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One Liner Questions

Prepared by Prashanth
1. The first programming language was – FORTRAN

2. Which stores data permanently in a computer – ROM

3. Which is a main system board a computer – Mother Board

4. What is a bug in a computer terminology – an error in program

5. An electronic path, that sends signals from one part of computer to another is – Bus

6. USB is which type of storage device – Tertiary

7. Who is known as father of Artificial Intelligence - John Mc Carthy

8. Which term is related to database – Oracle

9. Computer resolution measures – Number of Pixels

10. One nibble is equal to how many bits – 4 Bits

11. What can be considered as basic building blocks of a digital circuit – Logic Gates

12. What is full form of RAM – Random Access Memory

13. Which among following is secondary storage device – Hard Disc

14. What is responsible for specifying address of a memory location - Address Bus

15. ULSI microprocessor is used in which generation of computers – Fifth Generation

16. Where is cache memory is located – CPU

17. Which function key is used to check spellings – F7

18. Which type of software is an operating system - System Software

19. If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as – Multiprocessor

20. Which program is run by BIOS to check hardware components are working

21. properly while computer is turned ON – Post

22. What is responsible for finding and loading operating system into RAM - Bootstrap Loader

23. Full form of URL is – Uniform Resource Locator

24. Which type of storage device is a BIOS- Primary

25. Which is most common language used in web designing – HTML

26. BIOS is used for – Loading Operating System

27. Who was the father of Internet – Vin Cerf

28. In banking, railways etc which computers are used – Main Frames

Prepared by Prashanth
29. Intersection of columns and rows is called a- Cell

30. 1 Mega Byte is equal to - 1024 Kilo Bytes

31. What is full form of EXIF- Exchangeable Image File Format

32. Which operations are performed by RAM - Read and Write

33. WWW stands for- World Wide Web

34. Documents, Movies, Images and Photographs etc are stored at a – File Server

35. Where are saved files stored in computer - Hard disk.

36. Which is responsible for communication between Memory and ALU – Control Unit

37. In computer what converts AC to DC – SMPS

38. Who invented keyboard - Christoper Latham Sholes

39. Which operating system is developed by Apple- Mac OS

40. From which year 5th generation of computers is considered – 1980

41. What is full form of HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

42. Which are the main parts of central processing unit - Control unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit

43. Microsoft office is type of - Application software

44. If CPU executes multiple programs simultaneously, it will be known as –Multitasking

45. Which device among following is used for sending digital data over a phone line –Modern

46. What is used to make computer chips – Silicon

47. In which of the following form, data is stored in computer- Binary form

48. Where is RAM located – Mother Board

49. A wireless technology built in electronic gadgets used for exchanging data over short distances is


50. By pressing which key we can move to beginning of a page – Home

51. Who invented Java - James Gosling

52. Which of following is used in RAM – Semi Conductors

53. An Assembler is used to translate a program written in – Assembly Language

54. What is meaning of OMR - Optical Mark Reader

55. Technology used to provide internet by transmitting data over wires of telephone network is- DSL

56. Verification is process of- Authentication

Prepared by Prashanth
57. Which language was used as first-generation language – Machine Language

