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ER MOPS IE ORS AE A ET AEE Ot Art CopriGurug Aeravig luge (PaG sive) 16, Adare Qurctaians Weird Oso, ALARTAMAPO dif, wsieoT, UCU Gate f 7-1) bret UTIL SAR ee, pe - alt re ee ws iG A uGuis Gabon (ses 12 sy 2 trydaadsy aabduray shgmcpir. darsscpi.) Qa oagsu YoOpous san Quay s x Qscr acral 2 R6SETHSG Gav: Crengurar \ trait W.H. @Met a arue F 1821-5 Aang — gusiisss 1898-t Bas.) wen pig. Og in at Q5e580 Goa uisGe pigs Gat uss somite Ager uses sont 1873 age 48H “uGun- Gain fi” aassusas Sipaci si sigGer _ ig Linseed HsnGSS, nol .utsasG ing oer LaGib eran damBateruph GemiiGseo rer sdgant. (a “era wag © pHumMigiuso@b, rhure QuagasigGh, argetiuéscr sfunar sored td sigh QossGacrOb- Big) otusaater sjeray AGsissTgw, Gmpiargur sivsPgieror yin Qslacta Gamiiadr o huAarp gi aretr pus; “ety seng (4 8rrsGunrh aasgsGarragie OS angie Guigeraaiér Genpenu 0 Geils gud. Ropes. eft uOsBuy Osis Garebriguis: sexGuith " oredr: erenr umsas = W@SRarayt. mor BIS) atiygemdor ouSit etry arora, - a ety reir it anpsaeriadr. _ “UQURGaisdLd” saree, gf or or w, fed, ares etd. arib@umpag, i Sem@sras Geran cure cram ARS Grom pudcdetss TORS Qandromiue a. anisgeomeurge. . “ Ge Ieo5b Ostuik nyu demnsaeah sm shulaes. GounBA RoomoGugrer “Aug script senipSeciTh. Bosund UOurGs 6nd maisBu Adsasspaie Gaard waisd GuBou 3m _as95 ee Agster aGteciksk Qos Cage Har Ao Qiod Ga piss xj onb w5y Gahuag@arngs. BherPA suds orc gmdds acybstor asks AmAadt stip sors’ MAS gSGsrd er apy wGorweis waren AenGasrd, Asda abs a cuys Ror BAS weer Gun AVAIL n sg: shyt Dupor« Passe s60-Ier 03. mings STEbDS PATaTG eis o.cuposepih, ord GAs USED soiMGWerny sarumpuib, ade _ Gardran Datmatat Asia a. aj8sio~ sidrusgay, aie otny Geuterd, sihorBdutor cdunBad oj UO erasers yh smidApfis 1Aatctar Bassin uoxwann? ‘ OR mavsiobincn 2s toads agiay aur ene, ee Qa sine nat oh cenigiin a FOUTS TOES GanGiers um Camm, 4) 2 BivemME, stadeG adr, Gunde may cog oe, 7 BPS e a 2 os Sh auleerasts, ib Gipiens ( Phosphate of Lime) adrp atny Ge. ér or Pesce an ones Gproaseles rgb ys ales smash yanri Bei AmL45b Bis ateuk GOkgaGanden Wqings Buss sruaps @esMerper, 2 Cor On shed gannds aCe oh eykenseater at gie@sGs Go égbuy Geiyciitd, a Bwonhis Gmisdr YBa shPenu Au ho Une eter gen splgég og atimud GuposGendr Bdrpar. QowiPACu vo Aslseh gh 505 25 Cociigu a Gyssan gemraSeoty Mint Ganci@ndugumer e& Bont acm rh, Bb Amdatx Qupsaunii Gato Gaingys Aeiats ge makBu peoples wSBu snberonsih. stfu 5 3b ponpadt — > wb