firm's diversity management problems. In con
black employees; establishing a task force whose trast, First Union continuously denied allegations
mission was to restructure firm human resources of discrimination. Its resolution strategy was
policies and practices; and soliciting advice and largely one of compliance in which a quick finan
counsel from civil rights and religious leaders cial settlement was reached but no additional out
(, 1996). reach to employees occurred.
As we will demonstrate, the Texaco and First
First Union's Age Discrimination Lawsuit Union cases represent two different approaches to
resolving similar business crises. What is less ap
In May 1994, 105 former First American Metro parent, however, are the factors that influenced the
employees filed an age discrimination class action strategies the two firms adopted. Our goal in this
lawsuit against First Union Bank. The employees study was to answer the question, What accounts
who filed the lawsuit worked as managers, admin for how a firm responds to a discrimination crisis?
istrators, and secretaries. The lawsuit alleged that The question we pose has both theoretical and
when First Union acquired First American Metro, it practical relevance. Theoretically, in answering the
"intentionally and disproportionately terminated question we built a model of organizational re
employees who were older, and they were replaced sponses to discrimination lawsuits. The model
by younger and less-expensive employees." The highlights that variance exists in how firms re
lawsuit also accused First Union of lying to a fed
spond to these lawsuits and identifies the processes
eral agency by not keeping its promise to the Fed
by which the lawsuits are resolved. That said, how
eral Reserve Board that it would give hiring priority
ever, the model also clearly articulates a conver
to displaced workers. At the time of the merger,
gence of responses along particular paths; some
First Union fired approximately one-third of First
variables appear to influence firm behavior in fairly
American Metro's workforce, stating that job posi
predictable ways. In addition, our process focus led
tions were eliminated as part of the bank's consol
us to identify factors that may influence crisis han
idation plan. The lawsuit requested that employees
dling in situations other than lawsuits. Practically,
be reinstated in their jobs, get back pay with inter
this study gives insight into what leaders may need
est, and receive compensatory punitive damages. to consider when faced with a discrimination law
When the lawsuit was initially filed, the First
suit (or other crisis situation). Finally, the ability to
Union spokesperson would not comment. One
month before the trial was to start, First Union successfully lead an organization through public
agreed to pay $58.5 million to settle the age dis allegations of discrimination is an important, yet
crimination lawsuit (Jaffe & Sharpe, 1997). Al untapped, aspect of the broader diversity issue.
though First Union agreed to a settlement, the com Because of the potentially severe consequences that
pany denied any wrongdoing and said that its lawsuits can produce, we argue that they should be
"selection process is designed to choose the most a central focus of business leaders, crisis managers,
qualified employees from the banks it acquires." A diversity practitioners, and scholars.
First Union spokesperson justified the settlement
by explaining a need to end costly litigation that
would distract from the company's primary focus DISCRIMINATION: A LEGITIMATE BUSINESS
of serving customers. CONCERN
In looking at how Texaco's race discrimination
lawsuit and First Union's age discrimination law Workplace discrimination occurs when employ
suit unfolded, we see similarities between the two ers engage in actions?whether deliberate or unin
cases. For example, both firms denied the allega tentional?that fundamentally favor one group over
tions of discrimination when the lawsuit was ini another, and when unfair treatment harms one or
tially filed and continued to deny charges of dis more employees protected by civil rights legisla
crimination despite the declaration of class action tion. The 1964 Civil Rights Act designated catego
status. Despite the similarities displayed early in ries that can be the basis of groupings whose unfair
the lawsuit resolution process, however, there are or unfavorable treatment in the workplace may be
noticeable differences with respect to process and labeled discrimination. These categories include
outcome resolution in the later stages of the two race, gender, religion, national origin, and disabled

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2006 fames and Wooten 1105

or veteran status.1 Civil rights laws are far reaching, history, pending the outcome of the investigations
prohibiting discrimination in a number of work of discrimination at Wal-Mart. Throughout the
related areas (Gutman, 1993). 1990s, the average financial burden to a firm in
The Civil Rights Act of 1991 gave further protec volved in a class action discrimination lawsuit ex
tions to employees by increasing the opportunity ceeded $44 million, with a median cost of $28
for them to file discrimination claims against their million (Selmi, 2003). Litigation expenses repre
employers. Employees responded to this statute sent the most obvious financial cost of discrimina
vigorously with individual and class-action law tion lawsuits, but expenses associated with back
suits (Goldman, 2001). Such lawsuits can cost firms pay settlements to plaintiffs, punitive damages, and
financially, threaten their reputations, devastate organizational policy and structure changes can
employee morale and commitment, and increase also be a significant financial burden (Terpstra &
the likelihood of recurring claims of discrimination Kethley, 2002).
(James & Wooten, 2005; Wooten & James, 2004). In The stiff financial consequences of discrimina
short, a class action discrimination lawsuit gener tion are even more evident when one considers the
ally represents a crisis for a firm.2 total cost to shareholders. The findings of one
To be clear, although the potential damage that a study, for example, suggest that despite the $176
discrimination lawsuit can cause is great, as with million payout, the overall cost of the Texaco dis
other types of crises, it is not necessarily the law crimination case to shareholders exceeded $500
suit itself that is most harmful to an organization. million (Pruitt & Nethercutt, 2002). Hersch (1991)
Rather, it is the firm's response to the lawsuit that used event study methodology to determine how
can cause the most damage. When a firm's handling the equity value of firms charged with discrimina
of a crisis is perceived as fair for the organization, tion changed at the time the lawsuits were an
its members, and those harmed in the crisis, the nounced. Results showed that the value of firms
consequences of the crisis should be less severe involved in class action discrimination lawsuits
than when a firm is believed to have been dishon fell 15.6 percent and that the average loss to share
est, self-serving, or incompetent in resolving a holders typically exceeded the amount firms were
problem. The costs associated with discrimination required to pay in legal judgments or out-of-court
are real, and there are a number of reasons why settlements. The financial consequences of class
organizational leaders should be concerned, not action lawsuits prompted one author to declare that
only about discrimination lawsuits, but also about such lawsuits "may be the biggest single financial
developing appropriate strategies for managing risk that exists in companies today" (Foy, 2000: 56).
these crises. A reasonable assumption is that improper handling
of these lawsuits by firms may contribute to the
Financial Costs of Discrimination exorbitant costs associated with resolving them.

