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Vol. 48, No. 2, August 1982. Printed in U.S.A.

Deficits in Eye Position Following

Ablation of Monkey Superior Colliculus,
Pretectum, and Posterior-Medial Thalamus
Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research, National Eye Institute,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20205

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS curacy of initial saccades to visual targets

on the side contralateral to the lesion were
I. Previous investigations of the effects of relatively small and were readily corrected
ablations of the primate superior colliculus by second saccades.
have produced conflicting results: several 4. Monkeys were then tested to determine
studies have reported deficits in the accuracy whether the deficits in the accuracy of sac-
of visually guided saccadeswhile others have cades were related to the amplitude of the
reported primarily deficits in the latency of saccades or to saccades made to peripheral
visually guided saccades. The present ex- eye positions. The monkeys were required
periments attempted to resolve this conflict to make the same-amplitude saccades but
by examining the effects of complete lesions from fixation points of varying eccentricity.
of the superior colliculus on the initiation After the ablations, the error in eye position
and accuracy of sgccadesto central and pe- for saccadesto visual targets increased with
ripheral visual targets. the eccentricity of the target. Fixations of
2. Four rhesus monkeys were first trained peripheral targets on the contralateral side
to make saccadesto visual stimuli and were were also in error. Errors in fixation and sac-
then given large unilateral surgical ablations cades were proportional to the eccentricity
of the superior colliculus. Histological re- of the visual target. Taken together the re-
constructions of the brain stems of these sults of these experiments indicate that the
monkeys showed that colliculus removal in oculomotor deficit was not specifically re-
all four monkeys was nearly complete and lated to the amplitude of the saccade but
included the superficial and deep layers, rep- rather to the position of the eye in the orbit.
resenting the central and peripheral portions 5. While only three of the four monkeys
of the visual field. However, in three mon- demonstrated deficits in achieving eccentric
keys the lesions also included extensive re- eye positions, all four monkeys demonstrated
gions anterior to the colliculus in the pre- increased latencies for saccades to targets
tectum and in the posterior-medial thalamus. throughout the visual field contralateral to
3. After the ablations the three monkeys the ablation. Latency deficits were not cor-
with more extensive lesions showed a long- related with eye position and largely re-
lasting deficit in the ability to make accurate covered during the first month of testing.
saccadesfrom a central fixation point to ec- 6. We conclude that the effect of com-
centric visual targets on the side contralat- plete unilateral ablation of the superior col-
era1 to the ablation. Saccades to targets liculus alone produces only minimal effects
greater than about 20’ from the central fix- on the initiation and accuracy of saccades.
ation point consistently fell short and were However, when there is additional damage
not corrected by subsequent saccades.In the to the pretectum and posterior-medial thal-
fourth monkey, with the ablation nearly re- amus, severe and long-lasting deficits in ac-
stricted to the colliculus, deficits in the ac- curacy are produced. The deficit appears to

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be an inability to match accurately the po- largely limited to the superior colliculus,
sition of the eye to visual targets. It is sug- Wurtz and Goldberg (30) and Mohler and
gested that nuclei in the pretectum and pos- Wurtz (17) found only slight deficits in the
terior-medial thalamus may be the critical accuracy of saccades to visual targets, but
structures in producing this deficit, possibly they did not examine saccades to peripheral
because of their interconnections with the visual targets. Recent experiments by
superior colliculi and frontal eye fields. Schiller, True, and Conway (22, 23) did not
7. This deficit is difficult to understand find substantial deficits in the size of sac-
when it is assumed that a retinal error signal cades following colliculus ablations. Similar
is used to guide saccades to visual targets. results have also been found in humans (9).
However, the present observations are con- The differences in the results between
sistent with a model of oculomotor control these studies might be explained by differ-
that assumes that a visually guided saccade ences in the extent of the lesions and region
is generated using a signal specifying the of the visual field studied. First, large lesions
position of the target in space. might produce a disruption of saccades to
visual stimuli either because they completely
INTRODUCTION removed the superior colliculus or because
such lesions invaded extracollicular struc-
The superior colliculus in mammals is in- tures. In contrast, restricted lesions either
volved in visual orienting behaviors. In the might have spared extracollicular structures
primate such orientation is dependent on or might have been incomplete and have left
saccadic eye movements to redirect gaze rap- intact the posterior colliculus related to the
idly and efficiently. Stimulation, recording, peripheral visual field. Second, in most cases
and anatomical studies have consistently these studies examined only saccades to tar-
supported the role of the superior colliculus gets within the central 20” of the visual field.
in the initiation of saccadic eye movements. Our strategy in the present experiments
On the other hand, ablation studies that was to attempt to make large lesions of the
have examined deficits in eye movements colliculus that would certainly remove the
have produced conflicting results: some find entire visual and oculomotor representation
striking deficits while others report only mild of the visual field and thereby allow study
effects. The observations of Denny-Brown of saccades to peripheral as well as to ceitral
(4) show the most severe deficits resulting targets. Our results suggest a resolution to
from colliculus lesions, but the lesions were the conflicting results following collicular
large and in several cases invaded the ablation. We find that nearly complete but
pretectum and posterior-medial thalamus, restricted lesions of the colliculus do not pro-
among other regions. Schiller (21) also duce significant deficits in the accuracy of
found deficits in the accuracy of saccades in visually guided saccadic eye movements to
three of four monkeys studied, but no his- either central or peripheral targets. How-
tology was presented. Kurtz and Butter (13) ever, colliculus lesions that include damage
found that monkeys with superior colliculus to more anterior structures in the pretectum
ablations were impaired in orienting their and posterior-medial thalamus result in long-
eyes toward targets presented 15-32” ec- lasting oculomotor deficits. Furthermore, we
centrically. They suggested that the eye find that this oculomotor deficit is related to
movement deficit depended on the size of the the position of the eye in the orbit rather
lesion, particularly the depth of the lesion, than a deficit in the direction or amplitude
but the lesions also extended anterior to the of saccades. This deficit can be more readily
colliculus. No enduring oculomotor deficits understood using a model of oculomotor con-
were observed by Pasik et al. (18). In their trol based on a spatial coordinate system,
experiments, structures anterior to the col- such as that of Robinson (20), than on a
liculus in the pretectum were largely undam- model based on a retinal coordinate system.
aged, although in one monkey there was bi- A brief report of these experiments has ap-
lateral damage to the pretectum and posterior peared previously (1).
commissure, and they noted paresis in up- The report of these experiments is divided
ward gaze in that animal. After small lesions into two parts, This paper concentrates on