ao vo seprbaond) yéacnrig oiLsend womb ot Ga gyhsih Ghy. o-tnsetarenb, ob até Cad fear GiGi igeOerdrwyuyg tor son) Sen anaiis Uadeir ot Gt. Sasi auturab:— Qos Gaus? »uGurswes salty gumt Ost Syies, usin, Qamiijoniee5& ehind Ger Toc gt_suesmd. solihty sinuyh apenp'—adGafiu vcs 3x. uay_t 50 Sony cir aya 50 aif cram cOSSi box Geusin| Bent acog andviadr sobs nam senha anby Ganérorayh, + 4 Quin ursioutiati, (Feerum Phosphoricum) Bim GaBeing.f yaw “@nsped BorbourGer” sry Qos Berpiigend, oi a1 Beno Atbargryarer ares Bek Gains aan cote Bhs 2 aanare DBL Faby axg.artiniqidOor Ayan “Cova, GUordér’ srdrp axgbaak’s Bis Batis « Boiupord andr, Dias hig Sen; Gy vane Aespg. Oosid ster shone Asdacfanth, BATU Deir aarp apats Gungdraciions Bis Bons Fhg moms Boers Bs Qoby aicdake sb can Abo aro 08G%3 Grom amymed ey sibs Bisa O-USBE ape sieSGar sem une SOSH Wtorramiioas QsrdnQueis Osi gaser DG. Dorekg wb 5t6i9- QeesCae yer gor ado Gomes ALAS, Grorenind ssh Diy meisch> game AOR sg. Bide Geopip Inomanionas shiGss Biss ge sacr sm gilohérns. Gaod Gros od 9B sibs 21 Bde dome acm 1a ans xavtsosh aisdipig AQAEr mar, iui Ise pe wb Seteowunidors sxromsRoe, AMS gq 0 Qitisaid Gsmaky sawn Grad x jag son Ql shad Games sor dir~s) _ hs QUSBd Gamd sBeunsé «9ies0s0 Mg, a8, GY 2.cin nd Hoard, Carrside, 29579 Yb oi G Adu Orisé sprisd Gag ds Qo Qug so, LoMb. spbarg) and SDaraiinis srr nb. 2 styamnns andy Ang» Gorausisr 0 ait ogipipnd giGs glraré Canam pate op HDS addotiGinds, ant, anid pdaGiei sew 16 ogc Bun Badc oii ae. ne, ae Grist aca ncn_sacnt, Beets Suse St SB risk Gaps Goes durpan nt Sie om Sere acne sheeBaeshed apa ore PuLupem pene Gmpkpdigd. ERE Sem eperoeus AGU auCuUstt— ond, crdidip cpmscyit uUABS CanGibannts, Guehanér Gattaenae Biss CGiGiGh. ae Ger aes sme Spiossaes upasd WIASh ss aw ari, Gor, 66) exiuy ce GHUOb obec. sbiGd ope piv. 514-45 sero, geBsnayih. Qsneiten dein, wGorilan oni, 01 alba, agp Bonpcny:, Rosiy Dead. Gener spspiuy, Cues, um, 8 Gpdahunss. sigane Qomd anda, aire Badis® Gunso Geniinesas Gos Sx cist am GanGésomtd. ate Guigiata gfad:— ip durBud (ALTE adiadr) aosd@d aPalingud, Eoitis goptast OA Gomes Doser, Gwgud Qrdign sfanlo Mgnh AunBadr oGaungs, 1&5 eps Potume Bore. sar@itiy:— (1) 12x oBrfust Gye) SanGesab. Bx, Ox oth GanOeand grésid ans QD cierdpiorer sipitsekein wad a5 Gutyd ura, Grom narg aL AGH ardor — GsaQasayd. (p98 80 Bus ones BEd Gyoy Gosrusaé> udur Gaibéog 5 ont upiusry stb (Kali Muriaticumy Bip atu ABSPBH sersont ve Zsoh gd Bp pa, ong Ug BGan, #hOBR ond. oF