FBI Informant On Jack Ruby (Docid-32149267)

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Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: 11-14-2017 ldentification Form ‘Agency Information AGENCY: FBI 124-10087-10143 RECORD SERIES: HQ AGENCY FILENUMBER: — 62-109060-7699 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: S. 10 TITLE. DATE: 04/06/1977 “PAGES: 18 SUBIECTS, JR, ASSOC DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION; Unclassified RESTRICTIONS: 4 CURRENTSTATUS: — Redact DATEOF LASTREVIEW: 01/06/1999 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE - COMMENTS wa Docld:32149267 Page 1 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: 11-14-2017 UNet ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 3 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Dallas, Texas In Reply, Please Refer April 6, 1977 File Ne ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT x JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, 7 NOVEMBER 22, 1963, DALLAS, TEXAS . On March 2, 1977, Robert J. Potrykus, Chief, Intelligence Division, Internal Revenue Service, Dallas, Texas, hand-delivered'a letter to Ted L. Gunderson, Special Agent in Charge, the Dallas FBI office. The » letter is on Internal Revenue Service stationery, and states as follows: “Dear Mr. Gunderso! ‘ecently, Arlen Fuhlendorf, a Group Manager in the Dallas Intelligence Division, received information from a confidential informant that might be helpful in the investigation of the Kennedy assassination. "The informant stated that on the morning of the assassination, Ruby contacted him and asked if he would ‘like to watch the fireworks.' He was with Jack Ruby and standing at the corner of the Postal Annex Building facing the Texas School Book Depository Building at the time of the shooting. Immediately after the shooting, Ruby left and headed toward the area of the : Dallas Morning News Building. "If you desire, Group Manager Arlen Fuhlendorf can be available to discuss, this matter with your agency. Group Manager Fuhlendorf ‘can be contacted at 749-1801. REVIEWED BY FBI/JFK TASK PORCE GN ees RELEASE IN FULL OA ae : 's/ Robert J, Potrykus ee Chief Intelligence Division" © TOTAL DENIAL This documentsicontains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. Fr "Sincerely yours, Docla:32149267 Page 2 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Nofé)~ DATE! 11-14-2017 ( ©) ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY On the afternoon of March 2, 1977, Special Agent Udo H. Specht, Dallas FBI office, attempted to telephone Group Manager Fuhlendorf, but he had already gone home for the day. On the morning of March 3, 1977, Special Agent Udo H. Specht, Dallas FBI office, telephonically contacted Group Supervisor Arlen Fuhlendorf, Internal Revenue Service, Intelligence Division, Dallas, Texas, concerning the information in the above letter. Fuhlendorf advised that it is a policy of the Internal Revenue Service that before the Internal Revenue Service can release the identity of an informant, that it has to obtain the consent of the informant, He will attempt to contact his informant and obtain this consent. He will contact Special Agent’ Specht as soon as he has contacted his informant. Once the consent is obtained, he will introduce Special Agent Specht to the informant, in order that the FBI can interview him. This informant has been out of town quite a bit, and it might take a few days to contact him. During the afternoon of March “4, 1977, Mr. Fuhlendorf advised that his informant is Bob\Vanderslice, and that he is in his office now. He is sending Vanderslice to the FBI office to be interviewed, and that Vanderslice will be at the Dallas FBI office at 2:30 PM, March 4.1977. | At, 2:25 PM, March 4, 1977 Vanderslice,, who | furnished his address as 502 Monte Vista, Dallas, Texas, — | Telephone Number 327-7656, telephonically contacted Special | Agent Udo H. Specht and stated that on the way to the FBI office, he bumped his lip, and that it is bleeding sevemiy. He said he found out a few days ago that he has cancer of the lip, and also has a herpes sore in the area where his lip is bleeding. He stated that he will be at the FST office at 8:00 AM on March 7, 1977, to furnish the information. Bob Vanderslice did not personally appear at the | Dallas FBI office on March 7, 1977, nor did he telephonically