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the oculomotor position deficits dependent The monkeys were generally allowed as much
on ablations of extracollicular structures as juice as they were willing to work for in a test
well as the superior colliculus. The following session. At the end of the session the monkeys
paper (2) includes added visuomotor defi- were removed from the primate chair and re-
tits, such as the detection of visual targets turned to their home cages. The monkey’s weight
and juice consumption were recorded daily.
or the distracting effect of novel visual stim-
uli, that were related to ablation of the su- Surgical procedure
perior colliculus alone. The sequence in After this preliminary trai ning but before col-
which the experiments in both reports were letting preablation data, the splen ium of the cor-
performed is-presented in the METHODS of pus callosum was transected in two monkeys
this paper. (Table 1) to permit ablation of the superior col-
liculus in a second operation. The double-step
procedure served as a control by permitting the
collection of preablation data after the corpus
In outline, the experiments on four adult rhesus callosum had been sectioned but before the col-
monkeys (Macaca mulatta) followed this se- liculus lesion. Section of the callosum alone pro-
quence: initial behavioral training, surgical im- duced no deficits in saccade accuracy in our tests.
plantation of bolts for head restraint and of mag- While the monkeys were anesthetized with ke-
netic search coils or electrooculogram (EOG) tamine hydrochloride (Parke-Davis) and Nem-
electrodes for recording eye movements, preop- butal (sodium pentobarbital, Abbott), a small
erative behavioral testing to determine normal unilateral parietal bone flap was removed under
saccadic behavior, unilateral ablation of the su- aseptic conditions. A dural flap was then cut and
perior colliculus, postoperative behavioral testing, the hemisphere was gently retracted, exposing the
and histological reconstruction of the lesion. A splenium of the corpus callosum. The posterior 5 -
summary of procedures performed on each mon- 7 mm of the splenium was transected with a small-
key is included in Table 1. tipped glass sucker, exposing the superior colli-
culus on that side. In these two monkeys, the dura
Initial behavioral training was then closed with silk sutures, the bone flap
Each monkey was first trained on a behavioral replaced, and the incision closed. In the two re-
fixation task ( 29). The monkey sat in a primate maining monkeys (Haw and Pet), the callosum
chair and, by depressing a bar, turned on a fix- was cut at the time of the collicular ablation in
ation light that stayed on for a variable length of a one-stage surgical procedure.
time between 1 an d 3 s. The fixation light then In a subsequent surgical session four bolts were
dimmed for about 0.5 s and, if the monkey re- implanted into the skull (5). The bolts were con-
leased the bar during that time, he was rewarded nected to a socket that was later used to connect
with a drop of artificial fruit juice. The fixation the monkey’shead rigidly and in a reproducible
light was small enough and the dimming of the position to the primate chair. In two monkeys
light subtle enough so that the monkey generally (Haw and Pet) a search coil was implanted under
main tained a steady gaze duri ng the fixation pe- the conjunctiva according to the method of Judge
riod. The ba .r was disconnected for several seconds et al. ( 10). Since this method does not involve
following each release of the bar; early or late su.rgical man ipula tion of the extraocu lar muscles,
release of the bar was not rewarded but not other- it minimizes the risk of producing strabismus.
wise punished. Care was taken to insure that implantation of the

TABLE 1. Summary of experimental procedures

Day of
Eye Side of Contact
Movement Transection of Collicular Occluder
Monkey Measurement Splenium Ablation Removal

Mol.4 EOG Before ablation Right 8

NW EOG Before ablation Left 8
Pee Eye coil Single step Right 10
(G293) (right eye)
Haw Eye coil Single step Right 13
(E909) (right and
left eye)

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eye coil did not restrict the oculomotor range of and dimmed after a variable delay. If the monkey
the monkeys. By anesthetizing the animals and released the bar during the 500-ms dim period he
mechanically manipulating the eye, we could de- was given a liquid reward. Approximately 73%
termine that the eye was not tethered by the eye- of the trials were saccade trials; the fixation light
coil wires. As a further precaution, the postop- appeared and then after a delay it was turned off
erative saccade performance of monkey Haw was and a peripheral light was turned on at some un-
monitored with coils in the right and left eye to predictable location on the tangent screen. Typ-
insure that tethering of the eye by the lateral lead ically, the monkey then made a saccadic eye
wire could not account for the saccade inaccu- movement from the fixation light to the peripheral
racies that we observed. In the two other monkeys light in order to detect the dimming of that pe-
(Mou and Ner), nonpolarizable electrooculogram ripheral light. The timing, sequence, and positions
electrodes were implanted into the orbital bone of the stimuli were pseudorandomly varied under
at the outer canthi and above and below one orbit computer control so that the monkey could not
to permit recording of the horizontal and vertical guess where or when a peripheral target light
components of the eye movements (17); no teth- would appear. Each of over 80 saccade targets
ering of the eye could occur with the EOG since was tested 8 times in a session. Saccade lights
the orbit was not invaded. were 20’ of arc in diameter, with a brightness of
After completion of preoperative testing, the 10 cd/m2 on a background of 1 cd/m2. The in-
monkeys underwent either the second stage of the candescent bulbs reached two-thirds brightness
two-stage procedure or the one-stage surgical pro- in about 10 ms.
cedure referred to above. The membrane covering The monkey faced the tangent screen, which
the colliculus was cauterized and the subjacent was 28 cm in front of his eyes. Primary eye po-
tissue was removed by suction to a depth that sition (0’) refers to the eye position as the animal
varied from about 4 mm laterally and posteriorly looked directly ahead at the fixation point. Since
to about 2 mm anteriorly and medially. the head was held rigidly and in a reproducible
Before the monkey recovered from anesthesia, position relative to the primate chair and tangent
translucent contact occluders (16) coated with screen, this eye position remained constant over
antibiotic ophthalamic ointment (bacitracin-neo- successive test days. We found that this primary
mycin-polymyxin, Pharmaderm, Inc.) were in- eye position roughly corresponded to the center
serted into the eyes. This was done to prevent of a horizontal oculomotor range of t40”. The
visual experience during the postsurgical recovery full vertical oculomotor range could not be de-
period. Every 3-7 days the animals were sedated termined since the primate chair interfered with
with ketamine and a muscle relaxant (Rompun, testing of the inferior visual fields. l

xylazine, Haver-Lockhart), the occluders were SACCADES FROM ECCENTRIC EYE POSI-
removed, the eyes were examined for signs of in- TIONS, This saccade test permitted study of sac-
fection or inflammation, and the contact occluders cades of constant size and direction that were ini-
were again coated with antibiotic ointment and tiated from primary and eccentric eye positions.
replaced. The eyes did not show signs of infection The monkey’s head was positioned 58 cm from
or irritation and the corneas remained clear and a horizontal perimeter that held incandescent
unabraded* The cage behavior of the animals did bulbs placed 10’ apart. A fixation light appeared
not indicate that they suffered discomfort from at 0, 10, 20, or 30’ of horizontal eccentricity and
the occluders. Monkeys were allowed varying pe- the saccade target then appeared 10 or 15’ more
riods of postoperative recovery before removal of peripheral or more central than the fixation light.
the occluders (Table 1) in order to test for the Primary position (OO) on the perimeter was iden-
effect of visual experience on detection of visual tical to primary position on the tangent screen,
stimuli (2). and all other stimulus and timing parameters on
Behavioral tests this test were the same as described for the sac-
cade task. The eccentric eye position task did not
The monkeys were examined on two tests of
require any specific training; the monkeys readily
saccadic accuracy: the first tested saccades of var- transferred the training they had received on the
ious amplitudes and directions initiated from pri-
tangent screen.
mary eye position; the second tested saccades of
constant amplitude and direction initiated from Eye movement measurement
both primary and eccentric eye positions. and calibration
SACCADES FROM PRIMARY EYE POSITIONS. In two monkeys (Haw and Pet) eye movements
The animals were trained and tested on a saccade were recorded using the magnetic search-coil
task previously described by Mohler and Wurtz technique developed by Robinson (19) and Fuchs
(17). The monkey initiated a trial by pressing a and Robinson (6). The monkey chair was placed
bar, and on 25% of the trials (fixation trials) a inside two pairs of magnetic-field coils, a hori-
light appeared in the center of a tangent screen zontal pair and a vertical pair, oscillating in phase