58. Which level language is Assembly Language - low-level programming language

59. What is the name of first super computer of India- Param 8000

60. What is LINUX - Operating System

61. A 32-bit word computer can access …bytes at a time – 4

62. The first microprocessor built by the Intel Corporation was called – 4004

63. The computer that processes both analogue and digital is called – Hybrid Computer

64. In 1999, the Melissa virus was a widely publicised__? E-mail virus

65. Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer? Ctrl+Alt+Del

66. What is correcting errors in a program called? Debugging

67. BCD is __? Binary Coded Decimal

68. What type of virus uses computer hosts to reproduce itself? Worm

69. SMTP, FTP and DNS are applications of the ____ layer? Application

70. Which command is used to select the whole document? Ctrl+A

71. COBOL is an acronym for__? Common Business Oriented Language

72. The ability of an OS to run more than one application at a time is called? Multitasking

73. What is the functional key to display save-as box? F12

74. Full form of NOS? Network Operating system

75. Something which has easily understood instructions is said to be……….? Analog Data

76. A modem is connected to a__? Telephone Line

77. Refresh Rate of monitor is measured in? Hertz

78. What was the chief component of first-generation computer? Vacuum tube &Valves

79. Name the Father of Computer Mouse? Douglas Engel Bart

80. A program that performs a useful task while simultaneously allowing destructive acts is __? Trojan


81. The geometric arrangement of devices on the network is called………...? Topology

82. The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into ___? Information

83. Where are the CPU and memory located? Motherboard

84. Where BIOS is stored - Flash Memory Chip

Prepared by Prashanth
85. IP address version 4 is in which format – 32 bit

86. Who was the Founder of Bluetooth – Ericson

87. What kind of operations can a computer carry out? – Arithmetic and Logical

88. Modern computers follow a generalised set of instructions to perform any function. What are

these instructions better known as? – Programs

89. When were the first digital electronic calculating machines developed? – during World War II

90. Which of the following is the processing unit of the computer? – CPU

91. Which part of the computer carries out the arithmetic and logical operations –Processing Element

92. Which of the following are part of the Logical Operations of the computer – Greater Than

93. Which of the following comprise the input devices – Keyboard and Mouse

94. Which of the following devices comprise the output unit? – Visual Display Unit

95. Which of the following lies within the CPU? – Primary Memory

96. Which of the following comprise the software components of a computer? –Programs

97. In a book of which author was the word computer first mentioned – Richard Braithwait

98. Which of the following is seen as the earliest mechanical analogue computer – Tally Stick

99. Which of the following devices incorporated a mechanical calendar computer – Astrolabe

100. Who gave the first successful demonstration of use of a simplified analytical engine in computing

tables in 1888? – Henry Babbage

101. Which of the following is the first example of an electromechanical relay computer – Z2

102. Which of the following was considered as the world's first fully automatic digital computer – Z3

103. Which was the world's first electronic digital programmable computer –Colossus

104. Who had proposed the principle of modern computer in his 1936 paper – Alan Turing

105. In laser printer which type of laser is used – Semiconductor laser

106. In Microsoft word, …. provides information about the current document – Status bar

107. Virus stands for – Vital Information Resource Under Siege

108. What is the address given to a computer connected to a network called – IP address

109. A method of bypassing normal authentication procedures to a computer system is known as

unauthorized access – Backdoor

110. Which is a volatile memory - RAM

Prepared by Prashanth
111. Which programming language is developed by James A Gosling – Java

112. Commonly used abbreviation ISP in computer science stands for – Internet Service Provider

113. Which is used to enter data and instruction into a computer – Input Device

114. ……changes each time it is installed to avoid detection by antivirus software –Polymorphic Virus

115. Systems running more than one processes concurrently are called – Multi programming

116. Which has the largest storing – Tera Byte

117. Which is an application protocol – HTTP

118. In IT, associated memory is called as – Content addressable memory

119. Unix operating system was developed in 1970s by – Bell Labs

120. ‘Safari’ is a type of – Browser

121. Protocol used for sending an email is – SMTP

122. Any data or instruction entered into memory of computer is called as – Input

123. Which material is used in the manufacturing of electric heater coil – Nichrome

124. Which is a light sensitive device used for converting images to their digital form – Scanner

125. ‘Homepage’ is a word associated with – web page

126. …Bar is located at top of WordPad/notepad – Title

127. In Microsoft Word, …. allows us to change the colour of selected text – font colour

128. …. are designed to read and interpret HTML – Browser

129. Which is a modifier key in a computer keyboard – Shift Key

130. In IT the technique that is used to increase the bandwidth is – Memory Inter leaving

131. Which is the default body font in Microsoft Word 2007 – Calibri

132. constantly running system – Program Processes are known as – Daemons

133. Notepad’ is a text editor in which of the operating system – Windows

134. The fundamental purpose of BIOS is – to initialize and text system hardware components

135. Which output device is used for translating information from a computer into pictorial form on

paper – Plotter

136. The idea of the integrated circuit was first given by – Geoffrey Dummer

137. The command that merges the contents of one file to another is – APPEND

138. In MS word, what is a gutter margin – space left for binding

Prepared by Prashanth
139. Which company developed Java – Sun

140. What is the base of the Octal Numeral System – 8

141. How many layers are there in the OSI networking model – 7

142. Which error is identified by the complier – Logical Errors

143. Raymond Samuel Tomilson is famous for developing – Email

144. C++ is a – Programming language

145. Processed data is known as – Information

146. Who invented logarithms – John Napier

147. What is the mascot of Linux Operating System – Penguin

148. What is the full form of “LAN” – Local Area Network

149. How many bits does an IP address contain – 32 Bits

150. Syntax Errors are determined by – Control Unit

151. The tag line “Do No Evil” is owned by – Google

152. Which is a main system board of a computer – Mother Board

153. What is the name of the first super computer of the world – CDC 6600

154. ALU is a part of a computer is – Processor

155. Lisp is a programming language built by whom – John McCarthy

156. In IT terminology failure in the kernel is called as – crash

157. Which key is used to move to next line in a Ms-Word document – Enter-Key

158. Netscape Navigator is a – web browser

159. What is a bug I Computer terminology – an error in program

160. In networks, a small message used to pass between one station to another is known as – Token

161. Who is known as the founder of IBM Company? Thomas J. Watson

162. An image on a computer screen is made up of__? Pixels

163. Full form of MAN? Metropolitan Area Network

164. Which command in DOS can be used to recover accidentally deleted files? UNDELETE

165. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language

166. atone time is called__? Characters

167. In which year, the Microsoft company was founded? 1975

Prepared by Prashanth
168. What is the personal computer operating system that organizes and uses a graphic desktop

