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Paragraph No:1

1. Always Tell the Truth

2. Ambition
3. Character
4. Common Sense
5. Confidence
6. Consciousness
7. Courtesy
8. Determination
9. Diligence
10. Discipline
11. Dutifulness
12. Early Rising the Importance/The Benefits
13. Etiquette
14. Evening Walk
15. Following Daily Routine/Study Plan
16. Good Health/Health Is Wealth/How to Keep Fit
17. Good Manners
18. Habit of Reading
19. Happiness
20. Hard Labor
21. Honesty /Honesty is the Best Policy
22. Hospitality
23. Integrity
24. Modesty
25. Moral Courage
26. Morality
27. Morning Walk
28. Patriotism
29. Perseverance
30. Physical Exercise
31. Pleasures of Reading
32. Politeness
33. Punctuality
34. Qualities of a Good Student
35. Reading Various Books Outside the Syllabus
36. Respect
37. Sacrifice
38. Self-criticism
39. Self-reliance
40. Social Value
41. Struggle
42. Tolerance
43. Truthfulness
44. Unity Is Strength
45. Value of time
46. Your Daily Life

Benjamin Franklin said, “Virtue alone is sufficient to make a man great, glorious and
happy.” ---------- is such a great quality. There is no denying that everyone wants to be
successful in life. This success depends much on -------. It brings prosperity in life. It
is ornament of human life and key to success. The importance of it beggars
description. It is very important in every lifestyle. To lead a sound life, it is must. It is
one of the best virtues of men and absence of it makes a man forlorn and unhappy in
life. The history inspires us to develop this virtue. Because, the life and activities of all
great men in the world are associated with this virtue. We can conquer everything in
this world with developing this quality. We know that student life is the best period of
man's life. It is called the sowing season of life. During this period, a student must
cultivate some good qualities for bright future. This quality is one of them. The
consequence of not acquiring this virtue is beyond description. The man who does not
achieve this virtue becomes a curse to himself and to his family as well as to society.
He leads very miserable life. His life becomes full of sorrows and sufferings. He
always lags behind and suffers in the long run. People do not love and respect him. On
the other hand, he is praised and respected by all if he develops this great virtue. In the
long run it can be said that the secret of success in life lies in the proper development
of this quality. Without maintaining this quality, our life becomes a life of full of
sufferings. Therefore, we all should develop this virtue to be great in life.

Paragraph No:2
1. Load Shedding

2. Traffic Jam

3. Polythene/Polybag

4. Price Hike

is currently a highly discussed and worrying issue. It disrupts the country's
economy and normal life flow in many ways. It is one of the main causes of social
chaos. There are some reasons behind any problem. The main reasons for this are
peoples' unconsciousness, illiteracy and lack of coordination. The growing population
is also one of the main reasons for this. There is no denying that our food, shelter,
clothing, employment etc. are far less than our growing population. Robert G.
Ingersoll said, "In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are
consequences. " That is as you sow, so you reap. The negative consequences of it
beggar description. It drives people towards poverty and mental anguish. It hinders the
overall economic development of the country. Due to this we as a nation fall far
behind. Agatha Christie said, "To every problem, there is a most simple solution. "
Proper planning, regular supervision, affordable living and awareness are very
important in this case. We must remember that it is our moral duty to ensure a safe and
beautiful homeland for future generations. The concerned quarters to play a more
responsible role. The implementation of the law must be ensured if it is necessary.
However, raising awareness is more important than law enforcement. Mass media
such as radio, television and newspapers can play an important role in this regard.
From all the statement provided above, it can be concluded that no development effort

of the country will ever be successful if we do not work together to solve this problem.
Therefore, we should all come forward to solve it.