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quadrature. The signal that was induced in a coil principle used for identification of the beginning
of wire chronically implanted under the conjunc- and end of the saccade was the same but a dif-
tiva of the monkey’s eye ( 10) was fed into a phase ference in samples greater than 50 of arc was
detector (CNC Engineering), which produced two required in two samples taken 12 ms apart,
voltage signals proportional to horizontal and ver- For each saccade trial the computer calculated
tical eye position and stored four parameters of the eye movements
In two other monkeys, Ner and Mou, eye move- for off-line analysis (as shown schematically in
ments were monitored using implanted silver-sil- Fig. 1): 1) initial position-eye position at the
ver chloride electrodes, as described previously onset of the saccade target, 2) saccade ampli-
( 17), to record the electrooculogram (EOG). The tude-the change in eye position at the end of the
EOG signal was amplified and filtered with a low- initial saccade, 3) final position- eye position at
pass filter of DC to 25 Hz. The EOG was cali- the beginning of the dim period after any correc-
brated by requiring the monkey to fixate a target tive saccades, and 4) saccade latency-the time
straight ahead and to either side or, after the between the onset of the saccade target and the
ablation, to the ipsilateral side. It is well known beginning of the eye movement.
that beyond 30’ eccentricity the EOG is markedly Eye movement measurements and film records
nonlinear. However, we were able to evaluate sac- were examined off-line. Measurements were ex-
cade accuracy using the following measurements: cluded from calculations if film records revealed
1) the difference between the average amplitude that there was an error in measurement due to
of saccades made pre- and postoperatively to each an artifact, such as a blink, or if the animal re-
target position, and 2) the difference between the leased the bar prematurely or did not fixate. In
average variability in amplitude of pre- and post- preoperative records using the search-coil method
operative saccades for each target position. Film about 10% of the trials were eliminated. In post-
records of the digitized eye movements were also operative records both artifacts and behavioral
examined for gross saccadic errors, that is, sac- errors increased and about 20% of the trials were
cades made to the wrong quadrant of the visual eliminated by these criteria. Errors by the mon-
field and for corrective saccades greater than 2’. keys were nit consistently related to a particular
The vertical component of the EOG was fre-
quently contaminated by artifacts, either blinks
or jaw movements, and this vertical EOG data
was excluded from analysis; horizontal compo-
nents of the saccade were included. Identification
of the onset of a saccade in the EOG records was
made from the horizontal component of the sac-
cade. V
The horizontal and vertical components of the
&&DE i;- DIM
eye movements, whether measured by the mag-
netic search-coil technique or EOG, were sampled
every 4 ms and stored by a digital computer con-
trolling the experiments (PDP-11 or PDP-12,
Digital Equipment Corp.). Two-second segments initial
of the eye movement traces and stimulus events position amp1 itude
were displayed on an oscilloscope and photo-
FIG. 1. Schematic drawing showing eye movement
graphed on-line by a Grass camera. The display
parameters measured in a saccade trial. The heavy solid
and eye movement measurements were derived lines indicate the sequence of stimulus events: I) fixa-
from the digitized data and so had a temporal tion-when the fixation light was on, 2) saccade-when
resolution of 4 ms. The resolution of the digital the saccade target came on, and 3) dim-when the sac-
quantization of saccade amplitude on the linear cade target dimmed signaling the beginning of the re-
range of the recording systems was 25’ of arc in ward period. The eye movement traces are shown by
the magnetic search-coil records and 30’ of arc in finer lines labeled H (horizontal) and V (vertical). After
EOG records. a variable interval, the fixation light is switched off and
For identifying the onset of saccades in EOG simultaneously a peripheral stimulus is turned on at an
records, the computer identified the start of an unpredictable location. The monkey makes a saccade
from the fixation light to the stimulus in order to detect
eye movement in one EOG channel when the de- the dimming of this light, If this saccade falls short of
flection in the record was greater than 1.5O within the saccade target, the monkey will often generate a
two consecutive samples (8 ms). Termination of second corrective saccade (as on the horizontal trace).
the saccade was identified by failure to detect a Four measures are taken: initial eye position, saccade
difference greater than 1.5O within two successive amplitude, final eye position, and the latency of the sac-
samples. For magnetic search-coil records, the cade after the saccade target comes on.

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A and
B = arctan v_

where x and y represent the horizontal and ver-

tical distance of a screen light from the fixation
point on the tangent screen, and r represents the
shortest distance of the eye from the screen.
The position of the eye in a polar-coordinate
system is shown in Fig. 2B. Orbital eccentricity
(cu’) refers to the angular deviation of the eye in
the orbit from the visual axis at primary eye po-
sition. The orbital direction (p’) refers to a polar
angle from 0 to 360° where, for example, 90’
would be vertical and 180’ would be leftward
from primary orbital position. Orbital eccentricity
and direction were determined by the relations
a’ = arcsin V(g,V,>”+ (g,V,)’
arctan gyvy
@= gvx x
where VY and VX are the recorded voltages related
to vertical and horizontal eye position. The scale
factors gv and g, are used to adjust the gains of
the eye-coil signals. Derivation of these equations,
which were used to convert the search-coil volt-
ages to the data plotted on all figures, is shown
in the APPENDIX.
The polar-coordinate system allows both visual
target position and eye position to be represented
FIG. 2, Representation of stimulus position and eye on one polar map, as shown in Fig. 2C. An ad-
position on a polar map. A: representation in polar vantage of the polar-coordinate system for’ rep-
coordinates of the position of a stimulus on the tangent resenting the position of visual targets is that it
screen. Eccentricity of the stimulus, a, defines the an- describes stimulus position in terms of angular
gular distance from the primary visual axis of the eye
to a peripheral stimulus. Direction @ describes the polar deviation from the primary visual axis when the
angle of a visual stimulus from the vertical and hori- eye is in primary position (Fig. 2C). This method
zontal visual axes. B: schematic drawing in which the avoids complications due to use of tangent screens.
position of the eye in the orbit is defined by angles de- An advantage for eye-position description is that
fining the eccentricity (a’) and direction (p’). C: a polar derivation of eye position from eye-coil voltages
map in which a and a’ are shown related to distance is greatly simplified: eccentricity and direction are
from horizontal axis. computed directly and may be easily compared
to the position of visual targets in space. This is
particularly important for eccentric orbital posi-
target position whether ipsilateral or contralateral tions where eye-coil voltage and eye position are
to the lesion. nonlinearly related.
Calculation of stimulus and eye position Histulogy
Polar coordinate systems were used to represent After variable periods of postoperative testing,
both visual target position and eye position. When ranging from 2 to 6 mo, the animals were given
the eye is in primary eye position, the position of an overdose of Nembutal and perfused through
a stimulus light can be represented in a polar map, the heart with normal saline followed by 10%
as diagrammed in Fig. 2A. The position of a light Formalin. The skull was opened and the cortex
on the tangent screen was converted into polar was exposed and photographed. Coronal sections
angles representing visual eccentricity, a, and vi- (50 pm) were taken through the entire extent of
sual direction, @, by the formulas the colliculus lesion and at least 4 mm anterior
to the colliculus. Every 10th section was stained
dx2 + y2 with thionine for cell bodies and adjacent sections
a = arctan ~
were stained according to the method of Weil for

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myelinated axons. Drawings and reconstructions there was also extensive damage anterior to
were made from sections magnified and projected the colliculus in the region of the pretectum
onto paper. and posterior-medial area of the thalamus,
Because extracollicular lesion size appears
RESULTS to be the critical difference between mon-
Three of the four monkeys with unilateral keys, we will first consider the histological
ablations of the superior colliculus displayed findings and then describe the effects on the
a deficit in visually guided saccadic eye accuracy of saccadic eye movement initiated
movements. Histological analysis revealed from primary and eccentric eye positions.
that these behavioral deficits were correlated
Histological results
with the extent of the lesion: colliculus re-
moval was essentially complete in all mon- The extent of the lesions is shown in Fig.
keys, but in the three with severe deficits 3. The coronal sections through the midbrain