environment? Windows

169. What are Light pen and joystick? Input Devices

170. What is a half byte also called as? Nibble

171. SMPS stands for__? Switched mode Power Supply

172. What do we use to change the appearance and positioning of text document in MSWord?


173. A ________ is approximately a million bytes? Megabyte

174. Daisy wheel, Drum, chain etc are the__? Printers

175. XML stands for __? Extensible Markup Language

176. What kind of scheme is the HTTP protocol? Request/Response

177. Magnetic disk is an example of__? Secondary Memory

178. What is the meaning of OSI, in terms of computers? Open system

179. Interconnection

180. Which type of storage device is a BIOS? Primary

181. Personal Computer is – PC

182. A desktop computer is also known as – PC

183. Super computer developed by Indian scientist – Param

184. The third-generation computer was made with – Integrated circuits

185. In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed – Both sequentially and parallel

186. The person contributing the idea of the stored program was – John Neumann

187. The earliest software was developed using – the waterfall model

188. Inventor of C ++ is - Bjarne Stroustrup

189. The first machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and logical operations was –

Mark – I

190. Who designed the first electronic computers ENIAC – J Presper Eckert and John W Mauchy

191. The third generation of the computer were in – 1965-1971

192. The first-generation computers had – Vacuum tubes and magnetic drum

193. Artificial Intelligent is associated with which generation – Fifth

Prepared by Prashanth
194. The personal computer industry was started by – IBM

195. The fifth-generation computing devices, based on – artificial intelligence

196. In which generation did magnetic disc started being used for storage – second generation


197. The man who built the first mechanical calculators was – Blaise Pascal

198. Computers built before the first generation of computer were – Electro – mechanical

199. Punched cards were first introduced by – Herman Hollrith

200. First generation computer system used – Vacuum tubes

201. The father of modern computer is – Alan Turin

202. Super computer developed by Indian scientists – Param

203. A group of 8 bits is known as – byte

204. Which is the fastest type of computer – Supercomputer

205. A computer system that is old and perhaps not satisfactory is referred to as –Legacy system

206. Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC – Mainframe computers

207. The earlier calculating devices was – Abacus

208. Punch cards were first introduced by – Herman Hollerith

209. Microprocessor as switching devices are for which generation computers – second generation

210. Who has invented Mark – I – Howard Aiken

211. Second generation computers are made of – Transistors

212. Who was the father of super computers – Seymour Cray

213. How many vacuum tubes was used if ENIAC – 17468

214. The computer size was very large is – first generation

215. What is the extension type of the excel 2007 files? .xlsx

216. Collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual is known as the

crime of__? Identity theft

217. The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called__? Line Spacing

218. A computer cannot ‘boot’ if it does not have the__? Operating system

219. What is the other name for programmed chip? LSIC

220. A normal CD- ROM usually can store up to _____data? 680 MB

Prepared by Prashanth
221. What does DMA stand for? Direct Memory Access

222. Full form of LAN? Local Area Network

223. ASCII stands for__? American Standard Code for Information Interchange

224. Second Generation computers were developed during__? 1956-65

225. When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands? 1991

226. What kind of memory is both static and non -volatile? ROM

227. An error in software or hardware is called a bug.

228. What is the alternative computer jargon for it? Glitch

229. Unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as__? Spam

230. The common name for the crime of stealing passwords is__? Spoofing

231. BIOS stands for __? Basic Input Output System

232. Who is regarded as Father of “C” programming language? Dennis Ritchie

233. RAM can be treated as the ……… for the computer’s processor. Waiting Room

234. Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called__? Processing

235. Joshy, Perfumes are examples of __? Viruses

236. The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a

237. criminal’s computer is an example of a law enforcement speciality called__? Computer Forensics

238. Where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy? RAM

239. Help Menu is available at which button? Start

240. Which file contains permanent data and gets updated during the processing of transactions?

Master File

241. A DVD is an example of an__? Optical Disc

242. Which is most common tool used to restrict access to computer system? Passwords

243. The technology that stores only essential instructions on a microprocessor chip and thus

enhances its speed is referred as__? RISC

244. What is the name of an application program that gathers user information and sends it to

someone through the Internet? Spybot

245. Who invented Analytical engine - Charles Babbage

246. Blaise Pascal has introduced – Adding Machine

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247. Micro programming introduced – Maurice Wilkies

248. Vacuum Tube is the invention of – 1st generation

249. World Computer Literacy Day is observed on – December 2

250. Which type of computer is the most powerful – Supercomputer

251. The first computer introduced in Nepal was – IBM 1401

252. Chip is a common nickname for – Integrated Circuit

253. Which company developed the microprocessor – Intel

254. The benefit of using computers is that – Computer are very fast and can store huge amounts of


255. A megabyte is actually equal to – 1024 Kilobytes

256. Office LANS, which are scattered geographically on large scale, can be connected by the use of

corporate__? WAN (wide area network)

257. To move a copy of file from one computer to another over a communication channel is called?

File Transfer

258. Large transaction processing systems in automated organisations use__? Batch Processing

259. MICR stands for__? ‘Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

260. Name of 1st electronic computer? ENIAC

261. No. of different characters in ASCII coding system? 1024

262. MSIC stands for _? Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

263. The scrambling of code is known as__? Encryption

264. The first computers were programmed using__? Machine Language

265. A fault in a computer program which prevents it from working correctly is known as? Bug

266. Which button makes alphabets/letters in uppercase and lowercase and numbers

267. to symbols? Shift

268. When a computer is switched on, the booting process performs__? Power on self-test

269. What is the software frequently utilized by end users called (like Word, PowerPoint)? Application


270. Unit of measurement of the output quality of a printer? Dot per sq. inch

271. Switching device of fifth generation computer is__? VLSI

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272. The unit KIPS is used to measure the speed of __? Processor

273. DOS stands for__? Disk Operating System

274. What is a joy stick primarily in computers used for? Computer Gaming

275. Which American computer company is called Big Blue – IBM

276. How many bits are there in a byte – 8

277. Father of ‘C’ programming language – Dennis Ritchie

278. How many generations of computers we have – 5

279. IBM stands for – International Business Machines

280. Which is the fastest type of computer – Super Computer

281. When your turn on the computer, the boot routine will perform this test – Power on self-test

282. Who is called the father of computer – Charles Babbage

283. Who is the creator of PASCAL – Niklaus writh

284. Which language is used for artificial intelligence – PROLOG

285. Who is also known as father of jQuery – John Resig.

286. Which type of computers use the 8-bit code called EBCDIC – Mainframe Computers

287. In a computer, most processing takes place in__? CPU

288. In which type of computer, data are represented as discrete signals? Digital Computer

289. Scientific Name of Computer? Sillico sapiens

290. What is the name of the display feature that highlights are of the screen

291. which requires operator attention? Reverse Video

292. Computers, combine both measuring and counting, are called__? Hybrid Computer

293. What is FORTRAN? Formula Translation

294. What translates and executes program at run time line by line? Interpreter

295. What converts an entire program into machine language? Compiler

296. Who is the father of personal computer? Edward Robert

297. EEPROM stands for__? Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

298. Who developed the first electronic computer? J.V. Atansoff

299. Which programming languages are classified as low-level languages? Assembly Language

300. The first web browser is__? Mosaic

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301. First page of Website is termed as__? Homepage

302. Digital computers are classified in four categories. What are they? - Microcomputers, Mini

computers, Mainframe computers and Super computers.

