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Task 2: Drafting the Background of the Study

G12 STEM Hawking – Group 1

Leader: Cyanzy Niaji D. Dela Cruz

Assistant Leader: Rosh Hashanah G. Abrugar

John Lyndell D. Camaña

Christian Jovendar N. Emocling

Reizhir Kurt B. Gonzales

Melvin C. Milan

Nico Riel M. Nato

Harley Steven V. Niebres

Uhelbert T. Villa

Research Title: Effectiveness of Reducing Physical Engagements to the Physical Health of Grade 12
Students on the Return of Face-to-Face Classes in Fiat Lux Academe Dasmariñas Campus
In the educational system, distance learning has become the "new normal." During the COVID-
19 pandemic, students were required to study online instead of going to school. Today, more than 1.5
billion students are or have been affected by school and university closures (Sahbaz, 2020). According to
Vlasenko & Bozhok (2014), despite being flexible and practical, online learning still cannot replace the
college experience. Many students still value interacting with peers, being a part of a larger educational
setting, and working closely with academic advisors. Distance learning is further constrained by the fact
that some courses can't be taught online. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have been forced to
close, and reopening them is thought to be a potential strategy to start reversing learning deficiencies
(Oducado, 2022).
Fiat Lux Academe, a secondary school in the Dasmariñas City of Cavite province, oriented their
students about the possible return of face-to-face classes. However, according to UNICEF (2020), even
though in-person instruction does not seem to be the primary cause of infection rises, there are still
hazards according to an assessment of the most recent data. UNICEF asserts that the government has
already laid out some of the policy measures and precise national instructions that are necessary for the
resumption of face-to-face instruction. This includes the reduction of physical engagement of students,
which the researchers of this study aim to investigate. Physical activity is any skeletal muscle-driven
movement of the body that requires energy to complete. Everyday physical activity may be divided into
occupational, sporting, conditioning, domestic, and other activities (Caspersen et al., 1985). Physical
engagement in school is defined as participation in face-to-face tasks and involvement in class activities
which might include seminars, discussions, debates, group work activities, experiments, simulations, or
placements. These physical activities are linked to several positive health effects. However, due to the
current pandemic, this might not be the case, especially for the physical health of the students and staff of
the school. According to EUPATI (2020), physical health is characterized as the state of your body,
considering everything from the absence of illness to your degree of fitness.

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of reducing physical engagement on the physical
health of grade 12 students on the return of face-to-face classes. The findings of this inquiry serve as the
foundation for the creation of policies that limit physical activities to ensure that high school learners
will remain physically healthy.


Oducado, R. M. F., Cleofas, J. V., & Soriano, G. P. (2022, April). Predicting nursing students' intention to
attend face‐to‐face classes on school reopening: A theory of planned behavior application. In Nursing

Sahbaz, A. (2020). Views and Evaluations of University Students about Distance Education during the
COVID-19 Pandemic. Educational Process: International Journal, 9(3), 184-198.

Vlasenko, L., & Bozhok, N. (2014). Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning.

Wieland, N., & Francia, M. (2020, December 17). UNICEF supports face-to-face learning in low-risk
areas with adequate preparation. UNICEF. Retrieved October 12, 2022, from

World Health Organization. (2022, October 5). Retrieved October 12, 2022, from

Owen, K. B., Parker, P. D., Van Zanden, B., MacMillan, F., Astell-Burt, T., & Lonsdale, C. (2016). Physical
activity and school engagement in youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Educational
Psychologist, 51(2), 129-145.

Caspersen, C. J., Powell, K. E., & Christenson, G. M. (1985). Physical activity, exercise, and physical
fitness: definitions and distinctions for health-related research. Public health reports, 100(2), 126.

EUPATI (2020, March 27). Physical health - EUPATI Toolbox. EUPATI Toolbox. Retrieved October 12,
2022, from

Research title: The Effectiveness of Math Subjects in the Preparation for College Course of Grade 12
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Students of Fiat Lux Academe Dasmariñas
College admissions for the next academic year have already begun. According to W (2017), college
might be intimidating. College courses are undoubtedly more challenging than high school courses. The demands
for self-teaching are significantly higher since the subjects are more difficult, and the learning is happening at a
faster rate. To achieve higher education and give more preparation for college, the previous curriculum
has been enhanced to K to 12. In schools across the world, including the Philippines, a considerable
number of students have chosen Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) as their
strand for senior high school. In the Philippines, a number of grade 12 STEM students are now applying
to their desired schools and courses.

Fiat Lux Academe, a secondary school in Dasmariñas City of Cavite province, is one of the schools
that offer the STEM strand, one of the academic strands under the K to 12 curricula, to their students. A set of
specialized subjects are expected to be learned by the students such as Mathematics. According to Nast (2021),
using deductive reasoning and abstraction, mathematics is the art of generating new knowledge from existing
information. A formally structured pattern theory. It is a field of study that covers solid geometry, plane geometry,
and natural numbers. According to Park & Brombacher (2008), mathematics promotes logical thinking and mental
rigor and is a useful method for developing mental discipline. Mathematical concepts and methods are utilized to
answer issues in science, engineering, and economics. Additionally, comprehending mathematics is essential for
learning other academic disciplines like physics, social studies, and even music and art. However, despite the
benefits of mathematics subjects, many grade 12 students are not yet equipped with competencies and are not yet
prepared for college.

This study aims to assess the effectiveness of math subjects in the preparation of Grade 12
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students for college. The researchers also
aim to investigate which math subject is the most effective in preparing grade 12 STEM students for
college. The results of this inquiry will help determine if the math subjects in the STEM strand are
sufficient or still need adjustments.

W, A. (2017, August 28). How Hard Are College Classes Really? — LogicPrep Education. LogicPrep
Education. Retrieved October 12, 2022, from

Nast, C. (2021, March 2). What Is Mathematics? | The New Yorker. The New Yorker. Retrieved October
12, 2022, from

Park, & Brombacher. (2008). The role of mathematics in the overall curriculum | International
Mathematical Union (IMU). The Role of Mathematics in the Overall Curriculum | International
Mathematical Union (IMU). Retrieved October 12, 2022, from

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