Paragraph No:3
1. Global Climate Change and Bangladesh
2. Global Warming
3. Climate Change
4. Effect Greenhouse & Bangladesh
5. Deforestation
6. The Bad-impacts of Deforestation.
7. Natural Calamities of Bangladesh
8. Pollution
9. Environment Pollution
10. Air Pollution
is currently a highly discussed and worrying issue. The average temperature of
the earth is slowly rising. The world's climate is changing due to global warming. As a
result, various natural disasters are occurring. There are many reasons behind it. The
process of urbanization has increased to meet the needs of overpopulation. Bangladesh
is at the top of the list of highest risk due to environmental disasters. The detrimental
effects of it are indescribable. The adverse effects of it are drought, lowland flooding,
loss of biodiversity, loss of river flow, increase in salinity of water, floods, river
erosion, sea storms, tidal surges, loss of agricultural production etc. It causes terrible
environmental disasters. The earth's temperature is rising. Polar ice is melting. Water
level of the sea is rising. The lower part of the earth’s surface is sinking. Rainfall is
declining. Droughts, floods. storms. tidal surges are increasing. It has a devastating
effect on Bangladesh. Bangladesh is one of the lowest countries in the world. It is
estimated that by 2050, 20 percent of Bangladesh will be submerged. About 55
million people will be affected. We have something to do to prevent this crisis. Proper
waste management, afforestation programs, biodiversity conservation, planned
urbanization and industrialization are essential to prevent this crisis. In conclusion,
everyone needs to be aware to alleviate it. Public awareness must be raised. Now is
the right time for everyone to be aware.
Paragraph No:4
1. The 16th December Victory Day
2. The 26th March
3. The Independence Day of Bangladesh
4. The Victory Day
5. The 21st February The International Mother Language
Day/Shaheed Day
6. International Mother Language Day
7. The Shaheed Day
8. May Day/international May Day
Napoleon Hill said, "Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice. " The
is the day of such a great sacrifice and achievement of the Bengali nation. It is
a day to highlight the history, heritage, culture and struggle of the nation. This is a
historic day. The history of this day is the history of the existence of the Bengali
nation. A unique example of great struggle and self-sacrifice of Bengalis was created
on this day. They stood up against the oppressors. The importance of the day is
unquestionable. This is a glorious day in national life. This day is the source of
national consciousness of Bengalis. By celebrating the day, the new generation can
learn about our struggle and history. They can be inspired for the welfare of the
country and the people. The day is celebrated across the country through various
ceremonies every year. It is a public holiday. The significance of the day is
highlighted through various programs. Radio and television broadcast various
programs on this day. The country's newspapers publish special supplements on this
day. The President, the Prime Minister and other dignitaries paid homage to the
martyrs on this day. From al/ the statement provided above, it can be concluded that
undoubtedly, no other nation has such a history of self-sacrifice. The significance of
the day therefore increases our heartbeat. This day teaches us to stand up against the

Paragraph No:5
1. Your School/College/Madrasah/University
2. Your college
3. Your School/College/University Building
4. Your Educational Institution
5. Your School/College/University Common Room
6. Your School/College/University Canteen
7. Your College Canteen
8. Your School/College/University Computer Lab
9. Your School/College/University Hostel
10. Your School/College/University Library
11. Your Study Room/Your Reading Room Class
12. Room/Your Class Room
13. Hostel Life
14. School Library/Your School Library


Discipline, cleanliness, entertainment and a beautiful environment are essential for

quality education. can confirm these. It is an integral part of education life. Its
importance for the mental development of a student is unquestionable. It is one of the
most sacred and emotional places for every student. Many memories of education life
involve in it. We must remember that study is a pleasure. And this pleasure depends
much on it. It has a prof011nd effect on a student life. It plays a vital role in a student's
learning• Its excellent environment enlivens students' learning and eliminates the
monotony of their studies. It does reading enjoyable and colorful. This ensures the
emotional development of the student. The quality of the study largely depends on the
environment of it. We know that dust, noise and uncleanliness affect negatively on the
mind of the student. So, its environment should be pollution free, clean and
vicissitude. It is said that a calm mind prevails in a peaceful environment. Its
environment is very calm and captivating. The first soft light of the morning falls on it

which cheers the mind. It increases my interest in reading. It is located in a place with
adequate light and air. In a word, its internal and external environment calm the mind
and help to concentrate on studies. From all the statement provided above, it can be
concluded that it is a great source of education, entertainment and knowledge.
Education life is impossible without it. I am proud of it.

