Katznelson, Stromberg Fonction

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LEMMA 2. Let q(x) = (1 + Ix I)-' for x

<4min {O(a), 0(b)} whenever a and b are distinc
Proof. We may obviously suppose that a < b. In case 0 < a, we have by
Lemma I that

I b (c 2(V1i?b - VI + a)
-a (x)dx (I1+ b) I} + a)
< __ = 4 min{O(a), 4)(b)}.
8/J + b

The case that b ? 0 follows from the evenness of 4). Thus we suppose that a < 0 < b.
Then Lemma 1 yields

1 fb -2(Vi b + VI- a -2)

b- O (x)dx =- I ' 1L; Z
b -a (I1+b) +(I - a)- 2

<4 min{O(a), +(b)} .

LEMMA 3. If 4 is as in Lemma 2 and V is any function of the form

@(X) = I cjo(Qj(x -j))


where cl, @,cn and Al, Atn are positive real numbers and a,, a, are any real
numbers, then


b a j'V(x)dx < 4 min{ (a),

whenever a and b are distinct real numbers.

Proof. This follows at once from Lemma 2 and the fact that

t b I ?X(b-)
b -a
-U(x-i(x))dx= - )-- -- (t)dt.
JaA~ (b - ox) - Q(a - x) J(a-cC)

LEMMA 4. Let ( be any sequence of functions as in Lemma 3. For x E R

and each n define

TPn(x) = n(t)dt.

Suppose that
converges Z = 1Vi,(a)
uniformly = sbounded
on every < co for someofa R,
subset E the
R. Then theF series
function F(x) = L(x
is differentiable
at a, and F'(a) = s. In particular, if 1' I@=,,(t) = f(t) < co for all t e R, the
F is differentiable everywhere on R and F' = f.

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Proof. Let b e R satisfy b > j a j. Then, using Lemma 3, - b < x < b implies

pa x

|PV(x) f _ |J (t)dt I + n(t)dt

< 4 1 a I kn,(a) + 4 1 x -a 14fGn(a)

< 12b,len(a).

Thus, uniform convergence on [- b, b] follows from the Weierstrass M-test.

To prove that F'(a) = s, let e > 0 be given. Choose N such that 10 e En'=N+ 1@n(a)
< s. Since each Rn is continuous at a, there exists some 6 > 0 such that

1 y+ - /n(t)dt - n(a) < 2N'

whenever 0 < I h I < 6 and 1 < n ? N. Therefore, using Lemma 3 again, O < h < 6
implies that

F(a + h) - F(a) _ (1 ra+h

N- faah h,n(t)dt n(a)

n = 1 N a +hl
E kh (t)dt + (a)
cO ii,a+h

U E ki(t)dt + @,(a)
n=N+l hr J

< -+ 5Vna)s
2 =N+l

LEMMA 5. Let Ii, "',In be disjoint open intervals, let acj be th

Ii, and let ? and Yi, - *Yn be positive real numbers. Then there ex
as in Lemma 3 such that for each j
(i) X06) > y ,
(ii) Ofr(x)<y1+e if xeIj,
(iii) i(Xx)<? if x I1 Ut-.. UIn

Proof. Choose cj = yj + ?/2 and write pj(x) = cj(Aj(x - oc)), where )j is

chosen so large that Oj(x) < c/2n if x 0 Ij (one needs only to check this inequality
at an endpoint of I). Take ' = 41 + + On Since the Ij's are disjoint and since
q5 takes its maximum value c; at a., properties (i), (ii), and (iii) are evident.

THEOREM. Let {aCj}J=1 and {fj=,1 be disjoint countable subsets of R. Then

there exists a real-valued, everywhere diferentiable, function F on R satisfying
F'(ocj) = 1, F'(flj) < 1 for a ll j, and 0 < F'(x) < I for a ll x.

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Proof. We obtain F as in Lemma 4 by first constructing F' = f = E n 1, or,

more precisely, the partial sums fn = Enk=l V/, in such a way that

An: fn(oj) >n I I- (1 j ! n),

Bn:fn(X) <1-n+1 (xeR),

n +

Cn: gn(fi)
2n2 2n
n 2 (1 j < n).
Supposing that this were done we would have

F'(oxj) = lim fn(xj) = 1,

n - 0oo

O < F'(x) = lim fn(x) < 1,

n oo

and, choosing n > j,


F'(f3) = fn-1(fj) + E Mfli)

< +
nEk-n 2k 2
< 1-n + 2
n 2n


and thus we would have the desired F.