contact the office in an effort to’make other interview arrangements. Docla:32149267 Page 3 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: 41-14-2017 & ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY At 3:00 PM, March 7, 1977, Special Agent Specht telephonically contacted Mr. Vanderslice's residence. A woman, who identified herself as Mrs. Vanderslice, advised that her husband was not at home, and that~she would give him the message to contact Mr. Specht, On the afternoon of March, made to contact Group Manager ArlepFuhlendorf, Interna Revenue Service, Dallas, Texas his secretary advised that he is at a meeting all week long. to have Mr. Fuhlendorf contact Special agént Specht, -: #1977, efforts were z On March 14, 1977, Arlen UXFuhlendorf, Grow! Manager, Internal Revenue Service, fntelligence, Davlas, Texas, telephonically contacted Special Agent Specht, FBI, Dallas, Texas, and advised that he was at a school all last week, and therefore, could not get in contact with Special Agent Specht. He was advised that Bob Vanderslice to date has not made himself available to be interviewed by the Dallas office of the FBI. Fuhlendorf advised that Vanderslice has been furnishing information to Internal Revenue Service in connection with a special enforcement program that Internal Revenue Service Intelligence has concerning the criminal element, Vanderslice has furnished information to Internal Revenue Service on local Dallas bookmakers. Fuhlendor£ advised that as far as he knows, that the information that Vanderslice furnished has been reliable. Fuhlendorf advised that when he last talked to Vanderslice on March 4, 1977, that Vanderslice asked him that if he talked to the FBI, what use would be made of the information. Fuhlendorf told vanderslice that he might get a free trip to Washington to testify before a Congressional Committee concerning his information. .Fuhlendorf stated that Vanderslice might have had second thoughts after he told him that. Puhlendorf advised that several weeks ago, specific date unrecalled, he met Vanderslice at the restaurant located on the twenty-fifth floor of the Manor House, Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas. Fuhlendorf stated that Vanderslice talked to him about Candy (rr, a former stripper in one of Jack Ruby's nightclubs. This conversation led to | 7 , \ G N 3 ») RYN K Docla:32149267 Page 4 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: {1-14-2017 ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY Vanderslice discussing his knowledge of Ruby. Vanderslice told him that on the morning of the assassination, Jack Ruby called him on the telephone and asked him if he would like to go to the Presidential Parade with him, and if he would "like to watch the fireworks." Vanderslice said that he was with Jack Ruby and standing at the corner of the Postal Annex Building facing the Texas School Book Depository Building, at the time of the shooting. Immediately after the shooting, Ruby left and headed toward the area of the Dallas’ Morning News Building, without saying anything to him Vanderslice also told him that after Jack Ruby was arrested for killing Lee Harvey Oswald, that he was also arrested on an unrelated criminal charge, and incarcerated at the Dallas County Jail. Vanderslice got.to know Ruby better in the County Jail, since he was a trustee at the jail, and as Ruby's mind began to deteriorate, he would perform services for him, like bring him his food and reading material, because Ruby became very suspicious’ and felt that someone was trying to poison his food. and do him harm. Fuhlendorf advised that when he initially got the information from Vanderslice, he put this information ina memorandum for the Internal Revenue Service National Office to be disseminated to Congressman Downing's Committee. The National Office returned the memorandum to Dallas, Texas, and told Internal Revenue Service to disseminate the information to the FBI in Dallas. Mr. Fuhlendorf adviggd that he has not seen the memorandum since Robert J Chief, Intelligence Division, Internal Revenue Service, Dallas, Texas, had it prior to delivering the letter to the FBI in Dallas. Puhlendorf was requested to furnish a copy of the memorandum to the FBI, but he did not respond to that request, and stated that he did not know where the memorandum was. Fuhlendorf will attempt to