gS Gunes p Uradachigi Qokeer rs. shordsuar app® soir og sripiestr Gennes a seé Gas evden py. gd api Per unas said yigs Geni Ouppaug slay’ S.agarsdr ape aa Gat soi. gw Ognaysaai, Gustzanls: Garten e0pss, siyseld Fplusdp adits 34, Qos Gene tt Guid sPasd Gusiraunsayb, Gar gunsah Boson suwiasign: pid Beaty | ABs sqon) 2.uBuneswrSér ng. pidurés 4856: — 159 wns) Bunsey Gaiden tia, ates GastULab HABG tug gt Gem Knnar GAuneib. siden aunengsen ecyemh, as dae sPaurgd. Gattis uso ws sgiBod “Genub. Ganyiee: Gurgs, Tesyder ssat ane gaygatr 2 GardraBee atone Gsrort msc aGs0UGd, Garoiiungb word Garston “uraGarr. antig soflade SporaBer Qodai. | AUCUITS:— Ryde qaOsrapd. eipimaactcr Qancina Gaol, atog Gguiish (sass Gr Sr ypbind 2 cath Gyre) andor a0, (Bidab eas sy tuc9 son; sooresdsd, és wed nis Gana Sele, papas lass GunBagy agi, war ASy. cd, yOBHon Sy (@Lc adp edad Aédastied (Bis vee afd) Garon apd uysSGdgb) Butatn, ans 1 DLUMI, | CessF qrenp apd Gude p 18 LiSue GaSsioig Baresi, Qo. archer orm, 373 Fovigs Opneiren_& Gs Ovo yaa Buse gipr GS RE gonpcidind o,iGm 21g Sxornmoiet ape Bins wwopien Ber ng) s Fitoh Caras — Gssraade Gyond etn, watiutér, Asixgmcir, weg ents 9004) Gauctreninast os Mp, teordsmdsid Fry Gants jorivedir, sc! scir, arene Bt, PSIG. Qoasagae, Ap Gig cupde per Gan pisGacirod. Opn wea cx thp wri Asher sé Osrer peso oudunatongs. aren dear ASS A Binw epaciraniounear 19(5% 35, Soiainy:— wrodaw Gpreiven_ AurIesoib Bx AhrsGd my kop GerGsaCarcis Od 9S a1 or Qe uGies aitls amsys Games Bacir@b. 6, sof uveouris, (Rali Phosphoricum) 6 00) BrsphAer Garndvior crip Rilgib, pte, onbysafr Gadktor Sms Lseofand (White Matter) sone agpiéscigns Qos@arng. \54Q09 sat, opiblj Aanadt, sane nendadr © prpGumers iis, Bisa dad soKuuorsens. Dis cea anbysdr sags GurapSatnl® agiuGaecuiDaes 9H. Cagis Qrigb Gaimngud, posed ys GsGi Gurariosud Qoiusis Dis af, Grea. Bisecy Gopist, mbys seris2, Guat «HR wma, werkoipiub, wo, wud, 989, gure, emily ebubsure poe, Gor onomupdrar add Aged wubeb Bo@pin Guna y Goamst STHGO. Gin Gading # io pilus GASd:— vider guider Bead Grom tondessiasi sr Custissti 285 ap, Reo sind agih ung, Spbae Boao okie, ub ) Gand ga@umer ogig ardurdo Quides ani2, Beis uacion’, QA, wubsid ar ULLnd Cpa gyi. @) uGetur asp Gali mo a Malatia. G @ ©) (@) (T prow ogy Bp nie sds, oe Teols Gennes Due ince a (©) eBinStajpGund aa% 10 weksBs ont aid. prob, prad, pega’, aagasio Ap; Gaaiiyersiadr Guns gPadt Boiand Bprrcn epi () the eat srheesie sccCatun scp LOuTAReng A MFes 2 (b) Gawitar 