303. In the case of Microcomputers speed of CPU is? - 1-10 MIPS

304. CPU consists of – Arithmetic and Logical Unit, Register and Control Unit

305. What are used to identify a user who returns to a website – Cookies

306. Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator are example of – Internet browser programs

307. In computer science, data hazard occurs when – pipeline changes the order of read/write access

to operands

308. Money transfer through mobile is called – IMPS

309. Cache memory works on the principal of – Locality of reference

310. Which device is used in network layer – Router

311. Who invented the computer mouse – Douglas Engelbart

312. USB is what type of storage device – Secondary

313. All forms of ROM are also known as – Firmware

314. The Simplest CPU scheduling algorithm is – FCFS scheduling algorithm

315. The telephone line is connected through the one the computer – Modern

316. In a computer system, which device is functionally opposite of a key board – Printer

317. The process of writing on an optical disc is called – Burning

318. The second most used language on the world wide web is – Chinese

319. Which method of heat transfer – convection

320. Direct access of file is also known as – random access

321. What is required to boost a computer – Operating system

322. What manages the computer resources Programs

323. Related to computers, what is ‘Wetware’ – Human Brain

324. What uses the spawn mechanism to duplicate itself – worm

325. Where is India’s super computer ‘PARAM’ located – Pune

326. A translator for the assembly languages to machine language is – assembler

327. The alignment of beginning and the end of lines is referred to as – Justification

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328. Synonyms of Internet is – Cyber Space

329. Icons are – picture commands

330. A bug in a program is an – error

331. Where does a computer add, compare and shuffle data – CPU chip

332. WINDOWS-98 is basically – on operating system

333. The information in ‘EEPROM’ is erased by using – Electrical Signals

334. The technology used in the electronic printer is called – Microtechnology

335. What is used to identify whether a data word has an odd or even number of 1’s – Parity bit

336. A computer executes programs in the sequence of – Fetch, Decode, Execute

337. A Floppy Disc can store – 1.44 MB

338. The rate at which scanning is repeated in a CRT is called – refresh rate

339. The waste generated by end life personal computers is known as – E-Waste

340. Which one is an optical disk – Super Disk

341. The database in which records are organized in a tree-like structure is – Hierarchical Database

342. In any spreadsheet, the address of the first cell is – AI

343. What is the process of defining tables called – Data definition

344. Small and cheap computers built into several home appliances are of which type – Micro


345. What is the process of defining tables called – Index definition

346. Which is an Impact printer – Daisy wheel printer

347. Different computer is connected to a LAN by a cable and a – Interface card

348. The monitor of a computer is – an output device

349. The time between program input and output is called – Execution time

350. Speed of processor chip is measured in – MHz

351. ENIAC was – an electronic computer

352. A place through which, data can enter or leave a computer is called – Port

353. A parallel port is most often used by a – Printer

354. Where was India’s first computer installed – Indian Statistical Institute Calcutta

355. What helps in remote login – Telnet

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356. Double is a – Primitive data type

357. Most of the computer available today are – 4th generation computers

358. A portable, personal computer small enough to fit on your lap is called a – Notebook computer

359. A computer programming language often used by children is – LOGO

360. The computer memory holds data – Program

361. Virus in a computer is a – Program that damages the computer software

362. Alta Vista is a – Search Engine

363. Where are programs and data to be used by the computer available – Storage

364. The most advanced form of Read Only Memory is – EEPROM

365. The indentations on CDs and DVDs are called – Pits

366. CPU performance is often Measured in – GHz

367. An alternate name for the completely interconnected network topology is – Mesh

368. There are how many function keys present on a keyboard – 12

369. Who is considered as the developer of ‘Hyper Text Markup Language’ – Tim Berners Lee

370. What is the full form of COBOL – Common Business Oriented Languages

371. Which generation computers used SNOBOL Language – Third generation

372. Which device is used to extend the network without reducing signal strength –Repeater

373. Which storage device can store maximum data – Magnetic tape

374. Which language is used to access data from a database – SQL

375. Which company developed “Swift” programming language – Apple

376. The integrated circuits used in a computer are made up of – Silicon

377. CPU scheduler is also known as – Short Term Scheduler

378. Web pages are created by using which of – HTML

379. Who invented Java Script the Programming Language – Brenden Eich

380. Which one is used as secondary storage system in computer – Floppy

381. The UNIX Operating system is suitable for – Multi user

382. ‘C’ language is a High-Level Language

383. What is file extension of Window Installer Package - .msi

384. Which among following is associated with monitor - CRT

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385. Assembler work in - two phases