Prominent companies such as Texaco, Mitsub

Reputation Costs of Discrimination
ishi, Coca-Cola, Boeing, and Home Depot have all
faced lawsuits resulting in settlements in the hun Firms accused of discrimination potentially suf
dreds of millions of dollars. Although Texaco's fer reputational costs in addition to financial bur
$176 million settlement is perhaps the best known dens. Corporate reputation has value and must be
of the discrimination lawsuits, it is not the most managed for it to create and contribute to a firm's
costly. That distinction is held by Coca-Cola's $192 competitive advantage in the marketplace (Deep
million settlement, which may lose its place in house, 2000; Elsbach & Kramer, 1996; Fombrun,
1996). Because a firm's public uses reputation as a
signal about the firm's activities, threats to its rep
1 In a case decided in 1986, the U.S. Supreme Court utation, or improper reputation management, can
determined that sexual harassment was a form of treat
have strategic, marketing, and human resource im
ment discrimination protected by Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act (Foy, 2000).
plications (Fombrun & Shanley, 1990). More spe
2 The Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 restricts class cifically, an organization's reputation is threatened
when corporate wrongdoing generates national me
action lawsuits arising from workplace discrimination.
dia attention, as have the discrimination lawsuits
Under this new legislation, class action suits filed in a
state court with the potential for at least 100 members examined in this study. These media accounts can
must be transferred to a federal court. In general, it is portray an unflattering image of a firm and prime
more difficult for workers to pursue class certification in audiences to presume information about the firm's
a federal court system ( behavior that adversely affects its reputation
story2.php.378). (Koesnadi & Kleiner, 2002). Studies examining the

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1106 Academy of Management Journal December

direct relationship between firms' involvement in why firms come to adopt particular responses to
discrimination lawsuits and effects on firm reputa discrimination crises: threat rigidity theory and in
tion are rare. However, in a notable exception, stitutional theory.
James and Wooten (2005) found that perceptions of
firm reputation were significantly affected by how
Threat Rigidity
a firm responded to discrimination charges.
Research on strategic issues indicates that organ
ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSES TO CRISIS izational decision makers expend greater resources,
BASED STRATEGIC ISSUES centralize authority, and generate more causal rhet
oric in response to crisis-related strategic issues
Organizations must respond to their environ than non-crisis-related strategic issues (e.g., Dut
ments. Failure to do so would threaten their finan ton, 1986). Theoretically, these findings connect, at
cial viability and ultimately, their survival. Organi least in part, to the concept of threat rigidity, or an
zational theorists have depicted an environmental organization's tendency to behave defensively in
event that requires action or response and has the threatening (e.g., crisis-like) situations (Staw, San
potential to impact an organization's effectiveness delands, & Dutton, 1981).
as a strategic issue (e.g., Ansoff, 1980), and a class More specifically, according to the threat-rigidity
action discrimination lawsuit is one example. A model outlined by Staw and colleagues (1981), cri
subset of the scholarship on strategic issues has ses induce stress at the individual, group, and or
attempted to explain the processes and rationale of ganizational levels. The initial response to that
organizational responses to them (e.g., Dutton, stress is typically increased information searching
1986). In light of our goal of understanding why and processing. At some point later, however, lead
firms respond to discrimination lawsuits in the ers reach their cognitive capacity for handling the
ways that they do, the current study falls squarely information, and over time they abandon their in
within that research genre. formation-processing activity. Ultimately, informa
A fundamental conclusion of strategic issues re tion flow is restricted and centralized after a crisis,
search is that the decision making and actions as and leaders' behavior becomes less flexible, more
sociated with strategic issues are complicated by efficient, and more conservative (Sutton, 1990). Al
the ambiguous nature of these issues (Dutton, though Staw and colleagues (1981) made no quali
1986). A strategic issue becomes even more chal tative claim about the value or appropriateness of
lenging when it represents a crisis?an event that "rigid" responses to crisis, Hambrick and Schechter
severely threatens an organization (Starbuck, Ar (1982) argued that such responses may be insuffi
rent, & Hedberg, 1978). Not only are crises ambig cient for resolving some organizational threats. At
uous as to their source, scope, and resolution, but present, little empirical attention has been given to
also, they are low-probability occurrences (Shri the threat posed by discrimination lawsuits, a type
vastava, Mitroff, Miller, & Milglani, 1988) that offer of crisis in which both internal (e.g., employees)
firms little time to respond (Quarantelli, 1988) and and external (e.g., activists, legal and regulatory
that come as surprises to the firms (Hermann, bodies, consumers) constituents have stakes in the
1963). We add to this characterization that crises response. It is currently unknown whether and to
invite attention, so that any organizational re what extent these stakeholders influence the con
sponse becomes more public than do responses to servativeness or rigidity of a firm's response in the
noncrises. Consequently, crisis responses, and the manner suggested by the threat rigidity model.
leaders responsible for handling them, are more
susceptible to public scrutiny, criticism, or ac
Institutional Theory
claim. In short, crisis strategic issues are important
because of the extent to which they can influence Much of the current understanding of organiza
the image, effectiveness, and in some cases, the tional responses to crisis strategic issues is based
survival, of an organization and its leadership. on individual firm behavior and therefore speaks to
With this characterization as a backdrop, it be a single organization's strategy formulation pro
comes apparent why image theories such as im cess. Yet, as we will unfold, the current paper
pression management and social accounts have be broadens this perspective by examining responses
come central to research on crisis handling. These to crisis strategic issues in multiple settings, and in
theories speak to how firms respond to crisis (e.g., so doing it emphasizes internal and external con
Bies, 1988; Elsbach, 1994; Sutton & Callahan, ditions that foster particular patterns, or normative
1987). Yet two other theories in particular speak behavior, across firms. In this regard, the concepts
more directly to our research question regarding associated with institutional theory become rele