8p $84 Carorp, Qed, untae and Q)8iard antapt. Goronypuiror 31 wesrci Inures aig ayjurs Cachan 2d 2ahur Berna, Doksepd, FpCudre Barnypuph Gavofumend SebGaturr sabes, GstonypBu exynins) a6: ar Gumi Byer sree asi, G) HepsF osiry xos8ars 2 mp tGz4 seb (Pleurisy) VARuonis CuodePafarr ursie, Busia urd, andapi gicnpud ori9, wrj9% Card, (6) spunb (Tuber Culosis of the Lungs) (a) Grgrerotar ies gedt, enxstafur, ofefuir, scbGatur urd, Ope nb urd ( tare 4 aug, 2a, ’ (b) Gato Bred sorts wésedr aps soit Zoe siigd aaGatun acc Bx me Borda Qrdeh oubard Garis api Ox _() Grid Gower siutrekgs acGatur tne, Drei aGennurer clutesans cr atyib GensBotumiaesée, gaGasrp Semis Pub, wae Misoud Daud, Meoar 12x Gang. (d) ne Qompt ius 4.4, Wd mci Qusgd «smashes, Bae 3x ny Ree Te Qeaiskr Suurd 12x an et ix sud eet oewre, ot. umeiy 3x ada seordsais BE councissteng.s 28800 ctretBtaGanG.) (2 Gs 3 BAA cro HD pevathd) vtec pondiSdghs Brbgc cutgrd adecGarnt Bx aid-ode Bx, ash, utd 12x, ancunch Bx, eBadits Bx, Os apt Sx, Rafer 12x Gy. ARs {Gd aGe we ears Bard. ‘ (i) ap2ar act i= (Meningitis) (a). apace on Sept, Gutye undo wr) wr ps CarGis Gag ature Gan, Boi nGai sdGafwr urd, Spin apt 6x Gard. (b) Salon 12x, ab, ureis 12x, Gur une 12x, at apt Bx, ana. une Sx, Gio. urcid Sx, Gr. apt Bx. Ge. cd Sx Qmaatn suGeror_ a055 sorbet 1 pa 2 Sani Bp GarQ. (8) ont Spiniiscirs Guiunbsoto (Small Pox) ~ ype Gutrh un, ancapl Ga®. VG, whasiedr GuntLarer, anfgpty Butoh unde Gar, anid 75h corfsQaranGib. gpp giscr GaGGA_térg Bond Gnay ss. sri_sth api Gx. Yssisc ang, atéeonsa, Curpdkgsonrsayd oft Gér and oats Gard, (9) P5Fo6ti=mu1 (Chicken Pox) “GanGauleng dl DAFers 85 & () Fa saiaforss BuO odunBeoys aiGaburr sects GOCLnod GanDEn cro! Redan vai Gant, (10) tomb? (Measles) wactd on. apt, Gu ured Gar. ving eb Bibi eins oho Boden add. undo Gare. shot 2 Puy eouhGe anBrdts Gard. (LD guantiosnue (Mumps) as Bes Sabarig Gi ainsied, a93 uti Gusinih unch, arebap? esd waripDeaks Ugg mtd Baad, amid gfe sD Boycnder Sani api GarGesaus, arses BIp aad Garp. (2) FGows.g = (Plague) Grgner Ges arePapi, Quiniance. 929 D370 votind Qosard sreturciv, Opt apt Gard, (13) -9(Guntiardiet (APoplexy) (a) qpéBuore, CrogePagum canciv, erstiario tarp) wnb)5 SarQ, curfFeru ayai_sud sGo Usds sdCalur und, dud ate wqis Sng Botan, (b) amit a Gaus oro ami) wi. Sac Baroness are? sci, Guin und wr 0, 01984000. GopuTod Garyuns Qo er oeBature mri, a | tere oe (14) oigQiooonio Indigestion) — fa) on Garsirona dpwors Bytuat wrd@d astiyh Qos (cetomts