Health Perception and Health Management

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Health perception and health management

Before hospitalization
Patient B described her health healthy because she can perform the tasks well, she consider herself as
a healthy human being. She doesn’t visit the doctor on a regular basis or an annual check-ups but
when something is wrong with her body she drinks a lot of water or take OTC drugs and she talks to
her uncle who is a Doctor for assistance. And she doesn’t take or used home remedies before.

During hospitalization
Patient B stated that she feels mentally unstable due to stress. She doesn’t consider herself healthy
since she has a abdominal pain.She visit a doctor for annual check-ups along with her family. She still
drinks a lot of water and asks her uncle for some assistance whenever she feels sick or something
wrong with her body.

2. Nutrition and metabolism

Before hospitalization
The patient eats 3 times a day , her diet is low carbohydrates diet and a balanced meal. Her every
meal consists of meats and vegetables and she has an allergy to chicken and does not have any
allergies to drugs. She drinks 3-4 liters of water a day, and she also drinks coffee twice a day in the
morning and in the afternoon. She takes vitamins and supplements like ascorbic acid twice a day and
a collagen supplement once a day. And for her snacks she eats junk foods two to three times a day
but not drinking any soft drinks.

During hospitalization
She eats once or twice a day, her diet is not balanced she eats more meats she still eats vegetables
but once a day. 5 -6 liters of water a day and patient B only drinks coffee once a day. She only takes
supplement like ascorbic acid twice a day. For her snack she doesn’t eat junk foods and drink soft

3. Elimination

Before hospitalization
Patient B usually voids 5-6 times a day the color is light yellow, she defecates once every day every in
the morning and does not have any problems, pain or discomfort when voiding and defecating. She
use laxatives or stool softeners once every other day. The patient does not have any problems or
issues toward controlling her bladder excretion.

During hospitalization
She voids 4-5 times a day the color is closer to clear, she defecates once every day in the morning and
she doesn’t have any problems, pain or discomfort when voiding or defecating. She does not use
laxative or stool softeners anymore.

4. Activity and Exercise Pattern

Before hospitalization
She stated that she exercising regularly, a whole body workout 30 minutes for 6 days a week. She
does not have any restrictions in doing an certain exercises or tasks. During her leisure and recreation
time she uses her phone for about 3-4hrs and she is exercising for 30minutes during her free time.
She also states that she does some household chores at home like sweeping the floor, washing
clothes and dishes.

During hospitalization
Patient B is exercising regularly, a whole body workout 30 minutes for 6 days a week and a 1 day rest.
She uses her phone for entertainment for 2 hours in her free time. She stated that doing household
chores gets her easily tired and some of her body gets weak like her knees and hands.
5. Sleep / rest

Before hospitalization
The patient B usually sleeps around 1am and wakes up at 11 in the morning. She watch some calming
or ASMR videos to help her in her sleep. Everyday she takes an afternoon naps for 3 hours. She has a
routine before going to sleep like doing her skin care and taking a bath. She doesn’t have any
disturbances or nightmares when sleeping or resting.

During hospitalization
She stated that she sleeps at 1am and 4am is her wake up time. She doesn’t take naps at noon
because she is experiencing difficulty in falling asleep. The patient doesn’t use any aids to promote
her sleep.

6. Cognitive and perceptual

Before hospitalization
The patient can read and write, she has no difficulty in hearing and does not wear any prescribed
glasses. She often find it hard to recall an information, she can speak and understand tagalog,english,
ilocano, ibanag and a liitle of yogad. She is a visual learner so she uses some pictures or by watching
some videos to makes it easier for her learn things.

During hospitalization
She gets distracted easily, she wears a prescribed eyeglasses and she cannot recall her last check-up.
Patient B finds it easy to make an important decision in life because her family and her friends
supports her.

7. Self perception/ self concept

Before hospitalization
The patient described herself as an strong independent and full of confidence woman. She feels good
and but her extra fats on her body made her insecure. She is often angry than being sad, so she uses
social media (twitter) to express her feelings easily.

During hospitalization
She stated that her self-perception is altered and she feels pressured because of her mother. The
patient constantly gets angry and to express her feelings easily she writes on her journal

8. Role/ relationship

Before hospitalization
She has 3 siblings and she is the second oldest among them and she now acts as the oldest sister
because her older sister is working abroad. She lives with her parents along with her grandparents
and she spends time with them everyday.

During hospitalization
The patient stated that she had a really close relationship with her family, now that she can only
spend some time with them at every night. She hangs out with her peers/friends every weekdays
because of school.

9. Sexuality and

Before hospitalization
At the age of 14 years old patient B began menstruating. June 26, 2023 is her most recent

During hospitalization
She stated that she wants to be address as Ma’am because she is comfortable with it.
10. Coping/ stress tolerance

Before hospitalization
The patient stated that she is stressed because of household chores and her significant other. She
copes up with watching some mukbang videos or ASMR from the internet. She is a quick tempered
person and she ease her anger by crying or talking with her significant others or her friends.

During hospitalization
She stated that school works makes her stress. She always thinks of positive things to help to to cope
up from stress. If the stress is too severe and cannot be controlled since she is a quick tempered
person, she is sad and cries and let the stress burst out with tears and she feels relaxed then after. She
does not use any medicine for her emotional or mental issues.

11. Values/beliefs

Before hospitalization
The patient religion is Church of Christ, they do not eat dinuguan or pork blood stew. She goes to
church every Sunday along with her family. She also stated that herbal or alternative medicines works
on her body, she knew this to her own grandparents. When she was a child her leg got sprain or
dislocation and the quack doctor cured it that is why she believes in Quack doctors.

During hospitalization
She has no restrictions in any of her beliefs, culture or religious practices except for eating dinuguan
or pork blood stew. She does not believe in Quack doctors anymore she stated that there is a right
medication and right cure for everyone.

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