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2006 James and Wooten 1107

vant for understanding whether and how firms con Eighty-three percent of these firms were ranked in
verge in their response to crisis. the Fortune 500. Some of them were well-known
Institutional theory explains how organizations providers of products or services to international
and organizational systems and practices become customer bases. Others, such as grocery stores,
similar, or isomorphic (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983). were regional yet covered large territories within
The institutional argument is that firms are suscep the United States.
tible to various pressures whose presence encour The discrimination lawsuits that pose the largest
ages isomorphism. Coercive pressure, for example, threats to organizations' reputations are those that
is often brought about by the actions of governmen are widely reported in the media and therefore
tal, regulatory, and other organizational bodies that salient to extraorganizational audiences. A class
have power or control over a firm or its critical action discrimination lawsuit will likely generate
resources. In light of these pressures, it is reason more publicity and capture a larger share of audi
able to assume, for example, that a firm's response ence awareness than an individual lawsuit. There
to a crisis will be affected by the extent to which fore, we focused our data collection efforts on law
these groups are engaged in the situation. Given the suits that received class action status. We evaluated
connection of discrimination lawsuits to civil the following bases of discrimination: race, sex,
rights legislation, firms faced with such lawsuits religion, age, disability, and sexual harassment.
seem particularly prone to coercive pressure from a Race and sex discrimination lawsuits were the
variety of formal or legitimate constituents. Yet most frequent types of discrimination cases re
people without formal authority over a firm may ported, representing 41 and 33 percent of our sam
also react to allegations of discrimination, and their ple, respectively. Table 1 identifies firm- and law
reaction is likely to be an emotional one. Under suit-specific information for the discrimination
these circumstances, a firm may find itself needing cases examined in the study.
to manage not only those stakeholders with formal
ties to the organization, but also constituents who Data Collection
are informally linked as well.
The data represent public accounts provided by
METHODOLOGY organizational sources, including firm presidents/
CEOs, public relations personnel, firm attorneys,
We used a multifirm qualitative analytic strategy and other designated spokespersons. These ac
to answer the question, What accounts for how counts were given in written or verbal form in
firms respond to discrimination lawsuits? This ap response to employee accusations of discrimina
proach allowed us to identify key elements of the tion. Throughout the analysis, we paid particular
lawsuit resolution process and the role that time, or attention to the content of what was communicated
the sequencing of events, plays in how these law by firm spokespersons in order to determine how
suits are resolved. firms responded to discrimination allegations.
The firms studied varied in size and industry. We relied primarily on three archival data sourc

Profile of Discrimination Lawsuits

Average Time Number of

Discrimination Target of Number of Number of to Resolution, Cases Pending
Type Discrimination Cases Firmsa in Months Resolution

Race African Americans 32 30 33

Sex Women 19 17 36
Age Over 40 14 13 29b
Disability Various 3 3 19
Religious Jews 2 2 21
Sexual harassment Women 6 6 49

Total 76 71 39

a We identified 49 unique firms in the data set. This column represents the number of firms involved in each type of discrimination
The total for this column is greater than 49 because several of the firms were involved in multiple lawsuits for different types o
b One case was an outlier taking 93 months to resolve. If this case is included in calculation of the resolution time, it jumps from 29 to
75 months.

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1108 Academy of Management Journal December

es: (1) accounts from national, regional, and local on identifying diversity-related initiatives spon
newspapers, (2) transcripts from radio and news sored by the organizations.
broadcasts in which firm spokespersons were inter To summarize, we triangulated the data in the
viewed, and (3) firm Web sites. We recognize that way described above to ensure the validity and
media-based accounts may have inherent biases. consistency of firm responses over time and com
For example, content and process norms are likely munication media. In total we used 81 different
to exist for various media sources that potentially sources during data collection, including 9 busi
influence what gets reported, how it is reported, ness periodicals, 2 national newspapers, 46 re
and when it is reported. Despite this risk, media gional and local newspapers, 3 wire services, 11
accounts provide formal documentation of how an television and radio transcripts, and 10 company
organization defines a particular crisis and its pre sponsored Web sites. Combined, these sources
scribed behavior for resolving it (Forster, 1994). In yielded 551 accounts.
addition, they are the primary source from which
audiences receive organizational information.
Thus, we reasoned that media sources were a viable Data Analysis
and legitimate way to examine firm response strat Following recommendations from Strauss and
egies in a time of crisis. Corbin (1998) for analyzing qualitative data, our
Print media accounts. Using the Dow Jones In analysis took place in a series of stages.
teractive (DJI) computer-based search engine, we Step 1. Each author independently read the ac
identified articles depicting class action discrimi counts in the database. We used a microanalysis
nation lawsuits from 1990 to 2000. DJI chronicles strategy, defined by Strauss and Corbin (1998) as
articles in five prominent business publications: careful and minute "line-by-line" examination of
the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, Fortune, text, to generate initial categories. We scanned the
Forbes, and Barons. We selected this tool for effi accounts for words, sentences, and phrases that
ciency and used it as a way of delimiting our sam referenced lawsuits and firms' strategies for re
ple, knowing that the DJI would focus primarily on sponding to them. This step generated a total of 258
lawsuits prominent enough to capture national mentions of firm responses.
interest. Step 2. We reviewed the 258 mentions of firm
Including only discrimination lawsuits filed by responses and identified a set of questions that would
or on the behalf of employees, rather than consum help us to make sense of these data. Sample questions
ers, the DJI search yielded 49 unique firms experi were: (1) What was the type of discrimination alleged
encing discrimination lawsuits within the given in the lawsuit? (2) Who was the spokesperson? (3)
time frame. These 49 firms experienced 76 employ How did the organization respond? (4) When did the
ee-related class action discrimination lawsuits. Six response occur? and (5) How was the lawsuit ulti
teen of the firms were repeat offenders and in mately resolved? Coding the data in this way pro
volved in two or more discrimination lawsuits vided depth to the analytic process.
within the time period of interest. The number of Step 3. Once the initial 258 firm responses had
news articles from DJI sources for each case ranged been coded, we worked jointly to collapse them
from 7 to 37. into categories or types of responses. This process
Television and radio transcripts. We obtained yielded 26 response types. Throughout this pro
copies of radio and television transcripts from cess, we followed Miles and Huberman's (1984)
broadcasts in which spokespersons from studied approach for identifying similarities among ac
firms were being interviewed regarding lawsuits of counts. We then asked two research assistants to
interest. For most accounts, the news shows on the perform the same task, to validate our categories.
major television networks (e.g., ABC, CBS, CNN, The categories identified by us and those identified
and NBC) as well as National Public Radio were the by the research assistants had considerable overlap.
most common sources for media transcripts. Where there was disagreement, we engaged in dis
Web sites. We examined firm Web sites to cussion until a mutually agreed-upon decision was
identify additional information about the law reached. In addition, we spent a substantial amount
suits. Web sites are an important communication of time discussing appropriate and descriptive la
tool for firms, and we reasoned that some firms beling for the response types.
would post information about their lawsuits as a Step 4. Drawing on the list of 26 response types,
means of informing relevant audiences, such as we conducted another iteration, trying to collapse
employees, consumers, and shareholders. Ten of the data further. In this stage, we identified prop
the 49 firms did so, and the content of the law erties or characteristics of the responses that would
suit-specific communications generally focused help differentiate them and give them meaning

