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(Group 2)
● Lưu Đức Hiếu
● Nguyễn Trung Hiếu
● Phạm Thị Hoàn
● Lê Xuân Hoằng
● Hoàng Minh Huệ
● Phan Thành Huy

The economy of Vietnam is a developing mixed socialist-oriented market
economy. According to the IMF, in 2022 Vietnam reached 413,81 Billion USD
and the 37th largest ranking in the world was measured by the gross domestic
product (GDP). The largest industries here are services which make up 49.75%
of the GDP, industry and Construction which makes up 33.25%, and
Agriculture-Forestry-Fishery which makes up 17% of GDP. Today, Vietnam is
the 28th largest export economy in the world, including 4 key export products:
Phone products and components, textile and garment products, wood products,
agriculture and aquatic products . The majority of these exports go to the
following countries: the US ($29.9 billion), China ($17.5 billion), Japan ($15.2
billion), South Korea ($7.92 billion), and Germany ($7.64 billion).

Suggest Question
- Is VietNam the 37th largest export economy in the world?
- GDP ranking/compared to the world?
- What was Vietnam’s GDP ranking in the world in 2022?
- What was the GDP ranking of Vietnam in the world in 2022?
- What was VietNam’s rank related to GDP in the world?
- What was the rank of GDP in Vietnam compared to the world?
- Leading industries?
- What are the leading/ main industries of the VietNam economy ?
- How many leading/main industries are there in VietNam?
- What are the industries driving the VietNam
- How many leading industries does VietNam have?
- Main/key/leading/major export goods?
- What are the main export products in Vietnam?
- What does VietNam export mainly?
- What goods/products/items are the most exported products from

- Top Export Partners?

- What countries does Vietnam trade with the most?
- Who are the top 5 export partners of Vietnam?
- What are the common destinations for the exports of Vietnam?

Suggest Answer
- No, Vietnam is the 28th largest export economy in the world
- It ranked 37th in the worldwide region
- Vietnam ranked 37th with a GDP of 413.81 billion USD according to the
- Vietnamese GDP grew by 413.81 billion USD to rank 37th globally37th/
37th globally
- The main industries in Vietnam belong to three major sectors:
Agriculture-Forestry-Fishery, Industry and Construction, and Services.
- There are three leading industries in Viet Nam such as services, industry
and construction, and agriculture-forestry-fishery.
- Vietnam's major exports/ The top exports of VietNam are: Phone
products and components, textile and garment products, wood products,
agriculture and aquatic products
- The Main export goods/products/items of VietNam include: Phone
products and components, textile and garment products, wood products,
agriculture and aquatic products
- They are the US , China, Japan, South Korea , and Germany .
- Vietnam major trading partner countries for exports are the US, China,
Japan, South Korea and Germany
- VietNam's main export partners include the US, China, Japan, South
Korea and GermanyAgriculture-Forestry-Fishery, Industry and
Construction, and Service

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