We proceed inductively. First choose an open interval I with midpoint a1 such
that fl1 I. Then apply Lemma 5 with s = y= 4 to obtain f1 = ,V1 that satisfies
A1, B1, C1 ,
Suppose that n > 1 and that fn- and V/,n- have been chosen which satisfy
An_1, Bn- 1, Cn-1. Select disjoint open intervals I1, *, In such that, for each
j e {1, ...,n}, ccis the midpoint ofI1, Ij,I {f1, ..,f|n} = 0 and fn-(x) <f,n-1(cj) + b
for x eIj, where
1 1
n(n + 1) - 2n*2n> O*

Now apply Lemma 5, with s = 1/(2n * 2n) and yj = 1 - (1/n) - fn l( j) (1 <

to obtain V/an Plainly Cn obtains. Also

fn(Xi) = fn -(.) + V//n(X) >fn -(X) + Y; = 1 1


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(1 < j < n), and so An obtains. To check B, notice that if xe Ij, then
fM(x) = fn-1(x) + /n(X)

<fn-Ja() + 6 + y, + ?

- -1 + 1 = - 1
n n(n + 1) n +1'

while if x 0 U I ij, then

fn(x) = fn-l(X) + in(X)<1 - -+e<1 - 1


This completes the proof.

COROLLARY. There exists a real-valued, everywhere differentiable, function H

on R such that H is monotone on no subinterval of R and H' is bounded.

Proof. Let { Ic}J-1 and {fl1}Jf-. be disjoint dense subsets of R. Apply the
preceding theorem to obtain everywhere differentiable functions F and G on
such that

F'(j) = G'(flj) = 1, G'(oj) < 1, F'(f3j) < 1,

0<F'(x) ? 1, 0< G'(x) ? 1

for all j and x. Now write H = F - G. Then

H'(aj) > 0, H'(#j) < 0

-1 <H'(x) < 1

for all j and x. Since {CjJ}f1' and {f3Jfl are both dense, H cann
on an interval.

REMARKS. Let H be any function as in the preceding Corollary.

(a) H has a local maximum and a local minimum in every interval of R. In fact
if a < b, we can choose a < ,B in [a, b] such that H'(oc) > 0 and H'(fl) < 0. Then
H takes an absolute maximum value on [o, ,B] at some y E [tx, /3]. Clearly as < y < /,
and so H(y) is a local maximum value for H. Similar reasoning produces a local
minimum in [a, b}l.
(b) Since H' is bounded, it is clear from the mean value theorem that H is ab-
solutely continuous on every closed interval of R. Thus H' is Lebesgue integrable
on each such interval and

H(x) = H(O) + H'(t)dt

for all x E R.

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(c) H' is not Riemann integrable on any closed interval [a, b], for assume
that it is. Then H' is continuous a.e. on [a, b] . But it is clear that H'(t) = 0 if H'
is continuous at t, and so H' = 0 a.e. on [a, b] . It follows from (b) that H is a
constant on [a, b] -a palpable contradiction.
(d) H' is of Baire class one, being the pointwise limit of the continuous functions
Hn(x) = n[H(x + 1/n) - H(x)], and so the set of points at which H' is continuous
is residual; i.e., its complement is of first category.
(e) Write A = {x: H'(x) > 0} and B = {x: H'(x) < 0}. Thus A n I and B n I
both have positive Lebesgue measure for every interval I. In fact, assuming that
there exists some interval I = [a, b] such that B n I has measure zero, it follow
that H' > 0 a.e. on I. Therefore, since

H(x) - faH'(t)dt + H(a)

for all x E I, we conclude that H is nondecreasing on I - a contradiction. Similarly,

if A n I had measure zero, then H would be nonincreasing on I.


1. E. W. Hobson, Theory of Functions of a Real Variable II, Dover, New York, 1957.





1. Introduction. Is mathematical truth time-dependent? Our immediate impulse

is to answer no. To be sure, we acknowledge that standards of truth in the natural
sciences have undergone change; there was a Copernican revolution in astronomy, a
Darwinian revolution in biology, an Einsteinian revolution in physics. But do
scientific revolutions like these occur in mathematics? Mathematicians have most
often answered this question as did the nineteenth-century mathematician Hermann
Hankel, who said, "In most sciences, one generation tears down what another has
built, and what one has established, the next undoes. In mathematics alone, each
generation builds a new story to the old structure." [20, p. 25.]
Hankel's view is not, however, completely valid. There have been several major
upheavals in mathematics. For example, consider the axiomatization of geometry in
ancient Greece, which transformed mathematics from an experimental science into
a wholly intellectual one. Again, consider the discovery of non-Euclidean geometries

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