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2006 James and Wooten 1109

(Strauss & Corbin, 1998). Three properties were and behavioral, between an accused firm and vari
most prevalent in the data: (1) communication that ous stakeholder groups. The data show two inter
depicted firm accountability for the discrimination esting phenomena. First, firms accused of discrim
allegations (e.g., "We categorically deny having dis ination adopt several distinct patterns of lawsuit
criminated against any of our employees"); (2) com resolution strategies, or paths, and these paths are
munication that depicted intended or actual organ distinguishable by discrimination type. In other
izational action by a firm in response to a lawsuit words, firms accused of sexual harassment follow a
(e.g., description of changes to promotion prac different resolution path than firms accused of ra
tices); and (3) adversarial involvement by external cial discrimination, which follow a different path
parties. We named these three general themes ver than firms accused of religious discrimination, and
bal rhetoric, behavioral response, and stakeholder so on. Second, we found that the presence of exter
mobilization, respectively. nal stakeholders is an important factor in the reso
Through the process of axial coding, or identifying lution process. In the absence of powerful and mo
and linking subcategories to the general themes to be bilized constituencies advocating on behalf of the
more descriptive and explanatory, we reasoned that alleged targets of discrimination, firms resolve
verbal rhetoric represented communication of firm these crises primarily by complying with legal
culpability. The two types of verbal rhetoric in the mandates (e.g., settlements). In contrast, in the
data were denials and acknowledgments. Behavioral presence of such mobilized stakeholder groups,
responses, on the other hand, were communications firms tend to adopt both legal and stakeholder com
that described actions firms had taken or would take pliance behaviors and, in some cases, more sweep
in response to lawsuits. We identified three general ing organizational changes that were neither legally
behavioral responses: retaliation, settlements, and or mandated nor demanded by stakeholders. Interest
ganizational change initiatives. Finally, stakeholder ingly, our analysis revealed that influential stake
mobilization was evident when an outside person or holder groups mobilize around race discrimination
group actively and publicly challenged an organiza and sexual harassment lawsuits, but not around
tion's handling of a lawsuit. We discuss each of these lawsuits associated with age, disability, and
elements of the lawsuit resolution process in more religion.
detail in the subsequent section. Table 2 depicts four distinct discrimination law
Step 5. We were careful to pay attention to time suit resolution paths. Each path is represented by a
relevant information in the data. We did so by column summarizing the presence/absence and
documenting the sequence of firms' communica form of each of the key elements in the discrimina
tion, behavioral responses, and stakeholder mobi tion lawsuit resolution process. Before describing
lization, as well as other events potentially relevant each path, we present a summary of the key ele
to a lawsuit. In other words, for each case we cre ments of the discrimination lawsuit resolution
ated a timeline beginning with the first public men process.
tion of the lawsuit and ending with its resolution.
As a result of aggregating these time lines according Firm Verbal Rhetoric
to the presence or absence and sequencing of com
mon features observed in the data, we identified Barley and Kunda defined rhetoric as a "spoken
multiple response patterns for managing a discrim and written discourse that justifies the use of a set
ination lawsuit. These response patterns were of techniques for managing organizations or their
strongly associated with the type of discrimination employees" (1992: 366). It should be no surprise
involved (e.g., race versus sexual harassment). To that rhetoric plays a large role in the crisis manage
validate the trends we observed, we asked the grad ment process. Two forms of rhetoric were present
uate research assistants to examine the accounts in the data: denial and acknowledgement.
according to discrimination type and whether and Denial. The most frequently used form of rheto
when key events occurred. Their analysis matched ric found in our database of discrimination lawsuit
that of the primary researchers. accounts was denial, with the firms in 69 of the 76
cases initially adopting this form of communica
tion. An example of a denial was the following
THE DISCRIMINATION LAWSUIT statement by a grocery store spokeswoman, who
RESOLUTION PROCESS said that, although the firm had not yet seen the
Overview lawsuit alleging sex discrimination, "We deny that
the chain engaged in any unlawful discriminatory
Generally, the discrimination lawsuit resolution practice." Similarly, a representative of a financial
process involves a series of exchanges, both verbal services firm stated, "We are confident . . . that

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1110 Academy of Management Journal December

Summary Characteristics and Frequencies for Discrimination Lawsuit Resolution Paths3
Characteristic Pathl Path 2 Path 3 Path 4

Type of discrimination Gender, age, disability, religion Sexual harassment Race Race
Representative cases 38 6 25 7
Firm verbal hetoric Denial* Denial* Denial* None
(38) (6) (25)
Firm behavioral retaliation No Process* Denial to No
(6) acknowledgement* * *
Process** (16)
Stakeholder mobilization No Yes** Yes* No
(4) (23)
Lawsuit resolution Legal settlement* Legal settlement* Legal settlement* Legal settlement*
(35) (6) (23) (5)
Stakeholder settlement Stakeholder settlement* Change efforts**
(1) (20) (4)
Change efforts

a Number of cases are in parentheses. A single asterisk (*) indicates we found evidence of this feature in at least 85 percent of the cases
belonging to a particular path. A double asterisk indicates evidence of this feature in at least 65 percent of the cases belonging to a
particular path.