call Vanderslice to determine why he has not made himself available for interview. Docld:32149267 Page 5 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: 11-14-2017 Docra ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT SOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY Mr, Fuhlendorf is being transferred to Fort Worth, Texas, as of March 15, 1977, and can be reached at 817-334-3381. Special Agent Udo H. Specht, FBI, Dallas, Texas, telephonically contacted Mr. Vanderslice's residence during the morning, afternoon, and evening hours on March 11; March 14; March 15,; March 21; March 22; March 24; April 4; and April 5, 1977, but-no one responded. On March 22, 1977, Special Agent Udo H. Specht, FBI, Dallas, Texas, personally went to Mr. Vanderslice's residence, 502 Monte Vista, Dallas, Texas, but no one could be located at the residence. A message was left at the residence for Mr. Vanderslice to contact Mr. Specht. On March 28, 1977, Special Agent Specht telephonically contacted Mr, Vanderslice's residence, and his wife answered the telephone. She stated that she gave him the message to contact Mr. Specht, and that she also received the note that Mr. Specht left in the mailbox. She advised that her husband has been out’ of town, and should be home sometime this week. She advised that she will give him the message to contact Mr. Specht. On April 5, 1977, Arlen L. Fuhlendorf, Special Agent, Internal Revenue Service, Intelligence Division, Fort. Worth, Texas, telephonically advised that he has utilized Bob Vanderslice as an informant since March 4, 1976, and another Internal Revenue Service Agent had contact with him beginning sometime in December, 1975. Fuhlendorf advised that Internal Revenue Service has been using him in their special enforcement program concerning illegal criminal activities. As a result of information furnished by Vanderslice, Internal Revenue Service has opened up approximately fifteen tax investigation, and thirty audit examinations. He advised that in the past he has considered Vanderslice reliable, but that he does-not know whether or not Vanderslice was truthful concerning the information he furnished about Jack Ruby. He advised that he has not personally talked to Vanderslice since March 4, 1977, and that : Vanderslice has not returned his telephone calls. Fuhlendorf advised that he has talked to Vanderslice's wife twice since 32149267 Page 6 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: ‘11-14-2017 ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY. March 4, 1977, and left a message with her for Vanderslice to call him. ‘The last time he talked to her was last | Wednesday or Thursday, and she told him that Vanderslice was in the Wichita Falls, Texas, area, trying to "make a buck here and there." Fuhlendorf stated that on March 4, 1977, | vanderslice gave him every indication that he was going | to keep his appointment with the FBI, and told him that he knew where the office was located. He advised that the possibility exists that Vanderslice might have been untruthful, or he could have gotten cold feet because of all the publicity surrounding the reinvestigation of the President Kennedy assassination. | | | | 6* Docla:32149267 Page 7 cr IZ (aa USK Mote). ¥. Kenhédy Assassination Records Collection Act of 19! C2107 Note) Released under the John F. Kenné #3 DATE: 11-14-2017 : UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply Pease Refer to Dallas, Texas Fue Ne April 6, 1977 ASSASSINATION OP PRESTON? ~ JOUN PITZGARALD xEINTDY, HOVENBER 22, 1963, oo Davis, 1277, Robert J. Potrykus, chief, Intelligence Division, Internal .Revenue Service, Dallas, Texas, hand-delivered a letter to Ted 1. Gunderson, Special Agent in Charge, the Dallas FRI office. Tho letter is on Internal Revenue Service stationery, and states as follows: “Dear "tr. Gunderson: {ane informant stated that on the morning of Roa ateassination, Ruby contacted hin and aaken te he NOES dike to wateh the fireworks.’ ite was with Jack SUpU and stasding at the corner of ‘the Postel stra. ceiiding facing the zoxaa School Sook Dentreonn building Foete tte Of the shooting. Tmediately after the epetha, Suby lett and header towart tie ares of the Rallas ““rning cows “niltin z Tf you aesire, croup ‘ianaqar Arlen Fuhlendort can bo available to discuss this matter with your agency. Group “anager Puhlendorf can he contacted at 749-1801. REVIEWED BY FBVJPK TASK FOP "Sincerely yours, on t —— {s/f Robart J. Potrykus Chef Intelligence Division’ Peog erent wontains neither recormendations fonclusions of the Far. It is the property Ne PRE and is loane? ts your aneney; tt ang contents ars not to he distributed outside your rsaney, Docla:32149267 Page 8 [Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Hote) - DATE: 11-14-2017 ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOUN FITZGERALD KENNEDY _ On the afternoon of March 2, 1977, Special Agent Udo Hi. Specht, Dallas PBI office, attampted to telephone Group Manager Fuhlendorf, but he had already gone home for the day. On the morning of March 3, 1977, Special Agent Udo H, Specht, Dallas PBI office, telephonically contacted Group Supervisor Arlen Fuhlendorf, Internal Revenue Service, Intelligence Division, Dallas, Texas, concerning the information in the above letter. Fuhlendorf advised that it is a policy of the Internal Revenue Service that before the Internal Revenue Service can reloase the identity of an informant, that it has to obtain the consent of the informant. He will attempt to contact his informant and obtain this consent. He will contact Special Agent Specht as soon as he has contacted his informant. Once the consent is obtained, he will introduce Special Agent Specht to the informant, in order that the FBI can interview him. This informant has been out of town quite a bit, and it might take a few days to contact hin. During the afternoon of March 4, 1977, Mr. Fuhlendorf advised that his informant is Bob Vandersiice, and that he is in his office now. He is sending Vanderslice to the FBI office to be interviewed, and that Vanderslice will be at the Dallas FBI office at 2:30 PM, March 4, 1977. nye = Ate2:25 PM, March 4, 1977, Bob Vanderslice, who furnished his address as 502 Monte Vista, Dallas, Texas, Telephone Number 327-7556, telephonically contacted Special Agent Udo H. Specht and stated that on the way to the FBI office, he bumped his lip, and that it is bleeding seventy. He said he found out a few days ago that he has cancer of the lip, and also has a herpes sore in the arca where his lip is bleeding. He stated that he will be at the FBI office at @:00 AM on March 7, 1977, to furnish the information. Bob Vanderslice did not personally appear at the Dallas FBI office on March 7, 1977, nor did he telephonically contact the office in an effort to make other interview arrangements. | | pocra:32140267 Page 9 "Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: 11-14-2017 ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT ‘ JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY At 3:00 PM, Maxch 7, 1977, Special Agent Specht telephonically contacted Mr. Vanderslice’s residence. A woman, who identified herself as Mrs. Vanderslice, advised that her husband was not at home, and that she would give him the message to contact Mr. Specht. On the afternoon of March 7, 1977, efforts were made to contact Group Manager Arlen Fuhlendorf, Internal Revenue Service, Dallas, Texas, but his secretary advised that he is at a ieeting all week long. A message was left to have Mr. Fuhlendorf contact Special Agent Specht. | on March 14, 1977, Arlen L, Fuhlendorf, Group Manager, Internal Revenue Service, Intelligence, Dallas, | Texas, telephonically contacted Special Agent Specht, FBI, | Dallas, Texas, and advised that he was at a school all last week, and thefefore, could not get in contact with Special Agent Specht. He was advised that Fob Vanderslice to date. has not made himself available to be interviewed by the Dallas ~~~ office cf the FBI. Puhlendorf advised that Vanderslice has been furnishing information to Internal Revenue Service in connection with a special enforcement program that Internal Revenue Service Intelligence has concerning the criminal element, Vanderslice has furnished information to Internal Revenue Service on local Dallas bookmakers. Puhlendorf advised that as far as he knows, that the information that vanderslice furnished has been reliable. Fuhlendorf advised that when he last talked to Vanderslice on March 4,.1977, that Vanderslice asked him that if he talked to the FBI, what use would be made of the information. Fuhlendorf told vanderslice that he might get a free trip to Washington to testify before a Congressional Committee concerning his