Impact of Cheating in Academic Performance in Grade 11 TVL Students of San Vicente National High School During Last Examination in The Year of 2022

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Caña, Francine B.

Casyao, Retchil G.

Lopez, Princel I.

Belgrado, Renier B.

Romano, Romherjay I.


Cheating is a more or less prominent feature of all

educational contexts, but few studies have examined its
association with aspects of school effectiveness theory. With
recently collected data from upper-secondary school students and
their teachers, this study aims to examine whether three aspects
of school effectiveness—school leadership, teacher cooperation
and consensus, and school ethos—are predictive of student’s self-
reported cheating, while also taking student and school-level
sociodemographic characteristics as well as student grades and
moral standards into consideration. The study is based on
combined data from two surveys: one targeting students and the
other targeting teachers. The data cover upper secondary schools
in Stockholm and includes information.

When students who commit acts of academic dishonesty are

granted credentials confirming that they have successfully
completed a course or program of study when they have not, it can
have serious consequences in the workplace. For example, if
someone obtained the credentials to practice medicine,
engineering or law through habitual academic dishonesty, public
safety and welfare could be jeopardized. Cheating is a serious
issue that can have a significant impact on academic performance.
When students cheat, they are essentially undermining their own
learning and academic growth, as well as the integrity of the
educational system. This can have a range of negative
consequences, both for the individual students involved and for
the broader academic community. In this paper, we will explore
the impact of cheating on academic performance in more detail. We
will examine some of the different forms of cheating that
commonly occur in academic settings, as well as the reasons why
students may be motivated to cheat. We will also discuss the
consequences that cheating can have, both for the individual
student and for the educational system as a whole.

Ultimately, our goal is to provide a comprehensive overview

of the impact of cheating on academic performance, as well as to
explore some strategies that can be used to prevent cheating and
promote academic integrity. By understanding the negative
consequences of cheating and working to prevent it, we can help
to create a more honest and effective educational system that
promotes the growth and development of all students. When
students cheat or plagiarize in academic activities, instructors
cannot accurately assess student performance or evaluate
institutions may grant credentials to those who do not really
deserve them, which can have serious practical ramifications in
the workplace. Student who cheat and at first get away with it
may, in the long run, feel guilty and suffer from low self-
esteem. This loss of self-respect can lead to a host of other
problems, including difficulties with their careers, families,
and other important aspects of life. Academic misconduct can also
have an effect on a college's reputation, one of the most
important assets of any school. An institution plagued by
cheating scandals may become less attractive to potential donors
and students and especially prospective employers.

Alternatively, schools with low levels of academic

dishonesty can use their reputation to attract students and
employer. The practical concerns that impact employers ultimately
impact alumni as well. If an employer hires someone who obtained
his or her credentials dishonestly, the potential incompetence of
the graduate would reflect badly on the graduate's alma mater-a
situation that could hurt future graduates' employment prospects.
Cheating during class activity has bad effect in student academic


They can be more aware the cheating is not accepted in normal

way or basing the challenges of test and examination and must not
be done to justify wrongful method of studying.


Q1. What are the negative effects of cheating to the

academic performance during examination test of grade 11 TVL
students of SVNHS S/y 2022-2023.

Q2. What are the possible consequence if you get caught by

your teacher during examination of grade 11 students of SVNHS S/y

Q3. What are the ways in order to avoid cheating in Grade 11

student of San Vicente National High School S/y 2020-2023.


This study is beneficial in the following ways.

The Study - They will have additional knowledge concerning the
reasons why some of their fellow student practice of cheating.

The Teacher - They will be able to understand better why students

engage in cheating ca device teaching methods and approaches
which all make the students discouraged from cheating. The
cheaters will avoid cheating if they can learn and understand
better the things that they taught to the students.


This study focuses on what are the reasons why students

caught in cheating is considered as one of the most unauthorized
problem in school. Another Limitation of the are wherein the
research focused on the Grade 11 TVL students of San Vicente
National High School S/y 2022-2023.



Cheating in academic greatness but it can be an easy way

out for any grade level of students. (Eshiwani 2009). When you
look at the word cheating. You may find many different
definitions or meaning whether you cheat at work known as frand,
cheat at home known dishonesty or at school, this act of conduct
can lead many consequences made by (Harlan 2014). And in the year
at (2016) Shon has also commented in that addition preparing and
helping out during an examination and copying answer to other who
unaware is also called to be cheating behaviors.

According to researchers and psychologist the real reason

vary just as much as student explanation but educators can still
learn to identify motivations for student cheating and think
critically about solution to keep even most audacious cheaters in
their classrooms from doing it again high achieving students who
feel pressured to attain perfection may turn to cheating as a way
to find an edge of the competition or keep a bad test scores from
sabotaging months of hard work (Rettinger 2015). Some of
instructors may assume student understand the guidelines already.
As a result student are unintentionally commits act of academic
dishonesty (William 2011) Common excuse include unpreparedness
for the exam, social problems at home, illness and theft of
essentials reading-materials or death in family, among-others
(Kagate 2009).

Two reasons given by students for academic dishonesty were

the first, a lack of knowledge regarding the behavior
(Trippeiettet al.., 2009) and second, rationalizing that everyone
cheats, so they could also (Schmidt 2016) Well defined and
distributed policy addresses the first issue engaging students
through interactive learning addresses the second (McCurry &
Martins, 2010). Most students study and want to succeed at any
cost and they will cheat, faculty must make it more difficult for
them to cheat successfully (Arhin, 2009).

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