386. Range of colours depends on - Number of bits associated with each pixel

387. In which condition resource is not removed from a process holding - non-pre-emption

388. The operation is specified by a binary code known as the – Opcode

389. Laser printer is a type of - Non impact printing

390. One way to convert from decimal to hexadecimal is the - Hex dabble method

391. Output devices are commonly referred as – Terminals

392. A stack in a digital computer is a part of the- Memory Unit.

393. What are the famous search engines? - Google, Baidu, Yahoo and Bing.

Abbreviations in Computing
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Prepared by Prashanth
1. Bin – Binary

2. BASIC - Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

3. BIOS – Basic Input Output System

4. Bit – Binary Digit

5. BSNL - Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

6. CC – Carbon Copy

7. CAD – Computer Aided Design

8. COBOL – Common Business Oriented Language

9. CD – Compact Disc

10. CRT – Cathode Ray Tube

11. CDR – Compact Disc Recordable

12. CDROM – Compact Disc Read Only Memory

13. CDRW – Compact Disc Rewritable

14. CDR/W – Compact Disk Read/Write

15. DBA – Data Base Administrator

16. DBMS – Data Base Management System

17. DNS – Domain Name System

18. DPI – Dots Per Inch

19. DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory

20. DVD – Digital Video Disc/Digital Versatile Disc

21. DVDR – DVD Recordable

22. DVDROM – DVD Read Only Memory

23. DVDRW – DVD Rewritable

24. DVR – Digital Video Recorder

25. DOS – Disk Operating System

26. EBCDIC – Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

27. e-Commerce – Electronic Commerce

28. EDP – Electronic Data Processing

29. EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

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30. ELM/e-Mail – Electronic Mail

31. ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

32. EOF - End of File

33. EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

34. EXE - Executable

35. FAX - Far Away Xerox/ facsimile

36. FDC - Floppy Disk Controller

37. FDD - Floppy Disk Drive

38. FORTRAN - Formula Translation

39. FS - File System

40. FTP - File Transfer Protocol

41. Gb - Gigabit

42. GB - Gigabyte

43. GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

44. GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication

45. HDD - Hard Disk Drive

46. HP - Hewlett Packard

47. HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

48. HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

49. IBM - International Business Machine

50. IM - Instant Message

51. IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol

52. ISP - Internet Service Provider

53. JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group

54. Kb - Kilobit

55. KB - Kilobyte

56. KHz - Kilohertz

57. Kbps - Kilobit Per Second

58. LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

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59. LED – Light Emitting Diode

60. LPI – Lines Per Inch

61. LIS – Large Scale Integration

62. Mb – Megabit

63. MB – Megabyte

64. MPEG – Moving Picture Experts Group

65. MMS – Multimedia Message Service

66. MICR – Magnetic Ink Character reader

67. MIPS – Million Instructions Per Second

68. NIC – Network Interface Card

69. NOS – Network Operating System

70. OMR – Optical Mark Reader

71. OOP – Object Oriented Programming

72. OSS – Open-Source Software

73. PAN – Personal Area Network

74. PC – Personal Computer

75. PDA - Personal Digital Assistant

76. PDF – Portable Document Format

77. POS – Point of Sale

78. PNG - Portable Network Graphics

79. PPM – Pages Per Minute

80. PPP – Point-to-Point Protocol

81. PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory

82. PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network

83. POST – Power on Self-Test

84. PING – Packet Internet Gopher

85. RAM – Random Access Memory

86. RDBMS – Relational Data Base Management System

87. RIP – Routing Information Protocol

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88. RTF – Rich Text Format

89. SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

90. SQL – Structured Query Language

91. SRAM – Static Random Access Memory

92. SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol

93. SIM – Subscriber Identification Module

94. TCP – Transmission Control Protocol

95. TB – Tera Bytes

96. UPS – Uninterrupted Power Supply

97. URI – Uniform Resource Identifier

98. URL – Uniform Resource Locator

99. USB - Universal Serial Bus

100. ULSI - Ultra Large-Scale Integration

101. UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer

102. VAR – Variable

103. VGA – Video Graphics Array

104. VSNL - Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited

105. VDU – Visual Display Unit

106. Wi-Fi – Wireless Fidelity

107. WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network

108. WPA – Wi-Fi Protected Access

109. WWW – World Wide Web

110. WORM – Write Once Read Many

111. XHTML – eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language

112. XML - eXtensible Markup language

113. ZB - Zeta Byte

114. 1 bit (binary digit*) = the value of 0 or 1

115. 8 bits = 1 byte

116. 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte

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117. FORTRAN (Formula Translation) - 1957