FIG, 3, Histological reconstruction of unilateral lesions in I-law, Ner, Mm, and Pet. The coronal sections
illustrate the extent of the damage (black, missing tissue; stippling, gliosis) through the posterior-medial thalamus
(sections A-D) mesodiencephalic junction (C-E) and midbrain (sections E-H), Ablations were large, as intended,
and removed virtually all of the superficial and deep layers of the colliculus. An infarct rostra1 to the colliculus
extended the ablations into the mesodiencephalic junction and posterior-medial thalamus (sections A-E) and three
animals (Waw, NW, and Mou) were more severely damaged in these regions. The dorsal view reconstructions at
the bottom of each column show the full anterior-posterior extent of the damage in each monkey (black, severe
damage; stippling, mild damage). Note that lesions in Haw, Ner, and MOU are more extensive anteriorly than is
the lesion in Pet (sections A-E). Drawings of coronal sections were produced by tracing projected sections taken
every 500 pm. Missing tissue (black area) was approximated by comparison with intact side. Dorsal view recon-
structions were made from drawings of coronal sections.

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and thalamus illustrate the depth and me- extent of complete damage (black) and par-
dial-lateral extent of tissue that was removed tial damage (stippled) through the midbrain
(black) or was gliotic (stippled). The uni- and dorsal thalamus. The three larger lesions
lateral ablations of the superior colliculus in Haw, Ner, and i&u extended rostrally
(Fig. 3, coronal sections E-H) were nearly into the dorsomedial nucleus and laterally
complete. All lesions included the superficial to the internal medullary lamina (Fig. 3,
and deep layers and extended to the central dorsal view A-D). In contrast, the damage
gray medially, to the external capsule and in monkey Pet was more limited anteriorly
brachium of the inferior colliculus laterally, and laterally. The dorsomedial nucleus was
and to the mesencephalic reticular formation spared; the pretectal area was affected only
rostrally. in a small, medial region, and only superfi-
Three of the four monkeys (Haw, Ner, and cially. All monkeys had in common nearly
Mou) had the most extensive damage an- complete unilateral ablations of the super-
terior to the midbrain in the region of the ficial and deep layers of the superior colli-
mesodiencephalic junction and the posterior- culus.
medial part of the dorsal thalamus (Fig. 3, Saccade tasks
coronal sections A-F). This damage was due
presumably to an infarct produced by cau- All the monkeys showed a transient deficit
terization of the blood vessels overlying the in their ability to detect the stimuli used as
colliculus. The structures involved in the targets for saccades, as described in the fol-
mesodiencephalic junction were the pretec- lowing paper (2). The detection deficit had
tal nuclei, posterior commissure, and the recovered before saccade tests were begun.
brachium of the superior colliculus, and in SACCADES FROM PRIMARY EYE POSITION.
the posterior-medial portion of the dorsal The monkeys were first tested for the ac-
thalamus they were the medial and lateral curacy of saccades initiated from primary
portions of the dorsomedial nucleus, medial eye position to peripheral visual targets. Fig-
pulvinar, habenula, and habenula-peduncu- ure 4 shows the pre- and postoperative re-
lar tract. The internal medullary lamina and sults in two monkeys (Haw, with more ex-
intralaminar nuclei were invaded but to an tensive anterior lesion, and Pet, with a more
unknown extent since shrinkage and distor- restricted anterior lesion). Each polar *map
tion made these nuclei difficult to define in indicates the position of the fixation point
either Nissl- or fiber-stained sections. All (center cross), saccade targets (heavy
these thalamic structures together will be crosses), and 1O” of visual angle (concentric
referred to as the posterior-medial thalamus. circles). The filled circles indicate the av-
In two monkeys, Mou and Pet, the dam- erage eye position after the first saccade, the
age also extended posterior to the superior solid lines end at final eye position after cor-
colliculus (Fig. 3, coronal sections G, H). rective saccades, and the dotted lines indi-
These monkeys had the deepest lesions, cate a remaining error in eye position. Before
which transected the brachium of the infe- the ablation (upper polar plots in Fig. 4) the
rior colliculus and severely damaged the ex- accuracy of the initial saccades declined with
ternal capsule and central nucleus of the in- increasing eccentricity. Within the central
ferior colliculus. 20” of the visual field the initial saccade
Other structures damaged to varying de- usually brought the eye to a position within
grees in different monkeys were the lateral l-2” of target position. Beyond the central
dorsal nucleus, ventral posterior nucleus, 2O”, the initial saccade generally fell short
central gray, inferior pulvinar, and mesen- of the target. A second, corrective saccade
cephalic reticular formation. In two mon- brought the average eye position to within
keys given the two-stage surgical procedure 2” of the target. In our practiced monkeys
(Ner and Mou), parietal and cingulate cor- saccades to a given target were stereotypic;
tex also were slightly affected, presumably standard deviations in eye position rarely
due to reopening the‘ dura and resectioning exceeded t 1So (the radius of the filled cir-
the hemispheres in the second-stage opera- cles).
tion. Unilateral ablation severely affected the
The dorsal-view reconstructions at the accuracy of eye movements to contralateral
bottom of Fig. 3 show the anterior-posterior visual targets in Haw but not Pet (shaded

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PRE-LESION HAW PEC tralateral targets (Fig. 4) were only slightly

shorter on the average than either preoper-
ative or ipsilateral saccades. These relatively
small errors were readily corrected by second
saccades, which were more frequent on the
pas@ @
contralateral side (30% of the saccades had
correctives) than on the ipsilateral side ( 15%
of the saccades had correctives).
The loss of corrective saccades to targets
in the contralateral visual field was perhaps
the most striking feature of the deficit. Fig-
ure 4 shows that for monkey Huw the errors
(dotted lines) that remained after the initial
saccade to the contralateral side were not
corrected by second saccades while correc-
tive saccades to the ipsilateral side (solid
lines) still occurred and in some cases caused
FIG. 4. Loss in saccadic accuracy to contralateral
visual targets in Huw but not Pet after unilateral col-
the eye to overshoot the target. This figure
liculus ablation. On each of the polar maps, the center also shows that the loss of corrective sac-
cross indicates the fixation point and the heavy crosses cades corresponds to the region with short-
indicate the position of the saccade targets. Each con- ened saccades; correctives never occurred for
centric circle demarcates 10” of visual angle. Filled cir- saccades to horizontal or near horizontal tar-
cles show the average eye position at the end of the
initial saccade while the solid lines connect this position gets, whereas corrective saccades to vertical
with final eye position after corrective saccades. Dotted targets still occurred.
lines indicate any error in final eye position. Each point The postoperative performance of Ner
represents the average of eight saccades measured using and Mou studied with EOG recording cor-
the magnetic search-coil method. In the prelesion maps,
saccades of both Huw and Pet are accurate, as shown
roborated the results obtained from Haw.
by the proximity of the initial saccades to the saccade Because the EOG did not provide a reliable
targets. Saccades to peripheral targets typically fell means of measuring eye position, we were
short and were corrected by second saccades. In com- limited to measurement of the amplitude of
parison, the postlesion maps reveal a striking deficit for the initial saccade. Both animals showed a
large saccades to peripheral visual targets in the visual
field contralateral to the ablation (shaded side) in Wow decrease in the average amplitude of the
but not Pet. Postoperative data obtained from Huw on horizontal component of the initial saccade
day 28 and Pet on day 12. from preoperative values for targets beyond
20”. Figure 5 shows polar maps for these
two animals, with plus signs indicating points
area on the lower polar plots of Fig. 4). In tested, and the shaded portion of the field
Huw the postoperative accuracy of the initial indicating the region in which elicited sac-
saccades to targets within 20” of the fixation cades were short (by 3” or more in Ner and
point was only mildly affected, but beyond 2” or more in Mou) of average preoperative
20” the initial saccades fell short of the tar- values. In general, the differences between
get. This deficit in accurately reaching the preoperative horizontal EOG values and
visual targets with a horizontal eccentricity postoperative values were greater for more
greater than 20” affected oblique saccades, eccentric saccade targets, indicating that
although the horizontal component of the saccades to more peripheral targets were
saccades was more affected than the vertical more severely affected. Like Huw, both an-
components. For example, in the affected imals studied with EOG also showed a loss
hemifield (Fig. 4, lower left) the final posi- of corrective saccades to eccentric targets.
tions of saccades to targets within 20” of the Changes in saccadic accuracy ipsilateral to
vertical were within 2” of the visual target, the ablation was variable; Mou showed a
but saccades with larger horizontal compo- consistent tendency to overshoot peripheral
nents fell short of the target by 10”. The targets with the initial saccade but Ner did
maximum amplitude of the horizontal com- not. Huw fell short of peripheral targets but
ponent of saccades was limited to about 25”. corrected this error with a second saccade.
In contrast to Haw, Pa’s saccades to con- The deficits in the accuracy of saccades
Downloaded from at Kyoto Univ ( on April 24, 2023.