Paragraph No:6
1. Your Country
2. Your Homeland
3. My Country/My Motherland
4. Travelling Bangladesh
5. Why You Should Travel Bangladesh
6. Villages of Bangladesh
7. Rural Beauty of Bangladesh
8. Village Beauty/Scene
9. Village Life/Rural Life
10. City Life and Rural Life
11. Life in a Village/Country Life
12. A Moonlit Night
13. Rainy Day/A Rainy Day
14. Summer Noon
15. A beautiful Sunset Scene
16. Winter Evening
17. A Winter Morning

Vincent van Gogh said, "If you really love the beauty of nature, you will see its beauty
everywhere. " Bangladesh is a land of natural beauty. Bangladesh is the land of grain,
green, song and poetry. The natural beauty of Bangladesh catches the eye. That is why

the poet calls this Bengali Rupashi Bangla'. This beautiful Bangladesh is the land of
six seasons. Six seasons appear here in twelve months. Summer, monsoon, autumn,
late autumn, winter and spring—each season brings unique features. Many small and
big rivers flow over Bangladesh. That is why this country is called a riverine country.
The Padma, Meghna, Jamuna, Brahmaputra, Teesta, Arial Khan, Karnafuli and
Buriganga further enhance the natural beauty of Bengal. Rural life in Bangladesh is
full of life and abundance. There is the agility of simple life. Farmers, fishermen,
potters, blacksmiths, laundresses, barbers——people of different professions live in
the villages. There is no economic prosperity in rural life, but there is self-satisfaction
among the people. The market of the villagers is like an exchange center. Lots of
people gathered there. This hat is the center of rural economy. The difference between
village and city is eternal. The best place to see the beauty of Bengal is the village but
in the city it is completely absent. From al/ the statement provided above, it can be
concluded that nature has given the unique feature to Bangladesh. We always feel the
happiness and beauty in the welfare of the nature. We will know, love and enjoy this

Paragraph No:7
1. Rickshaw puller
2. A Street hawker
3. A Railway Porter
4. A Farmer / The life of a Farmer
5. A Day Laborer
6. Fisherman
7. A Street Food Seller
8. A Street Greengrocer

-------is a very familiar figure in our country. He leads a very simple life. He lives
from hand to mouth. He has to work all day long. He is very active and hard worker.
Ile does not know what rest is. He works just like a machine. He gets up early in the
morning and goes out for work. It does not matter whether the day is very sunny or
rainy; he has to go for work. Despite working hard, his earning is not enough to
maintain his family. His children do not get proper education and his family members
do not get proper medical facilities. He maintains his family somehow. Generally, he
lives in a cottage. Sometimes he and his family have to starve. In a word, he leads very
miserable life. When he can buy something special for his family, his joys know no
bounds. He always tries to satisfy the demands of his family members. Although he
serves to the nation, he is often deprived of his rights. Therefore, we should help him
so that he can lead a decent life.