118. ALGOL (Algorithmic Language) - 1958

119. LISP (List Processing) - 1958

120. COBOL (Common Business Oriented Languages) - 1959

121. BASIC (Beginner’s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) - 1964

122. PASCAL - 1970

123. C - 1983

124. C++ - 1983

125. JAVA – 1995

List of Founders and Inventors Related to Computer

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1. Inventor of Computer BIOS – Gary Kildall
2. Inventor of Computer Bug – Dr. Grace Murray Hopper
3. Inventors of Computer Chip (IC) – Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
4. Father of Computer Hard Disk – Reynold Johnson
5. Inventor of First Data Base – Dr. Edgar Frank Codd
6. Inventor of Ethernet Computer Networking – David Boggs, Chuck Thacker and Butler Lampson in
Xerox PARC
7. Inventor of Computer Scanner – Ray Kurzweil
8. Inventor of Computer Speakers – Abinawan Puracchidas
9. Founder of Apple Computers – Steve Jobs
10. Founder of Artificial Intelligence – John McCarthy
11. Founder of Bluetooth – Ericsson
12. Father of Computer – Charles Babbage
13. Father of ‘C’ Language – Dennis Ritchie
14. Father of ‘C++’ language - Bjarne Stroustrup
15. Founder of Email – Shiva Ayyadurai
16. Founder of Google – Larry Page and Sergey Brin
17. Founder of Internet - Vint Deer
18. Father of ‘Java’ – James Gosling
19. Founder of Keyboard – Christoper Latham Sholes
20. Founder of Linux – Linus Torvalds
21. Founder of Microsoft – Bill Gates and Paul Allen
22. Founder of Mobile Phones – Martin Cooper
23. Founder of Mouse – Douglas Engelbart
24. Founders of Oracle – Ed Oates, Larry Ellison, Bob Miner
25. Founder of Php – Rasmus Lerdorf
26. Founder of USB – Ajay V. Bhatt
27. Founder of WWW – Tim Berners-Lee
28. Founder of Yahoo - Jurry Yang and David Filo

Multiple Choice Questions

1. UNIVAC is

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a. A) Universal Automatic 7. The brain of any computer system is
Computer a. A) ALU
b. B) Universal Array Computer b. B) Memory
c. C) Unique Automatic Computer c. C) CPU
d. D) Unvalued Automatic Computer d. D) Control unit
2. The basic operations performed by a 8. Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends
computer are on
a. A) Arithmetic operation a. A) tracks per inch of surface
b. B) Logical operation b. B) bits per inch of tracks
c. C) Storage and relative c. C) disk pack in disk surface
d. D) All the above d. D) All of above
3. The two major types of computer chips 9. The two kinds of main memory are:
are a. A) Primary and secondary
a. A) External memory chip b. B) Random and sequential
b. B) Primary memory chip c. C) ROM and RAM
c. C) Microprocessor chip d. D) All of above
d. D) Both b and c 10. A storage area used to store data to a
4. Microprocessors as switching devices are compensate for the difference in speed
for which generation computers at which the different units can handle
a. A) First Generation data is
b. B) Second Generation a. A) Memory
c. C) Third Generation b. B) Buffer
d. D) Fourth Generation c. C) Accumulator
5. What is the main difference between a d. D) Address
mainframe and a super computer? 11. Computer is free from tiresome and
a. A) Super computer is much larger boardoom. We call it
than mainframe computers a. A) Accuracy
b. B) Super computers are much b. B) Reliability
smaller than mainframe c. C) Diligence
computers d. D) Versatility
c. C) Supercomputers are focused 12. Integrated Circuits (ICS) are related to
to execute few programs as fast which generation of computers?
as possible while mainframe a. A) First generation
uses its power to execute as b. B) Second generation
many programs concurrently c. C) Third generation
d. D) Supercomputers are focused to d. D) Fourth generation
execute as many programs as 13. CD-ROM is a
possible while mainframe uses its a. A) Semiconductor memory
power to execute few programs as b. B) Memory register
fast as possible. c. C) Magnetic memory
6. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular d. D) None of above
character coding systems. What does 14. A hybrid computer
EBCDIC stand for? a. A) Resembles digital computer
a. A) Extended Binary Coded b. B) Resembles analogue computer
Decimal Interchange Code c. C) Resembles both a digital and
b. B) Extended Bit Code Decimal analogue computer
Interchange Code d. D) None of the above
c. C) Extended Bit Case Decimal 15. Which type of computers uses the 8-bit
Interchange Code code called EBCDIC?
d. D) Extended Binary Case Decimal a. A) Minicomputers
Interchange Code b. B) Microcomputers
c. C) Mainframe computers
d. D) Super computer