there has been no discriminatory conduct. We do holder groups had publicly mobilized against the
not discriminate." firms. In addition, acknowledgement rhetoric ap
Although some firms made absolute denials, oth peared only in accounts of race discrimination.
ers coupled their denials with references to insti Acknowledgements typically indicated that a
tutional practices/policies. An example of a refer firm was aware of the discriminating event(s) in
ence to institutionalized practice/policy is the question and that it was admitting or taking respon
statement, "We have a zero-tolerance policy for sibility for the discrimination. A utility company
discrimination." The chairman of a car rental com spokesperson, for example, acknowledged that dis
pany responded to allegations of widespread racial crimination charges were a problem in the com
discrimination using this two-pronged denial and pany. According to its manager of equal opportu
policy reiteration response: nity:
I can tell you this: We did not and do not discrimi We haven't had a chance to review the claims set
nate against anybody. . . . We do not tolerate unlaw forth in the lawsuit specifically; however, we have
ful discriminatory practices of any kind. . . . [The been wrestling with allegations [of discrimination]
firm] aggressively enforces its policy of "zero toler for some time, holding meetings with many of the
ance" of discrimination. employees who are now suing us.
Similarly, the president of a clothing retail organ The founder and CEO of a restaurant chain had this
ization stated:
to say about its race discrimination lawsuit:
I would like to unequivocally state that we do not We recognize that we have not been proactive
discriminate against any of our employees, appli enough in the past in bringing on minority managers
cants, or customers on the basis of race . . . that
and valuing the differences in people.
would be a violation of our policies.

Acknowledgement Acknowledgement was a

Firm Behavioral Responses
second form of verbal rhetoric provided by com
pany spokespersons. Relative to denial rhetoric, We identified three primary actions adopted by
acknowledging rhetoric appeared infrequently in firms faced with allegations of discrimination: re
the set of accounts, in only seven cases. In addition, taliation, settlement, and change efforts.
unlike denials, which appeared early in the crisis Retaliation. Retaliation is antagonistic behavior
resolution process, acknowledgements appeared displayed by the firms during the courses of law
later and, as we discuss below, only after stake suits. The data revealed two types of retaliation.

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2006 James and Wooten 1111

Plaintiff retaliation was evidenced when firms ha mandated in a settlement or "forced" on a firm by
rassed or threatened their accusers. In one sexual an interest group or other mobilized stakeholder.
harassment case, firm leaders aggressively and pub Change efforts also included outreach by firms to
licly reported negative information about the plain prominent individuals or groups that could help
tiffs and made threats against both the plaintiffs them achieve better diversity practices. Several
and those who sympathized with them. Likewise, firms in our sample, for example, solicited the ad
in another case of sexual harassment, a firm attor vice of the Southern Christian Leadership Council
ney publicly commented, "One of the plaintiffs has on how to write affirmative action plans.
a pattern of promiscuous sexual behavior involving
male workers."
Process retaliation occurred when firms demon Stakeholder Mobilization
strated uncooperative behavior and found ways to
Stakeholder mobilization refers to third-party in
manipulate the lawsuit proceedings. An example of volvement in lawsuit resolution. Stakeholders ad
process retaliation is a firm's failing to provide, or
vocated on behalf of the groups targeted by discrim
even destroying, documents solicited by legal rep
ination and against the allegedly offending firms.
resentatives. Another example of process retalia
Mobilization activity included demonstrations,
tion is depicted in the following account by the
boycotts, and generating negative publicity about
general counsel of a manufacturing facility who, in
the firms. As one example, NOW publicly labeled
response to his company's being accused of sexual some firms accused of sexual harassment as "mer
harassment, said this to employees at a firm-spon
chants of shame" and aggressively publicized cases
sored, pep rally-style event: and firm behavior that NOW believed to be offen
I want to see a backlash. . . . We've got to win the sive. Another example is provided by stakeholders
media by parading thousands strong in Chicago. . . . mobilized against a firm accused of racial discrim
We can't tell you what to do because if we do it ination. In this case, stakeholders organized a "jus
comes across as so biased that it loses its effect. . . . tice ride" in which people traveled 900 miles on a
You are all clever people. ... I ask you to think of bus to the company's annual shareholder meeting.
things that might help to get us through this. The goal of the trip was to publicize the case and
organize a consumer boycott.
Settlements. Settlements represent a type of
lawsuit resolution whereby firms agree to com
pensate the alleged victims of discrimination. In Lawsuit Resolution Paths
our data, settlements were not generally accom
panied by admissions of guilt. In fact, most firms Having discussed the content of discrimination
emphasized that the rationale for the settlements lawsuit resolutions, we now move to the process
was to put the issues behind them and halt neg of resolving such crises. Figure 1 illustrates four
ative press coverage. paths taken by firms during lawsuits. Each path
Two forms of settlement were evident in the data: begins in a similar fashion, with the allegations of
legal and stakeholder-based. Legal settlementswere discrimination becoming public. Next, organiza
characterized by firm compliance with a ruling im tional leaders communicate rhetoric about the
posed by a legal entity (e.g., a judge, an arbiter). allegations. Overwhelmingly, this initial rhetoric
These settlements primarily involved financial is denial-based. In conjunction with, or immedi
compensation to the plaintiffs, yet in some cases ately after, the initial rhetoric, firms often com
firms were also required to implement personnel mence internal investigations into the claims of
and/or structural changes. Stakeholder-based set discrimination. Yet it is the reports from inde
tlements were characterized by firms abiding by pendent investigations that lead to the eventual
requests or threats made by powerful interest categorization of the cases as class action law
groups, despite such groups having no legal power suits. Once lawsuits have been granted class ac
over the organizations. Two interest groups in par tion status, most firms respond by continuing to
ticular actively mobilized against firms in our data reiterate earlier denials. It is at this point that
set: the National Organization for Women (NOW), differences in the resolution process emerge. It is
and civil rights activists led by Jesse Jackson. also at this juncture that we noticed a pattern
Change efforts. Change efforts are firms' initia whereby groups of accounts followed similar tra
tives to fundamentally correct or modify aspects of jectories toward resolution. This grouping was
their organizations that gave way to discrimination. distinguished by type of discrimination. As Fig
These efforts included implementing policy, per ure 1 depicts, we label the paths according to the
sonnel, or structural changes that had not been target group affected by the discrimination.