Paragraph No:8
1. A Fair
2. A Village Fair/A Village Fair You Experienced
3. Rural Tradition: Fair
4. The Importance Of Fair In Rural Life
5. A Village Market
6. The Importance Of Village Market
7. Bangladeshi Culture
8. Bangladeshi Food/Favorite Bangladeshi Food
9. Baishakhi Mela
10. Computer Exhibition
11. Pahela Baishakh
— is an important element of rural tradition and culture. It brings diversity in the lives
of the people of the village. All the villagers participate in it spontaneously. On this
day, the surroundings became crowded. It sits in different parts of Bangladesh. It
usually sits in the center of the village, in an open field, on the banks of the river or
under large trees. The rural people take preparation in advance for this special day.
The villagers bring their various products here for sale. The villagers are both buyers
and sellers here. The specified place is kept clean and tidy. There are various activities
going on here. People come here from far and wide with different products. The shops
are neatly arranged. Various daily necessities, toys, confectionery, wooden and
earthenware are sold here. Many farmers and artisans bring their P roduce here for sale.
In this way, the place becomes full of various beautiful things. It has special
significance in rural life. The common people of the village work hard every day. This
hard work sometimes brings monotony in their lives. It relieves their monotony. The
villagers get a chance to sell their wares here. They became financially prosperous.
From all the statement provided above, it can be concluded that the image of our true
rural culture is reflected through it. It is a meeting place for rural people. Without it,
rural life is Unimaginable. It is an integral part of rural diversity and culture.

Paragraph No:9
1. Computer
2. Computer and Its Uses
3. Use of Computer/internet in Everyday Life
4. Wonders of Modern Science
5. Television
6. Mobile Phone /Cell Phone
7. Merits and Demerits of a Mobile Phone
8. The Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone
9. Radio
10. Internet
11. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook
12. Adverse Effects of Facebook
13. Social Media
14. Satellite
15. Satellite TV Channels
16. Impact of Dish-Antenna/Satellite Television
17. 4G Communication/5G Communication
18. Email
R. W. Emerson said, "Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science." The
invention of--------- is the wonder of modern science. It has changed the world. It is a
great medium of communication that has spread out all over the world. The utilization
and popularity of it are increasing day by day. We cannot even think of Our modern
life without it. The importance of it beggars description. It provides us many facilities.
It has linked up the distant parts of the world. It is a great source of recreation too.
Nowadays it is very popular to all classes of people. We can know instantly what is
happening in the farthest corner of the world through it. It has made the world smaller.

It has made our life easy and comfortable. We feel the blessing of it all around us. It
has conquered time and distance. It indirectly creates brotherhood among the people of
the world. It makes human life dynamic and modern. It removes the monotony of
working life. In spite of having a lot of merits, it has some demerits too. Sometimes
students become addicted to it. That hampers their studies. Besides, it may also
hamper the moral character of the younger. In the long run, whether its use brings
good or bad depends on the user's own thoughts and feelings. One can use it for bad
deeds and also for good deeds. The benefits of it have to be reached to the door of

Water pollution
Water, an important element of the human environment, is essential for human and
plant life. It next to air. Water can be polluted in many ways. First of all farmers use
chemical fertilizers and insecticide in their fields to grow more food. The rain and
floods wash away some of the chemicals. They get mixed with river water, canal
water and pond water. Secondly mills and factories pollute water by throwing the
waste materials and unsold products into the rivers and canals. Thirdly steamers,
motor launches and even sail boats can pollute water by throwing oil, food waste and
human waste into the rivers and canals. Moreover. unsanitary latrines in the
countryside standing on the banks of the rivers and canals also pollute water. Besides
the kutcha drains running into the rivers and canals cause water pollution. Clean water
is safe for use and polluted water is harmful for man. Water pollution can be prevented
in many ways. First of all we should make the people aware of the fact that water is
next to air. It is called life. So fertilizer, chemicals and pesticide should not be allowed
to mix with river water, canal water and pond water. Mills and factories should not
throw the waste materials and unsold products into rivers and canals. Steamers. motor
launches and even sail boats should not throw oil, food waste and human waste into

the rivers and canals. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside should not be built on the
banks of the rivers and canals. In fine awareness should be created in the public.