information. Fuhlendorf stated that Vanderslice might have had second thoughts after he told him that. Fuhlendorf advised that several weeks ago, specific date unrecalled, he met Vanderslice at the restaurant located on the twenty-fifth floor of the Manor House, Commerce Street, Dallas, Texes. Fuhlendorf stated that j Vanderslice talked to him about Candy Barr, a former stripper in one of Jack Ruby's nightclubs. This conversation led to 7 | Docla:32149267 Page. 10 eased under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992°(44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: 11-14-2017 ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD Vanderslice discussing his knowledge of Ruby. Vanderslice told him that on the morning of the assassination, Jack Ruby called him on the telephone and asked him if he would\ like to go to the Presidential Parade with him, and if he would "like to watch the fireworks." Vanderslice said that ha was with Jack Ruby and standing at the corner of the Postal Annex*Building facing the Texas School Book Depository Building, at the time of the shooting. Inmediately after the shooting, Ruby left and headed toward the area of the Dallas Morning News Building, without saying anything to | him, j Vanderslice also told him that after Jack Ruby was arrested for killing Lee Harvey Oswald, that he was also arrested on an unrelated criminal charge, and incarcerated at the Dallas County Jail. Vanderslice got to know Ruby — better in the County Jail, since he was a trustee at the jail, and as Ruby's mind began to deteriorate, he would perform services for him, like bring him his food and reading material, because Ruby became very suspicious and felt that someone was trying to poison his food and do him harm. Puhlendorf advised that when he initially got © the information from Vanderslice, he put this information in a memorandum for the Internal Revenue Service National Office to be disseminated to Congressman Downing's Committee. The National Office returned the memorandum to Dallas, Texas, and told Internal Revenue Service to disseminate the information to the FBI in Dallas. lr. Puhlendorf advised that he has not seen the memorandum since Robert J. Potrykus, Chief, Intelligence Division, Internal Revenue Service, Dallas, Texas, had it prior to delivering the letter to the FBI in Dallas. Puhlendorf was requested to furnish a copy of the memorandum to the FBI, but he did not respond to that request, and stated that he did not know where the memorandum was. Fuhlendorf will attempt to call Vanderslice to determine why « he has not made hinself available for interview. | Docta:32149267 Page 11 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Ket ef 1992" (44 USC 2107 ete) - DATE:“11-14-2017 ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD -KENNEDY Mr. Fuhlendorf is being transferred to Fort Worth, Texas, as of March 15, 1977, and can be reached at 817-334-3381. Special Agent Udo H. Specht, FBI, Dallas, Texas, telephonically contacted Mr. Vanderslice's residence during the morning, afternoon, and evening hours on March 11; March 14; March 15,; March 21; March 22; March 24; April 4; and April 5, 1977, but no one responded. On March 22, 1977, Special Agent Udo H. Specht, FBI, Dallas, Texas, personally went to Mr. Vanderslice's residence, 502 Monte Vista, Dallas, Texas, but no one could be located at the residence. A message was left at the residence for Mr. Vanderslice to contact Mr. Specht. On March 28, 1977, Special Agent Specht telephonically contacted Mr, Vanderslice's residence, and his wife i answered the telephone. She stated that she gave him the megsage to contact Mr. Specht, and that she also received the note that Mr. Specht left in the mailbox. She advised ‘that her husband has been out of town, and should be -home sometime this week. She advised that she will give him the message to contact Mr. Specht. On April 5, 1977, Arlen L. Fuhlendorf, Special Agent, Internal Revenue Service, Intelligence Division, Fort Worth, Texas, telephonically advised that he has utilized Bob Vanderslice as an informant since March 4, 1976, and another Internal Revenue Service Agent had contact with ‘him beginning sometime in December, 1975. Fuhlendorf advised that Internal Revenue Service has been using him in their special enforcement program concerning illegal criminal activities. As a