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1.1. Background of the Study
In this era, English as one of the language that must be mastered all people especially
students. Learning English is important for verbal and written communication worldwide.
In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language that must be taught as a required subject
in school. The four components of English are vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation,
as well as the four abilities of speaking, listening, reading, and writing which should be
included into the curriculum at the school so that kids can speak and write English well.
But because they wish to utilize English as a tool for international communication,
speaking is the skill that needs to be learned and mastered the most by most students.
Speaking should be given more emphasis when teaching English in schools so that
students can speak the language fluently and comprehensively. Since English is the first
foreign language that Indonesian students learn, as opposed to Indonesian and Javanese,
this makes Indonesian students more motivated to study. In English as a Foreign Language
(EFL) classes, speaking skills should be taught. How well learners can communicate in a
language is frequently used to assess how well they have learned it. In order to
demonstrate their speaking ability, learners must demonstrate their ability to communicate
fluently while expressing their thoughts and knowledge.
Utilizing a vlog is one of the technological teaching tools that may be used.
Nowadays, it becomes popular. According to Biel & Gatica-Perez, 2010, a vlog is a video
feature that offers a series of online broadcasts. This allows anyone to create and share
material, and it's thought of as a collection of videos that functions as both a
communication tool and an audiovisual life documentary. Vlogs provide numerous
opportunities to improve one's command of the English language. (Maulidah, 2018)
discovered that using Vlog greatly enhances pupils' communication skills. It can increase
students' motivation by offering an enjoyable and convenient learning approach.
Additionally, it encourages pupils to show themselves well when speaking. They will be
able to interact in a real-world setting to gain a lot of speaking experience. Students also
have the opportunity to develop their own learning styles. These several factors enable
students to improve their speaking development. The usage of vlogs as a teaching tool can
be intriguing for further discussion because of its practical approach and methodologies.
Other amazing ideas include content analysis of the pupils' language used in the vlog
project to identify any faults or patterns. The debate over vlogs is still ongoing, and there
is still much to be said about their existence as a kind of educational media as well as its
method of production. In relation to this case, the researcher was motivated to produce a
digital vlog as a teaching tool. The learners' English proficiency should increase as a result
of this media.
1.2. Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background of the study above, the research of problems are:
1.2.1. Can students' speaking abilities be improved by using digital vlogs?
1.2.2. How do students feel about the use of digital vlogs to enhance speaking?
1.3. Objective of the Research
The researcher formulates the objectives of the problem as follows:
1.3.1. To know students’ speaking abilities can be improved by using digital vlogs
1.3.2. To know students’ perception the use of digital vlogs to enhance speaking

2.1. Speaking Skill
Speaking is one of the fundamental abilities that students should be able to acquire because it is
crucial for them to communicate both inside and outside of the classroom. According to Brown,
this definition of speaking abilities contains three key elements. First, by productive skill, we
mean the capacity of a person to actively produce language by coordinating the voice cords,
larynx, pharynx, lips, tongue, and other speech organs. The second definition of express
meaning is that the goal of language production in verbal communication is to convey ideas and
experiences to the listener so that the speaker can convey meaning to them. Thirdly, the ability
to be directly and empirically observed denotes the ability to directly hear, see, and empirically
measure the application of speaking in the speaking process by examining the accuracy and
effectiveness of the speaker.
2.2. Integration of Technology in Teaching Speaking
Technology should be incorporated into the teaching and learning process due to the difficulties
encountered when learning to speak. Over the past ten years, the "white canvas" of language
teaching and learning has undergone significant changes and transitioned into a new era of
technology and education (Pazilah et al., 2019). Technology is not magical, but it is
undoubtedly a potent instrument that influences students' learning styles and makes a good
impact on education (Aziz et al., 2019). The use of technology in the teaching and learning
process is one of the most efficient ways to raise students' all-around performance, according to
Mandasari and Aminatun (2019).
2.3. The Use of Vlogging in Teaching Speaking
By using the technology that the younger generation specializes at, students are offered
chances to engage in conversation outside of the classroom and develop a feeling of
community. Because of the time constraints in the classroom, students never have enough
opportunities to communicate with each other, it is crucial to foster a feeling of
community online (Abdul Halim & Hashim, 2019). In addition, using technology into
teaching and learning might result in a setting that is more focused on the needs of the
students. Students must actively participate in the learning process in a classroom that is
focused on them (Brandes & Ginnis, 1986). According to Watkins (2012), video blogging
—often referred to as vlogging—encourages students to communicate in a self-monitored
manner in which they must be highly aware of their actions and take charge of the learning

3.1. Research Design
This study is a descriptive research that attempts to know the students’ speaking
performance. In order to better understand how vlogging affects sixth-grade students' speaking
abilities, qualitative data is more beneficial because it allows the researchers to learn more
about the participants' personal lives. The participant's vlogs served as the source of the data
for this study, which was then thematically analyzed.
3.2. Research Instrument
The vlogs created by the research participants serve as a vital source of data for the researchers
to determine the efficacy of vlogging in enhancing speaking abilities. Over the course of two
months, the participants were asked to record a total of four vlogs. Each vlog was expected to
last two minutes, and participants were free to talk about whatever they wished in respect to the
assigned topics.
3.3. Research Setting and Subject
This research setting and subject is undertaken in sixth grade students in SDI Daarul
Fikri Dau Malang The researcher choose this school because it is accessible since the researcher
as the English teacher. Therefore the school's as well as the teachers' characteristics were
already known.
3.4. Technique of Collecting Data
The research was conducted from 21st January until March 23rd 2022. The data is
collected by audio-visual material. Every two weeks, the students have to complete four vlogs
in total. The four topics—"My Hobbies," "My Daily Activity," "Holiday," and "A Trip"—on
which the vlogs were built were before the participants recorded their vlog, the researcher hold
a tutorial. The participants learned how to organize their thoughts, the proper use of tenses, and
potential terminology that was relevant to the session's subject that they might use in their
vlogs during each lesson. After each lecture, the students have a week to come up with ideas
and organize their draft. They had to submit their drafts to the researchers, some in the form of
mind maps and others in the form of bullet points, and the researchers had to provide feedback
based on the drafts. Before recording, the participants might need to add extra details or fix
their grammar. The participants were required to email the researchers their completed vlogs
after they had finished recording them. The participants had to retake the video recording and
receive new feedback from the researchers if it was necessary in order for them to perform
better. After data is acquired, the researcher analyzes and examines the information, and they
also finish the report
3.5. Techniques of Analyze data
Thematic analysis, a method for finding patterns or themes in qualitative data that
organizes and portrays material in vivid details, was used to analyze the data gathered.
(Mihăilescu, 2016). To familiarize itself with the content, the research first watched every
single student's vlog. After reviewing the data, the researchers organized it to produce codes.
The researchers looked for topics that would be appropriate for addressing the research issues.
The themes were then examined and clarified to make sure they fit the facts. The researchers
finished writing up the analysis in the final step.
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