NER MOU The results for Haw and Pet are shown
in Fig. 6 for centrifugal saccades. Each ar-
row shows the average eye position during
fixation on several trials (base of the arrow)
and the average final eye position (head of
the arrow) after a saccade to the target. The
preoperative saccades in both animals (Fig.
6, upper graphs) were accurate; errors were
less than 5% for most points with a standard
FIG. 5. Shortening of the horizontal component of deviation of less than lo.
initial saccades to peripheral visual targets contralateral In contrast, the postoperative perfor-
to the ablation in Ner and Mou. The plus signs indicate mance of Haw (Fig. 6, lower left graph) re-
points tested both pre- and postoperatively. The shaded vealed errors that were roughly proportional
portions of the polar plots indicate the position of visual to target eccentricity on the side contralat-
targets that elicited shortened initial saccades. The dif-
ference between pre- and postoperative values of the era1 to the lesion. Saccades made from 0 to
average amplitude of the horizontal component was 10” were only slightly affected, but saccades
computed from EOG records. Target areas were shaded from 10 to 20” and from 20 to 30” had larger
when the difference was greater than 2” in Mou and 3” errors. This performance was consistently in
in Ner. Both monkeys showed a decrease in the ampli-
tude of the initial saccade for peripheral visual targets error since the postoperative variability in-
contralateral to the lesion (Ner, right superior colliculus creased only slightly (maximum SD, i-1.5).
lesion; Mou, left superior colliculus lesion). Records are Saccades made from eye positions ipsilateral
from postoperative day 13 for Ner and day 19 for Mou. to the lesion matched expected values. Post-
operative performance in Pet (Fig. 6, lower
right graph) was comparable to preoperative
seen in Haw and Mou were followed for behavior.
more than 4 mo without an indication of Corrective saccades were rare or very
recovery. Moreover, the performance of small (less than 2”) on this task in preop-
these animals actually deteriorated with erative trials, presumably because the initial
time; saccade amplitudes became more vari- saccade was accurate. However, in spite of
able and, on the average, less accurate. Ner the large errors in Haw’s postoperative per-
did show an improvement in the amplitude formance and the ample time to correct the
of the initial saccade to peripheral contra- error, we still did not observe corrective sac-
lateral targets after about a month, but he cades in the film records made of each trial.
appeared to also develop an increased am- In addition, in the quantitative measure of
plitude for ipsilateral targets as well. It is eye position, no significant differences were
unclear whether these changes reflect a detected between eye position at the end of
neural reorganization in response to injury the saccade and final eye position at the end
or whether these changes reflect a change of the trial, which indicates the paucity of
in strategy in response to continued testing. any small corrective saccades or slow eye
There is no indication that any long-term movements. We attempted to study more
adaptive changes compensate for the deficit. eccentric saccades (greater than 30” orbital
Examination of the histological sections in- eccentricity), but we found that trials re-
dicated that this deterioration did not result quiring more eccentric visual targets ap-
from any abscess or damage other than that peared to be frustrating for the monkey. As
described as part of the lesion. many as 75% of the postoperative trials were
SACCADES FROM ECCENTRIC EYE POSI- eliminated because the monkey developed
TIONS. We next determined whether the the strategy of aborting the trial when the
deficit was related to large-amplitude sac- target appeared in the periphery, suggesting
cades or to saccades made to peripheral tar- that the animal was performing the task ex-
gets. We tested the monkeys on a perimeter trafoveally. If the animal was not very
that required the monkey to fixate at 10, 20, thirsty, continued testing on peripheral tar-
or 30” to the right or left of primary eye get positions would have the effect of ending
position and to make saccades to targets 10 the day’s testing.
or 15” more peripheral or more central to Both the reduction in amplitude of sac-
the fixation point. cades to peripheral targets and the failure
Downloaded from at Kyoto Univ ( on April 24, 2023.

- 30” CONTRA
POSITtON _- 2oo /

I ,I TL TI I I 1
3o” 20” lo* loo 20” 30* 3o” 20” 10”


30” lPSl

T 30” II

FIG. 6. Loss of accuracy of fixations and saccades with eccentrically directed saccades in Haw but not Pet.
Each graph plots average horizontal eye position against horizontal target position for 10” saccades initiated from
0, 10, and 20” to peripheral targets. Prelesion graphs show that eye position when fixating, indicated by the origin
of the arrow, and f-ma1 eye position when on target, indicated by the head of the arrow, matched target position:
the largest mean error was about 1.5”. The postlesion graphs show that both initial eye position and final eye
position for peripheral fixation and target points contralateral to the ablation are grossly inaccurate in Haw but
not affected in Pet. Each point on the graph is the mean eye position on about eight trials; standard deviation at
each point is indicated by a vertical line unless it is no larger than kO.50. Dotted line in Haw’s graph indicates
accurate performance. Postlesion data taken from Haw on day 50 and Pet on day 13.

to make corrective saccadesto reach the tar- but contrafateral eye positions were dra-
gets indicate that the deficit was related to matically affected. A particularly striking
the accurate matching of eccentric eye po- example is the case where the monkey is re-
sitions to target positions. This notion is fur- quired to make a saccade from a far eccen-
ther supported by the observation that eye- tric target. For a saccade from a target 30”
position errors were also independent of the in the contralateral field to one at 20”, the
direction of the eye movement; centrifugal monkey began the saccade at an average
and centripetal movements resulted in com- position of about 20’ and went to 14”. This
parable errors. The effect of the lesion on is a curious result since the eye was closer
centripetal saccadesof monkey Haw is shown to the target before the saccade than after.
in Fig. 7. Before the lesion, centripetal sac- In this case, the best strategy for the monkey
cades were accurate even for peripheral eye would have been to make no saccade at all.
positions. Errors were less than 1” for both The errors during fixation and saccades
fixation and final position. After the lesion, were roughly proportional to target position.
ipsilateral saccadeswere still quite accurate, In Fig. 8 average eye positions during fix-

Downloaded from at Kyoto Univ ( on April 24, 2023.


