Diana Rose R Acupeado em 202 - Management of Organization - Preliminary Examination

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P. Prieto Street, Batangas City

September 30, 2023

Discuss comprehensively.

1. In every endeavor in the workplace like school, leadership plays significant role in the achievement of
organizational objectives. Cite a situation wherein leadership is being manifested in performing assigned
tasks and activities relative to the processes of management (30 pts.)

Answer: In a school setting, leadership is prominently demonstrated by a principal. He/ She takes charge of
ensuring that the institution's objectives are met effectively. Firstly, the principal sets a clear vision and
mission for the school, aligning it with educational goals. Secondly, they assemble a team of teachers and
administrative staff, delegating responsibilities, coordinatorships and tasks based on individual strengths and
expertise. Thirdly, as the principal, he/ she encourages open communication and provides constructive
feedback among the teachers. Fourthly, they also provide guidance and support to teachers, enabling them
to excel in their roles and contribute to students' development. Lastly, through regular monitoring and
assessment, the principal ensures that all activities and processes are in line with the school's objectives,
ultimately leading to the achievement of educational goals.

2. As a future school leader what programs are you going to formulate in your respective workplace to
ensure that the school promotes sustainable education with equal opportunities for the type of learners
that you have observing the management functions well? (20 pts.)

Answer: As a future school leader the programs that I will formulate must still be align to the goals and
objectives of the school. And to ensure that our school provides sustainable education and nurtures the
talents and skills of our students, I will consider implementing the following programs such as organizing
talent shows and competitions, science fairs, and academic competitions within the school. This promotes
healthy competition and allows students to showcase their talents and even make them more competitive. I
will also strengthen the implementation of extra-curricular activities wherein students will be encourage to
explore their interests and passions outside the classroom by joining different clubs such as, Sports, Music,
Arts, English, Math, Science Club and etc.

By implementing these programs, I believe that our school can provide a holistic and sustainable
education that not only equips students with academic knowledge but also helps them discover and develop
their talents and skills for a successful future.

3. Reflect on the 3 major current issues and problems of management processes in the educational system.
What intervention program or project can you design to address such issue or problem in management
processes? (30pts)

Answer: For me the 3 current issues and problems of management processes in the educational system that
our country is facing are the limited access to quality education, the incorporation of technology in the
learning environment, and the mass promotion which is a policy of promoting students to the next grade
level despite of having poor achievement at their current grade level.
The limited access to quality education and the incorporation of technology in the learning
environment. Ensuring equitable access to quality education for all Filipino students was a major challenge.
Unequal distribution of resources such as books and other reference materials, outdated infrastructures and
lack of school facilities like library, computer room and science laboratory, hinder students' ability to receive
a well-rounded education. One of the possible solutions that I can come up with is by having a fund-raising
activity which will encourage stakeholders to participate and help in producing funds. The funds acquired
through the fundraising effort will be allocated for the purpose of constructing necessary school facilities and
devices or addressing any deficiencies within the school. We can also seek partnerships with local
businesses or non-government agencies that may donate or provide equipment and resources to support
technology integration in schools.

Lastly is the mass promotion among learners. The transition from blended learning to face-to-face
learning is quite a burden to teachers and the learners. The learners seem to be unprepared for the sudden
change. They have lack of knowledge and skills necessary for a particular grade level. They also have poor
reading skills which is also a result from the pandemic and lack of guidance from the parents who are not
knowledgeable in some subject matters. But due to mass promotion, learners are being promoted to the
next grade level despite of their lack of mastery in the fundamental skills. In order to address this problem, I
will promote Individualized Reading Plans wherein we will first identify struggling readers and create
individualized reading plans that cater to their specific needs. Conducting remedials in areas where students
struggles the most will also be helpful to address these issues. These solutions will help ensure that the
graduates are well -equipped before being admitted to the next level.

4. As a future school leader what arguments would you have to persuade the stakeholders on the value of
collaboration? What possible program are you going to implement to improve your would be role as
interpersonal , informational and decisional role in the organization you are working with? (20 pts)
As a future school leader, persuading stakeholders on the value of collaboration is crucial for fostering a
supportive and effective educational environment. One persuasive argument for collaboration is to
emphasize that it leads to improved student outcomes. For example in Brigada Eskwela, it won’t be
successful without the coordination and support of the stakeholders. So to encourage them to work with
us I will always tell them that this partnership is for the welfare of our learners.

To improve my role as an interpersonal, informational, and decisional leader in the organization, I

would implement the following programs and strategies:

Interpersonal Role:

Mentorship Program: Establish a mentorship program where experienced teachers mentor newer
colleagues. This program would facilitate the exchange of knowledge, provide support to new teachers,
and build a collaborative culture.

Informational Role:

Regular Communication Channels: Implement regular communication channels such as newsletters, staff
meetings, and digital platforms to ensure that all stakeholders are well-informed about school initiatives,
policies, and achievements.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Promote the use of data to inform instructional and organizational
decisions. Encourage teachers and staff to collect and analyze data on student performance to identify
areas for improvement.
Decisional Role:

Shared Decision-Making Committees: Create committees or working groups that include teachers,
parents, and community members to participate in key decision-making processes, such as curriculum
development, budget allocation, and school improvement planning.

Professional Development for Decision-Making: Offer professional development opportunities that

enhance the decision-making skills of teachers and staff, ensuring that they can make informed and
effective choices for the benefit of the school.

By implementing these programs and strategies, I would strive to excel in my roles as an

interpersonal, informational, and decisional leader, promoting collaboration, communication, and data-
driven decision-making within the organization to enhance the overall educational experience for
students and the school community.

Prepared and Submitted by:




Dean, Graduate School

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