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1112 Academy of Management Journal December

Model of Firms' Handling of Discrimination Lawsuits

Initial publicity ? Firm responds ? Investigation and? - Additional denial Settlement Pathl
for lawsuit with denial rhetoric declaration of class rhetoric Legal
action status

Firm Retaliation
Investigation and
declaration of class (Process)
action status

Stakeholder Stakeholder
mobilization mobilization

Firm changes from

/ l
denial to acknowledging

Xi Settlement
Legal Stakeholder-based Stakeholder-based

Change Efforts Change Efforts

Path 4, Path 3, Path 2,
Race Cases Race Cases Sexual Harassment Cases

Path 1: Gender, age, disability, and religion resolution process for these cases was among the
based discrimination lawsuits. Lawsuits concern most uncomplicated of the four paths.
ing gender-, age-, disability-, and religion-based Path 2: Sexual harassment lawsuits. Following
discrimination followed a relatively straightfor the declaration of class action status, accounts from
ward path. The accounts showed that, after class sexual harassment lawsuits revealed that spokes
action status had been declared, firms' spokesper persons reiterated denial rhetoric. Subsequent ac
sons continued to communicate denial rhetoric, counts described retaliatory firm behavior, such as
reinforcing to the public that the firms had not publicly blaming the women bringing the allega
engaged in discriminatory treatment of employees. tions and engaging in what may be described as
Then, there were noticeable gaps in the accounts, harassing and threatening behavior toward the ac
periods in which no public references to the cases cusers and their sympathizers. For example, the
were found. On average, the time gap between dec data showed that it was not uncommon for firms to
laration of class action status and the next media publicize derogatory information about the wom
reports about these cases was 11 months. When the en's personal relationships, behavior, and dress.
cases reemerged in the media, accounts indicated Likewise there were reports that employees' job
that settlement agreements between the plaintiffs security might be threatened by the outcomes of
and the organizations had been reached. The set cases. Four of the six sexual harassment cases in
tlements were legal settlements and consisted pri the data set revealed this type of plaintiff-focused
marily of financial restitution to the alleged vic retaliation. This type of retaliation was not present
tims. Given that the accounts of gender, age, in any other type of discrimination account and
disability, and religion-based lawsuits reported no consequently in no other lawsuit resolution path.
organizational resistance (e.g., plaintiff or process In addition to the plaintiff retaliation, all six
retaliation) and that there was little or no external firms accused of sexual harassment engaged in pro
intervention (e.g., stakeholder mobilization), the cess retaliation. Recall that process retaliation es

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2006 James and Wooten 1113

sentially represents firm manipulation of legal pro Firms were typically threatened with consumer
ceedings. In sexual harassment accounts, process boycotts of their products or services or with public
retaliation took the form of shredding relevant doc demonstrations if they failed to act in the ways
umentation or falsifying information requested by demanded by the stakeholders.
legal representatives. The data also show that, following the first evi
Following displays of firm retaliation we see the dence of stakeholder mobilization, some firms ac
first evidence of external stakeholder mobilization. cused of racial discrimination changed their rheto
In the current study, NOW was actively and pub ric from denial to acknowledgement. In other
licly engaged in speaking out against four of the six words, rather than continuing to deny the charges,
firms involved in sexual harassment lawsuits, even spokespersons began to take ownership of the sit
publicly labeling these organizations "merchants of uations and communicate in a more apologetic
shame." Once NOW became involved in these tone. In referring to allegations of racial discrimi
cases, the frequency of media reports increased, nation, one CEO eventually stated in an on-air in
and these were largely focused on characterizing terview that the discriminatory behavior of the or
the mobilization efforts. The accounts revealed that ganization was categorically unacceptable and
during this stage of the lawsuit resolution process, acknowledged that the firm had been intolerant
a series of exchanges generally commenced be and insensitive to black employees. Earlier rhetoric
tween a firm and a mobilized group. The exchanges by this CEO reflected strong denial of the alleged
played out in the following way: The firm commu discrimination.
nicated denial rhetoric and adopted both plaintiff We found in the accounts of race discrimination
and process retaliatory behavior; in response, lawsuits that firms moved quickly toward resolu
stakeholders publicly mobilized against the firm, tion once stakeholders mobilized against them.
primarily through threats, name calling, and public Resolution came in the form of both settlements
demonstrations; this type of stakeholder mobiliza and change efforts. Although all the race discrimi
tion ignited additional rhetoric and retaliation by nation lawsuits reached legal settlements, the ma
the firm. This exchange continued until a settle jority of these cases also achieved stakeholder set
ment was negotiated. tlements. Thus, the actions of Jackson and other
Settlements of sexual harassment cases were mobilized constituents seemed to have an influ
largely based in law; only one of the six firms met ence on firm behavior during discrimination crises.
NOW's demands. Said differently, although firms Moreover, in addition to entering settlements, 17 of
were responsive to legal mandates, which were the 25 firms involved in path 3 race discrimination
generally focused on financial restitution, they lawsuits adopted change efforts. Recall that change
were less responsive to demands from other exter efforts are firm-initiated, prodiversity behaviors
nal parties. The average time to resolution for sex that go above and beyond agreements in either legal
ual harassment cases was 49 months, considerably or stakeholder-based settlements. A frequent exam
longer than for most other types of lawsuits. ple was firms' outreach to "diversity specialists"
Path 3: Race discrimination lawsuits. Two who would serve in advisory capacities to the or
paths emerged for race discrimination lawsuits. ganizations. Change efforts were not a characteris
Path 3, the more typical one, resembles the trajec tic of non-race-based discrimination lawsuits.
tory for sexual harassment lawsuits up to the point Path 4: Race discrimination. Perhaps the most
at which stakeholders mobilize against firms. Thus, unusual path in the data was depicted by a subset
like sexual harassment accounts, the race discrim of race discrimination lawsuit accounts. This sub
ination accounts represented here are characterized set is unique for two reasons. First, each of the
by denial rhetoric and process retaliation. Unlike cases in this category represented a firm that had
the firms in sexual harassment cases, however, experienced a prior discrimination lawsuit during
firms accused of racial discrimination did not en the period covered by our investigation. Second,
gage in plaintiff retaliation. Following the process following the initial publicity about the cases, these
retaliation by the firms, stakeholders mobilized were the only firms not to communicate denial
against them. The Reverend Jesse Jackson, an active rhetoric. The data show that there was either no
presence in 18 of the 25 cases classified into path 3, communication by a firm prior to the investigation
was the primary mobilizing agent. Other black re and declaration of class action status, or that
ligious and political figures were also seen to mo spokespersons explicitly communicated a "no
bilize around the race discrimination lawsuits. comment" response. So although these firms did
The stakeholder mobilization evident in path 3 not acknowledge the allegations, neither did they
took the form of public denigration of the firms for deny them. Rather, initial publicity about the cases
their denial stance and public threats against them. was followed directly by an investigation into the