result of information furnished } by Vanderslice, Internal Revenue Service has opened up | approximately fifteen tax investigatiom, and thirty audit | examinations. He advised that in the past he has considered | Vanderslice reliable, but that he does not know whether or | not Vanderslice was truthful concerning the information he | : furnished about Jack-Ruby. He advised that he has not personally talked to Vanderslice since March 4, 1977, and that Vanderslice has not returned his telephone calls. Fuhlendorf advised that he has talked to Vanderslice's wife twice since ee) Docla:32149267 Page 12 [ Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 DATE: 11-14-2017 . ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT March 4, 1977, and left a message with her for Vanderslice to call him. ‘The last time he talked to her was last Wednesday or Thursday, and she told him that Vanderslice was in the Wichita Falls, Texas, area,trying to "make a buck here and there. Puhlendorf stated that on March 4, 1977, vanderslice gave him every indication that he was going to keep his appointment with the PBI, and told him that he knew where the office was located. He advised that the possibility exists that Vanderslice might have been untruthful, or he could have gotten cold feet because of all the publicity surrounding the reinvestigation of the President Kennedy assassination. oe Docla:32149267 Page. 13 usc 2107 Notey~ Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note). john F. Kennedy Assassination Released under the John DATE: 11-14-2017 NITED STATES DEPARTMENT — JUSTICE . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1m Reply, Please Refer to Dallas, Texas File No April 6, 1977 ASSASSINATION OF PR: JOHN PITEGRPALD KEIRIT HOVEMBER 22, 1963, On March 2, 1977, Robert J. Potrykus, Chief, qitellisence Division, Intexnal Revenue Service, Dallas, Fores, hand-delivered’a letter to Tad L, Gunderson, . fhecdal Xoant in Charge, the Dallas THE office. The jetter 4s on Internal Ravenue Soreion stationery, and states as follows: “Dear Mr. Cunderson: “Recently, Arlen ruhlenorf, a Group “enaqer in fht Dallas Intellicance Division, receivad information fro: investdeenttel informant that might be helpful ie the investigation of the ‘nnedy assassination” weqantommant stated that on the morning of fds Sosassination, Ruby contacted hin and saree if he Rhy andike to,uateh the fireworks.’ to wae atte Jac! fuby an atandinc at the corner of the Souee) ani z fhe Texas School Bok Denasitory Buillin= rote atine of the shooting. Imeclately sttor the Frosting, Ruby left and headed toward Ein srter ot the allan “rr cows “ailing, “ lesire, Sroyp’ ‘anacer Arlen Puhlendore fo clsenss this ratter with your agerov, Mager Tuhlandorf can he contacted at 749-1991, REVIEWED BY PBUSFK TASK FORCE’ 7 Sinceraly yours, S86 IN FULL nf . = a * T/s/ Robert 3. Poteykue 208 IN PART Chief Trtellinence Aivi sion cocitvont cohtains neither recomendations Fhe pepetous Of the PRE. Tt {3 the property af the POT ane is leane® ta areney: it ant tts contents are not te uted outside rose ten Docld:32149267 Page 14 Reléased under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44-US¢ 2107 Hoté)— DATE: 11-14-2017 5 * ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY On the afternoon of March 2, 1977, Special agent Udo H. Specht, Dallas FBI office, attempted to telephone | Group Manager Fublendorf, but he had already gone hone for | the day. On the morning of March 3, 1977, Special Agent Udo H. Specht, Dallas FBI office, telephonically contacted Group Supervisor Arlen Fuhlendorf, Internal Revenue Service, Intelligence Division, Dallas, Texas, concerning the information in the above letter, Fuhlendorf advised that it 4s a policy of the Internal Revenue Service that before | the Internal Revenue Service can release the identity of an informant, that it has to obtain the consent of the | informant. He will attempt to contact his informant and | obtain this consent. He will contact Special Agent Specht | as s00n as he has contacted his informant. Once the’ consent . is obtained, he will introduce Special Agent Specht to the informant, in order that the FBI can interview him. This informant has been out of town quite a bit, and it might take a few days to contact hin. During the afternoon of March 4, 1977, Mr. Fuhlendor£ advised that his informant is Bob Vanderslice, and