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Presented to the
Faculty of the Basic Education Department
Junior High School Level
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Kalibo, Aklan

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Subject Research 10

Richielyn A. Flaviano
Trixh Aljon D. Dalida
Lyka S. Nacar
Arabella D. Marcelino
France Justine P. Pabon

S.Y. 2019-2020
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
3rd Floor DVS Building, Capitol Site, Kalibo, Aklan

Recommendation Sheet

This study entitled Perception of Grade 9 and 10 Students of NVC about the CAT

(Citizenship Advancement Training), prepared and submitted by Richielyn A. Flaviano,

Trixh Alon D. Dalida, Lyka S. Nacar, Arabella D. Marcelino and France Justine P. Pabon

in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject Research 10 has been examined

and is hereby recommended for acceptance.


Research Teacher

This is a qualitative-descriptive research aimed to know the perception of grade 9

and 10 students of NVC about CAT. The researcher provides questionnaires for the

interview. The results showed that there are students who really take the training seriously

and the others were just doing it for them to avoid incomplete in their grades. The following

conclusions were made based on the data gathered: (1) The Grade 9 and 10 students knows

that CAT is important (2) 5 out of 10 students really shows genuine interest in this training

(3) Most of the students were not interested in the training. Also, there are students who are

unwilling to join the CAT but because this training is mandatory for the grade 9 and 10 they

pushed theirselves to join the said training. Based on the conclusions made, the researcher

offers the following recommendations: (1)It is vital that the students must know the real

essence of the CAT;(2) To enhance their willingness and address the unwillingness found in

this study, the researchers recommendations, the instructors make or lesson them that may

encourage them to willingly join the training; and (3)The officers of CAT must promote and

encourage their cadets and cadets and show them how important this training for each of

everyone. Researchers are encouraged to conduct similar studies that would include a

larger number of respondents and wider scope of locale.


Contents Page No.

Recommendation Sheet ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgement iv

Chapter 1
Background of the Study 1
Theoretical Framework 2
Conceptual Framework 3
Statement of the Problem 3
Scope and Limitation 4
Significance of the Study 4
Definition of Terms 5

Chapter 2

Chapter 3
Research Design 11
Locale of the Study 11
Sampling size or Sampling Technique 12
Respondents of the Study 12
Research Instrument 13
Data Gathering Procedure 13
Data Analysis Procedure 14

A. Research Instrument 35
- Interview Guide
B. Documentation 36
- Pictures
C. Letter 43
D. Curriculum Vitae 44

Northwestern Visayan Colleges

Kalibo, Aklan



Background of the Study

CAT or Citizen Advancement Training is one of the requirements in the

Junior High School before it proceed to higher level, in this subject the aims of these is to
prepare the young Filipinos to train on how to protect the sovereignty of the nation
against invaders of the freedom and rights of every Filipino citizens. Likewise, not only
how to depend the freedom but to train on how to become independent and good citizen
of the country especially to his or her family.CAT is a military training, even the student
have their own choices for the course they will study as stepping goal for the professional
income of the students in preparation for the future. The CAT is also the preparation for
ROTC or the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. It is needed for an organized warfare that
requires training to produce a synchronized efforts and predictable responses under stress.
In the senate, legislators voted 167-4-0 in favor of the House Bill (HB) 8961 last May 20,
2019. According to Mara Cepeda, if president Rodrigo Roa Duterte sign it into law, the
military training would be mandatory for both male and female students. This training’s
goal was to produced well-trained and prepared people for military and civic service.
This training also aimed to inculcate patriotism, love of country, moral and spiritual
virtues, and respect for human rights and adherence to the constitutions, it’s states in HB
8961. But according to the House Bill 8961, it says that “I no way, should the ROTC be
used for political gains, to teach and develop the attitude in particular ideology, and as a
mechanism for hazing and abuse.” In this research we will know the perception of grade
9 and 10 students of NVC about CAT or Citizen Advancement Training.
Statement of the Problem or Statement of Purpose
1. What are the perception of grade 9 and 10 NVC JHS students about CAT?

2. What are their realization and recommendation about CAT?

Theoretical Framework
A theory of discipline A search for a theory discipline in Dewey’s theory of
growth leads one to think of discipline.

The remedy for the evils attending doctrine of formal discipline previously
spoken of, is not to be found by substituting a doctrine of specialization disciplines, but
by reforming the notion of mind and its training.

