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Revision Question Bank 2 (2021-22)

Std: VII Subject: English Literature

Question 1 Literature Objective

a. In the poem ‘Life’, what according to the poet what would one like to 1
retain when experiencing joy or sadness?
i. child-like vision and pleasures of life
ii. child-like behaviour and innocence
iii. child-like innocence and pleasures of life
iv. child-like curiosity and pleasures of life
b. My heart will keep the courage of the quest, 1
In the poem ‘Life’, what does the word ‘quest’ mean in the above line?
i. possession
ii. long search
iii. quick retreat
iv. ignorance
c. Identify the figure of speech in the given line from the poem ‘Life’. 1
O’er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy
i. Repetition
ii. Climax
iii. Antithesis
iv. Personification
d. In the poem ‘King Porus – A Legend of Old’, what did Alexander do when 1
he saw Porus fighting on with his gaping wounds?
i. He was sad to see him fight like a warrior.
ii. He was astonished and impressed with his valour.
iii. He was annoyed and asked his soldiers to continue with the war.
iv. He was shocked to see him fight like a king.
e. Thy generous rival bids thee cease- 1
In the poem ‘King Porus – A Legend of Old’, give the synonym of the
word ‘rival’.

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i. friend
ii. helper
iii. associate
iv. enemy
f. Identify the figure of speech in the given lines from the poem ‘King 1
Porus – A Legend of Old’.
King Porus, towering midst the foe,
Like a Himala - peak
i. Personification
ii. Antithesis
iii. Simile
iv. Repetition
g. In the story ‘Les Miserables’, what promise does Jean Valjean make to 1
the Bishop?
i. to use the money to run away from the place
ii. to use the money to become an honest man
iii. to use the money for his education
iv. to use the money to buy a house
h. In the story ‘Les Miserables’, how many men were holding Jean Valjean 1
near the door?
i. two
ii. five
iii. four
iv. three
i. It makes me shudder to think! 1
Give the synonym of the word ‘shudder’ given in the above line from
the story ‘Les Miserables’
i. tremble
ii. steady
iii. calm
iv. quiet
j. In the story ‘Tight Corners’, why was the narrator a safe contributor at 1
the auction?

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i. He had a lot of money to buy the painting.
ii. There were bidders quoting higher prices.
iii. His friend had lent him the money.
iv. He did not do any bidding.
k. In the story ‘Tight Corners’, how much did the dealer bid for when the 1
new picture was displayed?
i. four thousand guineas
ii. four thousand and fifty guineas
iii. five thousand guineas
iv. three thousand guineas
l. In the story ‘Tight Corners’, what does ‘tight corner’ mean? 1
i. fierce fight
ii. tragic incident
iii. difficult situation
iv. crowded corner
m. In the drama ‘The Tempest’, who is the king of Naples? 1
i. Gonzalo
ii. Alonso
iii. Antonio
iv. Sebastian
n. In the drama ‘The Tempest’, how old was Miranda when they came to 1
the island?
i. two years
ii. four years
iii. ten years
iv. six years
o. But we were blessed in being guided towards this island. In the drama
‘The Tempest’, give the synonym of the word ‘guided’?
i. mismanaged
ii. directed
iii. hounded
iv. shadowed

Question 2 Drama Subjective The Tempest

No harm was done! Whatever I have done has been only for you, my dear
daughter. You do not know who you are, neither do you know who I am or

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where I come from, or that I’m better than being merely Prospero, your poor
father living in a humble hut.”
a. Who is speaking the above lines and to whom? What was the daughter (2)
unaware of?
b. Why does the speaker say that ‘the daughter’ might not remember the (3)
time before they came to live in the hut? What does she remember and
what doesn’t she remember?

Question 3 Poetry 1 Subjective- Life

Let me but live my life from year to year,
With forward face and unreluctant soul;
Not hurrying to, nor turning from, the goal;
Not mourning for the things that disappear
In the dim past, nor holding back in fear
From what the future veils; but with a whole
And happy heart, that pays its toll
To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.
a. What is the message conveyed in the first line? Why?

b. What do you understand from the poem?

Question 4 Poetry 2 Subjective King Porus – A Legend of Old

2. But dauntlessly there stood
King Porus, towering midst the foe,
Like a Himala - peak
with its eternal crown of snow:
a. What qualities of King Porus are highlighted in the poem? (2)
b. What did Alexander do when he saw Porus fighting on with his gaping (3)

Question 5 Prose 1 Subjective- Les Miserables

Good food is served to Jean who eats voraciously. The table is set with silver
thus indicating that the Bishop treats his guest with honour and dignity. After
dinner, the Bishop leads his guest to his room. However, later at night, Jean
Valjean gives in to temptation, steals the basket of silverware, jumps over the

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garden wall and flees.
a. How did the Bishop welcome Jean Valjean? (2)
b. Why was Madame Magloire upset that the silver was stolen? How did the (3)
Bishop try to pacify her?

Question 6 Prose 2 Subjective - Tight Corners

‘”Tell him I'll take a hundred,' I said. And I got it.”
"When I found my friend I was laughing too, but he became grave at once on
seeing the cheque.
'Well, I'm hanged!' he said. ‘Of all the luck! Well, I'm hanged!'
a. Who spoke the lines "'Tell him I'll take a hundred,' I said. And I got it.” (2)
and to whom? How much was he willing to purchase the painting for?
b. Why did ‘he’ ask for ‘a hundred’? (3)

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