that he mn is in his office now. He is sending Vanderslice to the | » FBI office to be interviewed, and that Vanderslice will be | at the Dallas FBI office at 2:30 Pu, March 4, 1977, | At 2:25 PH, March ¢, 1977, Bob Vanderslice, who furnished his address as 502 Monte Viste, Dallas, Texas, Telephone, Number 327-7656, telephonically contacted Special Agent Udo H. Specht and stated that on the way to the FBI j office, he humped his lip, and that it is bleeding severly. He said he found out a few days ago that he has cancer of the lip, and also has a herpes sore in the area where his lip is bleeding. He stated that he vill be at the FBI | office at 8:00 AM on March 7, 1977, to furnish the | information. | Bob Vanderslice did not personally appear at the Dallas FBI office on March 7, 1977, nor did he telephonically | contact the office in an effort to make other interview arrangements. x Docla:32149267 Page 15 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act oF 1992 (4 USC 2107 Note). DATE: 11-14;2017 “y ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JORN FITZGERALD KENNEDY At 3:00 PM, March 7, 1977, Special Agent Specht telephonically contacted Mr. Vanderslice's residence. A woman, who identified herself as Mrs, Vanderslice, advised that her husband was not at home, and that she would give him the message to contact Mr. Specht. On the afternoon of March 7, 1977, efforts were made to contact Group Manager Arlen Fuhlendorf, Internal Revenue Service, Dallas, Texas, but his secretary advised that he is at a meeting all week long. A message was left to have Mr. Puhlendorf contact Special Agent Specht. On March 14, 1977, Arlen L. Puhlendorf, Group Manager, Internal Revenue Service, Intelligence, Dallas, Texas, telephonically contacted Special Agent Specht, FBI, Dallas, Texas, and advised that he was at a school all last \ week, and therefore, could not get in contact with Special | Agent Specht. He was advised that Bob Vanderslice to date has not made himself available to be interviewed by the Dallas | office of the FBI. Fuhlendorf advised that Vanderslice has | been furnishing information to Internal Revenue Service in | connection with a special enforcement program that Internal | Revente Service Intelligence has concerning the criminal | element. Vanderslice has furnished information to Internal | Revenue Service on local Dallas bookmakers. Puhlendorf | ’ advised that as far as he knows, that the information that vanderalica furnished has been reliable. Fuhlendorf advised | that when he last talked to Vanderslice on March 4, 1977, | | | | | | that Vanderslice asked him that if he talked to the FBI, what use would be made of the information. Fuhlendorf told vanderslice that he might get a free trip to Washington to testify before a Congressional Committee concerning his information. Fuhlendorf stated that Vanderslice might have had second thoughts after he told him that. . Fuhlendorf advised that sevordl wesks ago, specific date unrecalled, he met Vandarslics at the restaurant located on the twenty-fifth floor of the Manor House, Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas. Fuhlendorf stated that Vanderslice talked to him about Candy Barr, a former stripper in one of Jack Ruby's nightclubs. This conversation led to | Docla:32149267 Page. 16 “Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 NoTe)— DATE: 11-14-2017 aq b , S ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT SOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY : Vanderslice discussing his knowledge of Ruby, Vanderslice told him that on the morning of the assassination, Jack Ruby called him on the telephone and asked him if he vould like to go to the Presidential Parade with him, and if he would "likesto watch the fireworks.” Vanderslice said that he was with Jack Ruby and standing at the corner of the Postal Annex Building facing the Texas School Book Depository Building, at the time of the shooting. Innediately after the shooting, Ruby left and headed toward the area of the Dallas Morning News Building, without saying anything to him. Vanderslice also told him that after Jack Ruby was arrested for killing Lee Harvey Oswald, that he was also arrested on an unrelated criminal charge, and incarcerated at the Dallas County Jail. Vanderslice got to know Ruby — ~ better in the County Jail, since he was a trustee at the