PRE-LESION + Centripetal
HORIZONTAL - 30' CONTRA 0 Centrifugal
l Fixation



130" IPSI

T 30”

FIG. 8. For Haw, the error in eye position is pro-

portional to target position. Average eye position during
contralateral fixation and centrifugal and centripetal
saccades is plotted in relation to target position. This
graph shows that the error in eye position grew in re-
lation to target eccentricity. Errors could be fitted to a
line with a slope of 0.72 (solid line). The dotted line
with a slope of 1 .O indicates what would be perfect per-
formance. Data are derived from Figs. 6 and 7 except
for the position after a centripetal saccade to 30”; this
point on the graph was obtained from saccades in which
the monkey attempted to fixate on a point 40” contra-
FIG. 7. Loss in eye position accuracy for centrally lateral from the fixation point.
directed saccades from eccentric eye positions in Haw.
Preoperative records show little error in eye position for
cent rally directed saccades from peripheral eye posit ion. from ipsilateral eye positions to the ampli-
Postoperative saccades were shortened contralateral to
the ablation and began and ended at inappropriate eye
tudes of saccades initiated from contralat-
positions while ipsilaterally more eccentric saccades are era1 eye positions. Saccades made to targets
slightly longer. Symbols same as in Fig. 6. Postoperative from 30 to 45” in Akr and 15 to 30” in Mou
data from day 50. did show a consistent deficit: peripheral sac-
cadescontralateral to the lesion were smaller
than ipsilateral saccades.
ation (when saccades were made from a va- Taken together the results of these exper-
riety of eye positions) and after centrifugal iments indicate that the oculomotor deficit
and centripetal saccades (when saccades is not specifically related to the amplitude
were made from specified eye positions) for or direction of the saccade but rather orbital
monkey Haw are plotted in relation to target eccentricity. The errors that remained were
position. The relation between eye position not corrected by subsequent saccades. In one
and target position is described by a line with monkey studied with the eye coil, we were
a slope of 0.72 (correlation coefficient able to show that the amount of eye-position
= 0.99). error was roughly proportional to target ec-
Qualitatively similar results were found centricity.
in monkeys Ner and Lou using the EOG to
monitor eye movements. Since the EOG was Optokinetic and vestibular stimulation
unsuitable as a method of monitoring ab- and eccentric eye position
solute eye position, we compared the ampli- In order to determine whether the lesion
tudes of 15” saccades that were initiated produced a restriction of eccentric gaze un-

Downloaded from at Kyoto Univ ( on April 24, 2023.


der conditions other than visually guided PEC DAY 12

saccades, we tested the monkeys during op-
tokinetic and vestibular stimulation. Unfor-
tunately, reliable observations were obtained
from only one monkey (Haw) that had both
the deficit and the eye coil. We found that
optokinetic and vestibular stimulation could
drive the eyes to eccentric orbital positions.
During optokinetic nystagmus, using a full-
field drum, Hawk eye position exceeded 28” MOU DAY 19
on the contralateral side. During caloric
stimulation, irrigation of the ear with cold
water ipsilateral to the lesion produced nys-
tagmus with a fast phase toward the con-
tralateral side, driving the eye to contralat-
era1 positions beyond 30”. These limited
results suggest that optokinetic and vestib-
ular stimulation are capable of driving the
eyes to eccentric eye positions while tasks
that require the monkey to reach eccentric HAW DAY 28
eye positions with visually guided saccades
are affected.
We also attempted to train Haw to pursue
targets to eccentric positions. We had found
previously that pursuit to eccentric positions
is a difficult task for a normal monkey, and
in Haw we were unable to obtain consistent
measures of performance to draw firm con- ::::.
1 go I 22 g

clusions. .. ,, .. ,, .. ,, .. ,, . ,4,.. ,; ., ,. .

Latency fur saccade initiation 1230

Previous experiments have shown that the

latency for the initiation of saccades to visual FIG. 9. Elevation in average saccade latencies to tar-
gets in the visual field contralateral to the ablation. Each
targets increases after collicular ablations polar plot illustrates interval contour maps based on
(17, 29), and we examined whether this la- average saccade latencies for saccades initiated from
tency deficit was related to eye position. primary eye position. Dark regions contain tested points
After the lesion, increases in the latency with saccade latencies that fell within the shortest la-
of saccades were found throughout the visual tency intervals, and progressively lighter regions indi-
cate longer latencies. The preoperative maps (left col-
field. Contour maps of average saccade la- umn) reveal that patterns of interval-latency contours
tencies in three monkeys are shown in Fig. are not necessarily radially symmetric. After the lesion
9. Before the lesion (Fig. 9, left column), (right column), the three animals are affected in a con-
each monkey exhibited a pattern of latency sistent manner: lowest latency-interval contours now
occur on the side ipsilateral to the ablation (left) only;
distributions that was approximately hori-
latencies for saccades to the contralateral side are ele-
zontally symmetrical and that was different vated. Pet is more severely affected on day 13 in com-
in detail for each monkey. In general, more parison to MOU on day 19 and Haw on day 28.
eccentric targets were associated with longer
latencies (lighter shading in Fig. 9), but
within the central 30’ ranged between 170 when, on the contralateral side, average la-
and 230 ms. After the lesion, shorter latency tencies were increased by 85 ms (with an
contours were shifted toward the ipsilateral average standard deviation across all targets
side, indicating that average saccade laten- of 20 ms). The increases in average saccade
ties increased for targets contralateral to the latency were less dramatic in Mou and Haw;
lesion. The clearest effect is seen in Pet the average increase in latency was 28 ms

Downloaded from at Kyoto Univ ( on April 24, 2023.


(standard deviation, 22 ms for Mou, 17 ms the latency deficit diminished during the first
for Huw). For the fourth monkey, Ner, the postoperative month while the eye-position
pattern of latencies was not different from deficit persisted.
those shown here but latencies were more
variable and averaged 20-30 ms longer. The DTSCUSSION
clear asymmetry in saccade latencies to the
ipsilateral and contralateral side recovered Two salient observations emerge from
during the first postsurgical month. these studies of superior colliculus ablation.
The increase in the latency for contralat- First, deficits in the accuracy of visually
erally directed saccades did not depend on guided eye movements are found when the
eye position. Figure 10 shows average la- ablation extends anterior into the pretectum
tency measurements for 10’ contralaterally and posterior-medial thalamus. Second, the
directed saccades initiated from eye posi- oculomotor deficit is related to eye position
tions ranging from 20” ipsilateral to 20” con- rather than to either amplitude or direction
tralateral. In the preoperative records the of the saccade.
latency of saccades varied with eye position; We will discuss three major points. First,
longer latencies were again associated with we will compare the deficits that result from
saccades to eccentric eye positions even for extension of the lesion to include structures
10” saccades. After the lesion, there is a con- anterior to the superior colliculus and defi-
siderable increase in average saccade laten- cits that result from colliculus damage alone.
ties for contralaterally directed saccades ini- Second, we will show that our results are
tiated from all eye positions. easily explained by models that assume a
The increase in the latency of saccades saccade is generated from a signal coding
was not dependent on deficits in eye position. the position of a target in a spatial reference
First, all four monkeys showed an increase system. Finally, we will relate the present
in saccade latency for targets in the contra- results to known anatomical connections in-
lateral visual field while only three showed volving the frontal eye fields and superior
the eye-position deficit. Second, the latency colliculus.
deficit was not related to eye position. Third,
Eye-position deficits due to invasion of
anterior structures .

