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Detailed Lesson Plan

Topic: __________
Prepared by: ___________

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(Construct 3 or more objectives attainable by your lesson proper; Starts with a verb such as identify,
describe, enumerate etc; last objective: Participate in the class discussion actively)

II.Subject Matter
A. Topic
B. Reference/s
C. Materials (AVP, powerPoint presentation, Manila Paper etc)
D. Value/s (related to the assigned topic)

III. Procedure
(Fold the yellow pad lengthwise; 1st column will be for the Teacher’s Activity and the 2nd
Column will be for Student’s Activity)
A. Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
(Daily Routine Activities, Classroom Management)
Good morning Class! Good morning Sir!

Please stand up and let us pray (Students will rise and lead the prayer)

Before we start, will you please pick up

The small piece of paper, arrange your chairs etc (Students will check their area and
Throw the trashes in the garbage can)
B. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Class before we start with our lesson for today
I would like you to watch a short AVP and answer the
Following guide questions:
(Construct questions related to the AVP)

C. Lesson Proper
Detailed discussion of your assigned topic.
Teachers Activity Student Activity

IV. Evaluation
Prepare a 10 items quiz

V. Assignment
Ask the reporter next to you

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