The Life of a Rickshaw Puller

A rickshaw puller is a person who earns his bread by driving a rickshaw. Very often
he drives the rickshaw of others. He is quite familiar both in cities and towns.
Generally, he lives in a slum. Though he works hard from morning till late night, he
leads a poor life. He does not consider the condition of the weather. He works hard
despite foul weather. Sometimes there arises a dispute between him and the passenger
for fare. If he falls sick, his family members fall in distress. All of them have to starve.
He cannot enjoy peace and happiness. He also suffers from inferiority complex.
Besides, his children cannot hope for a bright future. Sometimes some passengers
behave roughly with him. But he does not have sufficient strength to tackle it. Some
rickshaw pullers try to cheat the passengers. He takes rest here and there or sitting on
his rickshaw. On the whole, his life is full of sufferings. To support his family, he has
to drive the rickshaw despite his sickness. In fact, he leads a poor and subhuman life.

A Winter Morning
A winter morning is cold and foggy. Everything seems hazy and indistinct. Grasses
are wet with dew drops. However, when the sun rises, dew drops sparkle like pearls.
Old people and children shiver in cold. Poor people gather straw and make fire to bask
in the heat. Animals, too, are helpless. They hide themselves in the corner of the house
and try to save themselves from the biting cold outside. People get up late in the
morning. Elderly people and children usually get up a bit late to evade cold of the
early morning. Working people go out when the fog disappears and the sun seems
brighter. People sometimes eat homemade cakes with 'date juice' and enjoy the
warmth of the early sun while sitting outside their homes. Bangalees settled abroad,
make it a point to return and spend the winter in Bangladesh. They find the winter here
pleasant as the winter in any European country is tremendously cold. A winter
morning in Bangladesh is thus quite fascinating for them. My personal feeling about a
winter morning is that it is a bane for the poor but a boon for the rich.

A Street Hawker
A street hawker sells various things roaming from place to place. He is a common
figure on our street. Generally, he sells various items like toys, clothes, fruits, utensils,
vegetables, ice-cream, and so on. He carries his goods on his head or shoulder and
sometimes, in a small handcart. He walks along roads and streets from dawn to dusk.
He shouts the names of the items he sells. There are other types of hawkers also. They
sell nothing but buy things like empty bottles, old newspapers, magazines, books,
plastic and tin containers, broken household items, etc. A street hawker is very
cunning. He knows his business very well. His main customers are children and
women. So, he usually comes when his customers are free from their usual work and
the male persons are not at home. He generally buys his goods at a cheaper rate and
sells them at a profit. In fact, their goods are cheaper than those sold in the market. But
sometimes, they supply spurious and sub-standard things and cheat the customers.
Yet, the service that a street hawker renders to our society is really great. He brings the
goods we need daily before our house. When we cannot go out to buy our necessaries,
he brings them to our doorstep. However, a street hawker leads a very simple life. He
lives from hand to month. But, he is a man of dignity because he earns his bread
through hard work. So, we should respect his honest labor.

A Book Fair I have Visited

A book fair is a kind of fair where different types of books are displayed for sale.
Nowadays, it has become very popular in our country. Last month, I visited a book

fair. I went there with my elder brother. The fair was arranged on the occasion of 21
February. It was held at the Bangla Academy premises. As it was my first visit to a
book fair, I was really surprised when I entered the fair. There were hundreds of stalls
at the fair. The environment was charming. The stalls were arranged systematically.
There were information counters. There were also some stalls for taking snacks. I saw
that all kinds of books such as fiction, drama, poetry, novel, biography, translation.
children's literature, story books, etc. were available at the fair. I bought some books
on science fiction and comics. After walking for a long time, we became tired. So, we
entered a food stall and took some light food. Suddenly, I noticed a crowd in front of a
stall. I went there and became surprised to see my favourite writer Abdul Hye Sikder.
He was giving autographs. I also took an autograph. We also attended a short seminar
at the fair in which some renowned personalities of our country delivered speeches on
the importance of books in our life. After that, we left the fair, but I brought with me a
lot of pleasant experiences.


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