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1114 Academy of Management Journal December

charges and declaration of class action status, with type of crisis. The response paths are characterized
no communication from the firms themselves. by type of discrimination, firm rhetoric, firm be
Also, unlike some of the other paths, this path havioral responses, and stakeholder mobilization;
entailed no retaliation by the firms, nor any stake the presence/absence and sequencing of all of these
holder mobilization. These cases moved expedi seem to influence how a lawsuit is ultimately re
tiously toward resolution, which took the form of solved. The findings are both intriguing and theo
legal settlements and change efforts similar to the retically rich.
ones we found for the path 3 race-based cases. To summarize, four distinct lawsuit resolution
There were no stakeholder settlements because no paths emerged from the data. Path 1 captured the
external parties mobilized against these path 4 experience of gender-, religion-, age-, and disabili
firms. Moreover, the absence of both firm retalia ty-based discrimination lawsuits and described a
tion and stakeholder mobilization likely accounted fairly straightforward process, uncomplicated by
for the speed with which this group of race-based stakeholder mobilization and resolved via legal set
discrimination lawsuits was resolved. Final settle tlements. Paths 2 and 3 depicted sexual harassment
ment negotiations for these lawsuits were achieved and race discrimination lawsuits, respectively.
an average of 21 months, or nearly two years, ear They were noteworthy for the retaliatory behavior
lier than the average for all other types of discrim displayed by the firms involved in these cases and
ination lawsuits. In short, path 4 describes a law the subsequent antifirm stakeholder mobilization
suit resolution strategy whose outcome is that the retaliation seemed to spark. Paths 2 and 3
ultimately comparable to that reached in path 3 but differ from one another in the type of retaliation
in which firms adopt a very different set of behav displayed by firms. For example, sexual harass
iors from those adopted in path 3. ment cases were the only ones to depict both pro
Table 3 summarizes the outcomes achieved to cess and plaintiff retaliation. Plaintiff retaliation
date for each of the lawsuits in our data set. Spe was not evident in any other type of discrimination
cifically, it presents the frequencies for all six types account. Paths 2 and 3 also differed in the ultimate
of discrimination lawsuits with respect to whether resolution strategy adopted by the firms. Accusa
a suit was resolved through legal settlement or tions of sexual harassment were resolved exclu
stakeholder settlement, or was still pending resolu sively by settlements, whereas accusations of race
tion at the time of this writing. discrimination were resolved by both settlements
and organizational change efforts. Interestingly,
DISCUSSION only firms involved in race discrimination lawsuits
adopted change efforts (paths 3 and 4). Finally,
We began this project with an ambitious yet sim Path 4 depicts a subset of race discrimination cases
ple question: Why do firms respond to discrimina and is unique in that these firms were the only ones
tion crises in the ways that they do? The answer is not to initially communicate denial rhetoric. As in
decidedly more complicated than the question, in the path 1 cases, however, there was neither retal
part because of the unexpected finding that firms iation nor stakeholder mobilization in the path 4
demonstrate multiple strategies or responses for
what, on the surface, seems like a simple and fairly
one-dimensional problem?a discrimination law
Theoretical Contributions and Implications
suit. Yet despite our finding multiple firm strate
The strategic issues research has largely e
gies regarding discrimination lawsuits, our ability
to position these responses as patterns or paths ined organizational responses to crisis and no
suggests a set of meaningful influences on how sis issues, and in so doing it has contribut
firms process and take action on this particular knowledge of within-firm strategy formula

Summary of Outcomes for Discrimination Lawsuits
Lawsuit Outcomes Race Gender Harassment Lawsuits Age Disability Religion
Legal settlement 28 16 6 14 3 2
Stakeholder settlement 20 0 1 0 0 0
Pending resolution 4 3 0 0 0 0
Total number of lawsuits 32 19 6 14 3 2

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2006 James and Wooten 1115

Within that body of research, the threat-rigidity perhaps more interesting than those cases that
concept is among the most frequently cited per reflect the threat-rigidity model are those that are
spectives for understanding firm responses to inconsistent with it. Rather than becoming more
threatening or crisis situations. Our own findings conservative or risk-avoidant in response to their
both support and challenge the assumptions and crises, for example, a subset of firms seemed to
conclusions drawn from prior strategic issues re adopt what we interpret as a risky stance. We
search in general, and from the threat-rigidity considered one behavior in particular as evi
model in particular. dence of risk taking by these firms: engaging in
Recall that the primary tenets of the threat-rigid ongoing interactions with parties that were mo
ity model are that, following a threat, a firm will bilized against them.
initially adopt information-searching and -process According to our data, only firms accused of
ing behaviors. Over time, however, the firm's re sexual harassment engaged in an ongoing (and an
sponse becomes less flexible, more efficient, and tagonistic) manner with stakeholders mobilized
more conservative (Staw et al., 1981). In the current against them. In so doing, these firms participated
study, we found that early in the discrimination in keeping information about the lawsuits in the
lawsuit resolution process, firms indeed engaged in public's consciousness by contributing to the sen
information searching and processing, by, for ex sationalism of the cases, thereby opening the door
ample, conducting internal investigations into the for controversy and attention directed toward
discrimination allegations. Furthermore, as the rather than away from lawsuit or firm. Taking a
threat-rigidity model would predict, the majority of threat-rigidity perspective, one would not predict
these firms also adopted rigid stances as the reso this type of behavior, which represents both a less
lution processes unfolded. conservative and less efficient means of resolution.
We identified two firm behaviors in particular A conservative response, for example, is one in
that can be interpreted as rigid responses to the which firm decision makers attempt to conserve or
lawsuits. First, firms conveyed and maintained protect firm resources (Staw et al., 1981), including
staunch denial stances throughout the resolution funds, time, and reputation. We consider the be
processes, and in so doing demonstrated little flex havior adopted by firms accused of sexual harass
ibility or openness to communicating information ment to be less conservative (or more risky) because
that did not ultimately reinforce that same rhetoric. engaging with mobilized groups can contribute to
Second, firms chose not to share information per the opportunity for the public to take notice of,
tinent to the allegations, and in some cases they form opinions about, and participate in the resolu
resorted to illegal means (e.g., shredding relevant tion process. This added level of publicity and
documentation) to keep information hidden. These public involvement can diminish the level of con
behaviors are indeed consistent with Staw and col trol that firms ultimately have over cases relative to
leagues' (1981) notion of rigidity in that they limit the control maintained by organizations that adopt
both the content of the information that is commu techniques intended to limit public awareness
nicated and the process of information sharing. about their lawsuits. Stated differently, as mobi
In addition to oulining these rigid responses, the lized agents become involved in a lawsuit, and as
threat rigidity model also describes firms becoming the focal firm antagonizes those stakeholders rather
efficient in their response to threat. This efficiency than accommodating them, it loses the ability to
was realized in our sample as well. We found that control some aspects of the resolution process and
most firms accused of discrimination worked to outcomes of the case. Moreover, the longer a law
ward achieving quick resolution (e.g., settlements) suit continues in the public domain, the more time,
that was unencumbered by negotiations with exter attention, and other resources are diverted away
nal stakeholders. In the case of the race discrimi from running the business and from achieving busi
nation cases depicted in path 3, although activists ness continuity.
did mobilize against these firms, firm leaders In addition, if we consider that an efficient re
avoided ongoing engagement with these groups by sponse to threat is one that moves to resolve a crisis
being relatively responsive to their demands soon quickly, then we would expect firms to behave in
after mobilization activity commenced. In short, ways that expedite resolution, including limiting
although firms did not necessarily adopt each of their involvement in activities that distract their
these rigid and efficient behaviors, their overall attention from reaching closure. In fact, the major
response patterns seemed to reflect a pattern of ity of the firms we studied employed such behav
behavior congruent with the threat-rigidity model. iors, which yielded an average resolution time of 27
Yet if a firm's tendency following threat is to months for all types of lawsuits in our sample ex
become more rigid, efficient, or conservative, then cept sexual harassment. Firms accused of sexual

