Examen de Biologia

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Resumen para examen de biología.

Scientific Method.

• Scientific Method
➢ Forming a hypothesis based on observation, and then systematically testing and
evaluating the hypothesis.
• Hypothesis
➢ Testable explanation for a natural phenomenon.
• Variables
➢ Characteristics or events that differs among individuals or over time.
• Dependent variable
➢ Variable that is presumably affected by an independent variable being tested.
• Independent variable
➢ Variable that is controlled by an experimenter in order to explore its relationship
to a dependent variable.
• Constants
➢ Is the part that doesn´t change during the experiment.
• Control group
➢ Group of individuals identical to an experiment group except for the independent
variable under investigation.
• Experimental group
➢ Group of individuals who have certain characteristics or receive a certain
• Inductive reasoning
➢ Drawing a conclusion based on observation.
• Deductive reasoning
➢ Using a general idea to make a conclusion about a specific case.

Hypothesis: Dependent: The height of plants in container

If the plants have acid in the soil Independent: The acid in the soil

Then it will grow higher Constants: amount of sunlight, water and

Than plants without exposition to acid
Control: pot of plants without vinegar
Experimental: pots of plants with vinegar
Characteristics of living things/Levels of organization.

1. Energy sources are needed for which of the following processes?

I. Reproduction
II. Growth
III. Development

A= I, II, and III.

2. Which phrase would most likely used in a discussion of homeostasis?

A= Limited range of variation.
3. Which feature is not characteristic of all living organisms?
A= All must reproduce inside of organisms of other species.
4. What characteristic is common to all living things?
A= All living things sense and respond to change
5. Four of the following are key characteristics of the survival of a species. Which one is the
A= Inability to change.
6. The conversion of solar energy to chemical energy is known as
A= Photosynthesis
7. Four of the following characteristics are required for the life of an individual organism to
continue. Which is the exception?
A= To evolve.
8. Organisms sense and respond to changes both inside and outside the body by way of
A= Receptors
9. DNA codes for the production of
A= Protein
10. Which group of organisms does not depend directly on sunlight for energy?
A= Animal consumers
11. Which characteristic is not found in nonliving entities?
12. Homeostasis provides what kind of internal environment?
A= Tolerable

Statement Characteristic Reasoning

A child is 5 cm taller in a DNA: Growth His body is using the energy obtaining from
year food, to have a normal development.

Some birds can lay 15 eggs DNA: Their body´s hability to reproduce.
Plants grow toward DNA: Response It uses the sunlight to development itself, in
sunlight this case, growing.
100%= 2500 kcal

10%= X= 250%

13. On which levels would you place the grass and the rabbit?
A= Grass: E / Rabbit: D

14. What level of the energy pyramid has the least amount of available energy?
A= Letter “A”

In a simple food chain, small fish eat algae; bigger fish eat the smaller fish; bears eat the
bigger fish.
15. Using the above scenario, which of these would have the largest amount of energy?
A= The algae have the largest amount of energy.

16. What is the name of the organization found in figure II?

A= The Lichen

17. Why does the fungi trap the algae?

A= Fungi provide shelter and absorb mineral nutrients and water for algae.
18. Which levels in the energy pyramid contain consumers?
A= Levels 3 and 2.
19. Which level of energy pyramid has the least amount of available energy?
A= Level 3.
20. Which percentage of energy is lost between level 1 and level 2?
A= 90%
21. What does this energy pyramid show?
22. How are consumers at number 3 called?
A= Top Carnivores
23. How do you classify most fungi, many protists, and bacteria?
A= Consumers
24. Which number in the pyramid has the most energy available?
A= Level 1
25. Why are there usually few organisms at the top of an energy pyramid?
A= Because the energy available is very little.

Water properties / Ph and buffer solutions.

1. Cohesion is:
A= An attraction between molecules of the same kind.
2. Water surface tension is the result of:
A= Cohesion forces
3. What might happen if buffers did not exist within human body?
A= Our blood and other bodily fluids might become too acidic or basic.
4. When an acid reacts with the bicarbonate buffer system, ___ is formed as an end product.
A= Carbonic acid
5. In a neutral solution:
A= Concentration of OH- = Concentration of H+
6. A hydrogen bond is an attraction between a(n) __ hydrogen atom and another hydrogen
atom taking part in __
A= Covalently bonded; a separate polar covalent bond
7. In a sample of salt water, NaCI would be considered the
A= Solute
8. Water is important to the interactions of biological molecules because it __
A= Promotes hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions
9. Blood pH is kept near a value of 7.3 - 7.4 because of _____
A= Buffers
10. Substance that accepts, but does not release, H+
A= Base
11. Substance that releases, but does not accept, H+
A= Acid
12. Measure of H+ in a fluid
A= pH
13. A salt will dissolve in water to form ________
A= Ions other than H+ and OH-
14. A substance that dissolves in water
A= Hydrophilic
15. The most likely reason that glucose dissolves in water is that it is _______
A= Polar and forms many hydrogen bonds with the water molecules
16. The solvent, cohesive, and temperature stabilization properties of water are primarily due
to its ______.
A= Hydrogen bonds