Dewey rejects the old conception of mind as independent, isolated, “spiritual”.

Too frequently mind is set over the world of things and facts to be known; it is
regarded as something existing in isolation, with mental states and operations that exist
independently. Knowledge is then regarded as an external application of purely mental
existences to the outside subject-matter makes on mind, or as a combination of two.
Subject-matter is then regarded as something complete in itself; it is just something to be
learned or known, either by the voluntary application of mind to it or through the
impressions it makes on mind.

These conceptions, says Dewey, “are mythical.”

Mind is not something complete in itself. “It is name for a course of action
intelligently directed.” “Conceive mind as anything but one factor partaking along with
others in production of consequences and it becomes meaningless.”

These points in regard to the nature of mind Dewey says are demonstrated by the
“facts of interest.” Where, discipline is a way of behaving that shows a willingness to
obey rules or orders. A self-control behavior of a person, control that is gained by
requiring that rules or orders be obeyed and punishing bad behavior.
Significance of the Study

Students. This CAT will be the foundation of the students to become disciplined. This
study is important because it signifies the perception of grade 9 and 10 students here in
NVC. This will help to know how students really understands or cope up with the CAT.

Parents. This CAT will be a big help for the parents because this program helps to
develop and strengthen the discipline of the students and it also teaches the students to
become responsible at all times, that some parents can do because of their busy schedule.

Instructors. This will help the instructors to know the effectiveness of teaching CAT in
grade 9 and 10 students of NVC. Also this will help them to know what strategy they will
use for the students on how they will easily understand the purpose of CAT and
especially for the students to become a well-disciplined people of the society.

Northwestern Visayan Colleges. They will know if this training to the students help
them and if they apply it in their everyday life.

Future Researcher. It helps for them to have basis on their research and it may serve as
their source or data.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will be conducted within the grade 9 and 10 students of Northwestern Visayan
Colleges especially who experience it during the month of July to August.

Definition of Terms
CAT. Citizen Advancement Training. In this study, it is a military training that is
mandatory in Grade 9 and 10 students of Northwestern Visayan Colleges.

Perception. The way you think about or understand someone or something. In this study,
it talks about the perception of grade 9 and 10 students in NVC.

Sovereignty. A country’s independent authority and the right to govern itself. In this
study, it talks about the power of the country in terms of freedom.
Subject-matter. The information or ideas that are discussed or dealt with in a book,
movie: what is something is about. In this study, it is regarded as something complete in
itself; it is just something to be learned or known, either by the voluntary application of
mind to it or through the impressions it makes on mind.

Remedy. The legal means to recover a right or to prevent or obtain redress for a wrong.
In this study, it is a way of solving or correcting a problem for the evils attending doctrine
of formal discipline previously spoken of.
Chapter 2


The CAT was reconstructed in the year 2003 where the abbreviation C.A.T, it is once called
“Citizen Army Training” and become known at present as the Citizen Advancement Training as
the revise rules and regulations of the National Service Program issued directly from the
Department of National Defense. This department order is known in implementation of the
Citizenship Advancement Training at the Fourth Year High School Level or the DO 35, s 2003.
And it is enhance the order from the DepEd which is the DO 52, s 2004 where it is
aforementioned, calls the implementation of the CAT in both all Secondary Private and Public
schools across the country. In restructuring itself it goes in a line that is equivalent in college.
The National Service Training Program (NSTP) where the same purposes as the met raging from
Community Service to Military Orientation, that is limited to discussion matters with drills and
ceremonies, as stipulated together with military training in general are badly probihited. It
maybe be bad, but military orientation definitely suffice the needs where, voluntary ROTC may
be provide the basic military training. This program helps the fourth year students in more
realistic form of having duties and responsibilities not only in the classroom but in the whole

CAT is a military training that aims to prepare the Filipinos on how to protect the sovereignty of
the nation against invaders of the freedom and rights of every Filipino citizens. Likewise, not
only on how to depend the freedom but to train on how to become independent and a good
citizen of the country especially to his or her family.

There are advantages and disadvantages in implementing a mandatory Reserve Officers’

Training Corps (ROTC) program. The disadvantages are, the youth may be into mindless killing
machines to serve the nefarious purposes of the government. The advantages are, in would
create an army of youth that is ready to lend their lives just to protect the nation. In both human
and in space. There are several nations that requires a mandatory military training, in both male
and female as long as they are ready and mature enough to take the responsibility to be trained.
They spend hours of drills or civic service on weekends, sadly not a true training.

