Buku Bagus

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-----Original Message-----

From: Tuerah, Jhoni

Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 5:34 PM
To: Tuerah, Jhoni
Subject: Buku-buku bagus


God is My CEO Larry BIP Rp.

Spiritual Theology Simon Chang

Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren

Purpose Driven Church Rick Warren

Liat di internet
What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity Gillham, Bill
Liat di internet
Lifetime Guarantee: A Student's Challenge to Live the Gillham, Bill
Christ Life
Liat di internet
The 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul Michael Norwood
Liat di internet
Hard to Believe John MacArthur
Liat di Momentum
Renovation of The Heart, 65 ribu Dallas Willard
Liat di Momentum
The Case for ..... 55 ribu Lee Strobel
Liat di Momentum
Inside Out 41 ribu Larry Crabb
Liat di Momentum
Living In The Kingdom US10 Alvin N. Rogness
Liat di Momentum
Lima Bahasa Kasih 45 ribu Gary Chapman
Liat di Momentum
The Healthy Christian Life 50 ribu
Liat di Momentum
Building The Christian Academy, US12 Arthur F. Holmes
Liat di Momentum
Preacher, Can You Hear Us Listening, US15 Roger E Van Harn
Liat di Momentum
Preaching with Purpose US15 Jay E Adams
Liat di Momentum
Shadow of the Almighty 45 ribu Elisabeth Elliot

Memoirs of Rev. David Brainerd Liat di internet

Journey with David Brainerd: Forty Days or Forty by Richard A. Hasler Liat di internet
Nights with David Brainerd more books like this

Seri Misionari Perintis Liat di Momentum

Becoming A Contagious Christian Bill Hybels Liat di JICF

... (share their faith—naturally, relationally and

Christian Reflection, US$14 CS Lewis Liat di Momentum

Francis of Assisi, US$14 Lawrence S Liat di Momentum

Liat di JICF
Desiring God, 130 ribu John Piper
Liat di JICF
The Pleasures of God, 130 ribu John Piper
Liat di JICF
A Hunger for God, 130 ribu John Piper

Christian Nurture Horace Bushnel Liat di buku Tokoh2 Kristen

yang Mewarnai Dunia

The Pursuit of God AW Tozer Liat di buku Tokoh2 Kristen

yang Mewarnai Dunia

The Divine Conquest AW Tozer Liat di buku Tokoh2 Kristen

yang Mewarnai Dunia

The Knowledge of the Holy AW Tozer Liat di buku Tokoh2 Kristen

yang Mewarnai Dunia

What the Bible is All About Hendrietta Mears Liat di buku Tokoh2 Kristen
yang Mewarnai Dunia
DL Moody Collection: Dari Salesman, 21 ribu

DL Moody Collection: Karya Klasik Terbaik, 34


DL Moody Collection: Tulisan, Khotbah, 30 ribu

Your God is Too Safe Mark Buchanan JICF

Becoming a Prayer Warrior Elizabeth Alves

Jesus Talks With ........... (series) Ravi Zacharias JICF

The Good Life Chuck Colson JICF

Melihat Kemuliaan Kristus melalui Cermin Kris Lundgaard

Alkitab, 38 ribu

Ia Berikan Kita Kisah-Nya, Rp 80 ribu Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

131 Christians Everyone Should Know Mark Galli Description: Get acquainted
with the most intriguing,
courageous, and inspiring
people who ever lived! The
editors of Christian History
offer succinct, powerful
portraits of St. Augustine,
Johann Sebastian Bach,
Harriet Beecher Stowe, and
128 other remarkable
believers. Timelines, quotes,
and photographs reveal how
they lived, what they believed,
and how their faith affected the
course of history.

- "Making Disciples" subtitle" Following Jesus Model

karangan Mike Flynn. Buku ini bisa diterjemahkan jadi
pedoman KK.

- Buku2nya Paul Little spt "Know What You Believe",

"Know Why You Believe", dan "How to Give Away Your
Faith" jg bagus.
- "Master Plan of Discipleship" Robert E. Coleman dan
satu lagi bukunya "Master Plan of Evangelism".

- "What Every Christian Should Know About Growing"

subtitle "Basic Steps to Discipleship".

The Good Life Chuck Colson (Charles


How Now Shall We Live? Chuck Colson (Charles


William Wilberforce: A Hero for Humanity Kevin Belmonte


1. APOLOGETICS/EVANGELISM, Is Jesus The Only Savior?, James R. Edwards (Eerdmans)

2. CHRISTIAN LIVING, The Scandal Of The Evangelical Conscience: Why Are Christians Living Just Like the Rest of the World?, Ronald J.
Sider (Baker)
3. THE CHURCH/PASTORAL LEADERSHIP, The Art And Craft Of Biblical Preaching: A Comprehensive Resource for Today's Communicators,
Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larson, eds. (Zondervan)
4. HISTORY/BIOGRAPHY, The Narnian: The Life and Imagination of C. S. Lewis, Alan Jacobs (HarperSanFrancisco)
5. MISSIONS/GLOBAL AFFAIRS, Contextualization In The New Testament: Patterns for Theology and Mission, Dean E. Flemming (IVP)
6. SPIRITUALITY, Christ Plays In Ten Thousand Places: A Conversation in Spiritual Theology, Eugene H. Peterson (Eerdmans)

