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SUBMISSION DATE: September 22, 2023


GROUP MEMBERS: Lentle Buisanyang 23017830

Refilwe Baagile 23019048
The difference between note taking and note making.

 Note taking is all about taking or writing down anything one has heard
or read in order to refer to it to jog one’s memory of what they heard
earlier on but note making is particularly different in the sense that
instead of copying down everything one has to write down ideas of
what they learnt using their own words in order to make sense of that
particular content.

 Note taking and note making differ in multiple ways which are speed,
language, and nature.

 In terms of speed, note taking is faster while note making is

comparatively slower as it involves comprehending content in your own

 In note taking one usually uses the speaker’s language while in note
making one uses their own language.

 In relation to the nature of note taking and note making, note taking
takes place when one is listening but note making occurs when one is

 In note taking one easily forgets the information while in note making
one does not easily forget the information as it is usually written in
one’s own understanding.
a) The aims of water quality standards

 To help sustain the lives of people.

 To help us understand the importance of supplying clean water for living
and non-living organisms.
 To improve the economic status of the country in relation to the industrial

b) Water quality standard parameters

 In order to maintain the quality standard of water, BOBS established the

ranges for chemical levels that are added to water. It guarantees safety to
a certain point as it can have an effect on individuals who are susceptible
to the chemicals added to water.

c) i. Water pollution

 This refers to water that consists of dirt that makes it unsafe for use.

ii. An example
 Sewage water- this is water that has biological, physical and chemical
contaminants that are accumulated from a community of people.

d) Water treatment

 The process involves reducing the contaminants to acceptable levels in

order to make it safe for use.
 To ensure that the wastewater is clean and sufficient for use, there are
various steps in the treatment process of the water which include
screening, primary, secondary and tertiary.

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