uoin_stisctr Bad) TAudh spierssipae sidqyi Gord. (b) srtiGCLag dr ated a6 203 uy or Guin und. aQionp Apdo wigunor a ALG, garb aPidaiIeelUGadd, “i tug. Giniatof wir urs. () amid o896 Bed. word Aiscd, on ub praih Quins Opto gi. (© Gary tener _gerniiates sapdg ouipPd Yoh su, Qodyn ond pid a cudiigtade Op uted, (c) Bip wAsts, astunor @Pupb. arter e8Bi4b, @Ldsatds aBaucer ara wn © ping, Genauyh auch orheg or sth. aud de Dy 9@* gator Spseto ‘ Gian ae Gsrdigh Gi 86 Gu Gargsert ego (15) ouiGuusiony ory. sin ¢ SEH IA Gado sd | mene GsImidy grbubid, sida, 88 UGunGaiielng. id 2Sdans adgut sfaiisd, Qrisd Gepo sqiq sidsa0. i b) Bouh Gumps acirastd ith uns) oSRH om PACaree Ow. panyGurdrp Ban (yb Qutard Gutpb yi, uses épseehiy_ar srovisald Baur th gcngnor, ado ah sao agi adrsior sdes1 Ani, Gor | ator uenorer Garis ines seated () awsroraieaish gc gionsiiings, sees adtsin dil, Braid aoaees sake uscd atdsiqh, Geet od urd, wri 5S Gand. @) Suiyatar aCGymp gary sii — sodume Bx, wide? afi cme Bx, Beitp Gx, Ong ei 6x QSgrer GanndBur Porewmondu “ dieire hunByrusce” rrp omy Stine coty 2 wD ceo. aiid Qe DES | pom BorGéaas, rath expel Border Bu, weRidornse DésaniQent La q Garena. 20) Brdbis aay asit, Bp 9a ay oir (Abscess or Boils) vi G2) wads Gute univ, andes, om De arduneo, ai29, Gutusand ey or ss 40, LuGurBsidg. ft Aezone Gad cng fl BAR a (23) Zs1g iarnor (Carbuncle) (ys Guizihurcv, arent, Joy Fiber, saGafuer 60s, (24) Feosur Gpnisssit (Heart Diseases) (2) eLé uedenb, Gurgare @osu on LLtY, ef88O edad Qoiend sdGafur 6x. aces ar g whi. wri Hs Gand. ) sige Wty ofund, Gui urd 20x-i, Op G_asv g ab wr h9, wr psd Ganw, (c) sat Kebab, acu arpomibanleyd Bi PULLLLELD Boignd, anfuredy 90x-ib, Conan turein@ dat, Bosse a8, wu tey Qeoer Gutgd ept Bred GarOSg appdGurs Bs Gordy uALCanpi, GeraniGutn pty Bone shopagh GarOSard, ide Garnud Gots 8 Bb aonpuyd. (25) Jewies (Cough) (a) Gpiepsahs: Dopogy ds Gassinestsuient acl, erste axdept 80x Dbad gens emany 1p Gang. sa si pGurerp Caren Qecuicr aoSaur war sit, (c) Grote eBouorag, ad oiut@ Ge pei Gar uy. gi Bond Decider Quads? afur urd, 2 (4) Quist urd 12x, stebagi 12e, Ciné-undio Lx, sa-utdd 12x Qovwatar sind cre Obst aod 5& Der GSeayd. * Guinh ute Can@XqiiBurss Bom_Cu got. GarO. wip wpigedr Ger FagbCurs — sOafur nso Gon wer_Gu Car saay, i gs Whooping Cough sigan crép Qongis Guise? xfur ursth, toe roa Cuigd urs, on, ore Qar®, epoicBurer Cscesoie Guin UIs GarGéaned, aib-uno; anf-api; sudureo, andra, Qui-unc: Cpini epi Bx ofiusBd OSB nage ay bs: Garisid