According to the commission on higher education, over 10-year period from 2002-2012 the civic
welfare component produced 10,614,000 graduates, followed by the ROTC component, with
1,435,000 armed forces of the Philippines reservists and the literacy training with 538,700

According to Today’s Military, army ROTC is one of the most demanding and successful
leadership programs in the country. Training the students in army ROTC develop their
leadership, military skills and career training.

According to Mara Cepeda, ROTC mandatory produced well-trained and prepared reservists for
military and civic service. In House Bill 8961 the ROTC training is aimed to develop patriotism,
love of country, moral and spiritual virtues, and respect for human rights and adherence to the
constitution. But also the House Bill 8961 says “no way should the ROTC should be used for
political gains, to teach and develop particular ideology, and as a mechanism for hazing and

According to historians online, to improve military efficiency in case of war.

There are advantages in military training does suppose to give the citizen, advantages that will
benefits the society as a whole. This military training for every youth that is willing to be trained
will promote and develop better citizenship, foster democracy and to give definite educational
benefits upon all those who undergo military training.

Joining voluntarily in CAT or the Citizenship Advancement Training is the gateway for
understanding the basics of what it means serve the country, either it be militaristic or not, it is
according to a blog of Pitz Defense Analysis.

According to J. Hasloch Potter who revised the “The Discipline of War”, discipline is the central
idea of the observance of the human. Like in CAT and ROTC, it helps us to become disciplined
and to learn the word discipline, we need training to understand the meaning of it. Discipline is
a big word. It takes us a lot of time to learn it, so that they come of a program for the youth to
be ready on any obstacle our nation might encounter, and how to fight for our sovereignty as a
nation , and discipline is the one of main ingredient to learn on how to protect nation.

Martial Arts teaches us self–defense and can improve our confidence and esteem. Also martial
arts can also develop mental discipline of a person. It enhance our spiritual practices, peace,
wisdom and also bringing balance to us as person. A person who is engage in martial arts that
familiarizes violence can easily learn to avoid and resist it. It was like in the training of CAT, it
teaches the youth on how to cope up with violence and lessen it.

Marksmanship is a skilful art at shooting a target using a gun at a given range or a known a
distance. In order to perfect this skilful art you have to be very disciplined for you to learn this
kind of skill. This skill also needed hard work of training and you as a person who is undergoing
training you need to have focus, love on your work, and dedication. Just like in Cat you are
dedicated to learn on how to protect the sovereignty and the rights of our nation.
Chapter 3


This chapter presents a brief description of the general method of research

employed in the study. The information includes the research design, research locale,

respondents of the study, research instrument, research procedure and the statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design

The research design used in this study is qualitative research and phenomenological

research design that will sought to answer to this study

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is an effort to understand the nature of a setting and the

experiences others have in this context ( Merriam, 1998 as cited by Zeek , 2002)

Qualitative research does not forecast what is to happen in the future; rather it is an

analysis that provides a depth understanding for those who are interested in the events of

the particular setting and time. A qualitataive research approach in this study will

present rich descriptions of theperception of grade 9 and 10 students about CAT.


This research study will employ a phenomenological approach design as the main

technique. According to John W. Creswell 2009, phenomenology “... involves the

“bracketing” or putting aside the usual preconceptions and prejudices that influence

everyday perception so that we can uncover the pure constituents of conscious

experience. This conscious experience, in turn, is seen as the basis of personal meaning,

as one reflects of his experiences in the context of his goals and purposes. It also involves

the notion of “multiple realities” i.e. different people may consciously experience the

world in diverse ways. In order to understand the meaning of person’s actions, one must

adept, through empathy, as seeing things from their points of view. This approach refers

to the study of how people describe things and experience them through senses.”

A phenomenology will be used to explore each of the participants lived

experiences. Phenomenological approaches “focus on the ways we put together the

phenomena we experience in such a way as to make sense of the world, and in so doing,

develop a worldview”, Patton (2002).

This study is anchored with Phenomenological approach wherein in order to

analyze the actions and understand them in their own view because different people have

different perceptions. Phenomenological study can give us the background in

understanding the of students who experience the training, their struggles in performing

and joining the training.