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16. The ALU of a computer responds to the b. B) Dot per inch
commands coming from c. C) Dots printed per unit time
a. A) Primary memory d. D) All of the above
b. B) Control section 25. Which of the following was a special
c. C) External memory purpose computer?
d. D) Cache memory a. A) ABC
17. Chief component of first-generation b. B) ENIAC
computer was c. C) EDVAC
a. A) Transistors d. D) All of the above
b. B) Vacuum Tubes and Valves 26. What was the computer invented by
c. C) Integrated Circuits Attanasoff and Clifford?
d. D) None of above a. A) Mark I
18. To produce high quality graphics b. B) ABC
(hardcopy) in colour, you would want to c. C) Z3
use a/n d. D) None of above
a. A) RGB monitor 27. Which of the following storage devices
b. B) Plotter can store maximum amount of data?
c. C) Ink-jet printer a. A) Floppy Disk
d. D) Laser printer b. B) Hard Disk
19. What are the stages in the compilation c. C) Compact Disk
process? d. D) Magneto Optic Disk
a. A) Feasibility study, system design 28. Which computer was considered the first
and testing electronic computer until 1973 when
b. B) Implementation and court invalidated the patent?
documentation a. A) ENIAC
c. C) Lexical Analysis, syntax b. B) MARK I
analysis, and code generation c. C) Z3
d. D) None of the above d. D) ABC
20. Which of the following IC was used in 29. A physical connection between the
third generation of computers? microprocessor memory and other parts
a. A) SSI of the microcomputer is known as
b. B) MSI a. A) Path
c. C) LSI b. B) Address bus
d. D) Both a and b c. C) Route
21. The main electronic component used in d. D) All of the above
first generation computers was 30. High density double sided floppy disks
a. A) Transistors could store _____ of data
b. B) Vacuum Tubes and Valves a. A) 1.40 MB
c. C) Integrated Circuits b. B) 1.44 GB
d. D) None of above c. C) 1.40 GB
22. A dumb terminal has d. D) 1.44 MB
a. A) an embedded microprocessor 31. A high-quality CAD system uses the
b. B) extensive memory following for printing drawing and graphs
c. C) independent processing a. A) Dot matrix printer
capability b. B) Digital plotter
d. D) a keyboard and screen c. C) Line printer
23. One millisecond is d. D) All of the above
a. A) 1 second 32. Which of the following is not an input
b. B) 10th of a seconds device?
c. C) 1000th of a seconds a. A) OCR
d. D) 10000th of a seconds b. B) Optical scanners
24. The output quality of a printer is c. C) Voice recognition device
measured by d. D) COM (Computer Output to
a. A) Dot per sq. inch Microfilm)
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33. The accuracy of the floating-point a. A) 1900
numbers representable in two 16-bit b. B) 1906
words of a computer is approximately c. C) 1910
a. A) 16 digits d. D) 1880
b. B) 6 digits 41. Which of the following produces the best
c. C) 9 digits quality graphics reproduction?
d. D) All of above a. A) Laser printer
34. In most of the IBM PCs, the CPU, the b. B) Ink jet printer
device drivers, memory, expansion slots c. C) Plotter
and active components are mounted on a d. D) Dot matrix printer
single board. What is the name of the 42. Computers with 80286 microprocessor is
board? a. A) XT computer
a. A) Motherboard b. B) AT computers
b. B) Daughterboard c. C) PS/2 computer
c. C) Bred board d. D) None of above
d. D) Father board 43. An application suitable for sequential
35. In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device processing is
drives, memory expansion slots and a. A) Processing of grades
active components are mounted on a b. B) Payroll processing
single board. What is the name of this c. C) Both a and b
board? d. D) All of above
a. A) Motherboard 44. Which of the following is not processing?
b. B) Breadboard a. A) arranging
c. C) Daughter board b. B) manipulating
d. D) Grandmother board c. C) calculating
36. Magnetic disks are the most popular d. D) gathering
medium for 45. The digital computer was developed
a. A) Direct access primarily in
b. B) Sequential access a. A) USSR
c. C) Both of above b. B) Japan
d. D) None of above c. C) USA
37. A technique used by codes to convert an d. D) UK
analogue signal into a digital bit stream is 46. Software in computer
known as a. A) Enhances the capabilities of
a. A) Pulse code modulation the hardware machine
b. B) Pulse stretcher b. B) Increase the speed of central
c. C) Query processing processing unit
d. D) Queue management c. C) Both of above
38. Regarding a VDU, Which statement is d. D) None of above
more correct? 47. Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier
a. A) It is an output device known by different name which was
b. B) It is an input device changes in 1924. What was that name?
c. C) It is a peripheral device a. A) Tabulator Machine Co.
d. D) It is hardware item b. B) Computing Tabulating
39. A modern electronic computer is a Recording Co.
machine that is meant for c. C) The Tabulator Ltd.
a. A) Doing quick mathematical d. D) International Computer Ltd.
calculations 48. Before a disk drive can access any sector
b. B) Input, storage, manipulation record, a computer program has to
and outputting of data provide the record’s disk address. What
c. C) Electronic data processing information does this address specify?
d. D) Performing repetitive tasks a. A) Track number
accurately b. B) Sector number
40. When was vacuum tube invented? c. C) Surface number
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d. D) All of above d. D) A and b only
49. The arranging of data in a logical 58. The value of each bead in heaven is
sequence is called a. A) 1
a. A) Sorting b. B) 3
b. B) Classifying c. C) 5
c. C) Reproducing d. D) 7
d. D) Summarizing 59. 59. The first computer introduced in
50. What is the responsibility of the logical Nepal was
unit in the CPU of a computer? a. A) IBM 1400
a. A) To produce result b. B) IBM 1401
b. B) To compare numbers c. C) IBM 1402
c. C) To control flow of information d. D) IBM1402
d. D) To do math’s works 60. Mnemonic a memory trick is used in
51. Abacus was the first which of the following language?
a. A) electronic computer a. A) Machine language
b. B) mechanical computer b. B) Assembly language
c. C) electronic calculator c. C) High level language
d. D) mechanical calculator d. D) None of above
52. If in a computer, 16 bits are used to 61. Instruction in computer languages
specify address in a RAM, the number of consists of
addresses will be a. A) OPCODE
a. A) 216 b. B) OPERAND
b. B) 65,536 c. C) Both of above
c. C) 64K d. D) None of above
d. D) Any of the above 62. Which generation of computer is still
53. Instructions and memory address are under development