am’Bh Aon 3Seayb, (26) uray onruy, (Paralysis) (2) (pA@uwrer wi gad, arduret, Oud alajuir ich 30x AdLEBA pred GanGsaCaainO (b) sa-unch; sa-sdi; s1f-utsi, wad-uree: : ne CKCIb api: Cp-ute Dover srdeon 80x gub, wcyeds Apore Boise castes: Sox veuagh Mar 12x ond, pdioad swig GatAd Garo. (b) 505 682056 a6 apeia Guitptb arcs 30s- Pie Sedat Bhi gye ™ 42 uGurGarsiing A ADSoe Qt) ampBrrsi Duro apifon (Rheumatism) to gp Gaadr Un PSaCu md Bx ean oy.deu. QL orilé G rd anced, GOL iih Garston asd Baton pra Gudof afr: ‘i (©) yGacr Yims Bogor delat une) Gar@Gaasond. , KLGYeD gore: Guiph urd, ¢ Ui, Cué-UNSd, amdodt, Guts edd omy 6 fuss aGis gorse @ ent. (28) apsiasnr onrgtn (Chorea) vats ashy {Srpsarurer Soo Ansotafusn uae GarOS. S45 Adio0. 6 gupeteafer tur daidngd RFs 45 Gin uiptséc Asaspu.and Agua Kong sti nie eG) eeaairoe wer Forde PBT Qrissshs sere orérp slut Jey, ester 15a. em pipgned Govturast ey. f Gp api. ( Pibpe Garb -epwHDHGE mH” “4 LdurGacing. A Aarons Gasirennurar wore epsemuh) Boise seb Shi, umsons Gasitypsid Cure—O onl anu he) GetusGorg wad nf Gastar, Ror adder GyssiuG AGasunigiver Gebse, bad aiigd G8 sinrad, BE8o'r 7400) Laisesig acGatur urs, asd b)_ sat Gayory patos 5 eae oe ‘erat 12x pean 12x gop woss Guitgisen eto 80x, anise 80K; ard 6x. Gritpth apt 6x ance 30x, GatLusibapit Bx, sct Botts haat Gor -ayt Ox CAUtA 5a Os Guisiunes 12 (Qoastor pargst Galas os eb% CarOs sai. absict Spamsbds ergib, Usibuergyd rods spraste o15s) 80 Guiinih ursto 2x 5 yf cro Sab carts ord, uri Gergen, BCG a7h GBs GarBSaoorb. upPuio: ants Gonbks ordfor, Quks etapa Us, Usripstinter 08, gla aims Bas Gmparas Catia ad AOLdr yanptiworss prs GarG&sBascin gb, 5 (12) satraaisir atuit® soir (Eyediseases) (a) air aféod, Mor orga) Qaorud webr Gain; word undo ag adr Qonneats saomts Ug.ér Quisiaures, auctéonuren War 2,05 Sumend ara api __ (b) asreohigts Bhaysd, acinar of Pguid oobiyos, act aon) U_MZDd yerahac sniropd Qoadie Cucmi apt. — scnadebs a aunt oe Aoi Mor auger ge dr axon wad GG Cardrnga cud Spit una. Sores (©) tye ser Anda g, Qanvaatar a A 4 a Ser, Botioacs, ure éBe duieoas Qostudeh SButall Suisie usb w1i)9, uri ang, ob Boles ws ox mcr gdaae 8 maui’ Gosotofus utse 8 px coanys Coy (18) sx giaoisir ofan Dir cnstaores Bet wyseuurs (1) AED 1500.31 Up pris (Syphilis) ceca (at) Uaiuuarar Gig arteph ger ce iuder i terigl Usirscr Bop samayc, Garaniys gaia, tod Botuged, sanigagade (sar OY) srér@ ay. 960.0 Yor ocrraspsh i ee 56 UPurGaweng. A PBFenr goiter § Getigi Goats unas (b) Oe ys