Locale of the Study

The research was conducted in Northwestern Visayan Colleges, Junior High

School Department located at Capitol Site, Kalibo, Aklan. NVC High School currently

holds a total of 600 students. Founded in 1948, Northwestern Visayan Colleges has

established a name as a school of leaders and scholars. In its 72 years of existence, the

school always aim to raise and equip young men and women who are globally

Key- Informants or Participants of the Study

The respondents of this study were Grade 9 and 10 students of

Northwestern Visayan Colleges, Junior High School Department of Academic Year

2019-2020. Grade 9 is composed of four (4) sections – Plato, Archimedes, Rousseau and

Tales. Each section is composed of 35 students. Grade 10 is composed of four (4)

sections also, Babbage, Braille, Gutenberg and Maxwell. Each section is composed of 35

students also. Out of 280 Grade 9 and 10 students, only 16 selected students were chosen

to be the respondents of this study to know their perceptions about CAT (Citizenship

Advancement Training).

Sample and Sampling Technique

The study made use of a non-purposive convenience sampling in obtaining the

respondents in this study. This was done to the perception of grade 9 and students about

the CAT. In obtaining the respondents of this study, we pick randomly. The respondents

of this research are the grade 9 and 10 students who experience the CAT training.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher used interview guide in conducting in-depth interviews and

questionnaires to gather relevant information for the study. An interview guide was

based on the statement of the problem.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering procedure followed by the researcher was interview. The

respondents were determined and were requested for an interview. During the interview,

the respondents were allowed to give their opinions and stands freely and spontaneously.

There is documentation in every interview to serve as a proof in gathering data for the


Data Analysis Procedure

The data/ gathered through an in depth – interview will analyzed through the

opnions and experiences of the five participants using the provide questionnaires

interviews. Then after, the researcher will summarize and organize the data gathered into

coherent story using the statements of the problem as guide,however, the individual

opinions will presented in such a way that it has subtitles After this tedious process, the

researcher will make presentation of the Primary Experiences. The primary experiences

include our own description of the background of the study the summary of respondents

perceptions / experiences, their coping mechanisms and my first reflection of the study.

After my first reflection on each five perceptions of the respondents, it will be

analyzed and understand by the researcher for a coherent data to provide. The perception

will be presented in order of what is asked in the statement of the problem, to wit; explain

and give a better interpretation of the experiences of students who joins the training. All

the data gathered will be purposely used for this paper as well as the identity of the

respondents will be protected by the use of codes/ labels to conceal their identity.

After making the thematic analysis and external validation, a series of reflections

will be conducted until eidetic insigths will obtain from these reflections. In the eidetic
reduction, the researcher will be able to identify the true phenomenon. In this reflection,

the researcher will reduce the experience to its essence, or the “eidos” of the experience.

Then after, the researcher will make a transcendental reflection based on the

eidetic reduction wherein the researcher will relate the same to my actual encounter to the

phenemenon. In this reflection , the researcher will bring down the essence –“eidos” or

the intrinsic characteristic of the phenomenon into my own consciousness. the researcher

will relate her own personal experience and insight with the experiences and insights of

the participants of this study.

In relation to the transcendental reduction, the researcher will also include my

personal insights pursuant to the significance of these reflections on my studies as well as

to the impact of the phenomenon of teaching away form home to teachers and society as

well the researcher have to come up with proposed intervention plan for the phenomenon

under study.

To further validate the data collected during the interview A focused Group

Discussion (FGD) will also be conducted. A focused group discussion is a qualitative

research method in social sciences with a particular emphasis and application in the

developmental program evaluation sphere. ( retrieved July 13,


The FGD will be scheduled after collecting and conducting the one on one
interview with the respondents for validation of the results, data and information
collected to them.
The final stage deals with the summary of findings, the conclusions and the



Newbury D. (1957) Theory of Discipline derived from Dewey’s Theory of Inquiry

Cenal,K.B (2017) Citizenship Advancement Training (C.A.T.) What is Citizenship Advancement

Training. Retrieved from: hhtp://

Sison,D.C. (2018) Division Memorandum No. 233, S. 2018/ Implementation of Citizen

Advancement Training (CAT). Retrieved from:


Balanoy,M.H (2015) The Truth and Essence of CAT. Retrieved from:


Research Instrument

1. As a student who experience CAT, what is your stand about it?

2. What are the positive effects in attending the Citizenship Advancement Training?
3. What are the negative effects in attending the Citizenship Advancement Training?
4. As a cadet/officer, what is the essence of CAT for you?
5. What are your realization about CAT?
6. What are your recommendation about the CAT?


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