Although all four monkeys had nearly
- PEC complete colliculus lesions, only three of the
monkeys were found to have severe deficits
1400 in the accuracy of visually guided eye move-
5 ments. Extracollicular structures were in-
g 300 volved in all cases, but in the three monkeys
r with severe deficits, the lesions included ex-
4 200 tensive regions of the pretectum and poste-
rior-medial thalamus. The fourth monkey,
$!lOO which was without such deficits, had the
deepest colliculus lesion but also had the
I I I I 1 I smallest amount of pretectal and thalamic
IPSl -20° -loo O” loo 20° CONTRA damage. Thus, careful examination of the
histology indicates that the severe oculo-
motor deficit is not related to the size or
FIG. 10. Increase in mean saccade latency for con- depth of the colliculus lesion but to the
tralaterally directed 10” saccades initiated from several amount of anterior damage. These obser-
eye positions. Average preoperative saccade latencies vations suggest a resolution to the conflict
were longer for 10” saccades when they were initiated regarding saccade deficits resulting from col-
from more eccentric eye positions. However, an increase
in postoperative saccade latencies occurred for 10” sac- liculus ablation; severe oculomotor deficits
cades across all eye positions. Postoperative data from are not dependent on the extent of colliculus
day 12. damage, but rather these deficits are a result

Downloaded from at Kyoto Univ ( on April 24, 2023.


of extracollicular damage, particularly in with saccade amplitude. Instead, the deficit

anterior structures, is related to eye position, since the error in
Our results suggest that an increase in the performance grows as a function of orbital
latency of a visually guided saccade and an eccentricity whether the monkey attempts
increase in the size and number of corrective to fixate the stimulus or make a saccade to-
saccades are a result of collicular damage ward it. The most striking aspect of the def-
alone. An increase in the latency for sac- icit is the reduction rather than increase in
cades made to targets throughout the visual corrective saccades in spite of the large er-
field was found in all four animals. The se- rors that remain after initial saccades.
verity of this effect was not correlated with
Eye-position deficit and models of
the amount of extracollicular damage. A
slight shortening of initial saccades was oculomotor function
found in Pet, the monkey with the most re- The traditional explanation of how visual
stricted but complete colliculus lesion. Larger information is transformed into a signal used
amplitude saccades to peripheral targets to guide a saccade assumes that a retinal
were particularly affected. The shortened error is computed by taking the difference
initial saccades were compensated by second between target position and the fovea. In
corrective saccades, and these second sac- such a system, damage in transmission of the
cades tended to be larger and more frequent. retinal error to the saccade generator should
Colliculus lesions in man also have a similar produce errors in the amplitude of saccades.
latency effect (9). For example, if the retinal error signal was
Our results, indicating deficits of an in- smaller than needed, saccades would fall
creased saccade latency and increased fre- short of the target. However, after the sac-
quency and size of corrective saccades, are cade, the eye would again sample the target
consistent with those of previous studies in position relative to the fovea and generate
which the ablation was also restricted to the another corrective saccade to minimize the
colliculus (17, 30). While the lesion was remaining error. These deficits, a shortened
nearly limited to the superior colliculus in initial saccade, and an increase in frequency
only one monkey (Pet), the present study of corrective saccades are quite unlike the
shows that these deficits extend throughout position deficits we have found in our mon-
the visual field once served by the ablated keys with extensive anterior damage. There-
colliculus, whereas in previous experiments fore, our behavioral results are not easily
with partial lesions these deficits were lim- explained by a simple retinal error model.
ited to a fraction of the visual field. Since Our results can, however, be explained
the same deficits occur following nearly com- when it is assumed that the signal used to
plete ablations of the colliculus, the more generate a visually guided saccade indicates
subtle deficits involving saccade latency and the position of the selected target in space
corrective saccades cannot be regarded as rather than a retinal error. A model of oc-
merely the result of partial lesions. ulomotor control proposed by Robinson (20)
The deficits in the accuracy of saccades uses such a signal to guide the eyes to a
resulting from the larger lesions that invaded visual target. According to this model, shown
anterior areas were qualitatively different in simplified form in Fig. 11, the nervous
from the deficits resulting from colliculus system generates a retinal error (re) signal
damage alone. In these monkeys with the by combining at junction A information con-
anterior lesions, the amplitude of the initial cerning target position (T) and eye position
saccade was decreased, It was not simply (E). At a subsequent step, an internal copy
large saccades that were affected, but smaller of eye position (ep) is combined with the
saccades as well when they were initiated retinal error at junction B to produce a signal
from eccentric eye positions. Unlike the col- representing the position of the selected tar-
liculus-related deficit of increased latency get in space (tp). It is this target-position
for saccades, this deficit is not retinotopically signal that is used by the saccade generator
organized, since it does not correlate with (sg) to move the eye to its new position.
the distance of the target from the fovea or For example, suppose the eye is at primary

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tP w ’
WG m SG w EYE *E

FIG. 11. A simplified model of oculomotor control that predicts the observed eye-position deficit. At A, target
position in space (T) and eye position in space (E) are combined to compute retinal error (re). At junction B,
retinal error is added to a copy of eye position (ep) to reconstruct an internal copy of target position in space (tp).
After passing through a gain element (G), this target position signal (tp’) is the input to the saccade generator
(sg). The characteristics of the saccade generator are described by Robinson (20) and, for present purposes, it is
sufficient to indicate that the saccade generator acts to reduce the difference between eye position (E) and an
internal representation of target position in space (tp’) to zero. The Robinson model does not account for the
presence of corrective saccades in the normal animal, and our model makes no attempt to do so either. It should
also be noted that the model is a unilateral one; only eye movements on one side are considered.

position (E = 0) and a target appears at 30’ on the target position in space is reduced,
eccentricity (T = 30). A retinal error (re) of this simplified model of visual-oculomotor
30” results. The retinal error is added to eye processing predicts the four major observa-
position (ep = 0) to produce an internal copy tions from our experiments: 1) the eye po-
of target position (tp) equal to 30”. If the sition achieved is less eccentric than the tar-
gain (G) of the system is one, then an in- get position; 2) fixations as well as centrifugal
ternal copy of target position (tp’) of 30” is and centripetal saccades are affected; 3) the
supplied to the saccade generator (sg). The errors are proportional to orbital eccentric-
saccade generator moves the eye until the ity; and 4) these eye position errors are not
difference between eye position and this in- corrected by subsequent saccades. Limita-
ternal representation of target position is tions of the model are indicated in the legend
zero; in this case, the eye moves to 30”. In of Fig. 11.
this scheme, eye position would always match In contrast, the effects of lesions of the
target position, and in the normal case, the superior colliculus alone are consistent with
slope of this relationship would also be one. an attenuation of the retinal error signal
Now, if we impose the effect of the lesion before it is added to eye position at junction
on this signal by assuming a gain (G) equal B in Fig. 11, Our results, as well as those
to two-thirds rather than one, then the in- of others, suggest that colliculus ablation
ternal representation of the target position alone produces shortened initial saccades
space (tp’) reaching the saccade generator that are compensated by second corrective
is only 20”. The result is that the eye makes saccades; these second saccades tend to be
a hypometric saccade of 20’. After the sac- larger and more frequent (9, 17). In sum-
cade there is a residual retinal error of loo mary, the model suggests that lesions of the
which, when added to an internal copy of superior colliculus affect an earlier stage of
eye position, gives an internal representation processing than do lesions of the pretectum
of target in space (tp) of 30*. But this 30’ and posterior-medial thalamus,
is reduced by the gain element to a tp’ of
only 20”, which is where the eye already is. Anatomical organization of visual-
Thus, the saccade generator receives no new oculomotor circuits
command to move the eye. In short, after Recently, Schiller, True, and Conway (22,
the lesion final eye position would remain 23) showed that while lesions in either the
proportional to target position and, since the frontal eye fields or the superior colliculus
gain of the system is less than one, eye po- alone produce only mild disturbances in sac-
sition would always ‘be less than target po- cades on a task requiring the monkey to
sition, as seen in Fig. 8. reach for bits of apple on a board in front
When it is assumed that the gain acting of it, damage to both structures produces a