ayorors Be OBuri. Oy ysir oPmroms sepa aptindSaras sreunvic, Gry. usted Pipa. grbUi sr eAGafon oct. Bop sods Galar BarGha Gng Das eAokn amaiey adsai, Cui sai, CBr Yi, Cindea ngssacn ronan (5) Pay Agiy Recap mp0 (Vertigo) Giddiness. G) Yad Baby, sindd sBamer @Gtd Qwtsrd Guink arc Wx Arde Corer ow watensg sdGafur utes Ox, auigroruicaniss aupisteb. aciranés urtserand aud si siDsHS5 auCurab, gisvarvsr 30-% w/i3, wrigé QonD. Cargptanar gens Ganarngisaheyd opuy dr std adyi, Ing udsydar bx, G5s% GHsaLe gin CpCoi sol. aaaacha tt ang. bamdd Gacy api, Yat’ 53, Gumer igyecr SpUTELN.s: erdg, URérow 2on_Lademag Spine unm, Bpia sch wori—, unis Garg. (46) Fsvouruy (Gout) tony ow CurdOp gdiGeures Dr api” @acl gud, GaSuors srdsox oid erguiisar gory d ied, ad 4Ou GSaaer eGréro Gaudet UOUTBaLisig. A BBsene a Oprah, Briss wae aA ceo Yoieus aro sPaures Ooiiyis sesomabeed Gag Gert ofU0SE ag. a Gort s.iuc9 uty wre Abbe cron orgy; POL & sisted Qn gée gor Oster pub, (a) ute ghar Gasidogn upd Gm a Beis feeb adel) Gunde Guini ursie CaO. act afemmngiturs Bar ursiv, Gan orb sob, GucdeRofure ursie wri, wr fie Gan9. (b) HL Gyms parapac:: arobapt 8x, srsasvt 3x, Guekofafurr uroie Bx, aebCa fur Gut Gx, Suro set Sx, GuiGuteic arGatete Bx, a9 urintés 3x Quoa lore Coiris e055 GarBaayh, N. B: iss aaty ugios samAswrer axa sey Se1 Gat Qéaontd, (17) otisma onsfiny = pioivr wo furs (Epilepsy - Hysteria) (a) airy Goris Ysu gig are? api, Gur ath api. (b) Gidd YF, upisctod ofudasdg, psi undo. (©) Qredgyb, sthiorarens, Guoriemd Semis sald apsauris agape Saar. 58 UGuNGaBeig MBF (4) Autenay, ghddcy, Ggsy LUG dr (st Gass Dorsrd sibura, Gindofapus undo, (48) agus Quy- (Sun Stroke) pach Cpcyit gl 3x, s1Burdo 6x Bsr oud Lni,5, unde Carbs, Gpg Qor Wor Gu Guink urd) GanGi sins Gauein Gib. (19) g2vaus8 (Headache) (a) ay.4ay oy Gard, (aP sr af GLirér Gunciry wpi.getns s1642 Go atsatesn’s adous gmpic Guin ursmowupe, anatured, Guietofar ur easter ori, wraps GarG55, Shot Cyimb apt 50, goad. Solar upanyh, Bact unis. uni,d% Gerdes aigid fer sab iuGt. (b) slmashidar sub (8. 16 B)d Ac. HL Qaraysionss Gan@Ssamd. (ce) gesraph, arb ere anaith sinadig Guisid Unda, uMdHadd om_wmisesie Cuts a sidyi, Gia ploendks Cpcpb sai, wydns prteé, stort, Qotumiscyig siBusd, JOS Gist. Qonb auBortsaidr, ugtuatsctar glo axiég adCaiun ute. UBurGauiehy ABS ane 5 60) Sgrsirom soo ured = 4 Riu (Diptheria) Ba Gyiopsoig copies Oaningd ust 87 dur8, DécturB 9G Gsrég) Gori aimacout Gstizg: aerpb. geamas Sovurd gauge Bead AerdaruGSerns. gs