jail, and as Ruby's mind began to deteriorate, he would perform services for him, like bring him his food and reading material, because Ruby became very suspicious and felt that someone was trying to poison his food and do him harm, Puhlendorf advised that when he initially got the information from Vanderslice, he put this information in a memorandum for the Internal Revenue Service National Office to be disseminated to Congressman Downing's Committee. The National Office returned the memorandum to Dallas, Texas; and told Internal Revenue Service to disseminate the information to the FBI in Dallas. | Mr. Fuhlendorf advised that he has not seen the memorandum since Robert J. Potrykus, Chief, Intelligence Division, Internal Revenue Service, Dallas, Texas, had it prior to delivering the letter to the FBI in Dallas. Fuhlendorf was requested to furnish a copy of the memorandum to the FBI, but he did not respond to that request, and stated that he did not know where the memorandum was. Fuhlendorf will attempt to call Vanderslice to determine why he has not made himself available for interview. Docla:32149267 Page 17 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Aét of 1992" (4d UST -ZIUT Wate)— DATE: 11-14-2017 ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY Mr. Fuhlendorf is being transferred to Fort | Worth, Texas, as of March 15, 1977, and can be reached at 817~334~3361. Special Agent Udo H. Specht, FAI, Dallas, Texas, telephonically contacted Mr, Vanderslice‘'s residence during the morning, afternoon, and evening hours on March 11; March 14; March 15,; March 21; March 22; March 24; April 4; and April 5, 1977, but no one responded. On March 22, 1977, Special Agent Udo H. Specht, PBI, Dallas, Texas, personally went to Mr. Vanderslice’s residence, 592 Monte Vista, Dallas, Texas, but no one could | be located at the residence. A message was left at the residence for Mr. Vanderslice to contact ir. Specht. On March 28, 1977, Special Agent Specht telephonically contacted Mr. Vanderslice's residence, and his wife ~ answered the telephone. She stated that she gave him the message to contact Mr. Specht, and that she also received the note that tir, Specht left in the mailbox. She advised that her husband has been out of town, and should be home sometime this week. She advised that she will give him the message to contact Hr. Specht. On April 5, 1977, Arlen L. Fuhlendorf, Special | - Agent, Internal Revenue Service, Intelligence Division, Fort Worth, Texas, telephonically advised that he has utilized Bob Vanderslice as an informant since March 4, 1976, and another Internal Revenue Service Agent had contact with him beginning sometime in December, 1975. Fuhlendorf advised that Internal Revenue Service has been using him in their special enforcement program concerning illegal criminal activities. As a result of information furnished by Vanderslice, Internal Revenue Service has opened up approximately fifteen tax investigatiom, and thirty audit examinations. He advised that in the past he has considered Vanderslice reliable, but that he does not know whether or | not Vanderslice was truthful concerning the information he | furnished about Jack Ruby. He advised that he has not . | * personally talked to Vanderslice since March 4, 1977, and that Vanderslice has not returned his telephone calle. Fuhlendorf | adyised that he has talked to Vanderslice's wife twice since Docla:32149267 Page 18 [eleased under the John F'y Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act ot41992-(H¥_USts2102 Note) DATE: 11-1472017 ” ~ eos. ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY March 4, 1977, and left a message with her for Vanderslice | to call him. ‘The last time he talked to her was last Wednesday or Thursday, and she told him that Vanderslice was in the Wichita Falls, Texas, area, trying to “make 2 buck here and there." ; . vanderslice gave him every indication that he was going to keep his appointment with the FEI, and told him that he knew where the office was located. He advised that the possibility exists that Vanderslice might have been untruthful, or he could have gotten cold feet because of | all the publicity surrounding the reinvestigation of the President Kennedy assassination. | Fuhlendor£ stated that on March 4, 1977, | | | 6e Docla:32149267 Page 19

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