17. The dashed line in the accompanying figure represents a(n)________

A= Hydrogen bond

18. The pH of soda is 3. How higher is this H+, if it is compared to the PH of water?
A= 10,000 times higher than the PH of water.
19. The PH of stomach tablets is 10. How higher is the OH- if it is compared with the PH of
blood showed in the image?
A= 100 times higher than the blood.
20. The pH of tomato is 4, whereas stomach acid pH is about 1.0. Approximately how much of
an increase in hydrogen ion concentration is there between hydrochloric acid and lemon
A= 10 times
21. The pH of ammonia solution is 11. How higher is the concentration of hydroxide ion if it is
compared with the pH of egg White, that is 8?
A= 100 times
22. Where would you expect to find a basic result on the scale? Explain your answer.
A= Anything above 7 is considered alkaline (basic).
23. According to the pH scale shown, which substances are the most acidic and the most basic
of the group?
A= The most acidic is the battery and the most basic is the drain cleanser.
24. The pH of coffee is 5. How higher is this hydrogen concentration, if it is compared with pH
of water?
A= 100 times
25. In the pH scale what does a pH of 7 means?
A= It means that the substance is neutral.
26. What number of the scale represents a neutral level?
A= The number 7.
27. Where would you expect to find an acidic result on the table? Explain your answer.
A= When the number in the PH scale is less than 7 (neutral) and had more hydrogen ions.

28. Observes image A and B, which substance is dissolved in water?

A= NaCl is dissolved in water.
29. Explain why some substances can be dissolved in water while others cannot be dissolved.
A= Because water molecules are polar, they are more attracted to molecules that are also
polar or that have a charge (like an ion). Some kinds of molecules, like oils and fats, are
nonpolar. These nonpolar molecules have no charge, and so water is not very attracted to
Cohesion is presented in image B
the force of attraction between the same molecules.

Adhesion is presented in the image A

the tendency of two or more different molecules to bond with each other.

30. Observe the figure and explain what causes the water to move from the roots of the plant
to the leaf surface.
A= The cohesion explains how water is pulled up from the roots to the top of the plant.
Evaporation from mesophyll cells in the leaves produces a negative water potential gradient
that causes water and minerals to move upwards from the roots through the xylem.
Organic Compounds (Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids).

1. A single atom of carbon may form up to _______ covalent bonds with other atoms.
A= Four
2. A hydrolysis reaction results in
A= Bond breakage of a macromolecule
3. An -OH group is a(n) ______ group.
A= Hydroxyl
4. Are monomers of proteins?
A= Amino acids
5. Are the basic units of nucleic acids?
A= Nucleotides
6. Lipids can be broken down into.
A= Fatty acids
7. An -NH2 group is a(n) _______ group
A= Amine
8. It is an acidic functional group
9. It is the methyl group
A= -CH3
10. What are the main elements found in most organic compounds?
A= Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.
11. Although carbon dioxide contains carbon, it is not considered an “organic” compound
A= The carbon atom is not bonded to at least one hydrogen atom
12. Is the carboxyl group
A= -CO
13. An -PO4 group is a(n) _________ group
A= Phosphate
14. An -CHO is a(n) _________ group
A= Aldehyde
15. An -COCH3 is a(n) _________ group
A= Acetyl
16. Is the sulfhydryl group
A= -SH
17. Is the ketone group
A= -CO-
18. Is the amide group
A= -C(O)N-
19. Which molecule is matched with its monomers?
A= Starch:Ribose
20. What kind of reaction produces small molecules by cleaving large molecules?
21. An example of nucleic acid could be
22. Which of the following small molecules is matched correctly to the large molecule it forms?
A= Fatty acids, lipids

Condensation Hydrolysis

Explain the difference between the processes known as condensation and hydrolysis.
A= Condensation is when cells build large molecules from smaller one and hydrolysis is the
opposite, when cells split large molecules from smaller ones by the water-requiring reaction.

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