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Reviewer in Science and Technology

1st Monthly Test

I. Directions: Encircle the letter with the right answer.

1. It is the capability of changing the state of motion of an object.

a. Net Force b. Acceleration c. Force d. Velocity
2. It refers to the force that resists motion when two objects are in contact with each other.
a. Gravity b. Motion c. Friction d. Force
3. A law of motion states that an object in motion stays at motion, while an object at rest stays at rest
unless unbalanced force is applied.
a. Law of Science b. Law of Inertia c. Law of Interaction d. Law of Acceleration
4. A car moving in a circular path at a constant speed is an example of what motion?
a. Rectangular Motion b. Polygonal Motion c. Circular Motion d. Triangular Motion
5. The rate of doing work.
a. Distance b. Power c. Force d. Friction
6. The rate of change in velocity of a moving object per unit of time.
a. Speed b. Acceleration c. Power d. Work
7. It has a nonzero net force which it produces acceleration.
a. Unbalanced Force b. Kinetic Energy c. Balanced Force d. Acceleration
8. For every force, there is an equal and opposite force is a statement of what kind of motion?
a. Law of Gravity b. Law of Interaction c. Law of Acceleration d. Law of Inertia
9. Force occurs when a solid objects moves through a gas or a liquid substance.
a. Rolling Friction b. Fluid Friction c. Static Friction d. Kinetic Friction
10. Force needed to bend the normally straight line path of a particle into a circular or curved path.
a. Centripetal Force b. Normal Force c. Gravitational Force d. Centrifugal Force
11. A force with a component along the displacement.
a. Force b. Work c. Power d. Friction
12. It is the ability to do work and create force.
a. Energy b. Power c. Friction d. Work
13. The energy is stored and waiting to be used later.
a. Mechanical Energy b. Kinetic Energy c. Light Energy d. Potential Energy
14. The friction force opposes the displacement.
a. Negative Work b. Positive Work c. Resultant Work d. Displacement
15. Energy possessed by bodies in motion.
a. Potential Energy b. Chemical Energy c. Kinetic Energy d. Heat Energy
16. A potential energy due to compression or expansion of an elastic object.
a. Gravitational PE b. Elastic PE c. Chemical PE d. Kinetic Energy
17. Description of the motion of an object in terms of both the speed and direction.
a. Velocity b. Speed c. Work d. Power
18. These are equal forces acting in opposite directions.
a. Balanced forces b. Applied forces c. Net forces d. Unbalanced forces
19. A potential energy due to an object’s position.
a. Gravitational PE b. Chemical PE c. Potential Energy d. Elastic PE
20. A potential energy stored within the chemical bonds of an object.
a. Potential Energy b. Elastic PE c. Chemical PE d. Gravitational PE

II. Directions: Solve the following problems completely.

1. A net force of 16N causes a mass to accelerate at a rate of 5m/s 2. Determine the mass.
Reviewer in Science and Technology
1st Monthly Test
2. A motorbike accelerates from rest to 12 m/s in 3s on a level road. If the force is 3000N, what is the total
mass of the cyclist and the motorbike?

3. How much work do you do by pushing a sack of rice with a force of 100N across a distance of 5m?

4. After finishing his lab report, Carlo pull his 75-kg body out of the study room chair and climbs ups the
5.0-m high flight of stairs to his bedroom. How much work does he do in going to his bedroom?

5. Kyle climbs a flight of stairs in 1 min. If he 400N and the stairs is 15m from the ground, how much power
will he develop?

6. How much is the potential energy of 1,000 kg water stored 12m above the ground?

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