arefRd res 6p Garcor fon Bi Garoniactgyd, amicr Gud nermigub, acr srdMgub ges \Qpomis) ashin@ Aid aren. Sng ugcug ure a1 Uadadd 395 uytysaats sos ass rbSia USMC Osasde, arpo% Gyr, gars Girne woody Gunn edieohe eal (Garon, 8h) saw sarek Gypriiater gobs ado Gungb sansdos Piug SOG. ours SYS Usaycoer sytGeah gud Adaih anaxy, Shaver sng nid, Coli ard ay s0, 5:5 Qneas GarcaGd Qesed. SunBusrsnie xanek poo SPULO oe Uta s Qosud déry wrod siiuscdiig i, : NBH ytRhur sundae qAsu Somodd ALenurs giGrager (apa FDLee) pdr GoimGasrOd. srgrrer ooimis Spascin Uys gators GorOSgs Gord crewed, (a) (past Guinn urev 30, srefapi 30, are si upp, urppé Gar@, Garett Lnaiisaics wdpocr Smuoter ore Ug ASips.sd Be Hib ura, act, Gag, and, Qoasihdgis et 60 UudunGauidngd Bésens dy acteont Gundry amt, Qed Optnin ie weusaih, Gerte,, sot Be ys suudaate srbutee Gan. Qremrag LSB acdGafusr sant) SSO a SS oath taten turer cnd6), aatay GF Bopigrd Sprain ssbr (c) adiftur Bun Bie, ings puss wom gr 20. (Shonddorns) weed Gand. wend A oud .rGroGwr gGCuoraday 6 chhuypsd D inont Gas iA Qanwapenn GanGig ago, Gl) Ggrsdron_s, Gawontensir oj sve g Lor Ps6r1y oi (Torsilitis) (a) Yadiounter wots sidyi. asin fied (Inds GHaend encotuger Bi saadusn aatiounyd wr 58, on 55 Car. : 0) 96 SALI uper sromeatd gargs eds Garin sya. Osa Sf wonaguomiies pre ABs. (c) Opnoineruidr Qqutaé Caronieal gy (srtsSsel gud) upsest noua Bosra Cpest ib, 2 sjor_unerdsaigiard Spesb gate, ore uc Castes annus Bpdsays, Ayytaay> sc iuGuntsese adGsiun ust Gs. NBs (sGe0 gapiaar_cr Gerstur Goud emunis Gomiudss atCafun urs, saGshwr Aangib 12x sfwED wBurd, anes, work, 5 Ber scr aims Gan Qian, LDN Carieing ARAB ane at (52) Garston i, sabes (Hoarseness) 2 cc} ass Qpreitono% 2G aomtea kersaneh Guin ude. un_atscr, Wsderrateayac ansBur ai, Quin dae se ae (0) Gord eugene watacsig séCatariist, STBIGLYL. ond Cadtasying ad ty DES sista siti (53) Garon prinyons6, surat (Sciatica) (a) epas8d Cutt uni. Garon uci Yphert aos Capito, atsrd Fy herd PerwBiieronn Qatar anus. BFaia Gen. fe ical Boris Guéatafun UGdens Gd AQkyeBeenb, atanteBoss say ib Gin gb en crriGuorend Sprig 311 ee (b) O24 wersetr Bassons Gumps uBGGae Qerari Geiwn gq mar 5 saber pih oner oer pas 3 grower QarBSsayh GA) prisd9 (Whitlow) USGS Guisburet, Sng Kdsrmad OarOegs Qots Ud acGadur sss GanGssa7GacnGb. (55) Bi5.Gari mo, moSsrayb, apigisan. (a). senanlt Cunsirp gegd6 saineny. A586 Fah rafdgis: amaghe SpLob yi, Cuisrivsrcic 101 8, arid Gor.

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