Business 3335 001 002 Essay Questions Term Exam # 1

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Business 3335

Spring 2023
Essay questions for Term Test # 1

1. Explain the historical evolution of the industrial relation system in Canada. How
does it differ from what happened in the United States? Why does an
understanding of history matter?

2. In the Industrial Relations System, it is important to distinguish and understand

the difference between a unionized and nonunionized workplace. From the
management perspective, assume that you move from a nonunionized workplace
to a unionized workplace. What do you feel are the biggest impacts of a union for
the management team of a firm? From the union perspective, assume you are a
labour leader and that you are trying to organize a non-union firm that has
participative management and non-union representation practices in place. What
would you tell employees are the advantages of unionization even with these
progressive Human Resources Management practices? Use examples to aid in
your explanation.

3. The environment in which a business operates has a significant impact on the

industrial relations system. Use examples to explain how this shapes the labour-
management relationship and system outcomes.

4. The industrial relations system in Canada functions within a clearly defined legal
framework. Use an example to explain this framework and why understanding it
is important in industrial relations.

5. The economy is clearly becoming more global. How do you feel this will impact
IR in general? Using examples, examine this impact from both the management
and union perspectives.

6. What is meant by the term work life balance? Give examples that may have
upset this balance in the past five years and how management and labour have
adapted to these changes.

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