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***‫***ال أحلل ارسال هذا الملف ألي شخص خارج الكورس‬

Reflection 8

- Hello, my name is .... I am a student at the faculty of … at Tabuk university

and my ID number is ....

- The title of the video is endocrine system.

- The video mentions the role of glands in communication between body parts.

Both the endocrine and nervous systems are regulatory systems that connect all
parts of the body with each other. The endocrine glands are spread all over the
body; the hypothalamus and pituitary glands are in the brain area; the thyroid,
parathyroid, and thymus glands are in the neck area; and the pancreas is in the
All these glands secrete hormones to regulate body activities like metabolism.
Insulin is one of the hormones that regulates metabolism and glucose levels in
the body.
Moreover, diabetes is a disease related to insulin cell resistance; it's an incurable
disease that requires a specific lifestyle and weight loss to control.
The endocrine system is linked with the immune system by the thymus gland,
which secretes, grows, and transports T cells to lymphatic glands.

This video helped me know the position and role of every endocrine gland and
how the endocrine system is closely related to both the immune and nervous
One of my relatives is diabetic, he has a lack of insulin-producing beta cells of
the pancreas. He needs to receive regular doses of insulin injections to
compensate for this deficiency, also he has to watch the food he eats and avoid
eating high-sugar diets.
Thank you for listening.

‫شيماء وجدي‬/‫د‬

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