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Light can be describe both as a wave and as a particle.

According to quantum mechanical wave-particle duality theroy,
light exhibits both a particle and a wave character depending on
the position.
According to Eintein, light is made up of photons, a type of
particle, and these photons travel in waves.
De-Broglie introduced an important theory in 1924 as a
result of the possibility that radiation copuld be considered of a
dual nature. According to De-Brogliein, if radiation exhibits
wave behavior in some studies and particle behavior in others,
then particles such as electrons should also occasionally exhibits
wave behavior.
In late 1600, Issac Newton belived that light travels in the
form of particles which name corpuscles, a minute of particle
regarded as the basic constituent of matter of light.
Chritian Hygens explain the light is a wave traveling
throught a medium called Aether.
There are scienctist experiment wave and particle:
Issac Newton, Albert Eistein, Max Planck( Particle Theory of
Light), while wave Christian Hygens, Thomas Young, James
Clerk Maxwell (Wave Theory of Light).
And Louis De Broglie( Wave-Particle Duality).

Learnings and Insight

The theory of light being a particle completely vanished
until the end of the 19th century when Albert Einstein revived it
and now, we learned that the dual nature of light as “both a
particle and wave” has been proved. Its essential theory was
further evolved from electromagnetics into quantum mechanics.
Both the particles and wave theories explain from a smoth
surface. However, the particle theory also suggest that if the
surface is very though , the particle bounce away at a variet
angles, scattering the light.

Conceptual Map/ Tables




Submitted by:
Abalos, Nancito B.
Fabillar, Angel G.
Gabon, Gweyneth Rovie Z.

Submitted to:
Mrs. Nerissa Pabunan

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