The Other Path (1996) dan The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else (2000)


1 The Road Less Travelled Scott Peck Rp.

2 Tuesdays with Morrie Mitch Albom Rp.

3 Repacking Your Bags Richard J. Leider and David Rp.

A. Shapiro

4 Richest Man in Babylon George S. Clason Rp.

Oh, The Places You’ll Go! Dr. Seuss

5 Naked Leader David Taylor

6 Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini

7 Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Malcolm Gladwell

8 The Five People You Meet in Heaven Mitch Albom

The 9 Steps of Success James Skinner

The Five Major Pieces To The Life Puzzle Jim Rohn

As A Man Thinketh James Allen

Byways of Blessedness James Allen

Make Your Life Worthwhile Emmet Fox

Working Identity (US$16.95) Herminia Ibarra


1 The Highest Goal Michael Ray Elex Rp.

2 Principle Centered Leadership Stephen Covey Binarupa Aksara Rp.

3 22 Immutable Laws of Branding Al Ries Gramedia Rp.

4 80 / 20 Principle Richard Koch BIP Rp.

6 Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert T. Kiyosaki Gramedia Rp.

7 Cash Flow Quadrant Robert T. Kiyosaki Gramedia Rp.

8 Membidik Pasar Indonesia Rhenald Kasali Gramedia Rp.

9 Markplus on Strategy Hermawan Kartajaya Gramedia Rp.

10 Hermawan Kertajaya on Marketing Hermawan Kartajaya Gramedia Rp.

11 Living the 80 / 20 Way Richard Koch BIP Rp.

12 Financial Revolution Tung Desem Gramedia Rp.

13 Winning Strategy Handi Irawan Gramedia Rp.

14 Good To Great Jim Collins Karisma Rp.

15 Awaken The Giant Within Anthony Robbins Karisma Rp.

16 La Tahzan Dr Aidh al Qarni Qisthi Rp.

17 Trout on Strategy Jack Trout BIP Rp.

18 Tipping Point Malcolm Gladwell Gramedia Rp.

19 Heroic Leadership Chris Lowney Gramedia Rp.

20 Berpikir dan Berjiwa Besar David J. Schwartz Binarupa Aksara Rp.

21 Unlimited Power Anthony Robbins Karisma Rp.

22 The Alchemist Paulo Coelho Gramedia Rp.

23 The Zahir Paulo Coelho Gramedia Rp.

24 Angsa-angsa Liar Jung Cheung Gramedia Rp.

25 Les Miserables Victor Hugo Bentang Rp.

26 Blue Ocean Strategy W. Chan Kim Serambi Rp.

27 The McKinsey Way Salemba 4 Rp.

28 On Mission & Leadership Elex Rp.

29 Differentiate or Die Jack Trout Elex? Rp.

30 Berpikir Positif Norman Vincent Peale Binarupa Rp.

31 8 Etos Kerja Profesional Jansen Sinamo ? Rp.

32 The One Minute Manager Ken Blanchard ? Rp.

33 Jack, Straight from The Gut Jack Welch Baca

34 Blink Malcolm Gladwell Gramedia

The Attractor Factor

Jim Rohn: (gak tau bukunya bagus atau tidak) http://asamanthinketh.net/jrlibrary.htm

1. The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle
2. The Seasons of Life
3. The Classics 3-Pack (3 eBooks in 1)
4. Wisdom of Jim Rohn (Vol 1)
5. Treasury of Quotes

John Wareham
1. Secrets Of A Corporate Headhunter
2. Anatomy Of A Great Executive
3. Chancey on Top
4. How To Break Out of Prison

Joe Girard
5. How To Sell Anything To Anybody
6. How To Sell Yourself
7. How To Close Every Sale

Inspire Any Audience - Tony Jeary (Zig Ziglar calls it The Ultimate Presenter's Handbook)
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21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Tested By Time - James L. Garlow/John Maxwell US$22.90

The Sales Bible

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Liat di Gramedia
To Kill a Mocking Bird, 55 ribu, Harper Lee
The Five People You Meet in Heaven, 30 ribu, Mitch Albom
Flowers for Algernon, 45 ribu, Daniel Keyes
Who Will Cry When You Die, 31 ribu, Robin Sharma
Pertarungan Jiwa Billy, 55 ribu, Daniel Keyes
Torey Hayden
Dokter Malaikat, 50 ribu, Tracy Kidder
The Map of Love 74 ribu, Ahdaf Soueif
The Mistery of Capital, 45 ribu, Hernando De Soto
Totto Chan, 40 ribu, Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Angsa2 Liar, 100 ribu, Jung Chang
Les Miserables, 80 ribu, Victor Hugo
The Kite Runner, 60 ribu, Khaled Hosseini
24 Wajah Billy, Daniel Keyes

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