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Leadership Type Description

Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their teams through a compelling

vision, charisma, and passion. They encourage creativity, innovation, and personal
Transformational growth, aiming to bring about significant positive changes within the organization.
Leader These leaders often foster a culture of trust and collaboration.

Transactional leaders focus on maintaining order and efficiency within the

organization. They emphasize clear roles, rules, and responsibilities. They motivate
Transactional their team through rewards and punishments, often using systems of incentives and
Leader consequences to drive performance and adherence to established processes.

Servant leaders prioritize the well-being and development of their team members.
They act as mentors and coaches, aiming to empower their employees to reach their
full potential. These leaders are often characterized by their humility, empathy, and a
Servant Leader commitment to serving others' needs before their own.

Autocratic leaders make decisions independently and expect strict compliance from
their team members. They have significant control over all aspects of the organization
and tend to provide limited autonomy to employees. Communication is usually top-
Autocratic Leader down, and innovation may be limited in this leadership style.

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