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Loss Prevention Bulletin

Inaccuracies in Draught Surveys

The Club regularly receives claims arising from alleged shortages of
cargo as a result of discrepancies between draught survey results.

Draught surveys by their very nature As an example, an error of two Density

are not an exact science, and the centimetres in the mean draught would
Although there are numerous possible
accuracy of the calculated cargo figure lead to an error in the displacement of
causes of inaccurate dock water
may vary typically by between 0.5 and approximately:
density, it must first be confirmed that
1.0%. However, there are occasions
68t – Handysize Bulk Carrier (10,000 the hydrometer being used is of the
when considerable differences in the
– 35,000t deadweight) correct type. There are two types of
cargo figures derived from the draught
90t – Handymax Bulk Carrier hydrometer in use, the load line survey
surveys are obtained. The purpose
(35,000 – 59,000t deadweight) hydrometer, and the draught survey
of this Loss Prevention Bulletin is to
hydrometer, the latter being used in
remind deck officers of the principal 112t – Panamax Bulk Carrier (60,000
this case.
sources of errors which may affect the – 80,000t deadweight)
survey results, such that they can be A draught survey hydrometer,
300t – Capesize Bulk Carrier (>
taken into account when shortages in calibrated in air, measures the
80,000t deadweight)
the cargo are found. apparent density of the water and
It is therefore advised to ensure that is used for determining the weight
Draughts the inspection and maintenance of the of the cargo on board. A load line
draught marks be included in hydrometer, calibrated in a vacuum,
It is imperative that the draught
the planned maintenance system is used to determine the relative
marks are read as accurately as
on a vessel. density of the water and determine the
possible. Ideally this should be done
displacement of the vessel at a given
from a boat so that the marks can
load line.
be approached closely and read.
A dock water density reading taken
However, poorly painted, rusty, or
with a draught survey hydrometer
draught marks covered with marine
showing 1.015 t/m3, would show
growth make reading the draught
1.017 t/m3 when taken with a load
accurately problematic, therefore it
line hydrometer, both are correct,
must be ensured, so far as possible,
the difference between the two of
that the draught marks are kept in
0.002 is known as the “air buoyancy
a readable condition. The presence
correction”, however as we want to
of wind waves on the water surface
determine the weight of the cargo
will necessitate an estimation of the
on the vessel the density read from
average draught by observation of
the draught survey hydrometer
the peaks and troughs of the waves
will be used. The draught survey
against the hull. Darkness and
hydrometer is calibrated at a standard
shadows also make accurate reading
temperature. Any deviation from
difficult; therefore good lighting will be
the standard temperature does not
required at night. The turn of the hull
require a temperature correction,
around the stern leading to elongation
as the changes in the volume of
of draught marks being viewed from
the vessel and the hydrometer will
an oblique angle, especially when this
generally cancel each other out.
has to be done from an adjacent wharf
It must also be ensured that the
at a higher level, can lead to difficulty
hydrometer is calibrated regularly
in accurately determining the draught.
Loss Prevention Bulletin

to ensure its accuracy, as they can Ballast

become chipped, damaged and / As an example:
A number of errors can occur when
or contaminated with a film on their
determining the ballast on board. If we assume a single ballast
surface during use, altering their mass.
The tank soundings themselves may tank with a 500m3 capacity.
Hydrometer manufacturers generally
be incorrect due to difficulties in
recommend they are calibrated after On arrival prior to loading the
obtaining accurate soundings when
one year, and then every two or three tank is overflowed and full
using a sounding rod and rope, with
years thereafter. of seawater.
the inherent possibility of reading
When determining the dock water incorrect depths from the rope due to Therefore the assumed weight
density a sample of the dock water a lack of markings and the wetness of of water =
should be taken beneath the surface the rope. When using a metal sounding 500m3 x 1.025 t/m3 = 512.5t.
of the water, clear of overboard tape it may be difficult to determine
discharges and deck runoff. In order However, there is 40m3 of mud
the actual water level from the metal
to ensure an accurate reading the in the tank.
tape. Further, inaccurate soundings
receptacle used to sample the dock may be obtained when the doubler Therefore the true picture of the
water, and the hydrometer, must be plate at the bottom of the sounding tank’s contents is as follows:
clean. When taking the reading the pipe is corroded and worn, increasing
Water: 460m3 x 1.025 t/m3 =
hydrometer must not touch the side the sounding and hence the apparent
of the receptacle and be gently spun weight of water in the tank.
to break the surface meniscus of the Mud: 40m3 x 1.9 t/m3 = 76t
Often, particularly on older vessels,
water. The density reading is then read
sounding rods and brass bobs may Total weight of tank contents =
from the hydrometer stem at the bottom
remain in the sounding pipe, giving 471.5t + 76t = 547.5t
of the remaining meniscus. A number
readings less than true, as will be
of readings should be taken from each
the case if the sounding pipe has
sample, with the average of the readings
become blocked with rust scale or
determined. A number of separate dock
other debris, such as rags left in the Unfactored Weights
water samples should be taken from
tank during maintenance or dry- Often weights are not deducted
around the vessel and measured, with
docking. The presence of sediment or allowed for when determining
the mean of all the average densities
in the tank covering sounding rods the cargo quantity, the commonly
used for the draught survey.
and tapes can also lead to erroneous forgotten weights are:
If an error is made when determining readings. The figures for the ballast
the dock water density, using a density extracted from the sounding book Bilge water present in the cargo
lower than the actual density will lead may be in error due to inaccuracies in holds, machinery spaces, duct keel,
to an apparent cargo shortage, with an interpolation or not allowing for the void spaces and the chain lockers.
apparent cargo surplus when a density trim or list of the vessel, further, the Swimming pool water.
higher than the actual density is used. figures may be calculated assuming
Anchor and anchor cable on the
an incorrect ballast water density, and
seabed, either when at anchor or
it is recommended that ballast tanks
alongside and an anchor has been
are overflowed for a length of time
deployed as part of the mooring
such that a truly representative ballast
water sample can be obtained
for density determination. Silt and mud can accumulate in the
double bottom tanks of vessels
regularly ballasting in rivers or
estuaries. The extra weight can
give rise to an apparent increase
in the cargo loaded.
Loss Prevention Bulletin