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1116 Academy of Management Journal December

harassment, however, took an average of 49 proof on the part of the plaintiffs in sexual harass
months, or almost twice as long as firms not en ment cases than in other cases of discrimination
gaged with mobilized groups, to achieve resolution. (Edelman, Erlanger, & Lande, 1993). Traditionally,
This study also highlights aspects of institutional these lawsuits are also more easily viewed as per
theory as relevant in the formation of patterns of sonality conflicts rather than civil rights concerns,
firm responses to discrimination lawsuits. As we thereby making it easier for firms to deemphasize
described at the outset, early investigations of (e.g., the legal aspects of the wrongdoing, while simulta
Dutton, 1986) and theorizing about (e.g., Dutton & neously highlighting the subjective nature of the
Jackson, 1987) firm responses to strategic issues cases. In light of the inherent subjectivity in sexual
highlighted within-firm decision making and ac harassment claims, firm decision makers may feel
tion taking. Methodologically, because studies of less constrained by legal norms and more willing to
crises and other strategic issues are particularly adopt antagonistic behavior. On the other hand,
suitable for a case study approach, conclusions given the legal protection provided to plaintiffs of
drawn from such research may be fairly firm-spe racial discrimination, firms may feel more intimi
cific. In contrast, studies that examine crises in dated or fearful of acting antagonistically.
multiple firms uncover patterns of responses that Our interpretation of these findings suggests that
speak to how firm behaviors during crises can be the examination of discrimination lawsuits high
come institutionalized beyond a single organiza lights the contingent power of stakeholders in
tion. The current investigation is an example of this times of crises. Specifically, an external stake
latter methodological approach and, indeed, our holder without formal control over an organization
results show that there are powerful influences on (e.g., Jesse Jackson) can influence the resolution of
organizations that affect crisis resolution. a crisis when formal or legal mechanisms support
Coercive pressures seem to be instrumental in stakeholder efforts. They do so ostensibly by play
how crises are resolved. Our data show that these ing on the organization's fear of being punished.
pressures stem from both formal or legal channels Yet when the legal context in which a crisis occurs
and from informal channels. Given that the crises is ambiguous, as in the case of sexual harassment
of interest in this study centered on legal issues, the law, coercive pressure by informal stakeholders
finding that firms adopt legal responses (e.g., set may seem less threatening. Under these circum
tlements) was not particularly surprising. What stances, firms seem to be unencumbered by legal or
was surprising was the variance in the presence or formal constraints, and their responses are combat
absence of informal (nonlegal) coercive pressures ive ones that challenge the accusers and those that
over types of lawsuits, and the ways in which firms sympathize with them.
responded to these pressures. For example, firms Finally, our findings also speak to organizational
accused of gender, age, disability, or religious dis learning following a crisis. Recall that path 4 rep
crimination experienced no informal pressure from resents a subset of discrimination lawsuits in
externally mobilized groups. Yet groups were ac which the firms accused of discrimination had ex
tively mobilized against firms accused of race dis perienced prior lawsuits during the ten-year span
crimination and sexual harassment. Moreover, in examined in this study. The response path for these
race-based discrimination lawsuits, activists who firms is noteworthy in its simplicity and in the
held little to no legitimate power over organiza ultimate resolution achieved by these firms. Unlike
tions were particularly influential in how the latter the firms in most of the other cases, these firms did
responded to allegations of discrimination. In these not communicate denial, nor did they experience
cases, firms were fairly quick to accommodate the threat from mobilized stakeholders. They did, how
demands of such groups. To the contrary, rather ever, adopt change efforts in addition to settle
than succumb to mobilization pressures, firms in ments as a part of their lawsuit resolution. Follow
sexual harassment cases were more likely to engage ing on the arguments by Wooten and James (2004),
activists in fairly combative ways. A reasonable a reasonable conclusion for these findings is that
conclusion based on this finding is that there is a from prior experience these organizations learned
proclivity to respond with fear to accusations asso from prior experience a more efficient and perhaps
ciated with racial matters, whereas accusations of more effective way to resolve a discrimination cri
harassment directed toward women evoke anger. sis. For example, they were not caught in a cycle of
Although the reasons for these differences cannot defensive routines or other behaviors that pre
be known with certainty, one possible explanation vented them from experiencing threat (Argyris,
for this set of findings is rooted in the way U.S. law 1990). Such routines are dangerous in that they can
defines and treats discrimination versus harass perpetuate a crisis and lead to questionable or un
ment. In particular, there is a higher burden of savory practices by a firm, and thereby adversely

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