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(AC-S03) Week 3 - Task: Assignment

– Frequency



- Herles Arturo Carrillo Grandez

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EDUARDO: Hello Herles, how are you?

HERLES:Hi Eduardo, I am fine thank you and you?
EDUARDO: I am fine too but a little tired from the week's homework.
HERLES: I understand you. I am in that situation, I have many
EDUARDO: Yes, I also have many homeworks, about this. What do
you do in your day to day?
HERLES: Well, I mostly like to play music after study time. Then I
exercise .After about like 8pm I just relax and go to sleep.
EDUARDO: In my case. I get up at 6 o'clock because I study from
Monday to Friday in the morning and after I am going to work in the
HERLES: My schedule is similar. I study from Monday to Friday and
on weekends I do visit some places or stay at home. What about
you, what do you do on your weekends?
EDUARDO:I like to be relaxed on weekends. On Saturdays I spend
at home with my family watching movies and Sunday mornings I
usually spend at home and in the afternoon I go out to play football
with my friends and cousins.
HERLES:Oh that's nice also I am enjoying my weekends.
EDUARDO: Wow, interesting. And Do you exercise or play any
HERLES:I do football but also like running.
EDUARDO: Oh I see, I used to run in the morning but now I often
play football.
HERLES: Nice, exercising keeps us healthy.
EDUARDO:Yes, I agree with you. And what do you like to do in your
free time?
HERLES: I usually in my free time play the guitar.
EDUARDO: Oh interesting. I would also like to learn to play the
HERLES: Really? I enjoy doing that. I recommend it to you. And
what do you like to do in your free time?
EDUARDO: In my free time I play videogames and watch videos.
Well Herles it's late for me, see you soon.
HERLES: Ok don't worry see you Good bye.

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