As 512.5t is assumed to be the weight

of ballast in the tank, the remaining
35t will appear in the constant.

On completion of loading it is assumed

the tank is empty. However, 76t
of mud remains, only 35t of which
is in the constant, the remaining 41t
will appear to be cargo loaded.

As most mariners know, squat is
the bodily sinkage and trimming of
a vessel making way with limited
underkeel clearance. However, a
vessel alongside a river berth may also
be susceptible to squat, leading to
inaccurate draught readings.

Squat will occur when there is limited

space for the water to flow between
the vessel and the river bed. In order
for the river water to pass between
the flat bottom and the river bed
there will be an increase in velocity of
the water flowing past the hull, and Further Factors On most vessels the ballast tanks
consequently a decrease in the water suctions are located at the aft end of
Other areas that can lead to errors in
pressure. The decrease in pressure the tanks, as the normal convention
the draught survey calculation include
leads to the ship bodily sinking and is for a vessel to be trimmed by the
the following:
also a change of trim. The magnitude stern. However, when trimmed by
of the bodily sinkage and change of The hydrostatic data and tank the head, although a ballast pump
trim is difficult to quantify, however, sounding tables may not be accurate may have lost suction indicating
it will be a function of the underkeel due to changes to the ship’s structure. that the tank is empty, there may be
clearance, speed of the water, the un-pumpable ballast pooled in the
cross section of the hull in relation to forward part of the tank. In addition,
the cross section of the river (blockage if the sounding pipe is towards the
factor) and the shape of the hull (full aft end of the tank and the vessel
form vessels are affected more). is trimmed by the head, then the
Generally full form vessels will trim sounding may also show the tank
by the head, and fine line vessels will to be empty, when that is not the case.
trim by the stern. If a vessel is passing
at the time that the draughts are being
read, this may exacerbate the error
due to the increased blockage of the
river and consequently the vessel
may trim and sink more than normal.
Loss Prevention Bulletin

Leaking tank valves – when a tank has This can lead to actual displacements In the event of a cargo discrepancy
been sounded and found to be empty, less than shown in the hydrostatic arising as a result of a draught survey,
subsequent ballasting / de-ballasting data for a given load draught, deck officers are advised to consider
operations could lead to water leaking therefore there can be less cargo the possibility that one or more
into the tank, similarly, when ballast on board than expected. of the foregoing factors may have
tanks are overflowed during discharge contributed to the difference.
The position of the hatchcovers can
operations to show that they are full, In particular any substantial change
affect the deflection of the hull,
water could leak out of the tank prior in the constant should be viewed
particularly on smaller vessels when
to the draught survey taking place. with suspicion and investigated.
the open hatch covers may be stowed
Whilst on passage, depending on at one or both ends of a single hold. Members requiring further
the nature of the cargo, water could For draught surveys on all vessels information should contact
migrate from the cargo to the cargo it is recommended that the hatches the Loss Prevention department.
hold bilges and be subsequently remain closed to ensure consistency.
pumped overboard. If water is found
Whilst alongside any bunkering,
to be accumulating in the bilges
taking of potable water, and discharge
while at sea, accurate records of
of sludge or oily water should be
the quantity of bilge water pumped
considered when completing
overboard should be kept to help
the final draught survey.
counter any subsequent cargo
shortage claim. Where there is any notable difference
in the constant between loading and
Some vessels are susceptible to
discharge, then this is an indicator that
unsymmetrical hull deflection, this
there is an error somewhere in the
particularly affects smaller vessels
draught survey, and this should
due to their larger engine room in
be thoroughly investigated.
relation to their size which pushes
the location of maximum sag forward Throughout a cargo voyage, the
of amidships, leading to inaccurate constant should be, as the name
draught readings. suggests, fairly constant.

On older vessels in particular,

problems can be encountered
due to set in shell plating between
the upper wing and double bottom
ballast tanks.

The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg)

UK office One Creechurch Place, Creechurch Lane, London EC3A 5AF
Tel +44 20 7716 6000 Email Follow us on

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