represented by a. A) Fourth Generation
a. A) Character code b. B) Fifth Generation
b. B) Binary codes c. C) Sixth Generation
c. C) Binary word d. D) Seventh Generation
d. D) Parity bit 63. A register organized to allow to move left
54. The terminal device that functions as a or right operations is called a ____
cash register, computer terminal, and a. A) Counter
OCR reader is the: b. B) Loader
a. A) Data collection terminal c. C) Adder
b. B) OCR register terminal d. D) Shift register
c. C) Video Display terminal 64. Which was the most popular first-
d. D) POS terminal generation computer?
55. A set of flip flops integrated together is a. A 2700
called ____ 65. Which is considered a direct entry input
a. A) Counter device?
b. B) Adder a. A) Optical scanner
c. C) Register b. B) Mouse and digitizer
d. D) None of the above c. C) Light pen
56. People often call ______ as the brain of d. D) All of the above
computer system 66. A set of information that defines the
a. A) Control Unit status of resources allocated to a process
b. B) Arithmetic Logic Unit is
c. C) Central Processing Unit a. A) Process control
d. D) Storage Unit b. B) ALU
57. Which is used for manufacturing chips? c. C) Register Unit
a. A) Bus d. D) Process description
b. B) Control unit 67. Each set of Napier’s bones consisted of
c. C) Semiconductors ______ rods.
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a. A) 5 d. D) None of above
b. B) 9 76. John Napier invented Logarithm in
c. C) 11 a. A) 1614
d. D) 13 b. B) 1617
68. BCD is c. C) 1620
a. A) Binary Coded Decimal d. D) None of above
b. B) Bit Coded Decimal 77. An integrated circuit is
c. C) Binary Coded Digit a. A) A complicated circuit
d. D) Bit Coded Digit b. B) An integrating device
69. When was the world’s first laptop c. C) Much costlier than a single
computer introduced in the market and transistor
by whom? d. D) Fabricated on a tiny silicon
a. A) Hewlett-Packard, 1980 chip
b. B) Epson, 1981 78. What type of control pins are needed in a
c. C) Laplink Traveling Software Inc, microprocessor to regulate traffic on the
1982 bus, in order to prevent two devices from
d. D) Tandy Model-200, 1985 trying to use it at the same time?
70. From which generation operating systems a. A) Bus control
were developed? b. B) Interrupts
a. A) First c. C) Bus arbitration
b. B) Second d. D) Status
c. C) Third 79. Whereas a computer mouse moves over
d. D) Fourth the table surface, the trackball is
71. The first firm to mass-market a a. A) Stationary
microcomputer as a personal computer b. B) Difficult to move
was c. C) Dragged
a. A) IBM d. D) Moved in small steps
b. B) Super UNIVAC 80. Which of the following is used as a
c. C) Radio Shaks primary storage device?
d. D) Data General Corporation a. A) Magnetic drum
72. How many address lines are needed to b. B) Hard Disks
address each machine location in a 2048 c. C) Floppy
x 4 memory chip? d. D) All of above
a. A) 10 81. Multi user systems provided cost savings
b. B) 11 for small business because they use a
c. C) 8 single processing unit to link several
d. D) 12 a. A) Personal computers
73. Properly arranged data is called b. B) Workstations
a. A) Field c. C) Dumb terminals
b. B) Words d. D) Mainframes
c. C) Information 82. What are the three decisions making
d. D) File operations performed by the ALU of a
74. A computer consists of computer?
a. A) A central processing unit a. A) Grater than
b. B) A memory b. B) Less than
c. C) Input and output unit c. C) Equal to
d. D) All of the above d. D) All of the above
75. Why are vacuum tubes also called valves? 83. The word processing task associated with
a. A) Because they can amplify the changing the appearance of a document
weak signals and make them is
strong a. A) Editing
b. B) Because they can stop or b. B) Writing
allow the flow of current c. C) Formatting
c. C) Both of above d. D) All of above
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84. Nepal brought a computer for census of 91. What is required when more than one
2028 BS. This computer was of person uses a central computer at the
a. A) first generation same time?
b. B) second generation a. A) Light pen
c. C) third generation b. B) Mouse
d. D) fourth generation c. C) Digitizer
85. Algorithm and Flow chart help us to d. D) Terminal
a. A) Know the memory capacity 92. Which of the following is the first
b. B) Identify the base of a number computer to use Stored Program Concept?
system a. A) UNIVAC
c. C) Direct the output to a printer b. B) ENIAC
d. D) Specify the problem c. C) EDSAC
completely and clearly d. D) None of above
86. Which statement is valid about computer 93. 93. The term gigabyte refers to
program? a. A) 1024 bytes
a. A) It is understood by a computer b. B) 1024 kilobytes
b. B) It is understood by programmer c. C) 1024 megabytes
c. C) It is understood user d. D) 1024 gigabyte
d. D) Both a & b 94. in which year was UK’s premier
87. The difference between memory and computing event called? The which
storage is that memory is _____ and computer? started?
storage is __ a. A) 1980
a. A) Temporary, permanent b. B) 1985
b. B) Permanent, temporary c. C) 1986
c. C) Slow, fast d. D) 1987
d. D) All of above 95. Once you load the suitable program and
88. When was Pascaline invented? provide required data, computer does not
a. A) 1617 need human intervention. This feature is
b. B) 1620 known as
c. C) 1642 a. A) Accuracy
d. D) 1837 b. B) Reliability
89. Which of the following statement is c. C) Versatility
valid? d. D) Automatic
a. A) Lady Augusta is the first 96. What is a brand?
programmer a. A) The name of companies that
b. B) Ada is the daughter of Lord made computers
Byron, a famous English poet b. B) The name of product a
c. C) ADA is a programming language company gives to identify its
developed by US Defence product in market
d. D) All of above c. C) A name of class to indicate all
similar products from different
d. D) All of above

90. A compiler is a translating program which

a. A) Translates instruction of a
97. Machine language is
high-level language into
a. A) Machine dependent
machine language
b. B) Difficult to program
b. B) Translates entire source
c. C) Error prone
program into machine language
d. D) All of above
98. A byte consists of
c. C) It is not involved in program’s
a. A) One bit
b. B) Four bits
d. D) All of above
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c. C) Eight bits
d. D) Sixteen bits
99. Modern Computers are very reliable but
they are not
a. A) Fast
b. B) Powerful
c. C) Infallible
d. D) Cheap
100. What is the date when Babbage
conceived Analytical engine
a. A) 1642
b. B) 1837
c. C) 1880
d. D) 1850

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