Downloaded from at Kyoto Univ ( on April 24, 2023.


severe reduction in the frequency and am- A

plitude of saccades. Following these joint
lesions, the monkey made saccades only in
the central 10-20” of the visual field. They
concluded that a loss of saccadic eye move-
ments results from combined frontal eye
field and colliculus ablation and that these
two oculomotor areas must function in par-
allel to produce saccades. While Schiller et
al. (23) emphasized the deficit in amplitude
of saccades, they noted that saccadic eye
movements remained but occurred over a B
limited range and that the monkeys did not
accurately look at stimuli. The narrowed
range could, however, indicate an inability
of their monkeys to achieve eccentric orbital
positions so that, like our monkeys, there was
no deficit of saccades per se but rather a
deficit in the ability to reach eccentric orbital‘
positions accurately with a saccade. On the
basis of currently available data, it seems
reasonable to suggest that the deficits in
their experiments and ours may be qualita-
tively similar.
There are at least two possible oculomotor
circuits that may explain the relationship
between combined frontal eye field and su- FIG. 12. Schematic drawing of two possible anatom-
perior colliculus lesions and the present re- ical circuits related to saccade generation. In A, two
sults (Fig. 12). One explanation of the pres- direct pathways extend from the frontal eye fields (FEF)
and the superior colliculus (SC) to the area of the pons
ent results is that the midbrain-thalamic related to saccade generation, the paramedian pontine
lesions in our monkeys disrupted two direct reticular formation (PPRF). In B, an intervening area,
pathways to the saccade generator (Fig. possibly the pretectal posterior medial thalamus (P-
12A). This is consistent with the hypothesis PMT), lies in one pathway from FEF and SC to the
PPRF. Deficits in matching eye position to target po-
of parallel pathways proposed by Schiller
sition that result from more extensive colliculus abla-
(23). Anatomical studies have shown that tions involving areas in the pretectum and posterior-
the superior colliculus and frontal eye fields medial thalamus suggest an intermediate stage of pro-
have direct descending connections to the cessing between superior colliculus, the frontal eye
fields, and the PPRF. Therefore, these deficits are con-
paramedian pontine reticular formation, one
sistent with the circuit in B rather than A.
presumed site of the saccade generation (3,
7, 8, 11, 14, 15). Our lesions may have in-
terrupted these direct connections from the position deficit we have found in our mon-
frontal eye fields and superior colliculus by keys.
eliminating the colliculus itself and by in- Another possible explanation of our re-
terrupting those fibers from the frontal eye sults is that the midbrain-thalamic lesion in-
fields running via a dorsal route through the terrupted an indirect pathway that involves
thalamus. One problem with this explana- an intervening step before the saccade gen-
tion is that both pathways from the superior erator (Fig. 12B). This intervening area
colliculus and frontal eye fields appear to could be the posterior-medial thalamus,
carry signals related to retinal error rather since it receives input from both the colli-
than target or eye position. The deficit pro- culus and frontal eye fields. Some cells in
duced by disruption of a retinal error signal, one area of the posterior-medial thalamus,
as we have noted, is not consistent with the the internal medullary lamina, discharge in

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relation to saccadic eye movements in both T

cat and monkey (24-28). Some cells in this
area also respond to visual stimuli but are
modulated by the position of the eye in the
orbit. The three monkeys with the most ex-
tensive anterior lesion had damage that ex-
tended laterally to the internal medullary
lamina but probably not sufficiently rostra1
to include all of this region. However, the c

more lateral portions of these lesions would

have involved fiber systems innervating this
area and, therefore, may have deafferented
or deefferented these areas. The lesions of
Schiller et al. (22, 23) may have acted to 0 r= 1
deafferent this area with combined frontal
eye field and superior colliculus lesions or
may have included it with collicular lesions,
as was the case in our experiments. If the c
hypothesis shown in Fig. 12B is correct, then E
future experiments should show that the pre- FIG. 13. Geometrical relations used to convert search-
tectal-posterior medial thalamic area con- coil voltages to polar coordinates. See APPENDIX for
tains structures that are by themselves crit- details.
ical in the guidance of saccades to visual
targets. Using these relationships we can determine the
relationship of a and p to the voltage output of
APPENDIX the search coils. To determine Q! we are given that
The relationship between the output voltage of EO
cos a = -
the search coil and the position of the eye in space ET
(relative to the magnetic fields) can be simply
From identities cos 8 = EU/EH and cos
c 4
computed in polar coordinates. In the schematic
drawing in Fig. 13, the eye (E) begins a saccade cos a = cos 4 cos 0
from the origin (0) to an eccentric target (T) on
the tangent screen. H represents the point along Squaring both sides and substituting
the horizontal axis of the tangent screen such that
1 - sin* ar = cos2 8 c0s2 #
OHT and EHT are right angles. The primary axis
EO is perpendicular to the tangent screen. Thus sin2 a = 1 - (cos2 e cos2 4)
the angles EOH and EOT are right angles and
Substituting = 1 - (( 1 - sin2 0) cos2 4)
0, 4, c11,and fl represent azimuth, elevation, ec-
centricity, and direction, respectively. Multiplying = 1 - cos2 # + sin2 0 cos2 6
From Robinson (19) we know that the vertical
= sin2 4 + sin2 8 cos2 f$
voltage output (V,) and the horizontal voltage
output (V,) are related to azimuth (0) and ele- Substituting equations I and 2
vation (4) by the formulas
sin2 ar = (g&)’ + (g,Y,)”

gxVx = sin 8 cos # (2) a = arcsin &m2 + kyyh2 (3)

where gv and g, represent scale factors used to To determine ,0 we are given that
adjust the gain of the voltage signals. These gain TH
factors as well as any offsets due to angular de- tan 6 = z
viation of the eye were estimated empirically by
having the monkey fixate at several eye positions. From identities sin 8 = OH/EH and sin @
In these equations the angles 4 and 0 represent = TH/ET
the sum of the angles of the eye and the offset of ET sin #
tan /3 =-
the coil on the eye during prelesion testing. EH sin 0

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Substituting the identity l/cos 4 = ET/EH for assistance with data collection, Bonnie McCrane and
George Creswell for assistance with preparation of the
sin #
tan p = - histological material, Alvin Ziminsky for construction
sin 8 cos 4 of much of the apparatus, and Helen Berenson and Nita
Hight for secretarial assistance. We also thank Dr.
Substituting equations I and 2 Stuart Judge for aid in programming and Dr. Stephen
(gyvy) Lisberger for assistance in the testing of optokinetic
tan @= (g,VJ nystagmus. We especially thank our colleagues for their
thoughtful discussions of this manuscript,


The authors than k Dr. Mortimer Mishkin for making Received 7 August 1981; accepted in final form 1
the surgical lesions, Helen Healy and Lauren Westbrook March 1982.


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